Obama Admin Just Prohibited States From Defunding Planned Parenthood

Odd that PP stopped their selling of fetal tissue after they were outed. They claimed their sales were perfectly legal...but then they stopped.

The funny thing with PP is that I actually support abortion being legal and at the discretion of the mother. I don't think other people should be paying for your abortion in any case at all.

They weren't selling fetal tissue.

Right, they were just using the revenue to cover large chunks of their overhead which made other services more profitable.

Not everybody lives in the 20th century in Oklahoma and Texas. Here in AZ, my daughter works at a hospital where abortions are performed, and with doctors who do them. Your logic is faulty. Medicaid and Medicare would have to stop paying these providers if you had your way. I am aware that folks out there want to step back in time 100 years, but it is not going to happen. Ozzie and Harriet are dead.

Actually what's dead is your claim that no tax dollars go towards abortions and you just admitted it.

Well, then, you should contact your congressmen (who I am sure are conservative republicans) right away, since federal tax dollars spent for abortion is illegal, and not only will they shut down PP, they will incarcerate the people responsible....unless, of course, they are part of some sinister conspiracy to enable PP to operate illegally.

It looks like we have determined one thing for sure.

Taxpayer dollars help fund abortions.
Odd that PP stopped their selling of fetal tissue after they were outed. They claimed their sales were perfectly legal...but then they stopped.

The funny thing with PP is that I actually support abortion being legal and at the discretion of the mother. I don't think other people should be paying for your abortion in any case at all.

They weren't selling fetal tissue.

Right, they were just using the revenue to cover large chunks of their overhead which made other services more profitable.

Not everybody lives in the 20th century in Oklahoma and Texas. Here in AZ, my daughter works at a hospital where abortions are performed, and with doctors who do them. Your logic is faulty. Medicaid and Medicare would have to stop paying these providers if you had your way. I am aware that folks out there want to step back in time 100 years, but it is not going to happen. Ozzie and Harriet are dead.

Actually what's dead is your claim that no tax dollars go towards abortions and you just admitted it.

Well, then, you should contact your congressmen (who I am sure are conservative republicans) right away, since federal tax dollars spent for abortion is illegal, and not only will they shut down PP, they will incarcerate the people responsible....unless, of course, they are part of some sinister conspiracy to enable PP to operate illegally.

Nice deflection. Now run along and cuddle with your lies. Tax money keeps the lights on in abortion clinics.
Don't you love all the evidence from these bozos that no taxpayer money goes to fund abortions?
Don't you love all the evidence from these bozos that no taxpayer money goes to fund abortions?

Even though congress has investigated repeatedly, they seem to agree with me that tax money is not funding abortions, just like Medicare payments are not funding doctors who also do abortions. This, in spite of the fact that these same congressmen are on YOUR political wavelink, not mine.

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