NYT: Trump told in January 2017 that Putin ordered hacking

I just put up a thread that the great "disinformation and propaganda campaign" resulted in a couple of thousand posts on Facebook out of 2 freaking billion.

5 grand only spent on you tube. Oh yeah. That must prove that the election was swung for Trump. What bullshit.

Nonsense - over 100 grand on Facebook alone
Fake Russian Facebook Accounts Bought $100,000 in Political Ads

126 million views and 20 million likes on Facebook alone
Russia-backed Facebook posts 'reached 126m Americans' during US election

After that, add another 100 million retweets of bot material on Twitter. You were correct about only one thing - YouTube had very little influence

Did you even read what you cited, Doc? It says that the ads for the most part didn't target candidates but were instead on issues like birth control and immigration. You libs can't seem to grasp that the Russians are attempting to undermine our entire social construct....not Hillary Clinton. They gave partisans like yourself the red ass by posting ads they knew would push your buttons...and you fell for it!
By the way, who fucking leaked this to the NYT?


Trump has every freaking reason not to trust the intelligence community.
From the Start, Trump Has Muddied a Clear Message: Putin Interfered

WASHINGTON — Two weeks before his inauguration, Donald J. Trump was shown highly classified intelligence indicating that President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia had personally ordered complex cyberattacks to sway the 2016 American election.

The evidence included texts and emails from Russian military officers and information gleaned from a top-secret source close to Mr. Putin, who had described to the C.I.A. how the Kremlin decided to execute its campaign of hacking and disinformation.

Mr. Trump sounded grudgingly convinced, according to several people who attended the intelligence briefing. But ever since, Mr. Trump has tried to cloud the very clear findings that he received on Jan. 6, 2017, which his own intelligence leaders have unanimously endorsed.

The shifting narrative underscores the degree to which Mr. Trump regularly picks and chooses intelligence to suit his political purposes. That has never been more clear than this week.

More: From the Start, Trump Has Muddied a Clear Message: Putin Interfered

This is a big deal that we'll be hearing a lot about tomorrow. What do you think?

I think I'll wait for real news, stuff that comes from actual journalists and is factual, rare as that is these days, not rubbish from garbage tabloids like the NYT.
From the Start, Trump Has Muddied a Clear Message: Putin Interfered

WASHINGTON — Two weeks before his inauguration, Donald J. Trump was shown highly classified intelligence indicating that President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia had personally ordered complex cyberattacks to sway the 2016 American election.

The evidence included texts and emails from Russian military officers and information gleaned from a top-secret source close to Mr. Putin, who had described to the C.I.A. how the Kremlin decided to execute its campaign of hacking and disinformation.

Mr. Trump sounded grudgingly convinced, according to several people who attended the intelligence briefing. But ever since, Mr. Trump has tried to cloud the very clear findings that he received on Jan. 6, 2017, which his own intelligence leaders have unanimously endorsed.

The shifting narrative underscores the degree to which Mr. Trump regularly picks and chooses intelligence to suit his political purposes. That has never been more clear than this week.

More: From the Start, Trump Has Muddied a Clear Message: Putin Interfered

This is a big deal that we'll be hearing a lot about tomorrow. What do you think?

I think I'll wait for real news, stuff that comes from actual journalists and is factual, rare as that is these days, not rubbish from garbage tabloids like the NYT.

Well, sparky, maybe Fox News or Alex Jones will inform you.
Also this article contains the lie that Trump said no in response to questions being shouted one of which was about is Russia continuing. I've heard the response played on Buck Sexton.

Trump said "thank you, no". Man oh man the fake news these whack jobs in the media put out there is unreal. And the left has the balls to say that its RUSSIA spreading propaganda to divide Americans?

Too freaking funny.
I am so amazed that people that appear to be intelligent, logical-minded people, are SO partisan, and hate the Democratic Party SO much, that they don't think Trump is hiding something.

ALL the intelligence agencies... Pre-Trump, and current-Trump, ALL the people in Congress except the idiot from New York Collins I believe (?), ALL the members of Trump's cabinet... EVERYONE says Russia interfered in the 2016 election and did the hacking and Putin ordered it... Yet Trump continues to deny it, and people still think this is all a deep state hoax. Putin even said in front of the world he wanted Trump to win. And do you REALLY believe Putin didn't think Trump was worth spying on when he was in Russia before running for President? He's a supposed billionaire... Putin would want all the dirt he could get on him.

It's truly amazing.
I really can't fault Trump for not accepting ANY Intel on Russian involvement in 2016 from Lying Clapper and Brennan. These were the same guys who were running CIA/DIA Intel assets AGAINST HIS CAMPAIGN as INSTIGATORS to dirty up Trump Associates.
It was Clapper who MARKETED the phony ass "Russian Dossier" as a legitimate "US Intel Document" in collusion with top leaders at the FBI. He had no credibility offering "intel briefings" to the incoming Prez.

So it DOES NOT go back to what he was told based on Clapper/Brennan. It probably took awhile to convince him that the HACKING part was real. Although I still have doubts. Because I read the recent Mueller indictment and it gives away TOO MUCH classified sources and methods to not have a certain stink about making this public for the world to see.

And they may have those 12 GRU agents nailed on the HACKING part. But the "public release" part of the indictment also does not make sense from an Intel Standpoint. Because anything that VALUABLE to the Russians would have been held like a ton of gold bars for FUTURE blackmail and compromise of Hillary Clinton should she have won the election. I believe there's a great case for the Russian hacking, but there are many alternatives as to how all that Podesta/DNC stuff went public. I think Putin was ROBBED of the information to "sanitize" the DNC/Hillary AGAINST future Russian blackmail once it was discovered.

By the way, who fucking leaked this to the NYT?


Trump has every freaking reason not to trust the intelligence community.

Funny. It would appear that Trump's Helsinki clusterfuck was more than the intel officials could tolerate.

Oh the leaking only started now? Pffffffffffffffffft. Give me a break.And the intel agencies better get used to being shredded. After all they've put out so much bullshit over the years, they're being called on it.

Like WMD's in Iraq and the horrid dossier they prepared on MLK claiming he was a sexual pervert, a commie, and that he was about to lead violent protests.
I really can't fault Trump for not accepting ANY Intel on Russian involvement in 2016 from Lying Clapper and Brennan. These were the same guys who were running CIA/DIA Intel assets AGAINST HIS CAMPAIGN as INSTIGATORS to dirty up Trump Associates.
It was Clapper who MARKETED the phony ass "Russian Dossier" as a legitimate "US Intel Document" in collusion with top leaders at the FBI. He had no credibility offering "intel briefings" to the incoming Prez.

So it DOES NOT go back to what he was told based on Clapper/Brennan. It probably took awhile to convince him that the HACKING part was real. Although I still have doubts. Because I read the recent Mueller indictment and it gives away TOO MUCH classified sources and methods to not have a certain stink about making this public for the world to see.

And they may have those 12 GRU agents nailed on the HACKING part. But the "public release" part of the indictment also does not make sense from an Intel Standpoint. Because anything that VALUABLE to the Russians would have been held like a ton of gold bars for FUTURE blackmail and compromise of Hillary Clinton should she have won the election. I believe there's a great case for the Russian hacking, but there are many alternatives as to how all that Podesta/DNC stuff went public. I think Putin was ROBBED of the information to "sanitize" the DNC/Hillary AGAINST future Russian blackmail once it was discovered.

His current intel agencies are saying the SAME things the Pre-Trump ones were saying. It wasn't even the U.S. that hacked the GRU to spy on them. It was Holland. Do you think Holland hates Trump and is making shit up? Come on...
I'll place huge wagers knowing how valuable and expensive that "compromising information" was, on the fact that Hillary/DNC was advised by the Intel Community that public release was the ONLY way to inoculate President Clinton from future blackmail possibilities with the Russians. Or the Intel folks took it upon themselves to inoculate her against Russian Compromat.
"What they said was that there was no evidence VOTES WERE CHANGED (IOW, voting machine or election roll tampering)."

So if NO VOTES WERE CHANGED that means that Hillary LOST the election and The Donald won a LEGITIMATE ELECTION, IF votes WOULD have been CHANGED that would be a different situation, but that didn't happen so The Trump Derangement Syndrome Crowd and the Globalist Dick Suckers like those who head the POLITICAL Witch Hunt need to realise this:


And EVEN if they removed The Donald, they get Mike Pence. Hillary is NOT going to be INSTALLED and Obama is NOT going to be RE-INSTALLED.

WTF?! This whole thing is so insane it's off the chart. TOTAL UNHINGED DERANGEMENT from across the board.

"As for Obama doing nothing? - WRONG. He didn't do enough."

Wrong Obama did NOTHING. He did 100% NOTHING. He even gave TWO press conferences where he stated that nothing or NOBODY could interfere with the election, he STATED the election process was PROTECTED. So he was babbling deliberate horsecrap OR the whole Russia interfered with the election is TOTAL horsecrap served up to YOU by the SAME American Intelligence Agencies that VOMITED up that Saddam Hussein had WMD when he DIDN'T because they said that because it gave GWB and his Lapdog Tony Blair the EXCUSE to invade Iraq and bomb to DEATH approx ONE MILLION Iraqi men, women and children.

I see - so this is NOTHING?
Obama expels 35 Russian diplomats in retaliation for US election hacking

You're never gonna get it - but there's a hard fall coming your way. ;)
Go back to bed Gomer

Yeah he did it in Dec 2016 after the bitch lost and he was on his way out the door.

I really can't fault Trump for not accepting ANY Intel on Russian involvement in 2016 from Lying Clapper and Brennan. These were the same guys who were running CIA/DIA Intel assets AGAINST HIS CAMPAIGN as INSTIGATORS to dirty up Trump Associates.
It was Clapper who MARKETED the phony ass "Russian Dossier" as a legitimate "US Intel Document" in collusion with top leaders at the FBI. He had no credibility offering "intel briefings" to the incoming Prez.

So it DOES NOT go back to what he was told based on Clapper/Brennan. It probably took awhile to convince him that the HACKING part was real. Although I still have doubts. Because I read the recent Mueller indictment and it gives away TOO MUCH classified sources and methods to not have a certain stink about making this public for the world to see.

And they may have those 12 GRU agents nailed on the HACKING part. But the "public release" part of the indictment also does not make sense from an Intel Standpoint. Because anything that VALUABLE to the Russians would have been held like a ton of gold bars for FUTURE blackmail and compromise of Hillary Clinton should she have won the election. I believe there's a great case for the Russian hacking, but there are many alternatives as to how all that Podesta/DNC stuff went public. I think Putin was ROBBED of the information to "sanitize" the DNC/Hillary AGAINST future Russian blackmail once it was discovered.

His current intel agencies are saying the SAME things the Pre-Trump ones were saying. It wasn't even the U.S. that hacked the GRU to spy on them. It was Holland. Do you think Holland hates Trump and is making shit up? Come on...

I bumped my thread from yesterday. I refuse to believe intelligence agencies whole heartedly considering the lying dossier they had on MLK. It's shocking Let alone WMD's that threw the whole middle east into a hell hole after Iraq.

Thats a biggie.

Here's from my thread on MLK.

"It warned that despite Dr King's history of calling for peaceful protest, "the combined forces of the communist influence and the black nationalists advocating violence give the 'Washington Spring Project' a potential for an extremely explosive situation."

Dr King was killed before the planned march.

A 'slow thinker' with 'abnormal' sexual preferences
Despite Dr King's historical reputation as a skilled speaker, the FBI file claimed that other advisers approved everything Mr King said.

"King is such a slow thinker he is usually not prepared to make statements without help from someone," it reads."

Explosive King document amid JFK files
I really can't fault Trump for not accepting ANY Intel on Russian involvement in 2016 from Lying Clapper and Brennan. These were the same guys who were running CIA/DIA Intel assets AGAINST HIS CAMPAIGN as INSTIGATORS to dirty up Trump Associates.
It was Clapper who MARKETED the phony ass "Russian Dossier" as a legitimate "US Intel Document" in collusion with top leaders at the FBI. He had no credibility offering "intel briefings" to the incoming Prez.

So it DOES NOT go back to what he was told based on Clapper/Brennan. It probably took awhile to convince him that the HACKING part was real. Although I still have doubts. Because I read the recent Mueller indictment and it gives away TOO MUCH classified sources and methods to not have a certain stink about making this public for the world to see.

And they may have those 12 GRU agents nailed on the HACKING part. But the "public release" part of the indictment also does not make sense from an Intel Standpoint. Because anything that VALUABLE to the Russians would have been held like a ton of gold bars for FUTURE blackmail and compromise of Hillary Clinton should she have won the election. I believe there's a great case for the Russian hacking, but there are many alternatives as to how all that Podesta/DNC stuff went public. I think Putin was ROBBED of the information to "sanitize" the DNC/Hillary AGAINST future Russian blackmail once it was discovered.

His current intel agencies are saying the SAME things the Pre-Trump ones were saying. It wasn't even the U.S. that hacked the GRU to spy on them. It was Holland. Do you think Holland hates Trump and is making shit up? Come on...

It was not all wrapped up by the election. A LOT of what is in the indictment of the 12 HAD to come from the NSA Big Brother archives. Because NOT a single US Intel operative ever laid hands or eyes on the ACTUAL evidence. And that takes a LOT of analysis. There is TOO much technical detail in the Mueller indictment to have come just from the CrowdStrike analysis.

And that creates a lot of skepticism on my part. Because of compromising "sources and methods" in a public document like that.
I am so amazed that people that appear to be intelligent, logical-minded people, are SO partisan, and hate the Democratic Party SO much, that they don't think Trump is hiding something.

Oh, don't feels so sad! You vermin have far more than earned your utter lack of credibility and your degeneration into pure scumbaggery and treason.. You should be dancing in the streets and slapping each other on the back; you all work very hard to get there, and work even harder to sink even further into the sewers.
Trump can say what he wants in public, but I sure as hell hope he doesn't buy into any agency reports without a huge dose of skepticism.
Wait a second, why didn't they present Trump with the texts and e-mails between Trump and Putin and make an arrest? Clearly this information was known all the way back in January 2017. Why have they allowed a Russian asset to run the country for the past 18 months? When will Mueller and the DOJ act? Isn't allowing Putin to pick one Supreme Court Justice enough? Does Putin have something on Justice Kennedy as well? What about Rosenstien and Meuller? Does Putin have dirt on them, and is stopping them from making an arrest?
I really can't fault Trump for not accepting ANY Intel on Russian involvement in 2016 from Lying Clapper and Brennan. These were the same guys who were running CIA/DIA Intel assets AGAINST HIS CAMPAIGN as INSTIGATORS to dirty up Trump Associates.
It was Clapper who MARKETED the phony ass "Russian Dossier" as a legitimate "US Intel Document" in collusion with top leaders at the FBI. He had no credibility offering "intel briefings" to the incoming Prez.

So it DOES NOT go back to what he was told based on Clapper/Brennan. It probably took awhile to convince him that the HACKING part was real. Although I still have doubts. Because I read the recent Mueller indictment and it gives away TOO MUCH classified sources and methods to not have a certain stink about making this public for the world to see.

And they may have those 12 GRU agents nailed on the HACKING part. But the "public release" part of the indictment also does not make sense from an Intel Standpoint. Because anything that VALUABLE to the Russians would have been held like a ton of gold bars for FUTURE blackmail and compromise of Hillary Clinton should she have won the election. I believe there's a great case for the Russian hacking, but there are many alternatives as to how all that Podesta/DNC stuff went public. I think Putin was ROBBED of the information to "sanitize" the DNC/Hillary AGAINST future Russian blackmail once it was discovered.

His current intel agencies are saying the SAME things the Pre-Trump ones were saying. It wasn't even the U.S. that hacked the GRU to spy on them. It was Holland. Do you think Holland hates Trump and is making shit up? Come on...

It was not all wrapped up by the election. A LOT of what is in the indictment of the 12 HAD to come from the NSA Big Brother archives. Because NOT a single US Intel operative ever laid hands or eyes on the ACTUAL evidence. And that takes a LOT of analysis. There is TOO much technical detail in the Mueller indictment to have come just from the CrowdStrike analysis.

And that creates a lot of skepticism on my part. Because of compromising "sources and methods" in a public document like that.

Like LBJ's issues with CIA officials and the Generals re Viet Nam, Trump can't trust anybody in the Intel community, at least not in the top echelons; he would be an utter fool to do so, and he's no fool.

And, that 'too much technical detail' is itself highly suspicious.

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