Obama actually did lose Iraq, Graham explains the negotiations.

He may have been executing the plan of those who knew how to control the options of America for the next generation.
"The future, Mr. Gites! The future!" (Chinatown)
Andylusion 14292886
I believe Bush hoped to avoid violence. I don't think he lied at all. The problem is, Saddam refused to allow unconditional weapons inspections. He even said as much. Saddam claimed that he believed the UN inspection teams were filled with CIA operatives. First I highly doubt that. Second, even if it was true, so what? Saddam didn't have any important information we didn't already know.

So Saddam put his own head in the noose and hanged himself on the US military. I don't think Bush lied about anything.

Doesn't really matter what Clinton said, when Saddam refused. She didn't give another option.

You suffer much misinformation on the UN inspections of 2003. Iraq was credited with cooperating on process and substance proactively according to Dr Blix in February and early March 2003 prior to Bush deciding to use military force. Do you think bombing and a blitzkrieg like invasion is not resorting to violence?

Saddam Hussein alleged UN inspectors were spies in 1998. Get with it Bush invaded on March 20 2003. Saddam had invited Bush to send the CIA into Iraq directly to find WMD along with the UN. That was December 2002. He could not have cooperated any more than that. Bush refused to consider the offer.

Bush said using military force would be his last resort and he wanted peaceful disarmament of Iraq.

Bush was getting exactly that when Bush terminated the inspections that were doing just that. It was not Saddam Hussein that forced the inspectors to leave. It was Bush who announced the start of violent inspections coming soon in March 17, 2003.

You are so wrong there is no excuse for it.
Frank keeps lying.

Al Maliki would not negotiate with Bush because was holding out for American soldier protection. He failed.

Obama took office. When the Iraqis would not budge, Obama brought the troops home.

When ISIS tried to take over Iraq, the Iraqis gave SOFA protection to American troops.

Obama fucked up by sending troops back over.

Frank can lie all day long and I will keep correcting him.

Jake is dropping all pretense of being anything other than an Obama Shill. It's sad but not unexpected given 99% of his posts defend Obama and Hillary

I quoted chapter and verse from Condi on the SOFA and then I posted the question Jake won't answer honestly: If Obama couldn't get Iraq to agree to immunity, why is he sending troops back into Iraq?
The US has reached an agreement with Iraq on privileges and immunities for the growing number of troops based in the country, helping in the fight against theIslamic State (Isis) militant group, the new US ambassador said on Thursday.

Stuart Jones said prime minister Haider al-Abadi has given assurances that US troops will receive immunity from prosecution. Under Iraq’s former prime minister, Nouri al-Maliki, the issue was a major sticking point, ultimately leading to the decision to withdraw all remaining US troops in late 2011.

“That was a different situation and those troops would have had a different role,” Jones said.

You really have to get google Frank. It's amazing whats in it.
Frank keeps lying.

Al Maliki would not negotiate with Bush because was holding out for American soldier protection. He failed.

Obama took office. When the Iraqis would not budge, Obama brought the troops home.

When ISIS tried to take over Iraq, the Iraqis gave SOFA protection to American troops.

Obama fucked up by sending troops back over.

Frank can lie all day long and I will keep correcting him.

Jake is dropping all pretense of being anything other than an Obama Shill. It's sad but not unexpected given 99% of his posts defend Obama and Hillary

I quoted chapter and verse from Condi on the SOFA and then I posted the question Jake won't answer honestly: If Obama couldn't get Iraq to agree to immunity, why is he sending troops back into Iraq?
Iraq inks deal to pave way for US return
The Obama administration secured two diplomatic concessions from Iraq’s government on Monday: an immunity deal for U.S. special operations forces and a commitment from Iraq’s prime minister to begin forming a new government.

The immunity agreement paves the way for 300 special operations forces to begin training and advising Iraq’s army, which has repeatedly folded in the face of a charge by the radical Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) that has taken over a territory stretching across both countries.
The US has reached an agreement with Iraq on privileges and immunities for the growing number of troops based in the country, helping in the fight against theIslamic State (Isis) militant group, the new US ambassador said on Thursday.

Stuart Jones said prime minister Haider al-Abadi has given assurances that US troops will receive immunity from prosecution. Under Iraq’s former prime minister, Nouri al-Maliki, the issue was a major sticking point, ultimately leading to the decision to withdraw all remaining US troops in late 2011.

“That was a different situation and those troops would have had a different role,” Jones said.

You really have to get google Frank. It's amazing whats in it.

So Obama was able to get immunity. I thought he wasn't able to get Iraq to grant immunity
Frank keeps lying.

Al Maliki would not negotiate with Bush because was holding out for American soldier protection. He failed.

Obama took office. When the Iraqis would not budge, Obama brought the troops home.

When ISIS tried to take over Iraq, the Iraqis gave SOFA protection to American troops.

Obama fucked up by sending troops back over.

Frank can lie all day long and I will keep correcting him.

Jake is dropping all pretense of being anything other than an Obama Shill. It's sad but not unexpected given 99% of his posts defend Obama and Hillary

I quoted chapter and verse from Condi on the SOFA and then I posted the question Jake won't answer honestly: If Obama couldn't get Iraq to agree to immunity, why is he sending troops back into Iraq?
Iraq inks deal to pave way for US return
The Obama administration secured two diplomatic concessions from Iraq’s government on Monday: an immunity deal for U.S. special operations forces and a commitment from Iraq’s prime minister to begin forming a new government.

The immunity agreement paves the way for 300 special operations forces to begin training and advising Iraq’s army, which has repeatedly folded in the face of a charge by the radical Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) that has taken over a territory stretching across both countries.

So Obama was able to get immunity. I thought Obama and his mouthpeice Jake told us that he wasn't able to get Iraq to grant immunity
Frank keeps lying.

Al Maliki would not negotiate with Bush because was holding out for American soldier protection. He failed.

Obama took office. When the Iraqis would not budge, Obama brought the troops home.

When ISIS tried to take over Iraq, the Iraqis gave SOFA protection to American troops.

Obama fucked up by sending troops back over.

Frank can lie all day long and I will keep correcting him.

Jake is dropping all pretense of being anything other than an Obama Shill. It's sad but not unexpected given 99% of his posts defend Obama and Hillary

I quoted chapter and verse from Condi on the SOFA and then I posted the question Jake won't answer honestly: If Obama couldn't get Iraq to agree to immunity, why is he sending troops back into Iraq?
Iraq inks deal to pave way for US return
The Obama administration secured two diplomatic concessions from Iraq’s government on Monday: an immunity deal for U.S. special operations forces and a commitment from Iraq’s prime minister to begin forming a new government.

The immunity agreement paves the way for 300 special operations forces to begin training and advising Iraq’s army, which has repeatedly folded in the face of a charge by the radical Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) that has taken over a territory stretching across both countries.

So Obama was able to get immunity. I thought Obama and his mouthpeice Jake told us that he wasn't able to get Iraq to grant immunity
Different set of circumstances obviously. I'm not going to have to explain it to you I hope.
Frank is an unabashed neo-con. He is a war monger. I have condemned both Bush and Obama, and he supports the both. Bush lost the peace, and Obama still wants troops in the ME.

The true conservative principle is stay out of overseas conflicts we cannot maintain without hundreds of thousands of boot on the ground, exactly as General Shinseki testified.
Frank is an unabashed neo-con. He is a war monger. I have condemned both Bush and Obama, and he supports the both. Bush lost the peace, and Obama still wants troops in the ME.

The true conservative principle is stay out of overseas conflicts we cannot maintain without hundreds of thousands of boot on the ground, exactly as General Shinseki testified.

Frank's fiscally conservative, you're just another liberal who doesn't know what "neocon" means
Did Iraq fall apart a week after we left? No. It fell apart after the Iraqi leaders went back to their douchebage sectarian ways .

When we left republicans took credit ! "Obama is just following bushs plan." Now leaving was a mistake ?
Did Iraq fall apart a week after we left? No. It fell apart after the Iraqi leaders went back to their douchebage sectarian ways .
Complete it, please, "and we weren't there to make them get along."

Timmy, that ain't our business, kid
Did Iraq fall apart a week after we left? No. It fell apart after the Iraqi leaders went back to their douchebage sectarian ways .
Complete it, please, "and we weren't there to make them get along."

Timmy, that ain't our business, kid

It ain't !

I feel bad for them, but a decade (plus) of lives , money, and blood was given to those birds . Not our fault they can't fly .

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