NYTimes Exterminates George Bush!

Those are different pictures.

In one short post you reveal yourself to be a liar, an imbecile, and a Leftist apologist.

Don't ever change.
You're claiming those are the same photos?

Look at Obama's arms, if you are that dense and need help.

ETA: Hell, look at Malia, on the left-hand side, then repeat your ignorance.
Again, the two pictures being compared in the OP....are different pictures.

No, they are not.....you liar/Democrat (redundant?)

They are pictures of the same event at roughly the same time, with President Bush removed for the purpose, as Democrat Liberal Liar Maria Shriver claimed, GOP did not attend.

Lol, didn't think the whitewashing of history would bother you.
The fact that the rightwingnuts are faux-raging over this is pretty pathetic.

More proof that Liberals/Progressives don’t make judgments about evil,or bad behavior.
It is an inveterate and indelible element of their character....as proven by your post.

Interesting that both you and Netanyahu have the same nick name…”BB”…him due to his first name, you, due to brain size.
More rightwing victimology.

The comical premise here is the claim that Bush is somehow entitled to be in the photo.

Maybe you RWnuts could add that to your list of proposed constitutional amendments.
Of course they say they didn't do it on purpose...yeah...they just forgot that a former U.S. President was marching with their beloved one. It didn't occur to them to how that TWO Presidents being there, white and black, side by side..nah...that is not the message they want to put forth.

White House NYT leave Bushes out of lead photos from Selma march Fox News

NY Times Crops Bush Out Of Selma Picture Highlights Ferguson The Daily Caller

George W Bush cropped out of New York Times front cover image of Selma march - Telegraph

NYT front photo......

Actual event...


Look again at NYT photo...look who pops out next to the President...yeah...they chose a photo with Al Sharpton...so much more important that a former President of the United States.
Didn't fit the agenda.
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More rightwing victimology.

The comical premise here is the claim that Bush is somehow entitled to be in the photo.

Maybe you RWnuts could add that to your list of proposed constitutional amendments.

The NYLiar drops by......to lie.

The NYSlimes, the paper of record,lies with this photo.

Democrat apparatchik compounds the lie by denying Bush was there.

And NYLiar swears to both.
More rightwing victimology.

The comical premise here is the claim that Bush is somehow entitled to be in the photo.

Maybe you RWnuts could add that to your list of proposed constitutional amendments.

"....your list of proposed constitutional amendments."

Could you list any constitutional amendments that I've proposed?

Or....is this merely another of your attempts to burnish your liar credentials?
Typical Communist Media behavior. The usual suspect Race-Baiter Dems are pissed off he showed up, and they'd be pissed off if he didn't. So it's 'Damed if you Do, Damned if you Don't' with the hateful Race-Baiters.

But that's ok, less & less Americans are taking them seriously anymore. You can only hate and cry wolf so often. It's gotten to be very tired and old at this point.

Are you done ranting now?

Maybe. We'll see.


Well, at least you are honest about your stay at Sunny Dale Sanitarium.


:laugh: Ha, that all you got? Pretty weak.

I put on the kid gloves for the weak at heart like you, snookums.
Again, the two pictures being compared in the OP....are different pictures.

No, they are not.....you liar/Democrat (redundant?)

They are pictures of the same event at roughly the same time, with President Bush removed for the purpose, as Democrat Liberal Liar Maria Shriver claimed, GOP did not attend.

They are not the same picture, idiot.

I was gonna say you're a liar....but everyone already knows.
More rightwing victimology.

The comical premise here is the claim that Bush is somehow entitled to be in the photo.

Maybe you RWnuts could add that to your list of proposed constitutional amendments.

The NYLiar drops by......to lie.

The NYSlimes, the paper of record,lies with this photo.

Democrat apparatchik compounds the lie by denying Bush was there.

And NYLiar swears to both.

The photo was not a cropped version of the one you posted.
More rightwing victimology.

The comical premise here is the claim that Bush is somehow entitled to be in the photo.

Maybe you RWnuts could add that to your list of proposed constitutional amendments.

The NYLiar drops by......to lie.

The NYSlimes, the paper of record,lies with this photo.

Democrat apparatchik compounds the lie by denying Bush was there.

And NYLiar swears to both.

The photo was not a cropped version of the one you posted.

Let's gauge the extent of your veracity;

1. Were the two photos taken the same day?
2. Where the same objects photographed?
3. What the same occasion the subject of both photos?
4.Was there a political reason for cropping the members of the photos?
5. Are you a lying sack of sewage?

Hint: all five have the same correct response.
How does the media....wholly owned by Liberalism, Inc., pull the less astuted into their fold?

We got an example of it in the action this week by the NYSlimes....

1. "Predictable. NY Times Crops Out George W. Bush from Selma March Photo



Those are two different photos, dumbass!


Let's gauge the extent of your veracity;

1. Were the two photos taken the same day?
2. Where the same objects photographed?
3. What the same occasion the subject of both photos?
4.Was there a political reason for cropping the members of the photos?
5. Are you a lying sack of sewage?

Hint: all five have the same correct response.
Are you trying to tell us it was an accident? If so, noone that has any sense will fall for it. They had a choice to post a photo also with Bush. They didn't.
Again, the two pictures being compared in the OP....are different pictures.

I'm saying you can't crop a person out of a photo if they weren't in the photo to begin with.

So for the claims of the OP to be valid, you have to show us that the original photo included GW. And the photo offered isn't the original photo.

Its a completely different picture.

Let's gauge the extent of your veracity;

1. Were the two photos taken the same day?
2. Where the same objects photographed?
3. What the same occasion the subject of both photos?
4.Was there a political reason for cropping the members of the photos?
5. Are you a lying sack of sewage?

Hint: all five have the same correct response.
How does the media....wholly owned by Liberalism, Inc., pull the less astuted into their fold?

We got an example of it in the action this week by the NYSlimes....

1. "Predictable. NY Times Crops Out George W. Bush from Selma March Photo



Anyone with a brain should be able to tell that they are two different photos, just by the position of the President's head and tie.

NOT one photo, cropped.

Now, was that so hard?

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