Obama 1%ers Have Common Theme. They Ship Jobs Overseas


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Seems every big Obama supporter is sending jobs overseas. Today it was announced that GM hired a UK ad firm to do their advertising.

There is no excuse for this.

This is pretty much par for the course....because a French company has been doing the advertising for GM since 2010.

GM is owned by the government (and the UAW). There is no way they can explain this away. Not after Obama gave his State of the Union address and said the following:

Think about the America within our reach: A country that leads the world in educating its people. An America that attracts a new generation of high-tech manufacturing and high-paying jobs. A future where we’re in control of our own energy, and our security and prosperity aren’t so tied to unstable parts of the world. An economy built to last, where hard work pays off, and responsibility is rewarded.

Read more: Obama State of the Union transcript: Full text - - POLITICO.com

I just finished playing one of the best video games I've ever played, written by Microsoft.

Bill Gates is a big Obama supporter. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that the code for the game was written in Vietnam.

GE CEO Jeffery Imelt, a trusted adviser to President Obama, helped make sure that incandescent light-bulbs have been banned here in the United States in favor of the new Chinese made Compact Florescent Light-bulbs. GE's US light-bulb manufacturing has been shut down and now they've opened plants overseas.

Obama shut down drilling in the United States but helped open it up off the coast of Brazil and Libya effectively closing down the oil industry and outsourcing 20,000 jobs. As a matter of fact he said that we would be Brazil's biggest customer. Why did Obama help get rid of Gaddaffi in Libya, but is hesitant to get rid of Assad in Syria? Because BP just won a contract to drill for oil off the coast of Libya, and there is no way they can start drilling as long as Libya is in a civil war.

Time and time again it is revealed that Obama and his major supporters are sending thousands of jobs to foreign countries. This has been one of the biggest complaints by the left, that the rich are outsourcing jobs, but it seems that even the companies the left supports are doing it. I wouldn't say anything if this wasn't the case, because I know how hostile the business environment in the US is right now. Truth is expensive union pensions, high taxes, and a corrupt government are responsible for most of the job losses, not the companies themselves. They are simply doing whatever it takes to remain profitable.

Obama promised in his SOTU address to reward companies that bring jobs back to America but it seems that he's fully involved in sending more and more of them overseas at the same time. When is the left going to admit they've been tricked into believing a fantasy? When are they going to admit the truth about Obama?

Obama is laughing at us.

He thinks we're stupid.

Judging by the lack of response every time I mention what he's doing I think he's right.



Obama – Thinks Americans Are Stupid | Letting Freedom Ring
DeMint: "President Obama Thinks Americans are Stupid" - HUMAN EVENTS
GM's New Ad Campaign: Like a Frenchman! - BloggingStocks
President Obama Emphasizes Auto Bailouts As A Triumph Of His Administration | Fox News
One thing is for certain.

Any Democratic loyalist who imagines that the REPUBLICANS are ENTIRELY responsible for this nation killing economic abortion called FREE TRADE clearly hasn't been paying attention.
One thing is for certain.

Any Democratic loyalist who imagines that the REPUBLICANS are ENTIRELY responsible for this nation killing economic abortion called FREE TRADE clearly hasn't been paying attention.
With a two-faced President anything is possible.

I don't even listen to him anymore because I know from past experience that most of what he says is BS anyway.

He thinks he can BS himself into another 4 years.

With the help he's getting I won't be surprised at all.

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