Obama actually did lose Iraq, Graham explains the negotiations.

Did Iraq fall apart a week after we left? No. It fell apart after the Iraqi leaders went back to their douchebage sectarian ways .

When we left republicans took credit ! "Obama is just following bushs plan." Now leaving was a mistake ?

Exactly, Obama ran the war for several years before leaving and letting it fall apart, you got the timeline right
Did Iraq fall apart a week after we left? No. It fell apart after the Iraqi leaders went back to their douchebage sectarian ways .

When we left republicans took credit ! "Obama is just following bushs plan." Now leaving was a mistake ?

Exactly, Obama ran the war for several years before leaving and letting it fall apart, you got the timeline right

Keeping Iraq together with only the blood of our soldiers is nothing but a facade of success .
Andylusion 14292886
I believe Bush hoped to avoid violence. I don't think he lied at all. The problem is, Saddam refused to allow unconditional weapons inspections. He even said as much. Saddam claimed that he believed the UN inspection teams were filled with CIA operatives. First I highly doubt that. Second, even if it was true, so what? Saddam didn't have any important information we didn't already know.

So Saddam put his own head in the noose and hanged himself on the US military. I don't think Bush lied about anything.

Doesn't really matter what Clinton said, when Saddam refused. She didn't give another option.

You suffer much misinformation on the UN inspections of 2003. Iraq was credited with cooperating on process and substance proactively according to Dr Blix in February and early March 2003 prior to Bush deciding to use military force. Do you think bombing and a blitzkrieg like invasion is not resorting to violence?

Saddam Hussein alleged UN inspectors were spies in 1998. Get with it Bush invaded on March 20 2003. Saddam had invited Bush to send the CIA into Iraq directly to find WMD along with the UN. That was December 2002. He could not have cooperated any more than that. Bush refused to consider the offer.

Bush said using military force would be his last resort and he wanted peaceful disarmament of Iraq.

Bush was getting exactly that when Bush terminated the inspections that were doing just that. It was not Saddam Hussein that forced the inspectors to leave. It was Bush who announced the start of violent inspections coming soon in March 17, 2003.

You are so wrong there is no excuse for it.

We had been dealing with Saddam since 1991. The fact we waited 12 years before dealing with him, shows we used violence as a last resort. You morons act like the whole thing started in 2002, and Bush only gave him a year. We gave him 12 years. He had TWELVE YEARS to prove he had destroyed all his WMDs, and he refused.

Honestly, I'm annoyed Bush waited until 2003 to invade.

Now you mentioned Hans Blix. You cited him as your credible argument. Therefore I am going to cite Hans Blix myself, to prove my case.

Hans Blix December 7th, 2002 to the UN- "During the period 1991–1998, Iraq submitted many declarations called full, final and complete. Regrettably, much in these declarations proved inaccurate or incomplete or was unsupported or contradicted by evidence. In such cases, no confidence can arise that proscribed programmes or items have been eliminated." By March, Blix declared that the 7 December report had not brought any new documentary evidence to light.
Hans Blix changed his mind, only after the war started in 2003.

Blix was responding to Iraq which filed its 12,000-page weapons declaration with the UN, in response to the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1441, which was passed November 8th, of 2002, which said the following.....

  • "In violation of Security Council Resolution 1373, Iraq supports terrorist organizations that direct violence against Iran, Israel, and Western governments....And al-Qaida terrorists escaped from Afghanistan are known to be in Iraq."
  • The United Nations Commission on Human Rights in 2001 found "extremely grave" human rights violations
  • Iraqi production and use of weapons of mass destruction (biological weapons, chemical weapons, and long-range missiles), all in violation of U.N. resolutions.
  • Iraq used proceeds from the "oil for food" U.N. program to purchase weapons rather than food for its people.
  • Iraq flagrantly violated the terms of the weapons inspection program before discontinuing it altogether.
Resolution 1441 passed 5 to 0 support in favor, and had wider general support, than did the Gulf War resolution of 1990.

The moment that you cited Hans Blix, you lost the entire argument. You are so wrong there is no excuse for it. :)
Andylusion 14292942
But going into the war, anyone that suggests we didn't have cause, or reason, or justification for doing so, is just ignorant.

What was the threat from Iraq to our national security? What UNSC resolutions was Bush enforcing by bombing and invading Iraq?
Did Iraq fall apart a week after we left? No. It fell apart after the Iraqi leaders went back to their douchebage sectarian ways .

When we left republicans took credit ! "Obama is just following bushs plan." Now leaving was a mistake ?

Exactly, Obama ran the war for several years before leaving and letting it fall apart, you got the timeline right

Keeping Iraq together with only the blood of our soldiers is nothing but a facade of success .

So why did Obama do that? You must really hate him, the bastard. All the people he killed both American and Iraqi. I see your point
We never 'had' Iraq. We had no business in Iraq.

Obama is handling Iraq perfectly. He's keeping American casualties to a minimum while getting the Iraqis to fight their own war against ISIS.

Short of being out of there altogether, what's the better idea?
Senator Lindsey Graham explains how Obama lost Iraq by refusing to keep troops in Iraq. The myth that it was Bush's fault is exactly that, a myth. graham and McCain were part of the group sent over to negotiate the status of forces agreement and he explained how it went with Hugh Hewitt, Lawyer, law professor, author and radio host....

Who Lost Iraq Power Line

Lindsey Graham: I think it was our fault. The president got the answer he wanted when it comes to troop levels. He wanted zero. He got zero. He promised to end the War in Iraq. He actually lost the War in Iraq.

But this is something that most people don’t know. I want to make sure you understand. Secretary Clinton called me to go over to Iraq to talk to all the parties to see if we can find a way to achieve a residual force to be left behind. I went with Senator McCain and Senator Lieberman. We met with Mr. Allawi who’s is the Aratia party leader, the former prime minister. He is a Shia, but it was a Sunni coalition. We flew up to meet with President Barzani – not president – but Barzani, the head of the Kurds. … Then we met with Maliki.

So we had Ambassador Jeffrey – U.S. Ambassador to Iraq and Gen. Austin, the commander of Iraq forces at the time in the meeting with me, Maliki, and McCain. I asked Prime Minister Maliki, “Would you accept troops?” He says, “If other will, I will.” Then he turned to me and said, “How many troops are you talking about?” I turned to Gen. Austin and then Ambassador Jeffrey – “What’s the answer to the prime minister’s question?” Gen. Dreyfuss says, “We’re still working on the number.” The number went from 18,000 recommended by Austin down to 3,000 coming out of the White House.

General Dempsey answered Senator McCain’s question and my question as to how the numbers went down – “What is because the Iraqis suggest too many?” He said, “No, the cascading numbers came from the White House.” I was there. They were all ready to accept a residual force. But when you get below 3,000, it was a joke. And we got the answer we wanted. I was on the ground. I asked the question. I heard the answer from Gen. Austin – the White House hasn’t made up their mind, yet.
We lost Iraq on March 20 2003 when President Bush chose to invade on the flimsiest of reasons. Wow, blaming Obama for the result of current events extant from Bushes poor judgment, that astounds me.
Senator Lindsey Graham explains how Obama lost Iraq by refusing to keep troops in Iraq. The myth that it was Bush's fault is exactly that, a myth. graham and McCain were part of the group sent over to negotiate the status of forces agreement and he explained how it went with Hugh Hewitt, Lawyer, law professor, author and radio host....

Who Lost Iraq Power Line

Lindsey Graham: I think it was our fault. The president got the answer he wanted when it comes to troop levels. He wanted zero. He got zero. He promised to end the War in Iraq. He actually lost the War in Iraq.

But this is something that most people don’t know. I want to make sure you understand. Secretary Clinton called me to go over to Iraq to talk to all the parties to see if we can find a way to achieve a residual force to be left behind. I went with Senator McCain and Senator Lieberman. We met with Mr. Allawi who’s is the Aratia party leader, the former prime minister. He is a Shia, but it was a Sunni coalition. We flew up to meet with President Barzani – not president – but Barzani, the head of the Kurds. … Then we met with Maliki.

So we had Ambassador Jeffrey – U.S. Ambassador to Iraq and Gen. Austin, the commander of Iraq forces at the time in the meeting with me, Maliki, and McCain. I asked Prime Minister Maliki, “Would you accept troops?” He says, “If other will, I will.” Then he turned to me and said, “How many troops are you talking about?” I turned to Gen. Austin and then Ambassador Jeffrey – “What’s the answer to the prime minister’s question?” Gen. Dreyfuss says, “We’re still working on the number.” The number went from 18,000 recommended by Austin down to 3,000 coming out of the White House.

General Dempsey answered Senator McCain’s question and my question as to how the numbers went down – “What is because the Iraqis suggest too many?” He said, “No, the cascading numbers came from the White House.” I was there. They were all ready to accept a residual force. But when you get below 3,000, it was a joke. And we got the answer we wanted. I was on the ground. I asked the question. I heard the answer from Gen. Austin – the White House hasn’t made up their mind, yet.
We lost Iraq on March 20 2003 when President Bush chose to invade on the flimsiest of reasons. Wow, blaming Obama for the result of current events extant from Bushes poor judgment, that astounds me.

Where were you when Obama declared the war over but didn't tell that to the enemy?

We had been dealing with Saddam since 1991. The fact we waited 12 years before dealing with him, shows we used violence as a last resort. You morons act like the whole thing started in 2002, and Bush only gave him a year. We gave him 12 years. He had TWELVE YEARS to prove he had destroyed all his WMDs, and he refused.

But Bush said in October 2002 he wanted to resolve the WMD threat peacefully through the UN. In November 2002 he authorized the ambassador to the UN to vote yes for UNSC Resolution 1441 which gave Saddam Hussein a final opportunity to comply with all UNSC Resolutions regarding Iraq's WMD obligations under international law. Resolution 1441 was about a peaceful resolution and no war. Bush agreed with the language. War was not necessary at that point. Iraq could not have been a threat at that time. Bush deferred protecting the national security of the United States to the UNSC.

What happened after November 2002 that Iraq became a threat to the United States? There were 200 UN inspectors inside Iraq and they went wherever they wanted whenever they wanted.

What was the threat that arose after bush ceded the disarming of Iraq to the UNSC?

Can you define it?

You say Saddam Hussein "had TWELVE YEARS to prove he had destroyed all his WMDs, and he refused"

After November 2002
Saddam Hussein did not refuse. What is your source that tells you he refused or obstructed the inspectors in any way after the inspectors were let back in during December 2002.

SH also invited the CIA to come in to help the inspectors to locate the stockpikes of WMD the CIA suspected was there.

How was that a threat to U.S. National Security?
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Watched a very informative ,and objective show on this very subject the other day on I think it was NPR, it was on the public service channel. basically saying the same thing
Senator Lindsey Graham explains how Obama lost Iraq by refusing to keep troops in Iraq. The myth that it was Bush's fault is exactly that, a myth. graham and McCain were part of the group sent over to negotiate the status of forces agreement and he explained how it went with Hugh Hewitt, Lawyer, law professor, author and radio host....

Who Lost Iraq Power Line

Lindsey Graham: I think it was our fault. The president got the answer he wanted when it comes to troop levels. He wanted zero. He got zero. He promised to end the War in Iraq. He actually lost the War in Iraq.

But this is something that most people don’t know. I want to make sure you understand. Secretary Clinton called me to go over to Iraq to talk to all the parties to see if we can find a way to achieve a residual force to be left behind. I went with Senator McCain and Senator Lieberman. We met with Mr. Allawi who’s is the Aratia party leader, the former prime minister. He is a Shia, but it was a Sunni coalition. We flew up to meet with President Barzani – not president – but Barzani, the head of the Kurds. … Then we met with Maliki.

So we had Ambassador Jeffrey – U.S. Ambassador to Iraq and Gen. Austin, the commander of Iraq forces at the time in the meeting with me, Maliki, and McCain. I asked Prime Minister Maliki, “Would you accept troops?” He says, “If other will, I will.” Then he turned to me and said, “How many troops are you talking about?” I turned to Gen. Austin and then Ambassador Jeffrey – “What’s the answer to the prime minister’s question?” Gen. Dreyfuss says, “We’re still working on the number.” The number went from 18,000 recommended by Austin down to 3,000 coming out of the White House.

General Dempsey answered Senator McCain’s question and my question as to how the numbers went down – “What is because the Iraqis suggest too many?” He said, “No, the cascading numbers came from the White House.” I was there. They were all ready to accept a residual force. But when you get below 3,000, it was a joke. And we got the answer we wanted. I was on the ground. I asked the question. I heard the answer from Gen. Austin – the White House hasn’t made up their mind, yet.
We lost Iraq on March 20 2003 when President Bush chose to invade on the flimsiest of reasons. Wow, blaming Obama for the result of current events extant from Bushes poor judgment, that astounds me.

Where were you when Obama declared the war over but didn't tell that to the enemy?

Um, excuse me. I seem to remember things differently. America invaded Iraq in 03. No WMD's like GW Bush promised. I remember the line about "Not being in the business of nation building" too. Mistakes were made alright. What Obama did after the fact, rather weak and flaccid excuse for what's happening NOW.
Did Iraq fall apart a week after we left? No. It fell apart after the Iraqi leaders went back to their douchebage sectarian ways .

When we left republicans took credit ! "Obama is just following bushs plan." Now leaving was a mistake ?

Exactly, Obama ran the war for several years before leaving and letting it fall apart, you got the timeline right
Obama promised to get us out and he did

If Bush had listened to Obama we never would have gone in at all
Senator Lindsey Graham explains how Obama lost Iraq by refusing to keep troops in Iraq. The myth that it was Bush's fault is exactly that, a myth. graham and McCain were part of the group sent over to negotiate the status of forces agreement and he explained how it went with Hugh Hewitt, Lawyer, law professor, author and radio host....

Who Lost Iraq Power Line

Lindsey Graham: I think it was our fault. The president got the answer he wanted when it comes to troop levels. He wanted zero. He got zero. He promised to end the War in Iraq. He actually lost the War in Iraq.

But this is something that most people don’t know. I want to make sure you understand. Secretary Clinton called me to go over to Iraq to talk to all the parties to see if we can find a way to achieve a residual force to be left behind. I went with Senator McCain and Senator Lieberman. We met with Mr. Allawi who’s is the Aratia party leader, the former prime minister. He is a Shia, but it was a Sunni coalition. We flew up to meet with President Barzani – not president – but Barzani, the head of the Kurds. … Then we met with Maliki.

So we had Ambassador Jeffrey – U.S. Ambassador to Iraq and Gen. Austin, the commander of Iraq forces at the time in the meeting with me, Maliki, and McCain. I asked Prime Minister Maliki, “Would you accept troops?” He says, “If other will, I will.” Then he turned to me and said, “How many troops are you talking about?” I turned to Gen. Austin and then Ambassador Jeffrey – “What’s the answer to the prime minister’s question?” Gen. Dreyfuss says, “We’re still working on the number.” The number went from 18,000 recommended by Austin down to 3,000 coming out of the White House.

General Dempsey answered Senator McCain’s question and my question as to how the numbers went down – “What is because the Iraqis suggest too many?” He said, “No, the cascading numbers came from the White House.” I was there. They were all ready to accept a residual force. But when you get below 3,000, it was a joke. And we got the answer we wanted. I was on the ground. I asked the question. I heard the answer from Gen. Austin – the White House hasn’t made up their mind, yet.
We lost Iraq on March 20 2003 when President Bush chose to invade on the flimsiest of reasons. Wow, blaming Obama for the result of current events extant from Bushes poor judgment, that astounds me.

Where were you when Obama declared the war over but didn't tell that to the enemy?

That was Bush on an aircraft carrier
To the cite the Resolution gives away the game, because we had no legal authority from the UN to enforce it.

Anyone who denigrates Blix and the report gives away the game that they are nothing but a war mongerer.
Senator Lindsey Graham explains how Obama lost Iraq by refusing to keep troops in Iraq. The myth that it was Bush's fault is exactly that, a myth. graham and McCain were part of the group sent over to negotiate the status of forces agreement and he explained how it went with Hugh Hewitt, Lawyer, law professor, author and radio host....

Who Lost Iraq Power Line

Lindsey Graham: I think it was our fault. The president got the answer he wanted when it comes to troop levels. He wanted zero. He got zero. He promised to end the War in Iraq. He actually lost the War in Iraq.

But this is something that most people don’t know. I want to make sure you understand. Secretary Clinton called me to go over to Iraq to talk to all the parties to see if we can find a way to achieve a residual force to be left behind. I went with Senator McCain and Senator Lieberman. We met with Mr. Allawi who’s is the Aratia party leader, the former prime minister. He is a Shia, but it was a Sunni coalition. We flew up to meet with President Barzani – not president – but Barzani, the head of the Kurds. … Then we met with Maliki.

So we had Ambassador Jeffrey – U.S. Ambassador to Iraq and Gen. Austin, the commander of Iraq forces at the time in the meeting with me, Maliki, and McCain. I asked Prime Minister Maliki, “Would you accept troops?” He says, “If other will, I will.” Then he turned to me and said, “How many troops are you talking about?” I turned to Gen. Austin and then Ambassador Jeffrey – “What’s the answer to the prime minister’s question?” Gen. Dreyfuss says, “We’re still working on the number.” The number went from 18,000 recommended by Austin down to 3,000 coming out of the White House.

General Dempsey answered Senator McCain’s question and my question as to how the numbers went down – “What is because the Iraqis suggest too many?” He said, “No, the cascading numbers came from the White House.” I was there. They were all ready to accept a residual force. But when you get below 3,000, it was a joke. And we got the answer we wanted. I was on the ground. I asked the question. I heard the answer from Gen. Austin – the White House hasn’t made up their mind, yet.
We lost Iraq on March 20 2003 when President Bush chose to invade on the flimsiest of reasons. Wow, blaming Obama for the result of current events extant from Bushes poor judgment, that astounds me.

Where were you when Obama declared the war over but didn't tell that to the enemy?

You lost me, I don't have any special powers or intuition. I never supported the invasion of Iraq. And still it happened. It doesn't matter what I support. Like most Americans. Our leadership has a mind of it's own. And this is supposed to be a democratic republic. Since when? I am not seeing much of either.
Senator Lindsey Graham explains how Obama lost Iraq by refusing to keep troops in Iraq. The myth that it was Bush's fault is exactly that, a myth. graham and McCain were part of the group sent over to negotiate the status of forces agreement and he explained how it went with Hugh Hewitt, Lawyer, law professor, author and radio host....

Who Lost Iraq Power Line

Lindsey Graham: I think it was our fault. The president got the answer he wanted when it comes to troop levels. He wanted zero. He got zero. He promised to end the War in Iraq. He actually lost the War in Iraq.

But this is something that most people don’t know. I want to make sure you understand. Secretary Clinton called me to go over to Iraq to talk to all the parties to see if we can find a way to achieve a residual force to be left behind. I went with Senator McCain and Senator Lieberman. We met with Mr. Allawi who’s is the Aratia party leader, the former prime minister. He is a Shia, but it was a Sunni coalition. We flew up to meet with President Barzani – not president – but Barzani, the head of the Kurds. … Then we met with Maliki.

So we had Ambassador Jeffrey – U.S. Ambassador to Iraq and Gen. Austin, the commander of Iraq forces at the time in the meeting with me, Maliki, and McCain. I asked Prime Minister Maliki, “Would you accept troops?” He says, “If other will, I will.” Then he turned to me and said, “How many troops are you talking about?” I turned to Gen. Austin and then Ambassador Jeffrey – “What’s the answer to the prime minister’s question?” Gen. Dreyfuss says, “We’re still working on the number.” The number went from 18,000 recommended by Austin down to 3,000 coming out of the White House.

General Dempsey answered Senator McCain’s question and my question as to how the numbers went down – “What is because the Iraqis suggest too many?” He said, “No, the cascading numbers came from the White House.” I was there. They were all ready to accept a residual force. But when you get below 3,000, it was a joke. And we got the answer we wanted. I was on the ground. I asked the question. I heard the answer from Gen. Austin – the White House hasn’t made up their mind, yet.
We lost Iraq on March 20 2003 when President Bush chose to invade on the flimsiest of reasons. Wow, blaming Obama for the result of current events extant from Bushes poor judgment, that astounds me.

Where were you when Obama declared the war over but didn't tell that to the enemy?

Um, excuse me. I seem to remember things differently. America invaded Iraq in 03. No WMD's like GW Bush promised. I remember the line about "Not being in the business of nation building" too. Mistakes were made alright. What Obama did after the fact, rather weak and flaccid excuse for what's happening NOW.
funny how the left forgets so much.guess the whole world was wrong right?
Senator Lindsey Graham explains how Obama lost Iraq by refusing to keep troops in Iraq. The myth that it was Bush's fault is exactly that, a myth. graham and McCain were part of the group sent over to negotiate the status of forces agreement and he explained how it went with Hugh Hewitt, Lawyer, law professor, author and radio host....

Who Lost Iraq Power Line

Lindsey Graham: I think it was our fault. The president got the answer he wanted when it comes to troop levels. He wanted zero. He got zero. He promised to end the War in Iraq. He actually lost the War in Iraq.

But this is something that most people don’t know. I want to make sure you understand. Secretary Clinton called me to go over to Iraq to talk to all the parties to see if we can find a way to achieve a residual force to be left behind. I went with Senator McCain and Senator Lieberman. We met with Mr. Allawi who’s is the Aratia party leader, the former prime minister. He is a Shia, but it was a Sunni coalition. We flew up to meet with President Barzani – not president – but Barzani, the head of the Kurds. … Then we met with Maliki.

So we had Ambassador Jeffrey – U.S. Ambassador to Iraq and Gen. Austin, the commander of Iraq forces at the time in the meeting with me, Maliki, and McCain. I asked Prime Minister Maliki, “Would you accept troops?” He says, “If other will, I will.” Then he turned to me and said, “How many troops are you talking about?” I turned to Gen. Austin and then Ambassador Jeffrey – “What’s the answer to the prime minister’s question?” Gen. Dreyfuss says, “We’re still working on the number.” The number went from 18,000 recommended by Austin down to 3,000 coming out of the White House.

General Dempsey answered Senator McCain’s question and my question as to how the numbers went down – “What is because the Iraqis suggest too many?” He said, “No, the cascading numbers came from the White House.” I was there. They were all ready to accept a residual force. But when you get below 3,000, it was a joke. And we got the answer we wanted. I was on the ground. I asked the question. I heard the answer from Gen. Austin – the White House hasn’t made up their mind, yet.
We lost Iraq on March 20 2003 when President Bush chose to invade on the flimsiest of reasons. Wow, blaming Obama for the result of current events extant from Bushes poor judgment, that astounds me.

Where were you when Obama declared the war over but didn't tell that to the enemy?

Um, excuse me. I seem to remember things differently. America invaded Iraq in 03. No WMD's like GW Bush promised. I remember the line about "Not being in the business of nation building" too. Mistakes were made alright. What Obama did after the fact, rather weak and flaccid excuse for what's happening NOW.
funny how the left forgets so much.guess the whole world was wrong right?
Seems most of the world realized how big a mistake invading Iraq would be
We lost Iraq the moment we invaded. It is that simple. I find it almost breathtaking we invaded Iraq, astounding. For NOTHING. It seems almost like a diversion, a ruse to take our minds off 9/11 and Saudi Arabia. Wahhabi Saudis terrorist that were the real cause, ignore that. After the December 7th 1941 attack we went after the actual culprits , we didn't equivocate and chase shadows. We know who they are NOW.
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Andylusion 14294830
Now you mentioned Hans Blix. You cited him as your credible argument. Therefore I am going to cite Hans Blix myself, to prove my case.

The moment that you cited Hans Blix, you lost the entire argument. You are so wrong there is no excuse for it.

My argument has no dependency on whatever you might cite that Dr Blix said. Dr Blix did not ever report Saddam Hussein in violation of 1441.

I quoted Bush in October stating that he wanted to disarm Iraq peacefully. What you cited from Blix does not excuse Bush to disarm Iraq violently.
Andylusion 14294830
Now you mentioned Hans Blix. You cited him as your credible argument. Therefore I am going to cite Hans Blix myself, to prove my case.

The moment that you cited Hans Blix, you lost the entire argument. You are so wrong there is no excuse for it.

My argument has no dependency on whatever you might cite that Dr Blix said. Dr Blix did not ever report Saddam Hussein in violation of 1441.

I quoted Bush in October stating that he wanted to disarm Iraq peacefully. What you cited from Blix does not excuse Bush to disarm Iraq violently.
Bush lied and troops died, plus 125,000 Iraqis.

The USA had no legal right to invade Iraq, the UN refusing to authorize action on the Resolution.

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