Oakland: Wal Mart Closed, Denny's Closed, In & Out Burger Closed

The big blue cities are out of control. Did you watch the video? Notice all of the trash sitting around? Absolutely no excuse for it. Take some pride in your community, even if you're poor. Clean the f***ing place up!
Trust me, dirty, poor and out of control is also exactly how one could describe the communities I visited, too
It does not look like any small town in rural America. You will not see trash piled up in the streets like that outside the metro areas.
So you admit that in the small towns, that's what it looks like.

It looks that way outside the small towns as well, of course, houses with massive trashpiles.

Have any of you ever looked at small town America? Or have you never left your suburbs?
So you admit that in the small towns, that's what it looks like.

It looks that way outside the small towns as well, of course, houses with massive trashpiles.

Have any of you ever looked at small town America? Or have you never left your suburbs?

Obviously there’s gonna more trash in terms of sheer volume in the big city because there’s, like, millions of more people

But if you’re gonna say you’ve never seen a small town with a poor area piled with trash you’re either a liar or you’ve never set foot in one

Obviously there’s gonna more trash in terms of sheer volume in the big city because there’s, like, millions of more people

But if you’re gonna say you’ve never seen a small town with a poor area piled with trash you’re either a liar or you’ve never set foot in one
Why is it that in the past, in places like Baltimore and Philly, poor people kept their neighborhoods free of trash? And before you say that's 'fake news'....it's not. I've read sports biographies of NBA players who grew up in the ghetto - and although life was still rough back then, the neighborhoods were at least reasonably clean.

It's the decade after decade after decade after decade of leftist rule, no fathers, breakdown of the family, and never holding your voters responsible for anything, that has caused this.
Why is it that in the past, in places like Baltimore and Philly, poor people kept their neighborhoods free of trash?

Why was it that in the past, rural areas weren't such trash-filled shitholes?

It's the decade after decade after decade after decade of leftist rule, no fathers, breakdown of the family, and never holding your voters responsible for anything, that has caused this.
Then why are things just as shitty in the red areas?

Your conspiracy theory is contradicted by the hard facts.
Why was it that in the past, rural areas weren't such trash-filled shitholes?

Then why are things just as shitty in the red areas?

Your conspiracy theory is contradicted by the hard facts.
Nice deflection.
Answer my question.

Ah, I struck a nerve because "conspiracy theory' came into play here. Take your conspiracy theory and SHOVE IT. It's all on the video I posted.
I just did. You didn't like the answer, so you ran from it.

You're clearly very emotionally attached to your flawed reasoning. You need to be more objective, like the liberals are. Work from facts, not feelings.
The "facts' are that the inner cities are a garbage dump, as you can see on the video.
The 'facts' are that the inner cities have been run by the demoRATS, forever.
The 'facts' are that the inner cities have a huge breakdown in the nuclear family.
The "facts' are that the inner cities are a garbage dump, as you can see on the video.
The 'facts' are that the inner cities have been run by the demoRATS, forever.
The 'facs' are that the inner cities have a huge breakdown in the nuclear family.
Mammoth is a dutiful propagandist. He or she or whatever it is scours these boards attempting to do some form of primitive damage control. It doesn't work but who knows maybe it gets paid for what it does.
Why is it that in the past, in places like Baltimore and Philly, poor people kept their neighborhoods free of trash? And before you say that's 'fake news'....it's not. I've read sports biographies of NBA players who grew up in the ghetto - and although life was still rough back then, the neighborhoods were at least reasonably clean.

It's the decade after decade after decade after decade of leftist rule, no fathers, breakdown of the family, and never holding your voters responsible for anything, that has caused this.
I’m not denying those cities have problems.

I’m questioning why you’re making it political. It’s not a “blue” problem.

If it’s all about democratic leadership and urban setting and the black community, then why do white communities is rural areas in red states have the exact same problem?

It’s not a red or blue state problem, it’s a national problem
Your logic was that if some stores close, that proves how awful the people who run the area are.

That's rural America, all closed stores. Except for the Dollar General.
Nope. You don’t see bullet proof glass protecting the employees in rural America.
Nope. Sorry.
I’ve seen plenty of small towns in red states overcome by drug addiction with filthy houses with trash in their yards.

Yeah, not the whole town, but then the ghettos aren’t the entire city, are they?

And being addicted to oxycodone isn’t any better than being addicted to crack
Nope. You don’t see bullet proof glass protecting the employees in rural America.
Yeah that statement is a bunch of crap. Most small towns are clean, well ordered and immaculate and don't have to worry about being shoplifted out of business. When was the last time you saw a video of a flash shoplifting mob in a small town?
Never, because it doesn't happen.
Tell us you've never left your HOA-run suburb, without saying it out loud.

Oh wait, you just did.
Pathetic political quips are no substitute for reality. Wishful thinking isn't either. Fact is Urban America has gone to shit and most of it is ruled by Democrats. High population centers tend to favor leftist agendas because they are generally packed with people who can't succeed anywhere else.
Watching a youtube video on this hell-hole. How did we ever let liberalism get to this point?
No solutions either, that I can see. Illegals are now getting the lion's share of the democrat's attention and money.

Trash everywhere! FAILURE OF LEADERSHIP.

Radical, left-wing, BLM supporters act like none of this exists. Not to mention the recent phenomenon of flash mob looting committed almost all by young black youth.

Curried Goats citygator etc have a track record of gaslighting and ignoring the key points being raised.

The main point I make to all of them is even if they believe the propaganda that crime is lower today in the USA then it was in the 70s….. why don’t we have what Japan does which is pretty much zero crime. And neighborhoods that are safe to walk in. There are no areas in Japan known as “the hood” but in the USA you have multiple “hood” areas in practically every city of the country.

The trolls will attempt to blame guns. But plenty of countries in the world have a large number of guns, but they don’t have the violence we do in the USA. The evil issue of mass school shooting, which is mostly committed by a young depressed, lonely white men is an American phenomenon. it doesn’t exist other countries of the world including ones that have access to guns. So response these left troll will again blame guns, which is an easy thing to say and it is humiliating. It’s an insult to honesty. We had just as many guns in the American past, but we did not have mass school shootings.

They’ll never give an honest response to the fact that the divorce rate and child born out of wedlock rate is astronomically higher today than it was in the American past. And it is disproportionately higher among black folks.

In response to the above paragraph lefties call their opponents “racist”. Such behavior by lefties is outrageous, but the left-wing is attempting to normalize hate speech and impoliteness. And so nothing ever gets accomplished. Nothing will be accomplished in this country unless we have change for the better and we toss BLM, cancel culture and wokeness into the trash bin of history.

The working class white man and black man had a better life in the early to middle 20th century compared to today.

Under Joe Biden the price of homes are double what they were under Trump. the average American can’t afford a home in this country. Again, the response to this by left wingers is one of trolling and ignoring the plight of the working man.

citygator is one of the biggest trolls on this form when confronted with the fact that 75% of black kids are born without a father figure. It’s an issue for white children, but more so by a considerable margin an issue for black children. He comes in and says it doesn’t matter white kids also don’t have fathers.…. Showing that he simply doesn’t care about having an honest conversation. He will call people racist and bring up unrelated points.

Racism and slavery was always a worldwide issue. Blacks, Jews, Indians etc all owned slaves, but these facts don’t mean anything to left-wing propagandists. Left wingers certainly many of them disrespect American history. They are ungrateful, and even insulting toward the founding fathers and the very men who built this country.
Radical, left-wing, BLM supporters act like none of this exists. Not to mention the recent phenomenon of flash mob looting committed almost all by young black youth.

Curried Goats citygator etc have a track record of gaslighting and ignoring the key points being raised.

The main point I make to all of them is even if they believe the propaganda that crime is lower today in the USA then it was in the 70s….. why don’t we have what Japan does which is pretty much zero crime. And neighborhoods that are safe to walk it. There are no areas in Japan known as “the hood” but in the USA you have multiple “hood” areas in practically every city of the country.

The trolls will attempt to blame guns. But plenty of countries in the world have a large number of guns, but they don’t have the violence we do in the USA. The evil issue of mass school shooting, which is mostly committed by a young depressed, lonely white men is an American phenomenon. it doesn’t exist other countries of the world including ones that have access to guns. So response these left troll will again blame guns, which is an easy thing to say and it is humiliating. It’s an insult to honesty. We had just as many guns in the American past, but we did not have mass school shootings.

They’ll never give an honest response to the fact that the divorce rate and child born out of wedlock rate is astronomically higher today than it was in the American past. And it is disproportionately higher among black folks.

In response to the above paragraph lefties call their opponents “racist”. Such behavior by lefties is outrageous, but the left-wing is attempting to normalize hate speech and impoliteness. And so nothing ever gets accomplished. Nothing will be accomplished in this country unless we have change for the better and we toss BLM, cancel culture and wokeness into the trash bin of history.

The working class white man and black man had a better life in the early to middle 20th century compared to today.

Under Joe Biden the price of homes are double what they were under Trump. the average American can’t afford a home in this country. Again, the response to this by left wingers is one of trolling and ignoring the plight of the working man.

citygator is one of the biggest trolls on this form when confronted with the fact that 75% of black kids are born without a father figure. He comes in and says it doesn’t matter…. Showing that he simply doesn’t care about having an honest conversation. He will call people racist and bring up unrelated points.

Racism and slavery was always a worldwide issue. Blacks, Jews, Indians etc all owned slaves, but these facts don’t mean anything to left-wing propagandists.
Bang.... This post qualifies as kryptonite versus the left.

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