NYC installs FREE tampon dispensers at their schools!!!

The problem is you give a Liberal an inch of free stuff he takes mile and can't help himself. Someone has to be the adult here.
This is you being an adult? Crying over a school offering its female students free tampons. Are you laying on the floor kicking and screaming too?
The problem is you give a Liberal an inch of free stuff he takes mile and can't help himself. Someone has to be the adult here.
This is you being an adult? Crying over a school offering its female students free tampons. Are you laying on the floor kicking and screaming too?

Don't worry, Republicans will work hard to pay the bills.
The problem is you give a Liberal an inch of free stuff he takes mile and can't help himself. Someone has to be the adult here.
This is you being an adult? Crying over a school offering its female students free tampons. Are you laying on the floor kicking and screaming too?

Don't worry, Republicans will work hard to pay the bills.
Cool story bro. I pay my bills and manage to NOT whine about everything under the sun. You should give it a try sometime. Something like, "Hmm I just read that the NYC school district is offering its female students free tampons. Interesting...but I don't have a vagina,'s the weather?"
This is you being an adult? Crying over a school offering its female students free tampons. Are you laying on the floor kicking and screaming too?

I am shocked; SHOCKED, I tell you, to see you, JED, come out in favor of promoting inequality and sexism in such a blatant manner! If tampons are free to one gender they MUST be free to all genders, real or imagined!
Just when I think the ^^^ RWNJ jerks ^^^ can't sink any lower ...

Put this dispenser right next to the, OH MY FUCKING GOD, condoms.
The problem is you give a Liberal an inch of free stuff he takes mile and can't help himself. Someone has to be the adult here.
This is you being an adult? Crying over a school offering its female students free tampons. Are you laying on the floor kicking and screaming too?

Don't worry, Republicans will work hard to pay the bills.

You mean like they demand the Cliven Bundy welfare queens do?

Fact is, and you know this, blue pays the bills for red. Dems support Repubs.
I think what this is really about is that ShootSpeeders and Fang aren't used to things going into vaginas without money changing hands. They're confused, and really REALLY hard up.
I think what this is really about is thatShootSpeeders and Fang aren't used to things going into vaginas without money changing hands. They're confused, and really REALLY hard up.

Yea, your mother gives me some good deals.
On tampons? Probably so since she doesn't use them anymore. And I'm sure you need them for your dripping vagina. Plus, you're not getting laid any other way
If an emergency happens and you're caught without a tampon then get one from the nurses office, same as you would band aid. But a free dispenser? Ridiculous.

Yup - this is gonna cost the taxpayers a fortune since the black girls are gonna grab 50 of these every day and sell them. Just an incredibly stupid idea.
If an emergency happens and you're caught without a tampon then get one from the nurses office, same as you would band aid. But a free dispenser? Ridiculous.

Yup - this is gonna cost the taxpayers a fortune since the black girls are gonna grab 50 of these every day and sell them. Just an incredibly stupid idea.
You are a loon, truly...
If an emergency happens and you're caught without a tampon then get one from the nurses office, same as you would band aid. But a free dispenser? Ridiculous.

Yup - this is gonna cost the taxpayers a fortune since the black girls are gonna grab 50 of these every day and sell them. Just an incredibly stupid idea.

Terrible idea. Just keep them in the nurses office for an emergency.
You people are just nuts. Lol. :lol: Of all the problems in the world that we face, and you are worried about some girls getting free tampons?

Let me tell you, most girls are still going to bring their own tampons. The ones supplied in the schools are cheap as hell, and we all have our personal preferences when it comes to feminine hygiene.
If an emergency happens and you're caught without a tampon then get one from the nurses office, same as you would band aid. But a free dispenser? Ridiculous.

Yup - this is gonna cost the taxpayers a fortune since the black girls are gonna grab 50 of these every day and sell them. Just an incredibly stupid idea.

You are a ridiculous moron. Lol. Your thread is one of the MOST stupid, and that is saying a lot when you consider all the stupid threads here. :D
Who'd like to lay odds on how long it'll be before NYC is sued for a case of Toxic Shock Syndrome?

I realize that thinking before speaking isn't a strong suit in this forum, but you should understanding how a person gets TSS before commenting.

Toxic Shock Syndrome is caused by leaving a tampon in too long. It other words, it is caused by improper use of the product, so the chances of such a suit happening, are slim and none.
Yup - this is gonna cost the taxpayers a fortune since the black girls are gonna grab 50 of these every day and sell them. Just an incredibly stupid idea.

You are a ridiculous moron. Lol. Your thread is one of the MOST stupid, and that is saying a lot when you consider all the stupid threads here. :D

HAHAHA. The board notes you have no argument and so you stoop to childish namecalling. Thanks for admitting i'm right.
You people are just nuts. Lol. :lol: Of all the problems in the world that we face, and you are worried about some girls getting free tampons?

HAHAHA. You call that an argument??? If men were the ones getting freebies, you'd be howling the world is coming to an end.
If an emergency happens and you're caught without a tampon then get one from the nurses office, same as you would band aid. But a free dispenser? Ridiculous.

Yup - this is gonna cost the taxpayers a fortune since the black girls are gonna grab 50 of these every day and sell them. Just an incredibly stupid idea.
Yes. Because everybody knows that on every ghetto street corner, hot tampons are selling like hot CAKES.


You can't be this stupid. Nobody is this stupid

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