Obama: America's 'Deeply Rooted' Racism Will Take Time To Tackle

...What I think is being said by the poster is that all the change is expected from one side...

Which is, in the long run, not a sustainable condition.

And, 50 years (since the 1964 Civil Rights Act), this is all beginning to take-on the characteristics of "the long run".

Change must come from all sides.

Preferential treatment was intended to level the playing field a bit for a generation or two, as a matter of reparation and in the interests of fairness and justice, but it was not intended - it was never intended - to be sustained in perpetuity.

Preferential treatment can't last forever, and we've already had a half-century of it.

With Donor Exhaustion setting in, beyond January 20, 2017, I would not be surprised to see the beginning of the end of such preferential treatment - at law.

But we won't know that for a couple of years, yet.

We're merely seeing the stage being set for such a shift, in the run-up to that timeframe.

Donor Exhaustion... it's a bitch-kitty... and it may be on its way to a legislature near you... sooner than many might think.

You see pefferential treatment, I see fair treatment which should never end. For opportunity the color of one's skin should never be a litmus test. By and large by what I see in my industry that is true. Blacks who are accomplished move forward just as do whites. Blacks who wish to be gang bangers stagnant.

So we must guard against moving back to the democrat policies that suppressed the black man.

I think also we have to move past the point where a black man driving a Cadillac gets pulled over for no other reason then he is a black man driving a Cadillac.
Indeed. For many reasons. Don't forget, there are many others, whites, mexicans etc who don't make the cut either. Its a fact of life, like nature, that survival of the fittest endures


Well Hispanics have the same level of poverty as blacks. 7% of white people are in poverty.

The point being not that people are in poverty, but that poverty is far more disabling in the US than in other western countries. There's a reason for this.
Indeed. For many reasons. Don't forget, there are many others, whites, mexicans etc who don't make the cut either. Its a fact of life, like nature, that survival of the fittest endures


Well Hispanics have the same level of poverty as blacks. 7% of white people are in poverty.

The point being not that people are in poverty, but that poverty is far more disabling in the US than in other western countries. There's a reason for this.

Yep- Welfare

Indeed. For many reasons. Don't forget, there are many others, whites, mexicans etc who don't make the cut either. Its a fact of life, like nature, that survival of the fittest endures


Well Hispanics have the same level of poverty as blacks. 7% of white people are in poverty.

The point being not that people are in poverty, but that poverty is far more disabling in the US than in other western countries. There's a reason for this.

  1. Census figures reveal a stark contrast in the percentages of non-Hispanic whites living in poverty as compared to Hispanics and blacks. In 2012, 9.7% of non-Hispanic whites (18.9 million) were living in poverty, while over a quarter of Hispanics (13.6 million), and 27.2%of blacks (10.9 million) were living in poverty.
I have ONE black friend. Been friends for 35 years now. My friend is 63. His daddy grew up in Alabama. His daddy knew racism very well. My friend grew up in the civil rights era. He also know's a form of racism.

My black friends opinion is that racism has grown MUCH worse since Obama was elected.
And he blames this on the racist white folk that lost their shit when a black guy was elected POTUS.
I believe my friends first hand knowledge of racism is a better indicator that racism is alive and well than some asshole on the 'Net claiming that racism isn't an issue. Or that is was a black President promoting racism. Or that is was the Democrats promoting racism.

It was bigots in the Republican party that were given a cause (black President) to bring out their hatred of blacks
and put that hatred on display. Again.
I have ONE black friend. Been friends for 35 years now. My friend is 63. His daddy grew up in Alabama. His daddy knew racism very well. My friend grew up in the civil rights era. He also know's a form of racism.

My black friends opinion is that racism has grown MUCH worse since Obama was elected.
And he blames this on the racist white folk that lost their shit when a black guy was elected POTUS.
I believe my friends first hand knowledge of racism is a better indicator that racism is alive and well than some asshole on the 'Net claiming that racism isn't an issue. Or that is was a black President promoting racism. Or that is was the Democrats promoting racism.

It was bigots in the Republican party that were given a cause (black President) to bring out their hatred of blacks
and put that hatred on display. Again.

Your type of senseless babble is the problem. You point fingers without one shred of anything but racism, but I doubt you realize it. The term "I have a black friend" has been a litmus test for true racists for a very long time.

Now, if you wanted to be taken seriously you would tell us of specifics of how your friend has been effected by the alleged increase in racism. But no, you blow on the embers and act surprised when the flames ignite.
...You see pefferential treatment, I see fair treatment which should never end...
We do, indeed, see this differently.

It may be argued that 'preferential treatment' is (or was, at least) 'fair treatment', as a means to redress past grievances or wrongs.

But preferential treatment cannot last forever, nor should it.

Rather, we simply need Equal Treatment - not preferential.

It then becomes a question of where we are at, on the path to achieving equal treatment, and whether we are sufficiently close to that mark, to remove the 'preference' that places an undue and unfair burden upon a huge percentage of the population.

Like I said... I think we're close to hitting that 'saturation' or 'we've had enough' mark... I think we're fast approaching Donor Exhaustion.

When we do... and when that state of affairs sinks into the collective psyche... we will quite probably see the beginning of the end of such preferential treatment.

Had to end sometime... it's unstainable in perpetuity... the only question is when.

I wouldn't be surprised to see that kick off sometime shortly after January 20, 2017.

I don't have a crystal ball, and I could very well be wrong, but, off hand, that seems like a likely milestone for such purposes.
Indeed. For many reasons. Don't forget, there are many others, whites, mexicans etc who don't make the cut either. Its a fact of life, like nature, that survival of the fittest endures


Well Hispanics have the same level of poverty as blacks. 7% of white people are in poverty.

The point being not that people are in poverty, but that poverty is far more disabling in the US than in other western countries. There's a reason for this.

Yep- Welfare


No, not welfare.
Your type of senseless babble is the problem. You point fingers without one shred of anything but racism, but I doubt you realize it. The term "I have a black friend" has been a litmus test for true racists for a very long time.

You got any black friends? Probably not, but IF you do, ask them to explain racism to you.
That is, if you have the sense to understand what racism IS. Which I doubt. I have seen the shit you write and you seem pretty fucking stupid.

Why I bet you think that in Alabama back in the twenties and thirties that black men were treated as the equals of whites.

Come on, prove that my opinion of your stupidity is a fact and state that blacks in the deep south were always treated as the equals of whites.

Will you do that for me?
Indeed. For many reasons. Don't forget, there are many others, whites, mexicans etc who don't make the cut either. Its a fact of life, like nature, that survival of the fittest endures


Well Hispanics have the same level of poverty as blacks. 7% of white people are in poverty.

The point being not that people are in poverty, but that poverty is far more disabling in the US than in other western countries. There's a reason for this.

  1. Census figures reveal a stark contrast in the percentages of non-Hispanic whites living in poverty as compared to Hispanics and blacks. In 2012, 9.7% of non-Hispanic whites (18.9 million) were living in poverty, while over a quarter of Hispanics (13.6 million), and 27.2%of blacks (10.9 million) were living in poverty.

Yeah, so Hispanics and Blacks are in about 25% of poverty.
This reminds me of the school bully who constantly picks on other kids in the school, and yet when he's caught he claims that all of his bullying was his victims' fault.

If you're born into poverty, in a single parent family, or a family that doesn't care, you go to school and it's not worth much, the only people willing to give support are gangs, and you're not naturally talented enough at sport, math etc to get out that way, what are you going to do?

Some people simply weren't born mentally strong enough to help themselves. Kids are just expected to grow up into decent human beings without anyone there to help them. How?

Make excuses for criminals and it results in more crime. Make being poor an excuse for failure and fewer will attempt to succeed.

Life was much tougher 70 years ago, for everyone, yet it was our best years. Now we're in decline.


Because our expectations are in decline.

You'll never understand this as long as you feel people who don't need your help need to be felt sorry for.
Your type of senseless babble is the problem. You point fingers without one shred of anything but racism, but I doubt you realize it. The term "I have a black friend" has been a litmus test for true racists for a very long time.

You got any black friends? Probably not, but IF you do, ask them to explain racism to you.
That is, if you have the sense to understand what racism IS. Which I doubt. I have seen the shit you write and you seem pretty fucking stupid.

Why I bet you think that in Alabama back in the twenties and thirties that black men were treated as the equals of whites.

Come on, prove that my opinion of your stupidity is a fact and state that blacks in the deep south were always treated as the equals of whites.

Will you do that for me?

Dude, nobody feels that way if they're being honest.

What you need to do is move on, because what happened to somebody you didn't even know has nothing to do with you. Do you really want us to feel sympathetic to you because of our history? Have you ever picked cotton from Sun up to Sun down? Highly doubtful.

Oh, and saying only blacks can understand racism is the very definition of racism. Blacks have been getting away with that Bullshit as long as I can remember. I believe it's a major contributor to the problem, one that is self-fulfilling. Until blacks start thinking of themselves as human-beings instead of always black first they well never learn to get along with others.
I have ONE black friend. Been friends for 35 years now. My friend is 63. His daddy grew up in Alabama. His daddy knew racism very well. My friend grew up in the civil rights era. He also know's a form of racism.

My black friends opinion is that racism has grown MUCH worse since Obama was elected.
And he blames this on the racist white folk that lost their shit when a black guy was elected POTUS.
I believe my friends first hand knowledge of racism is a better indicator that racism is alive and well than some asshole on the 'Net claiming that racism isn't an issue. Or that is was a black President promoting racism. Or that is was the Democrats promoting racism.

It was bigots in the Republican party that were given a cause (black President) to bring out their hatred of blacks
and put that hatred on display. Again.

Is this because of Obama?

Is this because of the recession?

Is this because Obama got elected and some people are fighting against this?

A lot of people will blame Obama simply because they don't like him.


Is it happening much?

Well, 2004 happened because Bush invaded Iraq and the whole "War on Terror" thing was at its height. People felt it was acceptable to treat Arab looking people badly.

There was a rise as the economic crisis took hold, went down to the lowest levels in 2011 and then back up again in 2012.


The number of hate groups has been increasing steadily since when Bush took office. 9/11 would have had a big impact, but the vilifying of all Muslims by Bush and Co didn't help either. No doubt a black president doesn't help either.

Message from our Affirmative Action President America s Deeply Rooted Racism Will Take Time To Tackle - Stormfront

Here you can see the racists at work on Stormfront. This one is about Obama's message about Ferguson.

A reply to Obama's message that Racism Will Take Time To Tackle "Hopefully, it will take eternity, and will be here until the end of time.

You can look yourself at the rest if you choose, though I doubt you need convincing, but others just might.
Dude, nobody feels that way if they're being honest.

What you need to do is move on, because what happened to somebody you didn't even know has nothing to do with you. Do you really want us to feel sympathetic to you because of our history? Have you ever picked cotton from Sun up to Sun down? Highly doubtful.

My guess is you feel because somebody doesn't hire your ass it's because you're black, not because you came off the wrong way or were ill-prepared for the interview. Or how about that asshole that called you a n****r because you walk around with a chip on your shoulder. Ever think that asshole is like that to just about everyone?

Oh, and saying only blacks can understand racism is the very definition of racism. Blacks have been getting away with that Bullshit as long as I can remember. I believe it's a major contributor to the problem, one that is self-fulfilling. Until blacks start thinking of themselves as human-beings instead of always black first they well never learn to get along with others.

The problem here is one of people feeling they are being let down massively. Until you get rid of that feeling, people are going to jump on anything and everything as an excuse.

Not much is being done to solve these problems, in fact the right seem to be intent on exacerbating the difficulty of poor people and those in poverty to stay where they are.
I have ONE black friend. Been friends for 35 years now. My friend is 63. His daddy grew up in Alabama. His daddy knew racism very well. My friend grew up in the civil rights era. He also know's a form of racism.

My black friends opinion is that racism has grown MUCH worse since Obama was elected.
And he blames this on the racist white folk that lost their shit when a black guy was elected POTUS.
I believe my friends first hand knowledge of racism is a better indicator that racism is alive and well than some asshole on the 'Net claiming that racism isn't an issue. Or that is was a black President promoting racism. Or that is was the Democrats promoting racism.

It was bigots in the Republican party that were given a cause (black President) to bring out their hatred of blacks
and put that hatred on display. Again.

Palestinians blame all of their shit on Israel too. They need a Strawman, Jews , to beat over the head. This is what your racist black friend is doing. He's no different than your classic white supremacist or average clan member blaming blacks and Jews for everything. Ignorance.
Dude, nobody feels that way if they're being honest.

What you need to do is move on, because what happened to somebody you didn't even know has nothing to do with you. Do you really want us to feel sympathetic to you because of our history? Have you ever picked cotton from Sun up to Sun down? Highly doubtful.

My guess is you feel because somebody doesn't hire your ass it's because you're black, not because you came off the wrong way or were ill-prepared for the interview. Or how about that asshole that called you a n****r because you walk around with a chip on your shoulder. Ever think that asshole is like that to just about everyone?

Oh, and saying only blacks can understand racism is the very definition of racism. Blacks have been getting away with that Bullshit as long as I can remember. I believe it's a major contributor to the problem, one that is self-fulfilling. Until blacks start thinking of themselves as human-beings instead of always black first they well never learn to get along with others.

The problem here is one of people feeling they are being let down massively. Until you get rid of that feeling, people are going to jump on anything and everything as an excuse.

Not much is being done to solve these problems, in fact the right seem to be intent on exacerbating the difficulty of poor people and those in poverty to stay where they are.

The right isn't doing anything other than reacting to the constant line of Bullshit coming out of the Whitehouse. This is where that "feeling" comes from bud.
Dude, nobody feels that way if they're being honest.

What you need to do is move on, because what happened to somebody you didn't even know has nothing to do with you. Do you really want us to feel sympathetic to you because of our history? Have you ever picked cotton from Sun up to Sun down? Highly doubtful.

My guess is you feel because somebody doesn't hire your ass it's because you're black, not because you came off the wrong way or were ill-prepared for the interview. Or how about that asshole that called you a n****r because you walk around with a chip on your shoulder. Ever think that asshole is like that to just about everyone?

Oh, and saying only blacks can understand racism is the very definition of racism. Blacks have been getting away with that Bullshit as long as I can remember. I believe it's a major contributor to the problem, one that is self-fulfilling. Until blacks start thinking of themselves as human-beings instead of always black first they well never learn to get along with others.

The problem here is one of people feeling they are being let down massively. Until you get rid of that feeling, people are going to jump on anything and everything as an excuse.

Not much is being done to solve these problems, in fact the right seem to be intent on exacerbating the difficulty of poor people and those in poverty to stay where they are.

The right isn't doing anything other than reacting to the constant line of Bullshit coming out of the Whitehouse. This is where that "feeling" comes from bud.

No, the feeling is coming from the poor people who see they have simply been left to rot in ghettos in the city.
Obama: America's 'Deeply Rooted' Racism Will Take Time To Tackle
One thing that's clear is that today there is far more bigotry coming from the black community than going to it. There is good news for Obama. He can start addressing the problem with himself so it's within his power to make a positive change.
No, the feeling is coming from the poor people who see they have simply been left to rot in ghettos in the city.

That's the problem with too many "poor people." They are waiting for other people to change their circumstances. That is in fact why most of them are poor.

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