NYPD set arrest quotas for minority cops in their own communities

– FACT: Despite making up just 13% of the population, blacks commit around half of homicides in the United States. DOJ statistics show that between 1980 and 2008, blacks committed 52% of homicides, compared to 45% of homicides committed by whites.

More up to date FBI statistics tell a similar story. In 2013, black criminals carried out 38% of murders, compared to 31.1% for whites, again despite the fact that there are five times more white people in the U.S.

– FACT: From 2011 to 2013, 38.5 per cent of people arrested for murder, manslaughter, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault were black. This figure is three times higher than the 13% black population figure. When you account for the fact that black males aged 15-34, who account for around 3% of the population, are responsible for the vast majority of these crimes, the figures are even more staggering.

– FACT: Despite the fact that black people commit an equal or greater number of violent crimes than whites, whites are almost TWICE as likely to be killed by police officers.

Black Crime Facts That The White Liberal Media Daren’t Talk About
Wow...look at all those facts and yet you have still failed to refute ONE FACT that I stated...lol.
Let's try again...the overwhelming majority of white homicides, rapes, assault and batteries, violent crimes, white collar crimes are committed by whites...
Try to address the statements..so far you have called called

sometimes the being 7 times more pop. than blacks might have something to do with it. Thats like saying most of the crime in the ghetto is black on black.
So in other words my statement can't be refuted...

A dozen black and Hispanic police officers have sued the city and the NYPD, saying bosses forced them to carry out illegal arrest quotas “against their own minority community” — and one of those cops simultaneously filed a separate federal lawsuit claiming he faced retaliation from his fellow cops and police brass when he complained about the “racially discriminatory and illegal mandatory enforcement activity,” new court papers state.

Police officer Adhyl Polanco claims his locker was plastered over with pictures of police union president Patrick Lynch last year and that another officer called him a “f—— bitch” because of his scathing critiques, his Brooklyn federal court lawsuit states.

Meanwhile, Polanco and 11 other minority cops claimed in Manhattan federal court that the quotas disproportionately affect them — more than white cops — because they “are unwilling to perform racially discriminatory and unwarranted enforcement actions against the minority community.”

You know its hard too say for sure about this, being on the outside looking in, especially with the limited amount of information available to us in the article..

Are these so called quotas merely a tool by which an officers on the job performance can be measured from afar by supervisors back at the ranch who lack the time to watch every cop on the beat to make sure he's doing his job?

A supervisors job performance is measured by the how well everybody reporting to him, or her, does their job..So as you can see, some means must be made available to said supervisor to measure his employees on the job performance. like it or not..
Someone should tell Bucs to look up the word "racial" and come back to discuss like a grown up.

So you can't tell me how cops racial profile? They cannot base it on skin color....right?

I'm trying to help you, look up the word racial and get back to me.

Racial: Of or relating to race.

There. That's what the dictionary says.

Now....you say cops racial profile. Meaning profile and pick people out based on their race. And you said....firmly....that SKIN COLOR IS NOT RACE.

So when a cop goes out on patrol....how does he know if a person he sees is black or white or Hispanic? Skin color? No. You said that's not race.

OK..Then how do these cops.pick out black drivers....if all they can see is skin color....which isn't race? Sounds to me Iike we just disproved the myth or racial profiling!!! Yay!!!
Someone should tell Bucs to look up the word "racial" and come back to discuss like a grown up.

So you can't tell me how cops racial profile? They cannot base it on skin color....right?

I'm trying to help you, look up the word racial and get back to me.

Racial: Of or relating to race.

There. That's what the dictionary says.

Now....you say cops racial profile. Meaning profile and pick people out based on their race. And you said....firmly....that SKIN COLOR IS NOT RACE.

So when a cop goes out on patrol....how does he know if a person he sees is black or white or Hispanic? Skin color? No. You said that's not race.

OK..Then how do these cops.pick out black drivers....if all they can see is skin color....which isn't race? Sounds to me Iike we just disproved the myth or racial profiling!!! Yay!!!
That was a stupid post Bucky. Most cops assume a persons race by skin color, physical features, and other visible attributes like clothing. No one said cops were smart. Lots of them are dumb as rocks. Thats exactly why they profile.
Someone should tell Bucs to look up the word "racial" and come back to discuss like a grown up.

So you can't tell me how cops racial profile? They cannot base it on skin color....right?

I'm trying to help you, look up the word racial and get back to me.

Racial: Of or relating to race.

Dont forget the rest of it

...on the grounds of or connected with difference in race.

There. That's what the dictionary says.

Now....you say cops racial profile. Meaning profile and pick people out based on their race. And you said....firmly....that SKIN COLOR IS NOT RACE.

So when a cop goes out on patrol....how does he know if a person he sees is black or white or Hispanic? Skin color? No. You said that's not race.

OK..Then how do these cops.pick out black drivers....if all they can see is skin color....which isn't race? Sounds to me Iike we just disproved the myth or racial profiling!!! Yay!!!

Now, what things relate to race Bucs? Come on...you can do it....You're like a new born Doe wobbling on those legs but you'll make it
Someone should tell Bucs to look up the word "racial" and come back to discuss like a grown up.

So you can't tell me how cops racial profile? They cannot base it on skin color....right?

I'm trying to help you, look up the word racial and get back to me.

Racial: Of or relating to race.

Dont forget the rest of it

...on the grounds of or connected with difference in race.

There. That's what the dictionary says.

Now....you say cops racial profile. Meaning profile and pick people out based on their race. And you said....firmly....that SKIN COLOR IS NOT RACE.

So when a cop goes out on patrol....how does he know if a person he sees is black or white or Hispanic? Skin color? No. You said that's not race.

OK..Then how do these cops.pick out black drivers....if all they can see is skin color....which isn't race? Sounds to me Iike we just disproved the myth or racial profiling!!! Yay!!!

Now, what things relate to race Bucs? Come on...you can do it....You're like a new born Doe wobbling on those legs but you'll make it

You tell me. You're the one who says skin color isn't race. So....when cops go looking for black people....how do they pick them out? If...as you say....skin color isn't a way to do it?

Me? I've always thought the ONLY difference in races is skin pigment. Other than that....we're all the same.

But you say otherwise. Hmmmm. Please elaborate.

A dozen black and Hispanic police officers have sued the city and the NYPD, saying bosses forced them to carry out illegal arrest quotas “against their own minority community” — and one of those cops simultaneously filed a separate federal lawsuit claiming he faced retaliation from his fellow cops and police brass when he complained about the “racially discriminatory and illegal mandatory enforcement activity,” new court papers state.

Police officer Adhyl Polanco claims his locker was plastered over with pictures of police union president Patrick Lynch last year and that another officer called him a “f—— bitch” because of his scathing critiques, his Brooklyn federal court lawsuit states.

Meanwhile, Polanco and 11 other minority cops claimed in Manhattan federal court that the quotas disproportionately affect them — more than white cops — because they “are unwilling to perform racially discriminatory and unwarranted enforcement actions against the minority community.”
So ClosedCaption....what race is the guy in my avatar? He's a cop... (movie character)...but all races work as cops. He has grey hair. But all races get grey hair. He has pinkish - light cream colored skin. But that means nothing.

I bet he's black. Or maybe Asian.
Someone should tell Bucs to look up the word "racial" and come back to discuss like a grown up.

So you can't tell me how cops racial profile? They cannot base it on skin color....right?

I'm trying to help you, look up the word racial and get back to me.

Racial: Of or relating to race.

Dont forget the rest of it

...on the grounds of or connected with difference in race.

There. That's what the dictionary says.

Now....you say cops racial profile. Meaning profile and pick people out based on their race. And you said....firmly....that SKIN COLOR IS NOT RACE.

So when a cop goes out on patrol....how does he know if a person he sees is black or white or Hispanic? Skin color? No. You said that's not race.

OK..Then how do these cops.pick out black drivers....if all they can see is skin color....which isn't race? Sounds to me Iike we just disproved the myth or racial profiling!!! Yay!!!

Now, what things relate to race Bucs? Come on...you can do it....You're like a new born Doe wobbling on those legs but you'll make it

You tell me. You're the one who says skin color isn't race. So....when cops go looking for black people....how do they pick them out? If...as you say....skin color isn't a way to do it?

Me? I've always thought the ONLY difference in races is skin pigment. Other than that....we're all the same.

But you say otherwise. Hmmmm. Please elaborate.

Racial Profiling: Definition

"Racial Profiling" refers to the discriminatory practice by law enforcement officials of targeting individuals for suspicion of crime based on the individual's race, ethnicity, religion or national origin.
So ClosedCaption....what race is the guy in my avatar? He's a cop... (movie character)...but all races work as cops. He has grey hair. But all races get grey hair. He has pinkish - light cream colored skin. But that means nothing.

I bet he's black. Or maybe Asian.

The bolded part is you being silly. Skin color is not race. If you dont understand that I cant help you dude. When you get a tan you dont change races.

I posted the definition of Racial Discrimination. If you're still confused you should find a belt and a chair with a high bar and figure something out

sorry caps lock.
actually the overwhelming number of whites will be murdered by whites, raped by whites, assaulted by whites, robbed by whites, scammed by whites, etc. but by all means continue to ignore those facts...
Did you mean to imply that a large portion of white citizens will be murdered, assaulted, robbed or scammed?

I think you getting your facts confused or the wording of your post is wrong.
So you can't tell me how cops racial profile? They cannot base it on skin color....right?

I'm trying to help you, look up the word racial and get back to me.

Racial: Of or relating to race.

Dont forget the rest of it

...on the grounds of or connected with difference in race.

There. That's what the dictionary says.

Now....you say cops racial profile. Meaning profile and pick people out based on their race. And you said....firmly....that SKIN COLOR IS NOT RACE.

So when a cop goes out on patrol....how does he know if a person he sees is black or white or Hispanic? Skin color? No. You said that's not race.

OK..Then how do these cops.pick out black drivers....if all they can see is skin color....which isn't race? Sounds to me Iike we just disproved the myth or racial profiling!!! Yay!!!

Now, what things relate to race Bucs? Come on...you can do it....You're like a new born Doe wobbling on those legs but you'll make it

You tell me. You're the one who says skin color isn't race. So....when cops go looking for black people....how do they pick them out? If...as you say....skin color isn't a way to do it?

Me? I've always thought the ONLY difference in races is skin pigment. Other than that....we're all the same.

But you say otherwise. Hmmmm. Please elaborate.

Racial Profiling: Definition

"Racial Profiling" refers to the discriminatory practice by law enforcement officials of targeting individuals for suspicion of crime based on the individual's race, ethnicity, religion or national origin.

Haha. So....racial profiling includes profiling based on religion???? No wonder you thought Muslim was a race.

So if a cop is out profiling Christians....that's racial profiling? What a moron. If a cop is profiling people from Canada...that's "racial" profiling??

Your level of retardedness is baffling.

So.....if cops are doing that....how? If they see a guy standing on a street corner....how do they determine the following :
Race- skin color is irrelevant right? So how?
Ethnicity- Um....based off image? How?
Religion- Unless you ask them...how?
Nationality - Unless you see their passport...how?

How do cops profile and pick out people if appearance cannot indicate any of those things ClosedCaption??????
So ClosedCaption....what race is the guy in my avatar? He's a cop... (movie character)...but all races work as cops. He has grey hair. But all races get grey hair. He has pinkish - light cream colored skin. But that means nothing.

I bet he's black. Or maybe Asian.

The bolded part is you being silly. Skin color is not race. If you dont understand that I cant help you dude. When you get a tan you dont change races.

I posted the definition of Racial Discrimination. If you're still confused you should find a belt and a chair with a high bar and figure something out

I clicked on your link....and it didn't work. Is that YOUR definition? Because "racial profiling " apparently includes religion...which isn't a race....which I've tried to tell you.

You call it being silly. I call it having you pinned into a corner of hypocrisy.

There isnt any link there. Thats why you couldnt click it. Are you ok? You're like, devolving into an imbicile who doesnt understand definitions
Ah....ClosedCaption....you copied the ACLU definition of Racial profiling. Which....somehow....includes religion....which isn't a race. Typical lib logic.

What race is the guy in my avatar?
There isnt any link there. Thats why you couldnt click it. Are you ok? You're like, devolving into an imbicile who doesnt understand definitions

Yep. You copied word for word the ACLU definition.

So "racial" includes Muslim??? Even though Muslim isn't a race?

And what race is the guy in my avatar?

You're getting destroyed on this topic. If you want me to just lay off....well....I wont. You're owning this one forever.

sorry caps lock.
actually the overwhelming number of whites will be murdered by whites, raped by whites, assaulted by whites, robbed by whites, scammed by whites, etc. but by all means continue to ignore those facts...
Did you mean to imply that a large portion of white citizens will be murdered, assaulted, robbed or scammed?

I think you getting your facts confused or the wording of your post is wrong.
Actually you seem confused...

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