Obama 2014: Crime and Poverty Does Not Justify Asylum

He is right. Asylum is a high bar. I have no problem with that. What you lot don't seem to comprehend is that seeking asylum is a legal right ib this country. Doesnt mean you will get it or should get it, but you have a right to seek it.

That is the part Trumpists fail to understand.
Granting asylum is conducted at the pleasure of the United States Government. If Trump wished he could simply say there will be no asylum granted, much like what FDR did to Jews fleeing Germany.
Asylum is a law, not a pleasure. Should you want to turn it into sonething arbritary, like pardons, get Congress to change the law.

In fact the law was created specifically because we, a nation at the time that was as xenophobic as we are becoming now, turned Jews away from our shores and sent them back to die in Europe. There was no asylum law when FDR turned them away.
And in the end we went to war.
Perhaps a like response is required if things South of the Border are truly so horrendous.

He is right. Asylum is a high bar. I have no problem with that. What you lot don't seem to comprehend is that seeking asylum is a legal right ib this country. Doesnt mean you will get it or should get it, but you have a right to seek it.

That is the part Trumpists fail to understand.
Granting asylum is conducted at the pleasure of the United States Government. If Trump wished he could simply say there will be no asylum granted, much like what FDR did to Jews fleeing Germany.
Asylum is a law, not a pleasure. Should you want to turn it into sonething arbritary, like pardons, get Congress to change the law.

In fact the law was created specifically because we, a nation at the time that was as xenophobic as we are becoming now, turned Jews away from our shores and sent them back to die in Europe. There was no asylum law when FDR turned them away.
And in the end we went to war.
Perhaps a like response is required if things South of the Border are truly so horrendous.



I am so sick of warring! I have had it up to the top of my head!]


It still brings back flash backs as a young child, being worried to death that I would never see my dad again, when he went to VietNam for a year!!! No child should have to go through that.... unless it is the absolute last resort for our own immediate protection.

And I am also married to a disabled Vet...

I CAN put myself in the shoes of all of the Military wives and children, and enough is enough.... no more warring!

Which bills did the House pass that will help resolve the immigration crisis? Please tell us so we too may push the Senate to act.

I’ll wait here for your list of Bills.

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The 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill that started out with an ID card would have ended this GOP scam forever. But of course that would be communism.
2010? That’d be a Republican Congress, Sherlock.

I’m not talking history, what have Democrat’s done?
As I said the GOP has blocked everything for 50 years really. Except Obamacare when the Democrats finally had 60 votes to beat the GOP garbage filibuster law. on the other hand the garbage GOP reconciliation law means that the GOP only need 51 votes to cut taxes on the rich and opportunity and services for everyone else. What a GOP scam. And why democrats should use the nuclear option forever now. People will be able to see what each party actually wants...
Well Trump will be reelected for sure if the Dems continue their call to totally decriminalize illegal immigration, and NOT just by saying "if you have a kid, you can stay and raise it with public education and schips, if you make little enough to qualify, but NOW the dems go even "better" and say the adults here illegally should get "free" healthcare …. that is paid for by debt or taxes on people legally here.

I hate to have any agreement with Tom Friedman but his op ed in the NYT today says just that … the dems are going to reelect a racist misogynist self proclaimed sexual assaulter reelected by decriminalizing illegal immigration and trying to get rid of the healthcare of 250 million americans with jobs
Bendog, what IS the Dem proposals on immigration? I know there IS one, but we are so busy biting our knuckles over the latest tweet that I have no idea what's up. All I know is that the Republican mantra of 'open borders' screeched by Republicans enmasse is not true. But neither do I know in depth what the proposal from Feinstein and rejected by Trump after being accepted by Trump laid out. Do you?
Well I read they had a debate and every dem pledged free healthcare to illegal aliens. WTF?

And every proposal I've heard they came up with included people - who'd been here a long time with no additional crimes - can somehow stay. I just can't buy that. It's rewarding someone who cheated and broke the law. I don't think the dems will propose starting to deport those folks now.

The dems universally have said our holding facilites for adults are inhumane for over crowding. But I believe Homeland Sec is required to have 35K beds at all times. Maybe 45K but I think it was 35K. If it's overcrowded, that's not my fault.

As it stands now, unless they have a fake soc sec #, they cant get soc sec (and I assume medicare) but I've read there's something like a million doing just that. Personally, I could maybe buy closing that bs up, and saying we'll set some number to deport each year, and try to go after people who are no longer raising kids. Putting Kids who cannot be deported into foster care is expensive. But if we can catch 50-60 year olds, we should kick them out. It's mean, but we're supposed to be mean to people who break the law. We put people who just sold drugs three times in jail for decades, if they were too poor to claim they were in treatment.

I don't think we have to call them names or say their basically vermin who we can tell will grow up to be in gangs. Most of them are just desperately poor and will do what they can to get a better life. But its not my job, or our kids' jobs, to help all of them.
The 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill that started out with an ID card would have ended this GOP scam forever. But of course that would be communism.
2010? That’d be a Republican Congress, Sherlock.

I’m not talking history, what have Democrat’s done?
As I said the GOP has blocked everything for 50 years really. Except Obamacare when the Democrats finally had 60 votes to beat the GOP garbage filibuster law. on the other hand the garbage GOP reconciliation law means that the GOP only need 51 votes to cut taxes on the rich and opportunity and services for everyone else. What a GOP scam. And why democrats should use the nuclear option forever now. People will be able to see what each party actually wants...
Well Trump will be reelected for sure if the Dems continue their call to totally decriminalize illegal immigration, and NOT just by saying "if you have a kid, you can stay and raise it with public education and schips, if you make little enough to qualify, but NOW the dems go even "better" and say the adults here illegally should get "free" healthcare …. that is paid for by debt or taxes on people legally here.

I hate to have any agreement with Tom Friedman but his op ed in the NYT today says just that … the dems are going to reelect a racist misogynist self proclaimed sexual assaulter reelected by decriminalizing illegal immigration and trying to get rid of the healthcare of 250 million americans with jobs
Bendog, what IS the Dem proposals on immigration? I know there IS one, but we are so busy biting our knuckles over the latest tweet that I have no idea what's up. All I know is that the Republican mantra of 'open borders' screeched by Republicans enmasse is not true. But neither do I know in depth what the proposal from Feinstein and rejected by Trump after being accepted by Trump laid out. Do you?
Well I read they had a debate and every dem pledged free healthcare to illegal aliens. WTF?

And every proposal I've heard they came up with included people - who'd been here a long time with no additional crimes - can somehow stay. I just can't buy that. It's rewarding someone who cheated and broke the law. I don't think the dems will propose starting to deport those folks now.

The dems universally have said our holding facilites for adults are inhumane for over crowding. But I believe Homeland Sec is required to have 35K beds at all times. Maybe 45K but I think it was 35K. If it's overcrowded, that's not my fault.

As it stands now, unless they have a fake soc sec #, they cant get soc sec (and I assume medicare) but I've read there's something like a million doing just that. Personally, I could maybe buy closing that bs up, and saying we'll set some number to deport each year, and try to go after people who are no longer raising kids. Putting Kids who cannot be deported into foster care is expensive. But if we can catch 50-60 year olds, we should kick them out. It's mean, but we're supposed to be mean to people who break the law. We put people who just sold drugs three times in jail for decades, if they were too poor to claim they were in treatment.

I don't think we have to call them names or say their basically vermin who we can tell will grow up to be in gangs. Most of them are just desperately poor and will do what they can to get a better life. But its not my job, or our kids' jobs, to help all of them.
the GOP has refused an ID card that would end this like every other modern country. throwing people out who have been here for years and working hard is inhumane and is not going to happen in great numbers. We need some kind of amnesty for those people and an ID card to end this long-running GOP scam forever. End of story. The Wall is stupid and won't do a damn thing and it's just part of the GOP giveaway to the rich and bring in easily bullied cheap labor, super duper.
I'd be fine with temporarily licensing some non-citizen workers for industries where employers could show they can't fill the jobs otherwise. And making sure they had heathcare. I think there are laws/regulations making migrant agricultural workers less exploited. And that doesn't really have any immigration issue. Refugees also really aren't part of immigration. They present a different problem of assimilation. And it's not about muslims. The Vietnam era refugees had problems, and still do.

But I don't see how there's some statute of limitations kind of thing on just evading capture by immigration cops for a long time. I don't see what's inhumane about it. Harsh for sure. Kick em back to where they came from. They'll for sure have a bad outcome there, but maybe that will stop others from breaking the law.

I'm not for Trump's dislike of chain immigration. And I think HB-1 visas are abused. They need to be temporary and employer need to train americans.
What's laughable if not funny is that Obama was willing to tackle immigration in a way short of Trump's absolute cut off but Republicans just sat on any proposals just like they are doing today. The house has passed some 50 bills that are sitting in the Senate because McConnell wont address them. So stuff a sock in it, weather. Republican playbook is to create a situation, then complain about it while stupid people swallow the scam whole and the immigration bottleneck is a major example. Problem is that the whole world is watching the vast difference between what we say and what we do in this issue, and I think most of our friends have simply unplugged the trust-o-meter as non-working these days.
Trump tried to use the same tactic Obama did. But Trump was a racist and Obama wasn't. Shows how screwed up you people are.
What's laughable if not funny is that Obama was willing to tackle immigration in a way short of Trump's absolute cut off but Republicans just sat on any proposals just like they are doing today. The house has passed some 50 bills that are sitting in the Senate because McConnell wont address them. So stuff a sock in it, weather. Republican playbook is to create a situation, then complain about it while stupid people swallow the scam whole and the immigration bottleneck is a major example. Problem is that the whole world is watching the vast difference between what we say and what we do in this issue, and I think most of our friends have simply unplugged the trust-o-meter as non-working these days.
Trump tried to use the same tactic Obama did. But Trump was a racist and Obama wasn't. Shows how screwed up you people are.
jknowgood, saying it ain't enough. Give us an example of Trump trying the same tactic as Obama and the unfair reaction against his effort. That way folks can see what you mean and not dismiss your word as a Trump CYA.
Kind of amazing when you think about it. I'm not an Obama fan, but many of his positions on things were pretty solid. By some measure he's a breath of fresh air compared to the absurd left today.
What's laughable if not funny is that Obama was willing to tackle immigration in a way short of Trump's absolute cut off but Republicans just sat on any proposals just like they are doing today. The house has passed some 50 bills that are sitting in the Senate because McConnell wont address them. So stuff a sock in it, weather. Republican playbook is to create a situation, then complain about it while stupid people swallow the scam whole and the immigration bottleneck is a major example. Problem is that the whole world is watching the vast difference between what we say and what we do in this issue, and I think most of our friends have simply unplugged the trust-o-meter as non-working these days.
Trump tried to use the same tactic Obama did. But Trump was a racist and Obama wasn't. Shows how screwed up you people are.
jknowgood, saying it ain't enough. Give us an example of Trump trying the same tactic as Obama and the unfair reaction against his effort. That way folks can see what you mean and not dismiss your word as a Trump CYA.
Trump tried to deny entry from the exact same countries than Obama did. He is called a racist. Obama a hero. See the difference?
He is right. Asylum is a high bar. I have no problem with that. What you lot don't seem to comprehend is that seeking asylum is a legal right ib this country. Doesnt mean you will get it or should get it, but you have a right to seek it.

That is the part Trumpists fail to understand.
Granting asylum is conducted at the pleasure of the United States Government. If Trump wished he could simply say there will be no asylum granted, much like what FDR did to Jews fleeing Germany.
Asylum is a law, not a pleasure. Should you want to turn it into sonething arbritary, like pardons, get Congress to change the law.

In fact the law was created specifically because we, a nation at the time that was as xenophobic as we are becoming now, turned Jews away from our shores and sent them back to die in Europe. There was no asylum law when FDR turned them away.
FDR ordered them to turn back. He ignored the advise and input from his Ambassador who tried to warn Stalins sock puppet about Germany under the Nazis

That is what I said. And FDR had the country behind him. They didn't want European Jews coming to America. A shameful period in American history.
He is right. Asylum is a high bar. I have no problem with that. What you lot don't seem to comprehend is that seeking asylum is a legal right ib this country. Doesnt mean you will get it or should get it, but you have a right to seek it.

That is the part Trumpists fail to understand.
Granting asylum is conducted at the pleasure of the United States Government. If Trump wished he could simply say there will be no asylum granted, much like what FDR did to Jews fleeing Germany.
Asylum is a law, not a pleasure. Should you want to turn it into sonething arbritary, like pardons, get Congress to change the law.

In fact the law was created specifically because we, a nation at the time that was as xenophobic as we are becoming now, turned Jews away from our shores and sent them back to die in Europe. There was no asylum law when FDR turned them away.
And in the end we went to war.
Perhaps a like response is required if things South of the Border are truly so horrendous.

Strange that you are demonizing victims....kind of like what was done too the Jews.
He is right. Asylum is a high bar. I have no problem with that. What you lot don't seem to comprehend is that seeking asylum is a legal right ib this country. Doesnt mean you will get it or should get it, but you have a right to seek it.

That is the part Trumpists fail to understand.
Granting asylum is conducted at the pleasure of the United States Government. If Trump wished he could simply say there will be no asylum granted, much like what FDR did to Jews fleeing Germany.
Asylum is a law, not a pleasure. Should you want to turn it into sonething arbritary, like pardons, get Congress to change the law.

In fact the law was created specifically because we, a nation at the time that was as xenophobic as we are becoming now, turned Jews away from our shores and sent them back to die in Europe. There was no asylum law when FDR turned them away.
He is right. Asylum is a high bar. I have no problem with that. What you lot don't seem to comprehend is that seeking asylum is a legal right ib this country. Doesnt mean you will get it or should get it, but you have a right to seek it.

That is the part Trumpists fail to understand.
Granting asylum is conducted at the pleasure of the United States Government. If Trump wished he could simply say there will be no asylum granted, much like what FDR did to Jews fleeing Germany.
Asylum is a law, not a pleasure. Should you want to turn it into sonething arbritary, like pardons, get Congress to change the law.

In fact the law was created specifically because we, a nation at the time that was as xenophobic as we are becoming now, turned Jews away from our shores and sent them back to die in Europe. There was no asylum law when FDR turned them away.
we banned immigrants from many nations we see as a threat to our security.

Again - that actually has no impact on asylum law. They can still claim asylum. If you don't like it, pester your congress critters to change it...and then think about the St. Louis. European Jews were vilified as the dirty filthy foreign unAmerican (and probably commie) trash back then. You will simply be repeating history.
The 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill that started out with an ID card would have ended this GOP scam forever. But of course that would be communism.
2010? That’d be a Republican Congress, Sherlock.

I’m not talking history, what have Democrat’s done?
As I said the GOP has blocked everything for 50 years really. Except Obamacare when the Democrats finally had 60 votes to beat the GOP garbage filibuster law. on the other hand the garbage GOP reconciliation law means that the GOP only need 51 votes to cut taxes on the rich and opportunity and services for everyone else. What a GOP scam. And why democrats should use the nuclear option forever now. People will be able to see what each party actually wants...
Well Trump will be reelected for sure if the Dems continue their call to totally decriminalize illegal immigration, and NOT just by saying "if you have a kid, you can stay and raise it with public education and schips, if you make little enough to qualify, but NOW the dems go even "better" and say the adults here illegally should get "free" healthcare …. that is paid for by debt or taxes on people legally here.

I hate to have any agreement with Tom Friedman but his op ed in the NYT today says just that … the dems are going to reelect a racist misogynist self proclaimed sexual assaulter reelected by decriminalizing illegal immigration and trying to get rid of the healthcare of 250 million americans with jobs
Bendog, what IS the Dem proposals on immigration? I know there IS one, but we are so busy biting our knuckles over the latest tweet that I have no idea what's up. All I know is that the Republican mantra of 'open borders' screeched by Republicans enmasse is not true. But neither do I know in depth what the proposal from Feinstein and rejected by Trump after being accepted by Trump laid out. Do you?
Dem proposals on immigration is open borders and eliminate ICE.

The more I read the more I'm convinced that ICE needs to be reorganized and held accountable along with those private detention centers raking in millions of taxpayer dollars, for the horrific conditions they are creating.

Enforcement will always be part of immigration, but it might be time to dump ICE. The culture is toxic, and accountability and transparency absent.

Few advocate open borders...but hey, it makes a good rightist talking point.
What's laughable if not funny is that Obama was willing to tackle immigration in a way short of Trump's absolute cut off but Republicans just sat on any proposals just like they are doing today. The house has passed some 50 bills that are sitting in the Senate because McConnell wont address them. So stuff a sock in it, weather. Republican playbook is to create a situation, then complain about it while stupid people swallow the scam whole and the immigration bottleneck is a major example. Problem is that the whole world is watching the vast difference between what we say and what we do in this issue, and I think most of our friends have simply unplugged the trust-o-meter as non-working these days.
Trump tried to use the same tactic Obama did. But Trump was a racist and Obama wasn't. Shows how screwed up you people are.
jknowgood, saying it ain't enough. Give us an example of Trump trying the same tactic as Obama and the unfair reaction against his effort. That way folks can see what you mean and not dismiss your word as a Trump CYA.
Trump tried to deny entry from the exact same countries than Obama did. He is called a racist. Obama a hero. See the difference?

Can YOU see the difference?

Flawed comparison on immigration restrictions
He is right. Asylum is a high bar. I have no problem with that. What you lot don't seem to comprehend is that seeking asylum is a legal right ib this country. Doesnt mean you will get it or should get it, but you have a right to seek it.

That is the part Trumpists fail to understand.
Granting asylum is conducted at the pleasure of the United States Government. If Trump wished he could simply say there will be no asylum granted, much like what FDR did to Jews fleeing Germany.
Asylum is a law, not a pleasure. Should you want to turn it into sonething arbritary, like pardons, get Congress to change the law.

In fact the law was created specifically because we, a nation at the time that was as xenophobic as we are becoming now, turned Jews away from our shores and sent them back to die in Europe. There was no asylum law when FDR turned them away.
And in the end we went to war.
Perhaps a like response is required if things South of the Border are truly so horrendous.

Strange that you are demonizing victims....kind of like what was done too the Jews.
Let’s clarify the situation...
Why are they seeking to reside in the US?
Because their nations are making their lives miserable?
So how is the US kicking the shit out of their oppressors being like Hitler was with the Jews?
You must admire the leaders they are fleeing.
He is right. Asylum is a high bar. I have no problem with that. What you lot don't seem to comprehend is that seeking asylum is a legal right ib this country. Doesnt mean you will get it or should get it, but you have a right to seek it.

That is the part Trumpists fail to understand.
Granting asylum is conducted at the pleasure of the United States Government. If Trump wished he could simply say there will be no asylum granted, much like what FDR did to Jews fleeing Germany.
Asylum is a law, not a pleasure. Should you want to turn it into sonething arbritary, like pardons, get Congress to change the law.

In fact the law was created specifically because we, a nation at the time that was as xenophobic as we are becoming now, turned Jews away from our shores and sent them back to die in Europe. There was no asylum law when FDR turned them away.
And in the end we went to war.
Perhaps a like response is required if things South of the Border are truly so horrendous.

Strange that you are demonizing victims....kind of like what was done too the Jews.
Let’s clarify the situation...
Why are they seeking to reside in the US?
Because their nations are making their lives miserable?
So how is the US kicking the shit out of their oppressors being like Hitler was with the Jews?
You must admire the leaders they are fleeing.

There are a variety of reasons causing migration, all around the world in fact. And some of them are legitimate reasons for asylum claims.

But I'm guessing you would not see it and would prefer to go back to the days marked by turning away the St. Louis - only, you would target different ethnic groups to bar entry to.

Things really don't change much.
Granting asylum is conducted at the pleasure of the United States Government. If Trump wished he could simply say there will be no asylum granted, much like what FDR did to Jews fleeing Germany.
Asylum is a law, not a pleasure. Should you want to turn it into sonething arbritary, like pardons, get Congress to change the law.

In fact the law was created specifically because we, a nation at the time that was as xenophobic as we are becoming now, turned Jews away from our shores and sent them back to die in Europe. There was no asylum law when FDR turned them away.
And in the end we went to war.
Perhaps a like response is required if things South of the Border are truly so horrendous.

Strange that you are demonizing victims....kind of like what was done too the Jews.
Let’s clarify the situation...
Why are they seeking to reside in the US?
Because their nations are making their lives miserable?
So how is the US kicking the shit out of their oppressors being like Hitler was with the Jews?
You must admire the leaders they are fleeing.

There are a variety of reasons causing migration, all around the world in fact. And some of them are legitimate reasons for asylum claims.

But I'm guessing you would not see it and would prefer to go back to the days marked by turning away the St. Louis - only, you would target different ethnic groups to bar entry to.

Things really don't change much.
Are you an idiot?
Do you watch the news?
These people are storming our border to escape their Brown leaders and your demented, Self-hating White brain can’t handle that fact.
Asylum is a law, not a pleasure. Should you want to turn it into sonething arbritary, like pardons, get Congress to change the law.

In fact the law was created specifically because we, a nation at the time that was as xenophobic as we are becoming now, turned Jews away from our shores and sent them back to die in Europe. There was no asylum law when FDR turned them away.
And in the end we went to war.
Perhaps a like response is required if things South of the Border are truly so horrendous.

Strange that you are demonizing victims....kind of like what was done too the Jews.
Let’s clarify the situation...
Why are they seeking to reside in the US?
Because their nations are making their lives miserable?
So how is the US kicking the shit out of their oppressors being like Hitler was with the Jews?
You must admire the leaders they are fleeing.

There are a variety of reasons causing migration, all around the world in fact. And some of them are legitimate reasons for asylum claims.

But I'm guessing you would not see it and would prefer to go back to the days marked by turning away the St. Louis - only, you would target different ethnic groups to bar entry to.

Things really don't change much.
Are you an idiot?
Do you watch the news?
These people are storming our border to escape their Brown leaders and your demented, Self-hating White brain can’t handle that fact.

Full of colors and dementia are you?

Look at what's going on in those countries - failed states, severe drought, poverty, starvation, uncontrolled gang violence and corruption. Ya, leadership failures, but much more.

Keep pretending it's about color. Or is it to you?

Keep pretending it's everyone else problem to deal with it.
And in the end we went to war.
Perhaps a like response is required if things South of the Border are truly so horrendous.

Strange that you are demonizing victims....kind of like what was done too the Jews.
Let’s clarify the situation...
Why are they seeking to reside in the US?
Because their nations are making their lives miserable?
So how is the US kicking the shit out of their oppressors being like Hitler was with the Jews?
You must admire the leaders they are fleeing.

There are a variety of reasons causing migration, all around the world in fact. And some of them are legitimate reasons for asylum claims.

But I'm guessing you would not see it and would prefer to go back to the days marked by turning away the St. Louis - only, you would target different ethnic groups to bar entry to.

Things really don't change much.
Are you an idiot?
Do you watch the news?
These people are storming our border to escape their Brown leaders and your demented, Self-hating White brain can’t handle that fact.

Full of colors and dementia are you?

Look at what's going on in those countries - failed states, severe drought, poverty, starvation, uncontrolled gang violence and corruption. Ya, leadership failures, but much more.

Keep pretending it's about color. Or is it to you?

Keep pretending it's everyone else problem to deal with it.
Why is their infrastructure so bad?
Well, my Brown family and Brown co-workers who escaped from the Brown leaders said it was because their Brown leaders were Drug Lords.
Asylum is a law, not a pleasure. Should you want to turn it into sonething arbritary, like pardons, get Congress to change the law.

In fact the law was created specifically because we, a nation at the time that was as xenophobic as we are becoming now, turned Jews away from our shores and sent them back to die in Europe. There was no asylum law when FDR turned them away.
And in the end we went to war.
Perhaps a like response is required if things South of the Border are truly so horrendous.

Strange that you are demonizing victims....kind of like what was done too the Jews.
Let’s clarify the situation...
Why are they seeking to reside in the US?
Because their nations are making their lives miserable?
So how is the US kicking the shit out of their oppressors being like Hitler was with the Jews?
You must admire the leaders they are fleeing.

There are a variety of reasons causing migration, all around the world in fact. And some of them are legitimate reasons for asylum claims.

But I'm guessing you would not see it and would prefer to go back to the days marked by turning away the St. Louis - only, you would target different ethnic groups to bar entry to.

Things really don't change much.
Are you an idiot?
Do you watch the news?
These people are storming our border to escape their Brown leaders and your demented, Self-hating White brain can’t handle that fact.

Not at all true.

The majority of the asylum seekers are from Honduras, which was taken over by the military because the elected president Zelany was getting to friendly with Chavez in Venezuela, and the US wanted him taken out.
The US was the ONLY country in the world to not condemn the military takeover, and it is the US power over the Honduran military that is causing mass murder in Honduras.

In fact, we also are the cause of all the asylum seekers in Europe, who are trying to escape death in Syria, after we caused the fighting there, with Hillary's "Arab Spring" plan.

The US has been controlling the militaries of all the South and Central American countries since the start of the Monroe Doctrine. For example, we are the ones who bribed Pinochet into murdering tens of thousands in Chile.

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