NYC Refuses to Serve Anyone Without Proof of Vaccination

COVID prevention relies on people doing their part to fight the disease. Responsible people quarantine when infected

But we can’t count on Conservatives being responsible…can we?
It is a fallacy to think Conservatives are solely responsible for US not getting vaccinated. Harris-Biden told US to question taking a vaccine. Many Blacks and Latinos are not getting vaccinated.

When holding people accountable for not getting vaccinated, be objective and not partisan.
Are they doing it because they choose to, or because the city forced them.
The city requires customers to show proof of vaccination to eat inside. Those protesting were free to order to go. I bet a dollar to a damn doughnut not a single one of them has ever eaten inside that Burger King.
Those who have COVID are quarantined
Those who are unvaccinated should join them
Total lie. Anyone can test positive, then go do whatever they want for the most part. There are no police outside of anyone's home. Unvaxed has northing to do with being positive or spreading it. Natural immunity is vastly superior to being vaxed.
What part of an insignificant private business canceling our Constitutional rights do you not understand? If fucking Burg King can erase our rights at the door, then our rights mean shit.
Is this a local franchisee decision, or is this policy nationwide? Either way I would boycott them, except I haven't been in one in over a year anyway
New York is one of the premier cities in the world
You are not welcome.

But then again, you are not welcome in polite society

New Yuck has NEVER been polite society!!! What a fukturd you are!

Premiere GHETTO SHITHOLE is what it is!!! I have NO intention of ever going to New Yuck, unless it's to cleanse the entire state by burning it!!!
I feel bad for those people in NYC that haven't left yet cuz they can't afford to. Ditto Chicago, Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis, San Francisco, and a host of other democrat-run cities in a blue state.
Almost anywhere would be more affordable than NYC, Seattle or San Francisco.
New Yuck has NEVER been polite society!!! What a fukturd you are!

Premiere GHETTO SHITHOLE is what it is!!! I have NO intention of ever going to New Yuck, unless it's to cleanse the entire state by burning it!!!
You can be in the wealthiest area in NYC and it won't stop a maniac from attacking you.
Most NYC restaurants are surviving off of the European Tourists; yes, I have a few relatives who live in NYC and they stopped goinh out to eat.
You can be in the wealthiest area in NYC and it won't stop a maniac from attacking you.
Most NYC restaurants are surviving off of the European Tourists; yes, I have a few relatives who live in NYC and they stopped goinh out to eat.
New York City is one of our safest cities
It also has the best restaurants by far.

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