Obama 2= Carter 1.........OP-ED


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Don't expect any links because I am not going to waste my time. We HAVE been through the exact sh8t BEFORE with Carter AND Iran. What bullsh#t. He JUST gave them NUKES for Gawd sakes AND what a 150 BILLION dollars? And this how our NEW Obama buddies treat us?

Who the hell are you kidding? Guess where your polls are going TOMORROW democrats? Right down the shitter, NO flush noise NO water to move around in. NOPE, not for you. This dumping of democrats is going to be like a good old fashion outhouse sh#t. Just a long drop into a hole in the ground.

You have given the your fellow hoodlums in Iran EVERYTHING and they are STILL taking. THIS is going to hurt you democrats. THIS is going to hurt you BAD.
Epic BAD.

Trump is going to set RECORD NUMBERS now. See ya in Iowa.
Polls? Why are you thinking about polls?
Watching politics is a lot like watching stocks. And Democrat stocks are in for a tumble, a BIG one. It does not matter HOW this ends. Its NOT a question of damage its only a matter of how much?
Polls? Why are you thinking about polls?
Watching politics is a lot like watching stocks. And Democrat stocks are in for a tumble, a BIG one. It does not matter HOW this ends. Its NOT a question of damage its only a matter of how much?

This is a political matter for you.....while normal people consider it to be a matter of national security. Your approach is the reason why nutbags are failing to get their agenda accepted by the American people.

You see how an issue can propel your candidate in his election......and that's al you see. It's an unAmerican approach.
Don't expect any links because I am not going to waste my time. We HAVE been through the exact sh8t BEFORE with Carter AND Iran. What bullsh#t. He JUST gave them NUKES for Gawd sakes

And now for something you will find strange, different, and very uncomfortable. I'm talking, of course, about Reality.

Iran Hands Over Stockpile of Enriched Uranium to Russia

A Russian ship left Iran on Monday carrying almost all of Iran's stockpile of low-enriched uranium, fulfilling a major step in the nuclear deal struck last summer and, for the first time in nearly a decade, apparently leaving Iran with too little fuel to manufacture a nuclear weapon.

Hope this doesn't cause your hack partisan parrot brain to crash.
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Don't expect any links because I am not going to waste my time. We HAVE been through the exact sh8t BEFORE with Carter AND Iran. What bullsh#t. He JUST gave them NUKES for Gawd sakes

And now for something you will find strange, different, and very uncomfortable. I'm talking, of course, about Reality.

Iran Hands Over Stockpile of Enriched Uranium to Russia
A Russian ship left Iran on Monday carrying almost all of Iran's stockpile of low-enriched uranium, fulfilling a major step in the nuclear deal struck last summer and, for the first time in nearly a decade, apparently leaving Iran with too little fuel to manufacture a nuclear weapon.

Hope this doesn't cause your hack partisan parrot brain to crash.
A Russian ship left Iran on Monday carrying almost all of Iran’s stockpile of low-enriched uranium"

Note the words "almost all" AND "low enriched"

How much is "almost all" not by weight but by percentage?
"Low enriched"....graded by who? How about the other levels? Medical grade is higher then"low enriched". Where is it and how much is there?
Don't expect any links because I am not going to waste my time. We HAVE been through the exact sh8t BEFORE with Carter AND Iran. What bullsh#t. He JUST gave them NUKES for Gawd sakes AND what a 150 BILLION dollars? And this how our NEW Obama buddies treat us?

Who the hell are you kidding? Guess where your polls are going TOMORROW democrats? Right down the shitter, NO flush noise NO water to move around in. NOPE, not for you. This dumping of democrats is going to be like a good old fashion outhouse sh#t. Just a long drop into a hole in the ground.

You have given the your fellow hoodlums in Iran EVERYTHING and they are STILL taking. THIS is going to hurt you democrats. THIS is going to hurt you BAD.
Epic BAD.

Trump is going to set RECORD NUMBERS now. See ya in Iowa.
Don't expect any links because I am not going to waste my time.

Then why, pray tell, should anyone else waste theirs?
Obama is getting his kicked because the Iranians have recognized he is their bitch. They humiliate him at every turn and violate the agreement at will.
Polls? Why are you thinking about polls?
Watching politics is a lot like watching stocks. And Democrat stocks are in for a tumble, a BIG one. It does not matter HOW this ends. Its NOT a question of damage its only a matter of how much?

This is a political matter for you.....while normal people consider it to be a matter of national security. Your approach is the reason why nutbags are failing to get their agenda accepted by the American people.

You see how an issue can propel your candidate in his election......and that's al you see. It's an unAmerican approach.
No, its shows where liberal policies lead. Every time they have power America and Americans get sh*t on.
Don't expect any links because I am not going to waste my time. We HAVE been through the exact sh8t BEFORE with Carter AND Iran. What bullsh#t. He JUST gave them NUKES for Gawd sakes AND what a 150 BILLION dollars? And this how our NEW Obama buddies treat us?

Who the hell are you kidding? Guess where your polls are going TOMORROW democrats? Right down the shitter, NO flush noise NO water to move around in. NOPE, not for you. This dumping of democrats is going to be like a good old fashion outhouse sh#t. Just a long drop into a hole in the ground.

You have given the your fellow hoodlums in Iran EVERYTHING and they are STILL taking. THIS is going to hurt you democrats. THIS is going to hurt you BAD.
Epic BAD.

Trump is going to set RECORD NUMBERS now. See ya in Iowa.
Don't expect any links because I am not going to waste my time.

Then why, pray tell, should anyone else waste theirs?
Then go the hell away. BYE!
Obama is getting his kicked because the Iranians have recognized he is their bitch. They humiliate him at every turn and violate the agreement at will.
Like shipping 25,000 pounds of uranium out of their country. They sure showed him! BWA-HA-HA-HA!
And you were there and you saw this and you believe everything they tell you. Russia wouldn't lie, Iran wouldn't lie, and of course Obama wouldn't lie. The lunatics are running the asylum.
And you were there and you saw this and you believe everything they tell you. Russia wouldn't lie, Iran wouldn't lie, and of course Obama wouldn't lie. The lunatics are running the asylum.

What do you believe? Anything?
In order to reach Implementation Day, Iran must neuter its plutonium reactor, reduce its nuclear enrichment capacity and stockpile, and increase access and transparency at its declared nuclear facilities, among other steps.

As soon as Iran completes those steps – a process the Obama administration believed would take between four and six months – the IAEA will declare Iran in compliance of the pact, and the country will begin receiving relief.

The government of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani is understood to be expediting the process, with an eye toward reaching Implementation Day before scheduled parliamentary elections in February.

The shipment of over 25,000 pounds of enriched material – below weapons- grade, but with the potential to become weaponized with further refinement – was facilitated with the help of Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Norway.

Jerusalem Post
Obama is getting his kicked because the Iranians have recognized he is their bitch. They humiliate him at every turn and violate the agreement at will.

Clueless......the treaty was negotiated by all permanent members of the UN security council
Don't expect any links because I am not going to waste my time. We HAVE been through the exact sh8t BEFORE with Carter AND Iran. What bullsh#t. He JUST gave them NUKES for Gawd sakes

And now for something you will find strange, different, and very uncomfortable. I'm talking, of course, about Reality.

Iran Hands Over Stockpile of Enriched Uranium to Russia

A Russian ship left Iran on Monday carrying almost all of Iran's stockpile of low-enriched uranium, fulfilling a major step in the nuclear deal struck last summer and, for the first time in nearly a decade, apparently leaving Iran with too little fuel to manufacture a nuclear weapon.

Hope this doesn't cause your hack partisan parrot brain to crash.

This was verified by Iran and the UN inspectors were not allowed to check it. And there are actually fools that believe them .LMFAO
And you were there and you saw this and you believe everything they tell you. Russia wouldn't lie, Iran wouldn't lie, and of course Obama wouldn't lie. The lunatics are running the asylum.

You don't believe it cause you didn't see it?
Don't expect any links because I am not going to waste my time. We HAVE been through the exact sh8t BEFORE with Carter AND Iran. What bullsh#t. He JUST gave them NUKES for Gawd sakes

And now for something you will find strange, different, and very uncomfortable. I'm talking, of course, about Reality.

Iran Hands Over Stockpile of Enriched Uranium to Russia

A Russian ship left Iran on Monday carrying almost all of Iran's stockpile of low-enriched uranium, fulfilling a major step in the nuclear deal struck last summer and, for the first time in nearly a decade, apparently leaving Iran with too little fuel to manufacture a nuclear weapon.

Hope this doesn't cause your hack partisan parrot brain to crash.

This was verified by Iran and the UN inspectors were not allowed to check it. And there are actually fools that believe them .LMFAO

Making shit up as you go along is frowned upon in the Reality based community...

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