NYT Headline: Democrats Seethe After Georgia Loss: ‘Our Brand Is Worse Than Trump.’

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it's pretty obvious the DNC has reduced itself to a simple platform

1) bash trump
2) get hollywood to bash trump
3) count on media to bash trump
4) if someone doesn't join in, shame them

don't know what else they are about anymore but that's all they're showing. that and "block everything".

and make up a fake poll that favors any of the above
All that Hollywood money didn't go to waste.
Ossoff spent tens of thousands of 'donor' money on speech coaches and 'presentation' coaches.
Finding these coaches who were able to teach Ossoff how to speak 'Obama' with a 'special sauce' of JFK didn't come cheap.
Mimicking how Obama and JFK walked on stage wasn't easy to learn.
You all watch and listen. Within a few months he'll have lost the Obama and JFK dialect and gone back to speaking 'LIB snowflake' again.
Ossoff didn't have to look too far for the speech coaches though. One call to Hillary and he got the phone numbers of the speech coaches who taught Hillary how to speak 'ebonics' when she was talking in S. Baptist churches.

What is this about the 20th thread on a special election for a single house seat in Georgia? A Republican won, imagine that--LOL One would think General Sherman invaded again.

Nope, just a butt load of carpetbaggers were sent packing. 97% of record setting dem money coming form outside the State. Actually I'm glad they did that, it helped the republicans turn out their voters. I guess it's time for you folks to spend another ton of money on focus groups the try to find a message that sells. LMAO


What is this about the 20th thread on a special election for a single house seat in Georgia? A Republican won, imagine that--LOL One would think General Sherman invaded again.

What a sad joke you Libs are! You were all prepared to use those elections as the cornerstone to claim the reformation of the Democratic Party going into 2018! You had whole networks lined up with hit pieces to slam Trump as costing these elections as proof of his failing popularity! He is more popular than ever! He is more successful than ever! He is stronger than ever! He is more innocent of false charges than ever! Now having lost, you try to spin them as just minor elections that you narrowly missed in Red states that you never thought you'd win anyway.

If no one else has said it about the Ossoff / Handel race is the fact that:

A). Osshoff outspent Handel SEVEN TO ONE. And over 80% of that money came from California and New York democratic backers!

B). Osshoff had the backing of a Who's Who list of famous, big Hollywood celebrities; Samuel Jackson, Jessica Lange, Connie Britton, Alyssa Milano, Rosie O’Donnell and a whole host of others.

And you still lost. The money didn't matter. No one gave a shit about those asshole celebrities. Had the GOP spent anywhere near what the DNC did, Ossoff wouldn't have come within a mile. That now sets the GOP even further ahead, while the Libs another big step back.

What is this about the 20th thread on a special election for a single house seat in Georgia? A Republican won, imagine that--LOL One would think General Sherman invaded again.

What a sad joke you Libs are! You were all prepared to use those elections as the cornerstone to claim the reformation of the Democratic Party going into 2018! You had whole networks lined up with hit pieces to slam Trump as costing these elections as proof of his failing popularity! He is more popular than ever! He is more successful than ever! He is stronger than ever! He is more innocent of false charges than ever! Now having lost, you try to spin them as just minor elections that you narrowly missed in Red states that you never thought you'd win anyway.

If no one else has said it about the Ossoff / Handel race is the fact that:

A). Osshoff outspent Handel SEVEN TO ONE. And over 80% of that money came from California and New York democratic backers!

B). Osshoff had the backing of a Who's Who list of famous, big Hollywood celebrities; Samuel Jackson, Jessica Lange, Connie Britton, Alyssa Milano, Rosie O’Donnell and a whole host of others.

And you still lost. The money didn't matter. No one gave a shit about those asshole celebrities. Had the GOP spent anywhere near what the DNC did, Ossoff wouldn't have come within a mile. That now sets the GOP even further ahead, while the Libs another big step back.

This same seat was won by 20+ just 8 months ago in November. It was won again by 4.7 points. Now I don't know what that says to you--but since this is a predominately heavily populated Republican District, it tells me that Republicans were voting for the Democrat in this race.

It also says that Republicans who are competeing in blue & purple states, and districts that are more evenly divided are going to have a hell of a time when 2018 rolls around.

So there's going to be a lot of whisling past the graveyard in 2018.

What is this about the 20th thread on a special election for a single house seat in Georgia? A Republican won, imagine that--LOL One would think General Sherman invaded again.

What a sad joke you Libs are! You were all prepared to use those elections as the cornerstone to claim the reformation of the Democratic Party going into 2018! You had whole networks lined up with hit pieces to slam Trump as costing these elections as proof of his failing popularity! He is more popular than ever! He is more successful than ever! He is stronger than ever! He is more innocent of false charges than ever! Now having lost, you try to spin them as just minor elections that you narrowly missed in Red states that you never thought you'd win anyway.

If no one else has said it about the Ossoff / Handel race is the fact that:

A). Osshoff outspent Handel SEVEN TO ONE. And over 80% of that money came from California and New York democratic backers!

B). Osshoff had the backing of a Who's Who list of famous, big Hollywood celebrities; Samuel Jackson, Jessica Lange, Connie Britton, Alyssa Milano, Rosie O’Donnell and a whole host of others.

And you still lost. The money didn't matter. No one gave a shit about those asshole celebrities. Had the GOP spent anywhere near what the DNC did, Ossoff wouldn't have come within a mile. That now sets the GOP even further ahead, while the Libs another big step back.

This same seat was won by 20+ just 8 months ago in November. It was won again by 4.7 points. Now I don't know what that says to you--but since this is a predominately heavily populated Republican District, it tells me that Republicans were voting for the Democrat in this race.

It also says that Republicans who are competeing in blue & purple states, and districts that are more evenly divided are going to have a hell of a time when 2018 rolls around.

So there's going to be a lot of whisling past the graveyard in 2018.
I have no problem with Democrats spending $30M to lose.
It's simple, they have no message. This means, they know that their message and policies are so narrow and have become so alt-left in nature that even record numbers of dollars can't convince the voters to go against common sense. Their message is so unAmerican that they are afraid to announce it, instead, they stick to being the Anti-Trump.

First they spent $1.6B on Hillary and now $30M record for a run off. All of the globalists money in the world isn't going to convince people that more undermining of their own job prospects and Constitution is a good choice. People are still fighting for the United States of America, currently that means fighting the alt-left, globalist agenda, it has simply worked to strip America of it's soul. The Democratic Party has become so elite and unAmerican, that they are unrecognizable from that of the 80s or 90's.

Liberty and Freedom of Religion among other freedoms are at risk. Make America Great Again!

The democrat party died with JFK....the elites snuffed him out and it's been downhill ever since.
I've never watched any other program as much as I have with the murder of JFK and all the conspiracy shit. I am completely enthralled with it. I can't get enough of it. This country died that day. We've been trying to recover since. Trump is as close as we've gotten. It's why I'm now enthralled with him.

What is this about the 20th thread on a special election for a single house seat in Georgia? A Republican won, imagine that--LOL One would think General Sherman invaded again.

What a sad joke you Libs are! You were all prepared to use those elections as the cornerstone to claim the reformation of the Democratic Party going into 2018! You had whole networks lined up with hit pieces to slam Trump as costing these elections as proof of his failing popularity! He is more popular than ever! He is more successful than ever! He is stronger than ever! He is more innocent of false charges than ever! Now having lost, you try to spin them as just minor elections that you narrowly missed in Red states that you never thought you'd win anyway.

If no one else has said it about the Ossoff / Handel race is the fact that:

A). Osshoff outspent Handel SEVEN TO ONE. And over 80% of that money came from California and New York democratic backers!

B). Osshoff had the backing of a Who's Who list of famous, big Hollywood celebrities; Samuel Jackson, Jessica Lange, Connie Britton, Alyssa Milano, Rosie O’Donnell and a whole host of others.

And you still lost. The money didn't matter. No one gave a shit about those asshole celebrities. Had the GOP spent anywhere near what the DNC did, Ossoff wouldn't have come within a mile. That now sets the GOP even further ahead, while the Libs another big step back.

This same seat was won by 20+ just 8 months ago in November. It was won again by 4.7 points. Now I don't know what that says to you--but since this is a predominately heavily populated Republican District, it tells me that Republicans were voting for the Democrat in this race.

It also says that Republicans who are competeing in blue & purple states, and districts that are more evenly divided are going to have a hell of a time when 2018 rolls around.

So there's going to be a lot of whisling past the graveyard in 2018.
it says to me you lost twice in eight months.
the Democrats have become that D-Grade of Mac-Cheese we sometimes find next to the original Kraft Version. Main difference, its Macaroni and Sawdust

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