Obama Admin: No more HOT MEALS for Soldiers in Afghanistan


Silver Member
Oct 26, 2012
Guess this is where Democrats would like to see our budget cut. Less food for our troops.

Marines at Camp Leatherneck in Afghanistan will lose a key daily meal starting Saturday, causing some to forgo a hot breakfast and others to work six-plus hours without refueling on cooked food, according to Marines at the base and Marine Corps officials.

Read more: Obama Administration CUTS HOT MEALS for Troops Serving in Afghanistan - Fox Nation

While no Marine at Camp Leatherneck agreed to speak on the record, many are privately angry about the hit on base morale.

"This boils my skin. One of my entire shifts will go 6.5 hours without a meal. If we need to cut back on money I could come up with 100 other places,” one Leatherneck-based Marine wrote in an email this week to his wife and shared with NBC News. (The Marine declined to speak on the record.) “Instead, we will target the biggest contributor to morale. I must be losing my mind. What is our senior leadership thinking? I just got back from flying my ass off and in a few days, I will not have a meal to replenish me after being away for over 9 hours.”

The drawdown diet: Marines steamed by loss of hot meal at Afghanistan base - World News

Obama Administration CUTS HOT MEALS for Troops Serving in Afghanistan - Fox Nation
Guess this is where Democrats would like to see our budget cut. Less food for our troops.

Marines at Camp Leatherneck in Afghanistan will lose a key daily meal starting Saturday, causing some to forgo a hot breakfast and others to work six-plus hours without refueling on cooked food, according to Marines at the base and Marine Corps officials.

Read more: Obama Administration CUTS HOT MEALS for Troops Serving in Afghanistan - Fox Nation

While no Marine at Camp Leatherneck agreed to speak on the record, many are privately angry about the hit on base morale.

"This boils my skin. One of my entire shifts will go 6.5 hours without a meal. If we need to cut back on money I could come up with 100 other places,” one Leatherneck-based Marine wrote in an email this week to his wife and shared with NBC News. (The Marine declined to speak on the record.) “Instead, we will target the biggest contributor to morale. I must be losing my mind. What is our senior leadership thinking? I just got back from flying my ass off and in a few days, I will not have a meal to replenish me after being away for over 9 hours.”

The drawdown diet: Marines steamed by loss of hot meal at Afghanistan base - World News

Obama Administration CUTS HOT MEALS for Troops Serving in Afghanistan - Fox Nation

Notice that the publication dates have been removed from the articles. I saw this same shit over a year ago and there was some legitimate reason for the change. Obama is not trying to starve our troops.
It sucks but such happens when drawing down in a war.

Troop withdrawals from frontier fire bases is the reason. As fire base head counts drop, cooks are among the first out.
Maybe one of the more intrepid researchers here can find out how long ago this policy took effect in Afghanistan?

Fox is dragging the bottom of the barrel for dead fish on this one.
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obama has no intention of starving the troops, just making life a little bit more miserable for them.
Guess this is where Democrats would like to see our budget cut. Less food for our troops.

Marines at Camp Leatherneck in Afghanistan will lose a key daily meal starting Saturday, causing some to forgo a hot breakfast and others to work six-plus hours without refueling on cooked food, according to Marines at the base and Marine Corps officials.

Read more: Obama Administration CUTS HOT MEALS for Troops Serving in Afghanistan - Fox Nation

While no Marine at Camp Leatherneck agreed to speak on the record, many are privately angry about the hit on base morale.

"This boils my skin. One of my entire shifts will go 6.5 hours without a meal. If we need to cut back on money I could come up with 100 other places,” one Leatherneck-based Marine wrote in an email this week to his wife and shared with NBC News. (The Marine declined to speak on the record.) “Instead, we will target the biggest contributor to morale. I must be losing my mind. What is our senior leadership thinking? I just got back from flying my ass off and in a few days, I will not have a meal to replenish me after being away for over 9 hours.”

The drawdown diet: Marines steamed by loss of hot meal at Afghanistan base - World News

Obama Administration CUTS HOT MEALS for Troops Serving in Afghanistan - Fox Nation

Notice that the publication dates have been removed from the articles. I saw this same shit over a year ago and there was some legitimate reason for the change. Obama is not trying to starve our troops.

Being a soldier myself I'm aware that the services provided to soldiers get gradually reduced until there's nothing left. Then the troops tear down the camp, pack their gear, destroy anything that can be used by the enemy and GTFO.

The moonbat messiah is a repulsive thug, but I'm sure he wouldn't issue an order to cut meals. He's probably not even aware of where Camp Leatherneck even is, let alone what's going on there.

Of course according to his sycophants he's not aware of much now is he?
Guess this is where Democrats would like to see our budget cut. Less food for our troops.

Marines at Camp Leatherneck in Afghanistan will lose a key daily meal starting Saturday, causing some to forgo a hot breakfast and others to work six-plus hours without refueling on cooked food, according to Marines at the base and Marine Corps officials.

Read more: Obama Administration CUTS HOT MEALS for Troops Serving in Afghanistan - Fox Nation

While no Marine at Camp Leatherneck agreed to speak on the record, many are privately angry about the hit on base morale.

"This boils my skin. One of my entire shifts will go 6.5 hours without a meal. If we need to cut back on money I could come up with 100 other places,” one Leatherneck-based Marine wrote in an email this week to his wife and shared with NBC News. (The Marine declined to speak on the record.) “Instead, we will target the biggest contributor to morale. I must be losing my mind. What is our senior leadership thinking? I just got back from flying my ass off and in a few days, I will not have a meal to replenish me after being away for over 9 hours.”

The drawdown diet: Marines steamed by loss of hot meal at Afghanistan base - World News

Obama Administration CUTS HOT MEALS for Troops Serving in Afghanistan - Fox Nation

Discussed to death a while back. What's really sad is that we get lies from people pretending to be patriots. This is military SOP when a base is being abandoned.
Guess this is where Democrats would like to see our budget cut. Less food for our troops.

Marines at Camp Leatherneck in Afghanistan will lose a key daily meal starting Saturday, causing some to forgo a hot breakfast and others to work six-plus hours without refueling on cooked food, according to Marines at the base and Marine Corps officials.

Read more: Obama Administration CUTS HOT MEALS for Troops Serving in Afghanistan - Fox Nation

While no Marine at Camp Leatherneck agreed to speak on the record, many are privately angry about the hit on base morale.

"This boils my skin. One of my entire shifts will go 6.5 hours without a meal. If we need to cut back on money I could come up with 100 other places,” one Leatherneck-based Marine wrote in an email this week to his wife and shared with NBC News. (The Marine declined to speak on the record.) “Instead, we will target the biggest contributor to morale. I must be losing my mind. What is our senior leadership thinking? I just got back from flying my ass off and in a few days, I will not have a meal to replenish me after being away for over 9 hours.”

The drawdown diet: Marines steamed by loss of hot meal at Afghanistan base - World News

Obama Administration CUTS HOT MEALS for Troops Serving in Afghanistan - Fox Nation

Discussed to death a while back. What's really sad is that we get lies from people pretending to be patriots. This is military SOP when a base is being abandoned.

Tough shit bed wetter....

It's "right wing" propaganda. If there wasn't so much moonbat propaganda perhaps people wouldn't embellish the story.

The NB(s)C "news" story I read was actually not biased.

The fact is the marines at leatherneck have to endure more suck, and their mission isn't over. Your messiah drew a deadline and they have to abide.

That's what we do.

If you had a single objective thought you would know that your moonbat messiah's "strategy" is playing into the hands of the talibs, and they're just waiting to shoot our guys in the back.

Afghanistan is a complete goat fuck thanks to the feckless "leadership" of your fuhrer, and everyone on earth knows it.

The entire middle east is a disaster, but to you that's "progress".
Guess this is where Democrats would like to see our budget cut. Less food for our troops.

Marines at Camp Leatherneck in Afghanistan will lose a key daily meal starting Saturday, causing some to forgo a hot breakfast and others to work six-plus hours without refueling on cooked food, according to Marines at the base and Marine Corps officials.

Read more: Obama Administration CUTS HOT MEALS for Troops Serving in Afghanistan - Fox Nation

While no Marine at Camp Leatherneck agreed to speak on the record, many are privately angry about the hit on base morale.

"This boils my skin. One of my entire shifts will go 6.5 hours without a meal. If we need to cut back on money I could come up with 100 other places,” one Leatherneck-based Marine wrote in an email this week to his wife and shared with NBC News. (The Marine declined to speak on the record.) “Instead, we will target the biggest contributor to morale. I must be losing my mind. What is our senior leadership thinking? I just got back from flying my ass off and in a few days, I will not have a meal to replenish me after being away for over 9 hours.”

The drawdown diet: Marines steamed by loss of hot meal at Afghanistan base - World News

Obama Administration CUTS HOT MEALS for Troops Serving in Afghanistan - Fox Nation

Notice that the publication dates have been removed from the articles. I saw this same shit over a year ago and there was some legitimate reason for the change. Obama is not trying to starve our troops.

Fucking fox nation? Really op.
As long as unemployed Democrats can fill their carts to the top and swipe their EBT cards, let the troops eat cake.

Discussed to death a while back. What's really sad is that we get lies from people pretending to be patriots. This is military SOP when a base is being abandoned.

Tough shit bed wetter....

It's "right wing" propaganda. If there wasn't so much moonbat propaganda perhaps people wouldn't embellish the story.

The NB(s)C "news" story I read was actually not biased.

The fact is the marines at leatherneck have to endure more suck, and their mission isn't over. Your messiah drew a deadline and they have to abide.

That's what we do.

If you had a single objective thought you would know that your moonbat messiah's "strategy" is playing into the hands of the talibs, and they're just waiting to shoot our guys in the back.

Afghanistan is a complete goat fuck thanks to the feckless "leadership" of your fuhrer, and everyone on earth knows it.

The entire middle east is a disaster, but to you that's "progress".

What about military SOP don't you understand? A soldier complaining about food, gee, that's novel!!!

Tough shit bed wetter....

It's "right wing" propaganda. If there wasn't so much moonbat propaganda perhaps people wouldn't embellish the story.

The NB(s)C "news" story I read was actually not biased.

The fact is the marines at leatherneck have to endure more suck, and their mission isn't over. Your messiah drew a deadline and they have to abide.

That's what we do.

If you had a single objective thought you would know that your moonbat messiah's "strategy" is playing into the hands of the talibs, and they're just waiting to shoot our guys in the back.

Afghanistan is a complete goat fuck thanks to the feckless "leadership" of your fuhrer, and everyone on earth knows it.

The entire middle east is a disaster, but to you that's "progress".

Frankly, we aren't pulling out of that mess fast enough.

Afghanistan was a mess because Bush decided he had to avenge his Daddy in Iraq instead of finishing the job in 2002. That gave the Taliban an oppurtunity to regroup.

That and the people Bush put into power were a bunch of corrupt drug-lords.

Now, I do put some blame on Obama. He insisted he would finish the job in Afghanistan and called it the "War of Necessity", which it never really was. Our position there became untenable when Karzai stole the 2009 election.

But there would be no problem for Obama to resolve if Bush hadn't fucked up... everything.
More cult-of-personality political tripe.

Propaganda like this is designed to work on the mentally challenged.
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Yeah, hot meals for Marines is a big waste of money in a $4 trillion budget

We've spent 1 trillion on these wars in the last decade. That's a real waste of money, given how little we've accomplished.

But I have a solution.

We create an elite unit. It will be made up entirely of the children of the wealthy and politicians. We can call it the "Vanguard",and it will be the first deployed to any war zone.

betcha we never fight another pointless war for Zionism or Oil again after that.

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