NYTimes Exterminates George Bush!

Typical Communist Media behavior. The usual suspect Race-Baiter Dems are pissed off he showed up, and they'd be pissed off if he didn't. So it's 'Damed if you Do, Damned if you Don't' with the hateful Race-Baiters.

But that's ok, less & less Americans are taking them seriously anymore. You can only hate and cry wolf so often. It's gotten to be very tired and old at this point.

Are you done ranting now?

Maybe. We'll see.
Typical Communist Media behavior. The usual suspect Race-Baiter Dems are pissed off he showed up, and they'd be pissed off if he didn't. So it's 'Damed if you Do, Damned if you Don't' with the hateful Race-Baiters.

But that's ok, less & less Americans are taking them seriously anymore. You can only hate and cry wolf so often. It's gotten to be very tired and old at this point.

Are you done ranting now?

Maybe. We'll see.


Well, at least you are honest about your stay at Sunny Dale Sanitarium.

Pictures are different. One 'cropping President Bush out' is a street scene. One with him in frame is on a bridge. Could just be the street scene had many more marchers so made a better picture, whereas the one with President Bush on the bridge had far fewer.
Yeah right. This is the Times. Couldn't be any agenda there. :eusa_hand:
Let's be real, the Democrats are scared shitless more African Americans are beginning to choose the other Party. Their Race-Baiting hate won't be enough to keep em all on the Plantation forever. Many more will choose other options.
This is going to shock NLT, but I agree. Former Pres. Bush and former FLOTUS Laura Bush should not have been cropped out of the main photo. However, there was more than one photo,if I recall.

I think it is fantastic that they went. Good for them.

The NYT article does, however, report that they were there.
'continued on page 15 as an afterthought

That is, however, typical NYT format, has been for decades. I would not place too much value on that.
Typical Communist Media behavior. The usual suspect Race-Baiter Dems are pissed off he showed up, and they'd be pissed off if he didn't. So it's 'Damed if you Do, Damned if you Don't' with the hateful Race-Baiters.

But that's ok, less & less Americans are taking them seriously anymore. You can only hate and cry wolf so often. It's gotten to be very tired and old at this point.

Are you done ranting now?

Maybe. We'll see.


Well, at least you are honest about your stay at Sunny Dale Sanitarium.


:laugh: Ha, that all you got? Pretty weak.
Third thread on this.

The choice was obvious: include the entire First Family and cut out Bush or publish the entire image with faces so small they would be recognizable. Bush just isn't important enough to include.

I still say I wish would have just edited him out before he did the enormous damage he did.

I disagree, respectfully. The president of a former President at this event is indeed important to record. The NYT could have put two photos in. It often puts in two photos for lots of things.

Whether it's deliberate or not, I don't know. But it was bad judgement. On this one, NLT, amazingly, gets a point from me.
And you get a point from me. Amazing, ain't it?
Considering how much he has stayed out of the limelight these past 6 years, I wouldn't be surprised if he asked them to crop him out.
Third thread on this.

The choice was obvious: include the entire First Family and cut out Bush or publish the entire image with faces so small they would be recognizable. Bush just isn't important enough to include.

I still say I wish would have just edited him out before he did the enormous damage he did.

Too bad we couldnt have edited out our current worthless buffoon.
The New York Times = Communist/Progressive Democrat Bullshite

Anymore questions?
Typical Communist Media behavior. The usual suspect Race-Baiter Dems are pissed off he showed up, and they'd be pissed off if he didn't. So it's 'Damed if you Do, Damned if you Don't' with the hateful Race-Baiters.

But that's ok, less & less Americans are taking them seriously anymore. You can only hate and cry wolf so often. It's gotten to be very tired and old at this point.
Pretty close.... They are pissed he was there because they can't act all pissed because he wasn't. It's all about the show.
The hoped for narrative is racist Republicans didn't come because they hate blacks. So they have to crop a photo so that low info Dem voters receive the right message.
How does the media....wholly owned by Liberalism, Inc., pull the less astuted into their fold?

We got an example of it in the action this week by the NYSlimes....

1. "Predictable. NY Times Crops Out George W. Bush from Selma March Photo



Those are two different photos, dumbass!

Only so much space on the paper...oh and there is no left/right,liberal/conservative when it comes to the media its just played like that to keep people off balance and not sniff to much and see the real culprits and their raping of America.

I was waiting for some apologist for the totalitarians...and you popped righto out of the oubliette to do your job!

Here is more of the same, just a tad more disingenuous....

"NBC News Reporter Maria Shriver Lies about Lack of GOP Leadership at Selma

Maria Shriver, a prominent member of the Democrat Party’s Kennedy clan and a Special Anchor for NBC News, took to Twitter Saturday evening to smear Republicans over the fiftieth anniversary observation held in Selma to mark a pivotal moment in the Civil Rights movement. Shriver falsely said that no one from Republican leadership attended besides former President George W. Bush.

After taking her swipe at Republicans, Shriver piously added, “Not a partisan issue.”

Shriver has about 2,330,000 followers on Twitter, giving her inflammatory false report about Republicans a wide reach."
NBC News Reporter Maria Shriver Lies about Lack of GOP Leadership at Selma The Gateway Pundit

Disgusting Liberals/Progrssives/Democrats.
How does the media....wholly owned by Liberalism, Inc., pull the less astuted into their fold?

We got an example of it in the action this week by the NYSlimes....

1. "Predictable. NY Times Crops Out George W. Bush from Selma March Photo



3. The 50th Anniversary of the Bloody Sunday march was held in Selma, Alabama on Saturday.

The New York Times cropped out the George and Laura Bush.
Discrimination still exists in America.

4. ....this is an example of how today's "authorized journalists" rewrite history as it actually happens. However, the truth is, it's not new. This has been going on for at least a century but really probably since the beginning of time.
Predictable. NY Times Crops Out George W. Bush from Selma March Photo The Gateway Pundit

Those are different pictures.

In one short post you reveal yourself to be a liar, an imbecile, and a Leftist apologist.

Don't ever change.
Only so much space on the paper...oh and there is no left/right,liberal/conservative when it comes to the media its just played like that to keep people off balance and not sniff to much and see the real culprits and their raping of America.

I was waiting for some apologist for the totalitarians...and you popped righto out of the oubliette to do your job!

Here is more of the same, just a tad more disingenuous....

"NBC News Reporter Maria Shriver Lies about Lack of GOP Leadership at Selma

Maria Shriver, a prominent member of the Democrat Party’s Kennedy clan and a Special Anchor for NBC News, took to Twitter Saturday evening to smear Republicans over the fiftieth anniversary observation held in Selma to mark a pivotal moment in the Civil Rights movement. Shriver falsely said that no one from Republican leadership attended besides former President George W. Bush.

After taking her swipe at Republicans, Shriver piously added, “Not a partisan issue.”

Shriver has about 2,330,000 followers on Twitter, giving her inflammatory false report about Republicans a wide reach."
NBC News Reporter Maria Shriver Lies about Lack of GOP Leadership at Selma The Gateway Pundit

Disgusting Liberals/Progrssives/Democrats.
Who else from Leadership showed up?

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