NYTs Dying a Slow Death

One joy that I have is taking subscription offers in the mail from the New York Times and immediately tearing them up and throwing them into the trashcan.

The Times feels that its growing digital subscriptions from angry Democrats can save it.

So it has proudly become the leader of the Resistance.

(To be fair, however, there are still some moderates and Republicans who -- while disgusted with its lopsided news coverage -- still feel that they need to read it.)
Their radical LIB staff are killing the newspaper.
No one but radical LIB people of Manhattan pay for the pig shit the paper shits out everyday.
Oh the irony! The pigshit is being shit out by Jews!!!!!!!!!!

I think in general the MSM across the Western world are dying slow death, most people now are using Independent media to get their news, the MSM are becoming irrelevant.
Gotta give the Slimes folks some credit. Usually things decompose after death.
It ought to be dead already---as dead as Goebbels' Propaganda Machine; as Dead as USSR's Pravda Propaganda Machine---it is the same animal as those two---and for the same reason--its purpose is to fool the people who it has concluded, in its own arrogance, are not sufficiently intelligent or too uneducated to process the meaning of The Facts....so it does it for them, by providing, not the actual Facts, but its notion of the meaning and nature and effect and relevance of those facts.

And it does so through its own biased lens....a lens which happens to agree solely with the ideology of ONE Political Party...so that if it does give us Facts at all....the ones it likes are at the top of the first page, and a new iteration of them are repeated daily...and the ones it doesn't like at buried on Page 17...and then dropped forever.

Fuck the New York Times
And, Fuck Jeff Bezos and his Washington Post-----which this rich zealot purchased, out of a nearing collapse, for the sole purpose of furthering his own political agenda.
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Their radical LIB staff are killing the newspaper.
No one but radical LIB people of Manhattan pay for the pig shit the paper shits out everyday.
Oh the irony! The pigshit is being shit out by Jews!!!!!!!!!!

Watergate Articles Of Impeachment

except Nixon had the decency to resign.

the orange sociopath is still sitting there.
What crime or malfeasance of office has Trump committed that you would swear to, under oath, in a court of law?
Liberal and conservative newspapers all across the country are laying off people in an attempt to make ends meet. I am sure its mostly about political leanings of the paper and not the fact that people can get the news for free on the internet.
Liberal and conservative newspapers all across the country are laying off people in an attempt to make ends meet. I am sure its mostly about political leanings of the paper and not the fact that people can get the news for free on the internet.

Also most people do not want to read many of the MSM news sources on the Internet anymore because so many of them now are behind Paywalls.
Liberal and conservative newspapers all across the country are laying off people in an attempt to make ends meet. I am sure its mostly about political leanings of the paper and not the fact that people can get the news for free on the internet.

Also most people do not want to read many of the MSM news sources on the Internet anymore because so many of them now are behind Paywalls.

I don't pay for news. Hell, the only time I buy the Post-Gazette is when I need it to light the smoker.
NYT's obvious bias reporting has nothing to do with their continued demise.
They, and all newspapers, have been in a slow death of declining circulation since the mid-80's.
They have faced a perfect storm.
Nomadic lifestyles of the population, people don't live in the same area anymore...so they do not have the same care about local events like they use to.
24 hr. cable news
The internet.
And finally, millennial's have little use for anything on paper, and do not like to pay for anything they get on the internet.
All newspapers will be gone most likely in the next decade. And that is actually VERY, VERY bad.
Their radical LIB staff are killing the newspaper.
No one but radical LIB people of Manhattan pay for the pig shit the paper shits out everyday.
Oh the irony! The pigshit is being shit out by Jews!!!!!!!!!!

I think in general the MSM across the Western world are dying slow death, most people now are using Independent media to get their news, the MSM are becoming irrelevant.
pretty much. the problem is now we find news that caters to our views. not sure that's a whole lot better.
NY Times is the most distinguished news source in history

Just because they refuse to print rightwing propaganda and conspiracy theories does not make them fake
NY Times is the most distinguished news source in history

Just because they refuse to print rightwing propaganda and conspiracy theories does not make them fake

You really should consider to stop trolling.
I know you don't actually believe half of what you type.
The New York Slimes is such a fanatically white American-hating toilet, I LOVED it when Trump mocked that one reporters disability. Good for him. Anyone who works for that fish-wrapper deserves any public humiliation they get. I wish he'd do it more often.
Liberal and conservative newspapers all across the country are laying off people in an attempt to make ends meet. I am sure its mostly about political leanings of the paper and not the fact that people can get the news for free on the internet.
I recently picked up our local paper for the first time in a few years while in a waiting room.

It was smaller.

I mean, literally smaller. The actual size of the paper was in between one of those neighborhood rags and a normal newspaper. It's like they put the thing in the dryer and it shrunk.

Traditional newspapers are just this side of dead in some places.
Liberal and conservative newspapers all across the country are laying off people in an attempt to make ends meet. I am sure its mostly about political leanings of the paper and not the fact that people can get the news for free on the internet.
I recently picked up our local paper for the first time in a few years while in a waiting room.

It was smaller.

I mean, literally smaller. The actual size of the paper was in between one of those neighborhood rags and a normal newspaper. It's like they put the thing in the dryer and it shrunk.

Traditional newspapers are just this side of dead in some places.

There were two major daily printed newspapers in Pittsburgh up until very recently. The conservative leaning Tribune-Review fired a lot of staff and now have a solely online presence. The Post-Gazette has been shedding staff like skin cells as well. Newspapers are circling the drain.

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