NYPD set arrest quotas for minority cops in their own communities

That blue wall is appearing to take some heavy fire.

The de- crackerization of police departments, long overdue

Yes. We need our police to be more like the non-cracker ones in Mexico, Brazil, Congo, Iran.

Maybe you can help me with this since he stopped responding. ClosedCaption....Captain Liberal himself....said skin color can't be used to determine race. He was very firm on it. So....how do cops pick out black people to harrass...if all they have to go on is skin color? Seems like ClosedCaption just disproved racial profiling!!

Race. Religion. Ethnicity. Nationality. None can be determined by visual appearance. So.....cops literally CAN'T profile anyone based on these. At least according to ClosedCaption.

Maybe yall need to get your boy in check. He's disproving racial profiling as even being possible.
I note that the OP has the accusation, but no evidence backing up the claims. I'm not saying its not true. I just want to see the memo's or taped squad room session where NYPD tells minority cops they have to arrest X number of minorities or suffer the consequences. Got anything like that?

I'm not one of the 12 officers so....

But you believe their allegations because...............

I dont believe them...I just know that it's possible based on facts and events. Is there something you disagree with or did you want a 1 on 1 interview?

Really? What facts and events? Do tell. So what really compelled a cop hating liberal like you to post a piece of hearsay about cops behaving badly? Did you want to expose the minority cops accusations without evidence or point a finger at the police department as a racist institution? Or do you just post random shit so people have something to talk about? Because if that is it, there are already plenty of threads started by people who actually admit to having a reason and an opinion on what they post.
I note that the OP has the accusation, but no evidence backing up the claims. I'm not saying its not true. I just want to see the memo's or taped squad room session where NYPD tells minority cops they have to arrest X number of minorities or suffer the consequences. Got anything like that?
No one cares what you want to see. You arent important. The cops are suing whether you agree or not.

Hey assclap.....

View attachment 50289
I dont have a problem with you. You amuse me with your constant attempts to prove you are not ate up with the dumb ass.

Always ass talk with butt humpers like you. I'm not interested.
That blue wall is appearing to take some heavy fire.

The de- crackerization of police departments, long overdue

Yes. We need our police to be more like the non-cracker ones in Mexico, Brazil, Congo, Iran.
No. We need our cops to set a better standard than anyone in the world regarding following the law. They are acting like the cops in Mexico already.
I note that the OP has the accusation, but no evidence backing up the claims. I'm not saying its not true. I just want to see the memo's or taped squad room session where NYPD tells minority cops they have to arrest X number of minorities or suffer the consequences. Got anything like that?

I'm not one of the 12 officers so....

But you believe their allegations because...............

I dont believe them...I just know that it's possible based on facts and events. Is there something you disagree with or did you want a 1 on 1 interview?

Really? What facts and events? Do tell. .

You can google "History of police abuse and discrimination" that way you have the information yourself and wont try to make the information about me. Have fun
I note that the OP has the accusation, but no evidence backing up the claims. I'm not saying its not true. I just want to see the memo's or taped squad room session where NYPD tells minority cops they have to arrest X number of minorities or suffer the consequences. Got anything like that?
No one cares what you want to see. You arent important. The cops are suing whether you agree or not.

Hey assclap.....

View attachment 50289
I dont have a problem with you. You amuse me with your constant attempts to prove you are not ate up with the dumb ass.

Always ass talk with butt humpers like you. I'm not interested.
Too late you are already ate up with the dumb ass. There is no going back.
Of course it seems legit, you're a fool

Ok. Then let's assume NYPD is racial profiling.

ClosedCaption....how do they do that? How do they know which citizens are black or white???
The NYPD does not adhere to views such as mine and ClosedCaption's where only the human race exists. Cops still use the pseudo-anthropological term "race" to define cosmetic differences in people. That identi-FUCK-cation process fails when the culprit looks like a Mulatto, Mexican or Middle Easterner. Can you guess why....don't think too hard.... heh heh heh!
I note that the OP has the accusation, but no evidence backing up the claims. I'm not saying its not true. I just want to see the memo's or taped squad room session where NYPD tells minority cops they have to arrest X number of minorities or suffer the consequences. Got anything like that?

I'm not one of the 12 officers so....

But you believe their allegations because...............

I dont believe them...I just know that it's possible based on facts and events. Is there something you disagree with or did you want a 1 on 1 interview?

Really? What facts and events? Do tell. .

You can google "History of police abuse and discrimination" that way you have the information yourself and wont try to make the information about me. Have fun

Wow! Thanks! You can find all sorts of stuff that way.

These 12 Acts Of Kindness Performed By Police Officers Will Show You Just How Caring Humans Can Be
I note that the OP has the accusation, but no evidence backing up the claims. I'm not saying its not true. I just want to see the memo's or taped squad room session where NYPD tells minority cops they have to arrest X number of minorities or suffer the consequences. Got anything like that?
No one cares what you want to see. You arent important. The cops are suing whether you agree or not.

Hey assclap.....

View attachment 50289
I dont have a problem with you. You amuse me with your constant attempts to prove you are not ate up with the dumb ass.

Always ass talk with butt humpers like you. I'm not interested.
Too late you are already ate up with the dumb ass. There is no going back.

Look Sally, I don't swing that way. Quit hitting on me already.
No one cares what you want to see. You arent important. The cops are suing whether you agree or not.

Hey assclap.....

View attachment 50289
I dont have a problem with you. You amuse me with your constant attempts to prove you are not ate up with the dumb ass.

Always ass talk with butt humpers like you. I'm not interested.
Too late you are already ate up with the dumb ass. There is no going back.

Look Sally, I don't swing that way. Quit hitting on me already.
You dont swing what way? I cant hit you over the internet. Stop being timid.
Of course it seems legit, you're a fool

Ok. Then let's assume NYPD is racial profiling.

ClosedCaption....how do they do that? How do they know which citizens are black or white???
The NYPD does not adhere to views such as mine and ClosedCaption's where only the human race exists. Cops still use the pseudo-anthropological term "race" to define cosmetic differences in people. That identi-FUCK-cation process fails when the culprit looks like a Mulatto, Mexican or Middle Easterner. Can you guess why....don't think too hard.... heh heh heh!

OOOOOHHH.....so Uber liberals like you and ClosedCaption don't see race huh? You are SOO progressive and evolved that the two of you see a human....but you can't determine race, religion, gender, ethnicity or anything like that based on appearance? The rest of us still rely on prehistoric shit like appearance to determine those things. But YOU and CC....just so advanced beyond the rest of us. Got it.
I'm not one of the 12 officers so....

But you believe their allegations because...............

I dont believe them...I just know that it's possible based on facts and events. Is there something you disagree with or did you want a 1 on 1 interview?

Really? What facts and events? Do tell. .

You can google "History of police abuse and discrimination" that way you have the information yourself and wont try to make the information about me. Have fun

Wow! Thanks! You can find all sorts of stuff that way.

I'm here to help
But you believe their allegations because...............

I dont believe them...I just know that it's possible based on facts and events. Is there something you disagree with or did you want a 1 on 1 interview?

Really? What facts and events? Do tell. .

You can google "History of police abuse and discrimination" that way you have the information yourself and wont try to make the information about me. Have fun

Wow! Thanks! You can find all sorts of stuff that way.

I'm here to help

What race is the guy in my avatar?
I dont believe them...I just know that it's possible based on facts and events. Is there something you disagree with or did you want a 1 on 1 interview?

Really? What facts and events? Do tell. .

You can google "History of police abuse and discrimination" that way you have the information yourself and wont try to make the information about me. Have fun

Wow! Thanks! You can find all sorts of stuff that way.

I'm here to help

What race is the guy in my avatar?

I dont believe them...I just know that it's possible based on facts and events. Is there something you disagree with or did you want a 1 on 1 interview?

Really? What facts and events? Do tell. .

You can google "History of police abuse and discrimination" that way you have the information yourself and wont try to make the information about me. Have fun

Wow! Thanks! You can find all sorts of stuff that way.

I'm here to help

What race is the guy in my avatar?
Are we playing trivia?
What race is this lady?
Really? What facts and events? Do tell. .

You can google "History of police abuse and discrimination" that way you have the information yourself and wont try to make the information about me. Have fun

Wow! Thanks! You can find all sorts of stuff that way.

I'm here to help

What race is the guy in my avatar?


How do you know?
Of course it seems legit, you're a fool

Ok. Then let's assume NYPD is racial profiling.

ClosedCaption....how do they do that? How do they know which citizens are black or white???
The NYPD does not adhere to views such as mine and ClosedCaption's where only the human race exists. Cops still use the pseudo-anthropological term "race" to define cosmetic differences in people. That identi-FUCK-cation process fails when the culprit looks like a Mulatto, Mexican or Middle Easterner. Can you guess why....don't think too hard.... heh heh heh!

OOOOOHHH.....so Uber liberals like you and ClosedCaption don't see race huh? You are SOO progressive and evolved that the two of you see a human....but you can't determine race, religion, gender, ethnicity or anything like that based on appearance? The rest of us still rely on prehistoric shit like appearance to determine those things. But YOU and CC....just so advanced beyond the rest of us. Got it.
The concept of race is a relatively new construct.

ORIGIN early 16th cent. (denoting a group with common features): via French from Italian razza, of unknown ultimate origin.USAGE In recent years, the associations of race with the ideologies and theories that grew out of the work of 19th-century anthropologists and physiologists has led to the use of the word race itself becoming problematic. Although still used in general contexts (: race relations,: racial equality), it is now often replaced by other words that are less emotionally charged, such as people(s) or community.- Apple dictionary-.

As you can see, the concept of race has been debunked by some very bright people. Noted anthropologist, Ashley Montague exposed the
White man's obsession with race in his revealing book Race: Man's Most Dangerous Myth.

Of course we identify people by superficial differences including skin color, hair type and any other distinguishing characteristic one might have. So, does that make humans with straight blonde hair and pale skin a different race than humans with curly black hair and brown skin?

The answer to my question is no and that answer should apply to the question of equating skin color with race as well. We are all of the human race... but pure Blacks are slightly more human since, according to your scientists, they do not possess Neanderthal genes. The humanity of the Neanderthal has been a controversial topic for some time now.... I am still waiting for validation of their human connection. However, if they were able to mate with humans and produce offspring, they are human too.


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