Obama: America's 'Deeply Rooted' Racism Will Take Time To Tackle

Racism is part of the human condition.

Racism never goes away - we just get better at suppressing and overcoming it within ourselves.

We (America) continue to improve on this - collectively - through laws and education and experience and exposure and practice.

But, it's a delicate thing, and Race A or B or C pushing the rest too hard, continues to result in setbacks, ill-will, and sliding backward from time to time.

It will still be with us a hundred years from now.

We'll just be better at dealing with it by then.

Just as we're in a much better place in that context now, than, say, in 1914.

Time takes care of much of this, in an American context.

And, what it doesn't, we all try to deal with, as best we can.

It's not the end of the world and it's not the most important issue on our plates nowadays - merely a mid-range distraction that will die-down again as quickly as it flared up.

Oh yeah!! We wouldn't want to push too hard for fairness!! That shit causes setbacks.

Give me a fucking break.
One must put one's self in the shoes of White Folk from time to time, just as we are asked to put ourselves into the shoes of minorities so often.

From the perspective of White Folk of goodwill...

What do they see?

A half-century (50 years since the 1964 Civil Rights Act) of quotas and preferential treatment in hiring and school enrollment and government contracting, and forced school bus-ing and grant money for business startups and community improvement projects, and gazillions of dollars in welfare and housing and living subsidies, and touchy-feely media and popular entertainment venues over minority sensibilities and issues, and where are we at?


And what does this get us, from the perspective of White Folk of goodwill?

The ones who have been disadvantaged the most and contributed the most, to this half-century of artificial preferential treatment?

I'll tell you.

Donor Exhaustion.

A phrase borrowed from the realm of philanthropy, and applicable here.

And, once Donor Exhaustion sets in, the donations (willingness to allow continued preferential treatment at-law, etc.) begin to dry up.

It's a two-way street.


This is a critical topic for this country, and it appears to be getting worse.

If one end of the spectrum would take a true, sincere, positive leadership role, I'll bet we could really improve things.

Instead, the Democrats are committed to making things worse with their "you're a racist!" rantings and general dishonesty, and the Republicans seem somehow completely and utterly oblivious to the entire topic. And both parties are clearly putting politics above the subject.

I'm going to keep hoping that, at some point, a real leader will emerge from the upcoming car wreck.


As a leader, what would be the first thing you would do?

If you were a police officer and every single day what you heard over the radio is that that suspect was a black male, what do you think would be your prevalent thought? Now, how does one stop that from being the prevalent thought? Do we do it by calling the whole of the country racist because a police officer acted against a black perpetrator? I think the Chris Rock video makes more sense then calling every white person a racists because black commit the majority of crimes in their communities, against their own black neighbors.

I was stopped the other day by the police and told I was weaving between the lines. I so wanted to tell the young cop he was full of s...t that weaving on a uneven road was to be expected. But I realized he was fishing so I just sat there and took it. If you take a belligerent attitude you are going to lose every time and should lose every time, if we had a completely honest police force. So when we make the claim that the police are not fair, not open, and racist that leads to more problems then it solves. When we treat people with the respect they DESERVE then we help to solve problems.

So, I ask again, what as a leader would you do. And just saying "make things better" isn't an answer.

A complex problem like this is not solved with a binary, either/or answer.

First of all, I agree with your points. I also know that cops have done things that were illegal, or at very least immoral. So there are two conflicting issues at work there.

If the task were given to me, I would identify and fine a group of well-known people of all "colors" and stripes in whom I had faith. These would be people who could have this conversation without hyperbole, denial, distortion and uncontrolled emotion. No flame-throwers. The goal of the group would be simple: To clearly and fully identify and communicate the problem: The racial divide is getting worse, and both ends of this issue need to clean their OWN house before they point the finger at the other side.

Until both "sides" of this issue clearly and sincerely look in the mirror and get to work on fixing what they see, nothing of lasting good happens. And that's gonna be the hardest step of all to take.

That's the first thing I would do.


Once again you speak in generalities. You disagree with "my points." Let fail to identify what you disagree with.

You answer appears to be, more bureaucracy. More BS. More giving over to someone else the responsibility of a leader.

You tell the community that to get out of poverty they strive to be Thomas Sowell or
Neil deGrasse Tyson, not Tupac. They strive to be Micheal Jordan not a street dealer. Will they ever accomplish the greatness those men accomplished? Doubtful but it is a better goal then telling them every day they are not going to accomplish anything because the white man is holding them down. When in fact it is within themselves. You tell them all of this then do your damnest to get them work that is both fulfilling and something they can be a member of society. YOU don't flood the country with low educated, low wage people that take those jobs.

The Police I tell them that they better not be racially profiling, in that they just pull people over on fishing
expeditions. Yes, the majority of crimes in black communities are committed by black men but the majority of blacks within that community don't want the crime or commit the crimes any more then do whites. I refuse to believe that the majority of those in Ferguson support the riots that tear down their community, I just don't believe it. I think the riot is mostly driven by those who profit by riot and division.

I said I agree with your points.

That is my specific plan, it is not general. A first step by using well-known, respected people in a culture that only seems to respond to well-known, respected people.

Another option is just standing around, pointing the finger. That's working well.

Oh my gosh! You guys have finally made me see it! Obama is increasing racism. It's his fault that racism exists.

how can you possibly deny that this administration has been stirring up hatred on racial tensions? Ferguson, trayvon, the black panthers dismissal not to mention countless others have been done to stir up hatred among blacks towards others.

Oh definitely. Obama calls for blacks to hate whites on a daily basis. He hates white people. Everyone knows that. This administration forced well meaning white people nationwide to begin hating black people again. They had enough. Ferguson....absolutely. Obama is responsible for that shit. If not for him....it would have never happened. And. Trayvon Martin.....absolutely. That's on Obama too.

Psssst. The black panthers dismissal? Whatchyuu talkin' 'bout Willis?

Has what Obama done helped or hurt? Have things gotten better or worse? I think worse because now it is OK to call white people racists because a black man charges a white man and gets shot for the effort. Instead of a man attacks a police officer and gets shot for his effort. Or that a man, who was overweight, fought with police and died because his weight caused him to suffocate.

Now I don't expect everyone to bow down to the police, especially police that act arbitrary of against the law. But I do expect people to respect each other. Fight with the police and you are going to lose almost every time. That is just plain fact, black or white.

This is a critical topic for this country, and it appears to be getting worse.

If one end of the spectrum would take a true, sincere, positive leadership role, I'll bet we could really improve things.

Instead, the Democrats are committed to making things worse with their "you're a racist!" rantings and general dishonesty, and the Republicans seem somehow completely and utterly oblivious to the entire topic. And both parties are clearly putting politics above the subject.

I'm going to keep hoping that, at some point, a real leader will emerge from the upcoming car wreck.


As a leader, what would be the first thing you would do?

If you were a police officer and every single day what you heard over the radio is that that suspect was a black male, what do you think would be your prevalent thought? Now, how does one stop that from being the prevalent thought? Do we do it by calling the whole of the country racist because a police officer acted against a black perpetrator? I think the Chris Rock video makes more sense then calling every white person a racists because black commit the majority of crimes in their communities, against their own black neighbors.

I was stopped the other day by the police and told I was weaving between the lines. I so wanted to tell the young cop he was full of s...t that weaving on a uneven road was to be expected. But I realized he was fishing so I just sat there and took it. If you take a belligerent attitude you are going to lose every time and should lose every time, if we had a completely honest police force. So when we make the claim that the police are not fair, not open, and racist that leads to more problems then it solves. When we treat people with the respect they DESERVE then we help to solve problems.

So, I ask again, what as a leader would you do. And just saying "make things better" isn't an answer.

A complex problem like this is not solved with a binary, either/or answer.

First of all, I agree with your points. I also know that cops have done things that were illegal, or at very least immoral. So there are two conflicting issues at work there.

If the task were given to me, I would identify and fine a group of well-known people of all "colors" and stripes in whom I had faith. These would be people who could have this conversation without hyperbole, denial, distortion and uncontrolled emotion. No flame-throwers. The goal of the group would be simple: To clearly and fully identify and communicate the problem: The racial divide is getting worse, and both ends of this issue need to clean their OWN house before they point the finger at the other side.

Until both "sides" of this issue clearly and sincerely look in the mirror and get to work on fixing what they see, nothing of lasting good happens. And that's gonna be the hardest step of all to take.

That's the first thing I would do.


Once again you speak in generalities. You disagree with "my points." Let fail to identify what you disagree with.

You answer appears to be, more bureaucracy. More BS. More giving over to someone else the responsibility of a leader.

You tell the community that to get out of poverty they strive to be Thomas Sowell or
Neil deGrasse Tyson, not Tupac. They strive to be Micheal Jordan not a street dealer. Will they ever accomplish the greatness those men accomplished? Doubtful but it is a better goal then telling them every day they are not going to accomplish anything because the white man is holding them down. When in fact it is within themselves. You tell them all of this then do your damnest to get them work that is both fulfilling and something they can be a member of society. YOU don't flood the country with low educated, low wage people that take those jobs.

The Police I tell them that they better not be racially profiling, in that they just pull people over on fishing
expeditions. Yes, the majority of crimes in black communities are committed by black men but the majority of blacks within that community don't want the crime or commit the crimes any more then do whites. I refuse to believe that the majority of those in Ferguson support the riots that tear down their community, I just don't believe it. I think the riot is mostly driven by those who profit by riot and division.

I said I agree with your points.

That is my specific plan, it is not general. A first step by using well-known, respected people in a culture that only seems to respond to well-known, respected people.

Another option is just standing around, pointing the finger. That's working well.


I apologize for my damn old eyes.
No, it's as true as true can be.

It's just that it does not agree with your own perspective in such matters.

Like I said, it's a two-way street.

And you've just had a wee bit of insight into how much of Mainstream White America is seeing this.

Donor Exhaustion has set in - your approval is not required.

Sorry if that doesn't give you a case of the warm-and-fuzzies.
As the slave picks up a tree branch to protect himself from from his plantation owner who is raising a whip to beat him, the slave owner says the following:

"Your actions in defying my lawful authority, and encouraging disobedience among your fellow slaves, and finally running away is sowing racial discord on our otherwise peaceful and harmonious God-given plantation which is a blessing from the Lord." You must be punished in accordance with our laws in order that we may reestablish the racial harmony which has benefited you and your family as well as me and mine."
Today's Democrats threaten to withhold welfare checks to keep the black man on the plantation.

HEY AvgGuy- is this "the" mustang gt from hannity? lol.
Is there any race of humans that whites haven't severely fucked over? I can't think of any.
OH? How so?
Look you peyote smoking bone smuggler, your people spent centuries enslaving each other, slaughtering each other and eating their own offspring.
So shut the fuck up...And, You are ALL descended from....wait for it.......WHITE Europeans.....
So you can take your sense of moral superiority and cram it in your shit encrusted crack.

Actually, we are all descendants of dark blacks in Africa. Lucy was our mommy...
I didn't come from a monkey named Lucy.
Racism is part of the human condition.

Racism never goes away - we just get better at suppressing and overcoming it within ourselves.

We (America) continue to improve on this - collectively - through laws and education and experience and exposure and practice.

But, it's a delicate thing, and Race A or B or C pushing the rest too hard, continues to result in setbacks, ill-will, and sliding backward from time to time.

It will still be with us a hundred years from now.

We'll just be better at dealing with it by then.

Just as we're in a much better place in that context now, than, say, in 1914.

Time takes care of much of this, in an American context.

And, what it doesn't, we all try to deal with, as best we can.

It's not the end of the world and it's not the most important issue on our plates nowadays - merely a mid-range distraction that will die-down again as quickly as it flared up.

Oh yeah!! We wouldn't want to push too hard for fairness!! That shit causes setbacks.

Give me a fucking break.
One must put one's self in the shoes of White Folk from time to time, just as we are asked to put ourselves into the shoes of minorities so often.

From the perspective of White Folk of goodwill...

What do they see?

A half-century (50 years since the 1964 Civil Rights Act) of quotas and preferential treatment in hiring and school enrollment and government contracting, and forced school bus-ing and grant money for business startups and community improvement projects, and gazillions of dollars in welfare and housing and living subsidies, and touchy-feely media and popular entertainment venues over minority sensibilities and issues, and where are we at?


And what does this get us, from the perspective of White Folk of goodwill?

The ones who have been disadvantaged the most and contributed the most, to this half-century of artificial preferential treatment?

I'll tell you.

Donor Exhaustion.

A phrase borrowed from the realm of philanthropy, and applicable here.

And, once Donor Exhaustion sets in, the donations (willingness to allow continued preferential treatment at-law, etc.) begin to dry up.

It's a two-way street.


Look at the picture provided. How do you expect a mainstream white male to respect any of the thugs doing what they are doing. Look at the thug with the mask on with this pants down around his knees do you respect that?

What I think is being said by the poster is that all the change is expected from one side. The "white" side has to conform to the "black" side in order for their to be peace. Not assimilation into society even though that has shown to be very good for the black community. Society has been very good for those who work. Those who emulate Michael Jordan and his work ethic, not so good for those who emulate Tupac.
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama is prescribing time and vigilance to tackle problems as entrenched in American society as racism and bias.

He also is urging patience, saying progress usually comes in small steps.

In an interview with BET, the president described his conversation with a group of young civil rights activists, including a leader of protests in Ferguson, Missouri, he hosted last week in the Oval Office.

Obama said he told them that "this is something that is deeply rooted in our society, it's deeply rooted in our history."

America has made gains, and that "gives us hope" of making more progress, he said.

"We can't equate what is happening now to what was happening 50 years ago," Obama said, "and if you talk to your parents, grandparents, uncles, they'll tell you that things are better, not good in some places, but better."

Obama said he is advising young people to be persistent because "typically progress is in steps, it's in increments.

More: Obama: 'America's 'Deeply Rooted' Racism Will Take Time To Tackle

President Obama is correct - but none of us will ever live long enough to see it end. I can't even imagine how it can or will end. Will it ever end before humans become extinct?
ROFL biggest racist POS in this country... lecturing us on racism.

Yep, only a fucking idiot would claim that Obama hasn't made things WORSE.

Pitiful to, that could have been his legacy to finally END the racism.

I mean seriously. how much good could he have done if ONE time he would have stood up in the White House and said " Look , in THIS instance, the black man was wrong to claim racism?"

And NO ONE is truly stupid enough to believe that in 6 years Obama simply hasn't seen an instance of black man claiming racism where none existed.
Democrats benefit from racism. Why would they want to end a good thing?

If that's true the GOP should be working hard to end racism. I wonder why they aren't?
This reminds me of the school bully who constantly picks on other kids in the school, and yet when he's caught he claims that all of his bullying was his victims' fault.
As the slave picks up a tree branch to protect himself from from his plantation owner who is raising a whip to beat him, the slave owner says the following:

"Your actions in defying my lawful authority, and encouraging disobedience among your fellow slaves, and finally running away is sowing racial discord on our otherwise peaceful and harmonious God-given plantation which is a blessing from the Lord." You must be punished in accordance with our laws in order that we may reestablish the racial harmony which has benefited you and your family as well as me and mine."
Today's Democrats threaten to withhold welfare checks to keep the black man on the plantation.

HEY AvgGuy- is this "the" mustang gt from hannity? lol.
I wouldn't know.
You make presumptions that require proof. What policies have Republicans put in place to keep the status quo? It was democrats that pushed Jim Crow and poll taxes. It was a democrat that stood in the school room door and scream segergation now segregation forever.

You make the presumption that blacks are treated as dirt. They are only treated that way if they let themselves be treated that way. I just screamed for 3 hours at the TV rooting for a team of very accomplished black football players. America was in love with Tiger Woods. The Republican party elevates accomplished blacks. The key is that blacks need to do for themselves first, that would solve the problems.

You made so accusations that I think you need to provide evidence. What you have done, in my opinion, only furthers the problem not help.

I'm not saying everyone is racist. I'm not saying that someone who even implement it are doing so for racist reasons. However some are. I'd say a lot of right wing people have just been convinced that certain policies are the best policies, but that they keep people down.

With education, fo example, I'd say that the way schools get their funding keeps the status quo. It has led to good schools in good areas and extremely poor schools in poor areas.

A lot of the problem is simply based around phrases like "in America everyone can make it".

The reality is very few can rise from the bottom, usually it is with sport that they rise up, and most stay where they are, they easily believe that they're being trodden on because they see, every day, that there isn't much way of getting out.

Many people don't have family support, gangs are the only ones who provide that kind of support, and it doesn't allow people to get out of their situation.

As long as the govt believes that people should get no help unless they can afford to pay for it themselves then the status quo stays, the high crime rate stays.

Louisiana is the world s prison capital NOLA.com

Here's a really bad example. Prisons which make money from having prisoners and want them to come back in order to make more money.
Clearly this isn't going to help race relations when black people are most likely to be in poverty and most likely to end up in these prisons.
You make presumptions that require proof. What policies have Republicans put in place to keep the status quo? It was democrats that pushed Jim Crow and poll taxes. It was a democrat that stood in the school room door and scream segergation now segregation forever.

You make the presumption that blacks are treated as dirt. They are only treated that way if they let themselves be treated that way. I just screamed for 3 hours at the TV rooting for a team of very accomplished black football players. America was in love with Tiger Woods. The Republican party elevates accomplished blacks. The key is that blacks need to do for themselves first, that would solve the problems.

You made so accusations that I think you need to provide evidence. What you have done, in my opinion, only furthers the problem not help.

I'm not saying everyone is racist. I'm not saying that someone who even implement it are doing so for racist reasons. However some are. I'd say a lot of right wing people have just been convinced that certain policies are the best policies, but that they keep people down.

With education, fo example, I'd say that the way schools get their funding keeps the status quo. It has led to good schools in good areas and extremely poor schools in poor areas.

A lot of the problem is simply based around phrases like "in America everyone can make it".

The reality is very few can rise from the bottom, usually it is with sport that they rise up, and most stay where they are, they easily believe that they're being trodden on because they see, every day, that there isn't much way of getting out.

Many people don't have family support, gangs are the only ones who provide that kind of support, and it doesn't allow people to get out of their situation.

As long as the govt believes that people should get no help unless they can afford to pay for it themselves then the status quo stays, the high crime rate stays.

Louisiana is the world s prison capital NOLA.com

Here's a really bad example. Prisons which make money from having prisoners and want them to come back in order to make more money.
Clearly this isn't going to help race relations when black people are most likely to be in poverty and most likely to end up in these prisons.

Poverty is not an excuse, or more importantly, the root cause of black crime

Can anyone name a single thing Obama has done to try to end racism? Seriously just one would be fine.

because it looks like he stirs up racial hatred every chance he gets.

Getting healthcare to be more equal is one thing.

However the task of "ending racism", or at least making thing better for those in poverty which includes a far higher percentage of black people than white people, is a task that the president can't really carry out, it's for the legislature, and would take a long time too.

in other words he hasn't done crap. Healthcare being worse for everyone has nothing to do with racism.

No, he hasn't done much. I'm not sure what a President could do that would improve things right not. He's the executive. Being president and black has helped a little, it's shown people it can be done, but for many that's not enough. Obama didn't come from poverty to his position.
Poverty is not an excuse, or more importantly, the root cause of black crime


Oh, that's really helpful to know.

No, it's not an excuse, it's a reality for so many.

Is poverty an excuse to do nothing, to make sure those who are in poverty stay there?

Oh, well people can feel better by saying that "in american everyone can make it", the reality is everyone could make it, but not all at the same time. In fact only a small percentage could actually make it, the rest are destined to stay where there are.

Black crime exists for many reasons, mostly nothing is done about any of it.
...What I think is being said by the poster is that all the change is expected from one side...

Which is, in the long run, not a sustainable condition.

And, 50 years (since the 1964 Civil Rights Act), this is all beginning to take-on the characteristics of "the long run".

Change must come from all sides.

Preferential treatment was intended to level the playing field a bit for a generation or two, as a matter of reparation and in the interests of fairness and justice, but it was not intended - it was never intended - to be sustained in perpetuity.

Preferential treatment can't last forever, and we've already had a half-century of it.

With Donor Exhaustion setting in, beyond January 20, 2017, I would not be surprised to see the beginning of the end of such preferential treatment - at law.

But we won't know that for a couple of years, yet.

We're merely seeing the stage being set for such a shift, in the run-up to that timeframe.

Donor Exhaustion... it's a bitch-kitty... and it may be on its way to a legislature near you... sooner than many might think.
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This reminds me of the school bully who constantly picks on other kids in the school, and yet when he's caught he claims that all of his bullying was his victims' fault.

If you're born into poverty, in a single parent family, or a family that doesn't care, you go to school and it's not worth much, the only people willing to give support are gangs, and you're not naturally talented enough at sport, math etc to get out that way, what are you going to do?

Some people simply weren't born mentally strong enough to help themselves. Kids are just expected to grow up into decent human beings without anyone there to help them. How?
Poverty is not an excuse, or more importantly, the root cause of black crime


Oh, that's really helpful to know.

No, it's not an excuse, it's a reality for so many.

Is poverty an excuse to do nothing, to make sure those who are in poverty stay there?

Oh, well people can feel better by saying that "in american everyone can make it", the reality is everyone could make it, but not all at the same time. In fact only a small percentage could actually make it, the rest are destined to stay where there are.

Black crime exists for many reasons, mostly nothing is done about any of it.

Indeed. For many reasons. Don't forget, there are many others, whites, mexicans etc who don't make the cut either. Its a fact of life, like nature, that survival of the fittest endures

You make presumptions that require proof. What policies have Republicans put in place to keep the status quo? It was democrats that pushed Jim Crow and poll taxes. It was a democrat that stood in the school room door and scream segergation now segregation forever.

You make the presumption that blacks are treated as dirt. They are only treated that way if they let themselves be treated that way. I just screamed for 3 hours at the TV rooting for a team of very accomplished black football players. America was in love with Tiger Woods. The Republican party elevates accomplished blacks. The key is that blacks need to do for themselves first, that would solve the problems.

You made so accusations that I think you need to provide evidence. What you have done, in my opinion, only furthers the problem not help.

I'm not saying everyone is racist. I'm not saying that someone who even implement it are doing so for racist reasons. However some are. I'd say a lot of right wing people have just been convinced that certain policies are the best policies, but that they keep people down.

With education, fo example, I'd say that the way schools get their funding keeps the status quo. It has led to good schools in good areas and extremely poor schools in poor areas.

A lot of the problem is simply based around phrases like "in America everyone can make it".

The reality is very few can rise from the bottom, usually it is with sport that they rise up, and most stay where they are, they easily believe that they're being trodden on because they see, every day, that there isn't much way of getting out.

Many people don't have family support, gangs are the only ones who provide that kind of support, and it doesn't allow people to get out of their situation.

As long as the govt believes that people should get no help unless they can afford to pay for it themselves then the status quo stays, the high crime rate stays.

Louisiana is the world s prison capital NOLA.com

Here's a really bad example. Prisons which make money from having prisoners and want them to come back in order to make more money.
Clearly this isn't going to help race relations when black people are most likely to be in poverty and most likely to end up in these prisons.

In all of that, I fail to see the policy that is put in place by Republicans to keep the status quo. Do you see what immigration policy pushed by the Democrats do to the working poor? Does it make it better or worse? Wages are no different then anything else they are driven by supply and demand. WalMart needs people to run their stores. Just like all people they want the best they can get an pay the less, you me we all do it. So if there is a whole bunch of folks willing to work for slave wages then that is what WalMart and most places are going to pay.

THAT is what democrats are doing to the poor especially blacks. THAT is a direct policy that is keeping the status quo for black people.

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