Oath breaker pleads guilty to seditious conspiracy.

You probably should have read the article. It says they discussed having a boat on standby, it says nothing about them actually getting one and having the QRF team standing by with it.

Have you got anything factual we can discuss?
TGhey hadf an array of very formidable arms they wanted to get to the Capitol and discussed using a boat to ferry them there. They knew (as you did) that the bridges might be closed and a boat is not real hard to come by
TGhey hadf an array of very formidable arms they wanted to get to the Capitol and discussed using a boat to ferry them there. They knew (as you did) that the bridges might be closed and a boat is not real hard to come by
And how the fk do you know
TGhey hadf an array of very formidable arms they wanted to get to the Capitol and discussed using a boat to ferry them there. They knew (as you did) that the bridges might be closed and a boat is not real hard to come by
You really should learn to read. The talked about getting a boat but it never went beyond that.
Did you ever watch that series "arrested abroad"? Some American or Brit who is captured in a foreign country is forced to sign a confession that he/she was involved in a conspiracy or spend the rest of their sorry lives in prison without trial or bail? Welcome to Orwell's democrat party.
Did you ever watch that series "arrested abroad"? Some American or Brit who is captured in a foreign country is forced to sign a confession that he/she was involved in a conspiracy or spend the rest of their sorry lives in prison without trial or bail? Welcome to Orwell's democrat party.
Federal prosecutors have something approaching a 98-99% success rate in cases they take to trial.

That's why 90% of those charged will take a plea and get no prison time.

I don't think any of these guys are going to get off with no prison time.

If they choose to fight it in court and lose they are pretty much guranteed very long terms in federal prison and it won't be in the country clubs.

That's one hell of an incentive to take a plea deal.
It doesn't whether they did or not

They DID have a QRF ready and waiting...and armed to the teeth
Well yes it does since the claim was that they had a boat standing buy to ferry the QR team cross the Potomac.

If there QR team was anywhere inside the beltway at all they'd have been useless.

They would also be in possession of a hell of a lot of firearms, ammo, and ordnance that is illegal in DC so I somehow doubt they were since all of the roads leading out of DC were closed and all of the vehicles heading out were getting searched.

Again, Piss Poor Planning.
They were in Arlington. The first thing they did when the protest got out of hand was shut down the beltway and the bridges into the city.

Piss poor planning on the part of the Oath Keepers.
Yeah. Those guys are a joke.
Well yes it does since the claim was that they had a boat standing buy to ferry the QR team cross the Potomac.

If there QR team was anywhere inside the beltway at all they'd have been useless.

They would also be in possession of a hell of a lot of firearms, ammo, and ordnance that is illegal in DC so I somehow doubt they were since all of the roads leading out of DC were closed and all of the vehicles heading out were getting searched.

Again, Piss Poor Planning.
Again...no one said the seditious bastards were rocket scintists...but they did their job.

They stopped the count...and if they had driven Pence and Congress from the building the coup might well have succeeded.
Federal prosecutors have something approaching a 98-99% success rate in cases they take to trial.

That's why 90% of those charged will take a plea and get no prison time.

I don't think any of these guys are going to get off with no prison time.

If they choose to fight it in court and lose they are pretty much guranteed very long terms in federal prison and it won't be in the country clubs.

That's one hell of an incentive to take a plea deal.
The government can't afford to try a couple of hundred misdemeanor cases. When government offers a plea to some poor bastard who may or may not have been guilty of criminal trespass and has been in a lockup for more than a year without bail it's a win win when the feds can get a boost for the administration by leaking the plea to the media. What's not to like for democrats to label some poor bastard with a signed conspiracy plea while the Country is going down the drain?
it's written into the Declaration of Independence. He actually didn't violate anything. The trial is illegal.

it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.
Care4all , are you suggesting the declaration isn’t a constitutional document?
No what I want is a new immigration law that spells it all out how to handle illegals.

The right wing doesn't want a new law because they can use it as a political issue every two to four years.

Make a new law that is solid on how immigrants are handled.
What is it you don’t understand about deportation?

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