Obama Admits Administration Failure: Says Overestimated Iraq Army, Underestimated I S I S

Are you saying you want it both ways, or is it Obama's fault?

Or was is not Bush's fault?

Which one?

LOL, it's like trying to teach children that 2+2=4 over and over and over, isn't it....

The NeoCons in GWB's cabnet (Cheney, Rumsfeld, Libby, Wolfowitz) and his brother Jeb all signed the Statement of Principles for the PNAC. Since one of the above claims to have been party to negotiations with Iraq, we can let her explain why they wanted to invade Iraq in 1997.

I did, idiot????? LOL. I said I spent a lot of time negotiating with Iraqis. Your reading comprehension is so pathetic, LMAO. How does "negotiating with Iraqis" become "party to (THE) negotiations with Iraq??? LOL

The reason you don't know the difference is you're so egregiously uneducated about what went on over there.


Nevermind, some of you libs are just hopelessly stupid.

I doubt you did either, as captious as you are, and as poorly as you construct your posts, the closest you have ever come to becoming party to negotiations is when you and other RW Fools argue as to who to listen to - Hannity or Limbaugh.

Freddo, do yourself a favor and shut the fuck up

Sure CF, whatever you say. I will however continue to post - speaking not at all but writing what I think [see, I too can find fault unnecessarily, and raise trivial objections].
Obama being a dumbfuck is too stupid to realize most people know he ignored the military and CIA warnings about leaving Iraq too soon, but he thinks he can blame them for his mistakes.

Only the shit-eaters like we see on this board believe his lies and finger-pointing.

Obama being a dumbfuck is too stupid to realize most people know he ignored the military and CIA warnings about leaving Iraq too soon, but he thinks he can blame them for his mistakes.

Only the shit-eaters like we see on this board believe his lies and finger-pointing.

Did Limbaugh or Hannity tell you President Obama ignored the military and CIA? Maybe you ought to widen your source(s) of information, since no one but the President and those closest to him know what influenced his decision to bug out of Iraq. It might have been something so simple as reading the daily causualty reports, the failure of the Iraqi Government and their unwillingness to guarantee immunity to our military personnel.

overestimating the Iraqi Army.
Really? After 12 years of training and supplying the Iraqi Army, the US over estimated Iraqi Army?
Were our trainers blind? Absolutely no excuse for this oversight

We can tell you libs till we're blind in the face but you won't get it. It was about their commanders abandoning them.

Does it matter if it was the officers or the enlisted men, our trainers should have been able to pick up on that. Either way it was a major mistake on our part.

The mistake was Obama pulling out and not leaving anyone there to hold the gains we made.

No, our mistake was going there in the first place. We had no business invading that country.
Everything we did after that only made a bad situation worse.
Obama being a dumbfuck is too stupid to realize most people know he ignored the military and CIA warnings about leaving Iraq too soon, but he thinks he can blame them for his mistakes.

Only the shit-eaters like we see on this board believe his lies and finger-pointing.

Obama being a dumbfuck is too stupid to realize most people know he ignored the military and CIA warnings about leaving Iraq too soon, but he thinks he can blame them for his mistakes.

Only the shit-eaters like we see on this board believe his lies and finger-pointing.

Did Limbaugh or Hannity tell you President Obama ignored the military and CIA? Maybe you ought to widen your source(s) of information, since no one but the President and those closest to him know what influenced his decision to bug out of Iraq. It might have been something so simple as reading the daily causualty reports, the failure of the Iraqi Government and their unwillingness to guarantee immunity to our military personnel.

overestimating the Iraqi Army.
Really? After 12 years of training and supplying the Iraqi Army, the US over estimated Iraqi Army?
Were our trainers blind? Absolutely no excuse for this oversight

We can tell you libs till we're blind in the face but you won't get it. It was about their commanders abandoning them.

Does it matter if it was the officers or the enlisted men, our trainers should have been able to pick up on that. Either way it was a major mistake on our part.

The mistake was Obama pulling out and not leaving anyone there to hold the gains we made.

Gains? You see the glass half full Pollyanna; I see 4,500 of our kids dead, three times and more wounded, a trillion dollars and more wasted; treasure which would be better spent to repair, renew or replace our nation's infrastructure; an effort which would stimulate our economy now, and in the future, and provide jobs, now and in the future.

Hey, want to buy a used military weapon, see Omar at the tent with this sign: , "Iragi guns for sale, nearly new, never fired but has been dropped twice"
Obama being a dumbfuck is too stupid to realize most people know he ignored the military and CIA warnings about leaving Iraq too soon, but he thinks he can blame them for his mistakes.

Only the shit-eaters like we see on this board believe his lies and finger-pointing.

Obama being a dumbfuck is too stupid to realize most people know he ignored the military and CIA warnings about leaving Iraq too soon, but he thinks he can blame them for his mistakes.

Only the shit-eaters like we see on this board believe his lies and finger-pointing.

Did Limbaugh or Hannity tell you President Obama ignored the military and CIA? Maybe you ought to widen your source(s) of information, since no one but the President and those closest to him know what influenced his decision to bug out of Iraq. It might have been something so simple as reading the daily causualty reports, the failure of the Iraqi Government and their unwillingness to guarantee immunity to our military personnel.

overestimating the Iraqi Army.
Really? After 12 years of training and supplying the Iraqi Army, the US over estimated Iraqi Army?
Were our trainers blind? Absolutely no excuse for this oversight

We can tell you libs till we're blind in the face but you won't get it. It was about their commanders abandoning them.

Does it matter if it was the officers or the enlisted men, our trainers should have been able to pick up on that. Either way it was a major mistake on our part.

The mistake was Obama pulling out and not leaving anyone there to hold the gains we made.
The only way to hold anything in Iraq would be with a permanent occupying army. And no less an authority than Dickless Cheney knew it before we went in!!!

But let's assume for the moment that we would have been able to do it — ... Then the question comes [of] putting a government in place of the one you've just gotten rid of; you can't just sort of turn around and walk away — you have now accepted the responsibility for what happens in Iraq. What kind of government do you want us to create in place of the old Saddam Hussein government? Do you want a Sunni government, or a Shi'a government or maybe it ought to be a Kurdish government, or maybe one based on the Ba'ath Party or maybe some combination of all of those? How long is that government likely to survive without U.S. military forces there to keep it propped up?

If you get into the business of committing U.S. forces on the ground in Iraq, to occupy the place, my guess is I'd probably still have people there today instead of having been able to bring them home. ... The bottom line question for me was: How many additional American lives is Saddam Hussein worth? The answer: not very damn many.
I recall that you people wouldn't allow us to blame Bush for the disaster of Iraq, no WMD's etc., because you claimed it was an intelligence failure that Bush cannot be held accountable for.

Can we apply this argument to Obama?

Are you saying you want it both ways, or is it Obama's fault?

Or was is not Bush's fault?

Which one?

LOL, it's like trying to teach children that 2+2=4 over and over and over, isn't it....

The NeoCons in GWB's cabnet (Cheney, Rumsfeld, Libby, Wolfowitz) and his brother Jeb all signed the Statement of Principles for the PNAC. Since one of the above claims to have been party to negotiations with Iraq, we can let her explain why they wanted to invade Iraq in 1997.

I did, idiot????? LOL. I said I spent a lot of time negotiating with Iraqis. Your reading comprehension is so pathetic, LMAO. How does "negotiating with Iraqis" become "party to (THE) negotiations with Iraq??? LOL

The reason you don't know the difference is you're so egregiously uneducated about what went on over there.


Nevermind, some of you libs are just hopelessly stupid.

I doubt you did either, as captious as you are, and as poorly as you construct your posts, the closest you have ever come to becoming party to negotiations is when you and other RW Fools argue as to who to listen to - Hannity or Limbaugh.

Well, for the record, I sent a respectful post to one of your posts, and you have to stay in the personal realm don't ya? Well here's the thing, bitch, you libs start it but I sure as hell will finish it, and I'll come back with both barrels. And then you libs will cry about me coming back at ya with both barrels. LOL.

You care to line up with all the other liberal cowards who aren't willing to back their accusations up with money, shit for brains??

I'm willing to lose $2000 if I'm wrong and you're right. How bout you, idiot?

We all know what the answer is. You're nothing but HOT AIR.

Which is what your analysis of this topic is too.
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Obama being a dumbfuck is too stupid to realize most people know he ignored the military and CIA warnings about leaving Iraq too soon, but he thinks he can blame them for his mistakes.

Only the shit-eaters like we see on this board believe his lies and finger-pointing.

Obama being a dumbfuck is too stupid to realize most people know he ignored the military and CIA warnings about leaving Iraq too soon, but he thinks he can blame them for his mistakes.

Only the shit-eaters like we see on this board believe his lies and finger-pointing.

Did Limbaugh or Hannity tell you President Obama ignored the military and CIA? Maybe you ought to widen your source(s) of information, since no one but the President and those closest to him know what influenced his decision to bug out of Iraq. It might have been something so simple as reading the daily causualty reports, the failure of the Iraqi Government and their unwillingness to guarantee immunity to our military personnel.

overestimating the Iraqi Army.
Really? After 12 years of training and supplying the Iraqi Army, the US over estimated Iraqi Army?
Were our trainers blind? Absolutely no excuse for this oversight

We can tell you libs till we're blind in the face but you won't get it. It was about their commanders abandoning them.

Does it matter if it was the officers or the enlisted men, our trainers should have been able to pick up on that. Either way it was a major mistake on our part.

The mistake was Obama pulling out and not leaving anyone there to hold the gains we made.

Gains? You see the glass half full Pollyanna; I see 4,500 of our kids dead, three times and more wounded, a trillion dollars and more wasted; treasure which would be better spent to repair, renew or replace our nation's infrastructure; an effort which would stimulate our economy now, and in the future, and provide jobs, now and in the future.

Hey, want to buy a used military weapon, see Omar at the tent with this sign: , "Iragi guns for sale, nearly new, never fired but has been dropped twice"

Shut the fuck up, idiot. You're too stupid to be on this thread. Can you even find Iraq on a map?

Don't answer that either.
I don't think any one believes EC was in Iraq in any position more than a SP4.

Doubling down on a losing bet, a Starkey tradition

Fakey doesn't know what a DD214 is, LOL. He doesn't realize how fast that $2000 will come out of his hands since many of us here DO know.

And yes, LOL, he is doubling down on a losing bet.

He has no idea what to post so he just throws words out, LOL.
My DD Form 214 has my diagnosed disability percentage, dear, which has increased three times since my body began failing because of service incurred injuries.

If you served you were a remf, nothing more.
Obama being a dumbfuck is too stupid to realize most people know he ignored the military and CIA warnings about leaving Iraq too soon, but he thinks he can blame them for his mistakes.

Only the shit-eaters like we see on this board believe his lies and finger-pointing.

Obama being a dumbfuck is too stupid to realize most people know he ignored the military and CIA warnings about leaving Iraq too soon, but he thinks he can blame them for his mistakes.

Only the shit-eaters like we see on this board believe his lies and finger-pointing.

Did Limbaugh or Hannity tell you President Obama ignored the military and CIA? Maybe you ought to widen your source(s) of information, since no one but the President and those closest to him know what influenced his decision to bug out of Iraq. It might have been something so simple as reading the daily causualty reports, the failure of the Iraqi Government and their unwillingness to guarantee immunity to our military personnel.

overestimating the Iraqi Army.
Really? After 12 years of training and supplying the Iraqi Army, the US over estimated Iraqi Army?
Were our trainers blind? Absolutely no excuse for this oversight

We can tell you libs till we're blind in the face but you won't get it. It was about their commanders abandoning them.

Does it matter if it was the officers or the enlisted men, our trainers should have been able to pick up on that. Either way it was a major mistake on our part.

The mistake was Obama pulling out and not leaving anyone there to hold the gains we made.

No, our mistake was going there in the first place. We had no business invading that country.
Everything we did after that only made a bad situation worse.

No you're wrong. But that's not what we're discussing in this thread.
My DD Form 214 has my diagnosed disability percentage, dear, which has increased three times since my body began failing because of service incurred injuries.

If you served you were a remf, nothing more.

Really, I asked you weeks ago if you served in the military and you didn't answer. I doubt you can be believed on anything.

You're a liar about serving.

You like being told that, fat ass? You've spent weeks lying about my service, you piece of shit. There are few people I've met more despicable then you.

What did I tell you about my returning fire. I told you it would make you cry. And it does.
Did Limbaugh or Hannity tell you President Obama ignored the military and CIA? Maybe you ought to widen your source(s) of information, since no one but the President and those closest to him know what influenced his decision to bug out of Iraq. It might have been something so simple as reading the daily causualty reports, the failure of the Iraqi Government and their unwillingness to guarantee immunity to our military personnel.

overestimating the Iraqi Army.
Really? After 12 years of training and supplying the Iraqi Army, the US over estimated Iraqi Army?
Were our trainers blind? Absolutely no excuse for this oversight

We can tell you libs till we're blind in the face but you won't get it. It was about their commanders abandoning them.

Does it matter if it was the officers or the enlisted men, our trainers should have been able to pick up on that. Either way it was a major mistake on our part.

The mistake was Obama pulling out and not leaving anyone there to hold the gains we made.

No, our mistake was going there in the first place. We had no business invading that country.
Everything we did after that only made a bad situation worse.

No you're wrong. But that's not what we're discussing in this thread.
you know he isnt wrong
My DD Form 214 has my diagnosed disability percentage, dear, which has increased three times since my body began failing because of service incurred injuries.

If you served you were a remf, nothing more.

You have always been a bad leader, then.

And you should have borrowed Monica's knee pads to prevent your service injury!

Hey V. There's a standing rule to not denigrate another person's service, but the liberal idiots on this board are so classless, they've been doing that about my service for several months now.

Which is why I have absolutely no respect for people like Fakey, regardless of what he did in the military. He's a lobotomized beached whale, period.
We can tell you libs till we're blind in the face but you won't get it. It was about their commanders abandoning them.

Does it matter if it was the officers or the enlisted men, our trainers should have been able to pick up on that. Either way it was a major mistake on our part.

The mistake was Obama pulling out and not leaving anyone there to hold the gains we made.

No, our mistake was going there in the first place. We had no business invading that country.
Everything we did after that only made a bad situation worse.

No you're wrong. But that's not what we're discussing in this thread.
you know he isnt wrong

What part of I've worked at the highest levels of intelligence did you not understand.
My DD Form 214 has my diagnosed disability percentage, dear, which has increased three times since my body began failing because of service incurred injuries.

If you served you were a remf, nothing more.

You have always been a bad leader, then.

And you should have borrowed Monica's knee pads to prevent your service injury!

Hey V. There's a standing rule to not denigrate another person's service, but the liberal idiots on this board are so classless, they've been doing that about my service for several months now.

Which is why I have absolutely no respect for people like Fakey, regardless of what he did in the military. He's a lobotomized beached whale, period.

Make note, I only posted one of those pictures are worth 1000 words, and Flakey started it, I NEVER let that little fuck get away with shit, and I don't believe that prick was ever in the service UNLESS it was to service the GAY CO!
Does it matter if it was the officers or the enlisted men, our trainers should have been able to pick up on that. Either way it was a major mistake on our part.

The mistake was Obama pulling out and not leaving anyone there to hold the gains we made.

No, our mistake was going there in the first place. We had no business invading that country.
Everything we did after that only made a bad situation worse.

No you're wrong. But that's not what we're discussing in this thread.
you know he isnt wrong

What part of I've worked at the highest levels of intelligence did you not understand.
Im batman

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