NYT's Paul Krugman: Pay For Entitlements With Death Panels


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
[Hey! Hey! Hey! Whaddya say? Paulie's let "Bams plans outta the bag.
Well at least part of them, say 1/2 of 'Bam's plan for his"Fundamental Transformation Of America" anyway.

My high school history teacher was fond of comparing the juxtaposition of the Great Depression to WWII with the 20 year wandering of the Hebrews in the desert before they took possession of the promised land, pointing out that both final results could never have occurred without the hardening, the toughening and the firming of resolve brought on by the first event. Of course living through both the Great depression and WWII, himself, might have caused him to think that way although his surname indicated he was of Nordic descent and probably inclined to be a follower of Martin Luther rather than a shakin and quakin Holy Rolling Roman Catholic.

I'm sure everyone is aware of the other half of 'Bam's plan by now, creating a class of totally dependent indigent Americans, wholly reliant on the Government's largesse and the Democratic politicians whose tenure in office is totally predicated on granting the indigent class that largesse.

Bam's executive order granting Amnesty, but lets stop calling it amnesty, its the creation of a new class of 12 million loyal Democratic voters totally dependent on the Government and the pols who promise them the free stuff if the voters just keep sending them back into office. And of course, who can forget Homeland Security's openly trolling for more indigent immigrants to come here and add to the numbers in Bam's loyal welfare class of voters in direct violation of federal law.

The dissolution of 'Bam's job counsel at almost the same time as the announcements of a shrinking of the US economy in the last quarter and an uptick in the unemployment rate coinciding with a Bam address to the nation's CEO's promoting the addition of 12 million more job seekers to the labor force was more than a subtle clue. More like an 36 inch baseball bat across the jaw clue. Does 'Bam really care about the nation's unemployed based on those actions? Of course not! They can just apply for Government benefits and become wards of the state and loyal Democratic voters along with the amnestied illegals.

But its the elderly, the folks who have lived long enough to have dealt with more than a few scurrilous characters in their lifetimes, thereby gaining enough life experience to recognize what 'Bam and his acolyte Democratic Pols are up to, the scam they're trying to pull off. Of course 'Bam needs the guns gone too. He knew precisely what thoughts drew two of his former appointees to Chairman Mao's quote "All power emanates from the barrel of a gun" 'Bam was probably rolling on the floor with laughter right after he appointed both when noone dared even ask "What the Hell is going on here?" after deliberately appointing both intentionally telegraphing his moves in advance and nobody even caught on. No, 'Bam needs you old timers dead, quick. You don't get mesmerized by the light reflecting off his teeth like the male media reporters have for the last five years and then running off into a corner polishing their erections, and you deduce what the Devil's little spawn is up to pretty quick. He needs you dead, quickly, in order to increase his electoral advantage as well. Paulie just let the cat outta the bag. No big deal. Do it for the country, or when you eventually do expire, 'Bam'll just take everything in your estate, leavin' the kids and your surviving spouse destitute. You know how it goes "You didn't build that yourself" or so he said.

And with the old folks and the guns gone, if those curmudgeons in the courts decide that a third, fourth, fifth, or even a twelfth term as president for 'Bam isn't what the Founders exactly wanted and the dependent classes riot in the streets outr of disappointment and despair, the eventual result will be a foregone conclusion in 'Bam's favor. Although, I've got pretty good idea that you might be able to cobble yourself up a workable flame thrower, with no assault weapons left and the government officials encouraging the rioters, how else will you defend yourself? Moats and alligators?]

"Eventually we do have a problem. That the population is getting older, health care costs are rising…there is this question of how we’re going to pay for the programs. The year 2025, the year 2030, something is going to have to give…. …. We’re going to need more revenue…Surely it will require some sort of middle class taxes as well.. We won’t be able to pay for the kind of government the society will want without some increase in taxes… on the middle class, maybe a value added tax…And we’re also going to have to make decisions about health care, doc pay for health care that has no demonstrated medical benefits . So the snarky version…which I shouldn’t even say because it will get me in trouble is death panels and sales taxes is how we do this"

Krugman On How To Pay For Entitlement Programs: ?Death Panels And Sales Taxes Is How We Do This?? | Weasel Zippers
[Hey! Hey! Hey! Whaddya say? Paulie's let "Bams plans outta the bag.
Well at least part of them, say 1/2 of 'Bam's plan for his"Fundamental Transformation Of America" anyway.

My high school history teacher was fond of comparing the juxtaposition of the Great Depression to WWII with the 20 year wandering of the Hebrews in the desert before they took possession of the promised land, pointing out that both final results could never have occurred without the hardening, the toughening and the firming of resolve brought on by the first event. Of course living through both the Great depression and WWII, himself, might have caused him to think that way although his surname indicated he was of Nordic descent and probably inclined to be a follower of Martin Luther rather than a shakin and quakin Holy Rolling Roman Catholic.

I'm sure everyone is aware of the other half of 'Bam's plan by now, creating a class of totally dependent indigent Americans, wholly reliant on the Government's largesse and the Democratic politicians whose tenure in office is totally predicated on granting the indigent class that largesse.

Bam's executive order granting Amnesty, but lets stop calling it amnesty, its the creation of a new class of 12 million loyal Democratic voters totally dependent on the Government and the pols who promise them the free stuff if the voters just keep sending them back into office. And of course, who can forget Homeland Security's openly trolling for more indigent immigrants to come here and add to the numbers in Bam's loyal welfare class of voters in direct violation of federal law.

The dissolution of 'Bam's job counsel at almost the same time as the announcements of a shrinking of the US economy in the last quarter and an uptick in the unemployment rate coinciding with a Bam address to the nation's CEO's promoting the addition of 12 million more job seekers to the labor force was more than a subtle clue. More like an 36 inch baseball bat across the jaw clue. Does 'Bam really care about the nation's unemployed based on those actions? Of course not! They can just apply for Government benefits and become wards of the state and loyal Democratic voters along with the amnestied illegals.

But its the elderly, the folks who have lived long enough to have dealt with more than a few scurrilous characters in their lifetimes, thereby gaining enough life experience to recognize what 'Bam and his acolyte Democratic Pols are up to, the scam they're trying to pull off. Of course 'Bam needs the guns gone too. He knew precisely what thoughts drew two of his former appointees to Chairman Mao's quote "All power emanates from the barrel of a gun" 'Bam was probably rolling on the floor with laughter right after he appointed both when noone dared even ask "What the Hell is going on here?" after deliberately appointing both intentionally telegraphing his moves in advance and nobody even caught on. No, 'Bam needs you old timers dead, quick. You don't get mesmerized by the light reflecting off his teeth like the male media reporters have for the last five years and then running off into a corner polishing their erections, and you deduce what the Devil's little spawn is up to pretty quick. He needs you dead, quickly, in order to increase his electoral advantage as well. Paulie just let the cat outta the bag. No big deal. Do it for the country, or when you eventually do expire, 'Bam'll just take everything in your estate, leavin' the kids and your surviving spouse destitute. You know how it goes "You didn't build that yourself" or so he said.

And with the old folks and the guns gone, if those curmudgeons in the courts decide that a third, fourth, fifth, or even a twelfth term as president for 'Bam isn't what the Founders exactly wanted and the dependent classes riot in the streets outr of disappointment and despair, the eventual result will be a foregone conclusion in 'Bam's favor. Although, I've got pretty good idea that you might be able to cobble yourself up a workable flame thrower, with no assault weapons left and the government officials encouraging the rioters, how else will you defend yourself? Moats and alligators?]

"Eventually we do have a problem. That the population is getting older, health care costs are rising…there is this question of how we’re going to pay for the programs. The year 2025, the year 2030, something is going to have to give…. …. We’re going to need more revenue…Surely it will require some sort of middle class taxes as well.. We won’t be able to pay for the kind of government the society will want without some increase in taxes… on the middle class, maybe a value added tax…And we’re also going to have to make decisions about health care, doc pay for health care that has no demonstrated medical benefits . So the snarky version…which I shouldn’t even say because it will get me in trouble is death panels and sales taxes is how we do this"

Krugman On How To Pay For Entitlement Programs: ?Death Panels And Sales Taxes Is How We Do This?? | Weasel Zippers

The government intends to start by taking retirement accounts. Then of course they will have to eliminate the beneficiaries of those accounts.
I have an idea, Government can pay people lump sums of cash to have babies... then of course keep paying the welfare many already receive to raise the child. That would stimulate the economy and fix the long term problem!!! Who's on board?!?! How can you deny that would stimulate the economy???
Pay for pensions and SS by reducing welfare. Welfare is a gift while SS is a promise.
sometimes when conservatives so clearly miss the point, and so obviously aren't aware of what's really driving our country's debt problems, that you just have to respond with: lol!
The government intends to start by taking retirement accounts. Then of course they will have to eliminate the beneficiaries of those accounts.

I'd like to see how they justify that legally. It's the same as taking people's bank accounts.
sometimes when conservatives so clearly miss the point, and so obviously aren't aware of what's really driving our country's debt problems, that you just have to respond with: lol!

The board notes the liberals are again evading the issue and making personal attacks.
Bams plan and the 47% huh.

Who, but the most conned dittoheads, would believe this tripe?
The government intends to start by taking retirement accounts. Then of course they will have to eliminate the beneficiaries of those accounts.

Wow. Look at you! Stating conspiracy theory as fact. You are a real credit to the party.
Krugman used "death panels" the way I use "homos" in gay marriage debates. He is just using a term he knows his opponents want to use, thereby stealing it from them.

Like American revolutionaries did with "Yankee Doodle".

Every insurance company has a death panel. They always have. Medicaid and Medicare have always had death panels, too. Always. The piss drinkers, though, want you to believe Obama invented them.

"Death panels" did not come into the vernacular until some right wing dumb fucks assigned that name to a provision introduced by Congressman Blumenauer of Oregon which would pay for a doctor's visit for seniors to discuss with their doctors their end of life care.

This is, of course, the exact opposite of a death panel since the patient is actually involved in the decision making ahead of time. Such counseling sessions were not covered by insurance and Blumenauer wanted to ensure they would be.

And the UnConservatives, in typical Orwellian reverse doublethink, labeled this as "death panels".

Since then, to cover up their embarrassment over this mother of all gaffes, the nutjobs assign the label to a process that has existed as long as health insurance companies have existed. "Let's call a medical due diligence process which has been around forever 'death panels' and try to get people to believe Obama invented them!"

They doubled down on their idiocy, basically.
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Krugman is full of good ideas. I'm still impressed with his extremely creative idea to prepare for a fake alien invasion to stimulate the economy.

Between that and this, he's a regular genius........
I'm not defending Krugman, I am giving UnConservatives a well-deserved kick in the nuts.

Krugman is a Keynesian loser. Krugman calling for more taxes and spending is as surprising and newsworthy as the sun rising.
Krugman used "death panels" the way I use "homos" in gay marriage debates. He is just using a term he knows his opponents want to use, thereby stealing it from them.

Like American revolutionaries did with "Yankee Doodle".

Every insurance company has a death panel. They always have. Medicaid and Medicare have always had death panels, too. Always. The piss drinkers, though, want you to believe Obama invented them.

"Death panels" did not come into the vernacular until some right wing dumb fucks assigned that name to a provision introduced by Congressman Blumenauer of Oregon which would pay for a doctor's visit for seniors to discuss with their doctors their end of life care.

This is, of course, the exact opposite of a death panel since the patient is actually involved in the decision making ahead of time. Such counseling sessions were not covered by insurance and Blumenauer wanted to ensure they would be.

And the UnConservatives, in typical Orwellian reverse doublethink, labeled this as "death panels".

Since then, to cover up their embarrassment over this mother of all gaffes, the nutjobs assign the label to a process that has existed as long as health insurance companies have existed. "Let's call a medical due diligence process which has been around forever 'death panels' and try to get people to believe Obama invented them!"

They doubled down on their idiocy, basically.


A Krugman fan, I take it. :lmao:
Krugman used "death panels" the way I use "homos" in gay marriage debates. He is just using a term he knows his opponents want to use, thereby stealing it from them.

Like American revolutionaries did with "Yankee Doodle".

Every insurance company has a death panel. They always have. Medicaid and Medicare have always had death panels, too. Always. The piss drinkers, though, want you to believe Obama invented them.

"Death panels" did not come into the vernacular until some right wing dumb fucks assigned that name to a provision introduced by Congressman Blumenauer of Oregon which would pay for a doctor's visit for seniors to discuss with their doctors their end of life care.

This is, of course, the exact opposite of a death panel since the patient is actually involved in the decision making ahead of time. Such counseling sessions were not covered by insurance and Blumenauer wanted to ensure they would be.

And the UnConservatives, in typical Orwellian reverse doublethink, labeled this as "death panels".

Since then, to cover up their embarrassment over this mother of all gaffes, the nutjobs assign the label to a process that has existed as long as health insurance companies have existed. "Let's call a medical due diligence process which has been around forever 'death panels' and try to get people to believe Obama invented them!"

They doubled down on their idiocy, basically.


A Krugman fan, I take it. :lmao:

Nope. I detest the man.

And I detest UnConservatives.

Krugman wants to raise taxes. Nothing surprising or unfactual there.

"Death panels", though, is rife with fallacies and hypocrisy on the part of UnConservatives.
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"Ooooooh, Krugman said 'death panels'!!! That means we were right!!!"

Krugman used "death panels" the way I use "homos" in gay marriage debates. He is just using a term he knows his opponents want to use, thereby stealing it from them.

Like American revolutionaries did with "Yankee Doodle".

Every insurance company has a death panel. They always have. Medicaid and Medicare have always had death panels, too. Always. The piss drinkers, though, want you to believe Obama invented them.

"Death panels" did not come into the vernacular until some right wing dumb fucks assigned that name to a provision introduced by Congressman Blumenauer of Oregon which would pay for a doctor's visit for seniors to discuss with their doctors their end of life care.

This is, of course, the exact opposite of a death panel since the patient is actually involved in the decision making ahead of time. Such counseling sessions were not covered by insurance and Blumenauer wanted to ensure they would be.

And the UnConservatives, in typical Orwellian reverse doublethink, labeled this as "death panels".

Since then, to cover up their embarrassment over this mother of all gaffes, the nutjobs assign the label to a process that has existed as long as health insurance companies have existed. "Let's call a medical due diligence process which has been around forever 'death panels' and try to get people to believe Obama invented them!"

They doubled down on their idiocy, basically.


A Krugman fan, I take it. :lmao:

Where did you get that idea? g50000 is the only perfect Conservative! He puts Starkey to shame with his Conservative purity!

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