Obama: America's 'Deeply Rooted' Racism Will Take Time To Tackle

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama is prescribing time and vigilance to tackle problems as entrenched in American society as racism and bias.

He also is urging patience, saying progress usually comes in small steps.

In an interview with BET, the president described his conversation with a group of young civil rights activists, including a leader of protests in Ferguson, Missouri, he hosted last week in the Oval Office.

Obama said he told them that "this is something that is deeply rooted in our society, it's deeply rooted in our history."

America has made gains, and that "gives us hope" of making more progress, he said.

"We can't equate what is happening now to what was happening 50 years ago," Obama said, "and if you talk to your parents, grandparents, uncles, they'll tell you that things are better, not good in some places, but better."

Obama said he is advising young people to be persistent because "typically progress is in steps, it's in increments.

More: Obama: 'America's 'Deeply Rooted' Racism Will Take Time To Tackle

President Obama is correct - but none of us will ever live long enough to see it end. I can't even imagine how it can or will end. Will it ever end before humans become extinct?

Racism is never going to end, you stupid moron. The fact you ask such a question only continues to prove how retarded you are. BTW have you ever posted an original thought in your entire life?? All you do is post left wing sources and then write one or two sentences filled with stupid platitudes, reaffirming to everyone you are a moron.. Fake indian, you suck!
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama is prescribing time and vigilance to tackle problems as entrenched in American society as racism and bias.

He also is urging patience, saying progress usually comes in small steps.

In an interview with BET, the president described his conversation with a group of young civil rights activists, including a leader of protests in Ferguson, Missouri, he hosted last week in the Oval Office.

Obama said he told them that "this is something that is deeply rooted in our society, it's deeply rooted in our history."

America has made gains, and that "gives us hope" of making more progress, he said.

"We can't equate what is happening now to what was happening 50 years ago," Obama said, "and if you talk to your parents, grandparents, uncles, they'll tell you that things are better, not good in some places, but better."

Obama said he is advising young people to be persistent because "typically progress is in steps, it's in increments.

More: Obama: 'America's 'Deeply Rooted' Racism Will Take Time To Tackle

President Obama is correct - but none of us will ever live long enough to see it end. I can't even imagine how it can or will end. Will it ever end before humans become extinct?

Good lord.. There is still some left in the US that actually give a shit what Obama thinks or says. Simply amazing he has any support left for anything.

Good lord.. There is still some left in the US that actually give a shit what Obama thinks or says. Simply amazing he has any support left for anything.




About the same as Bush, isn't it?


Internationally, look at the difference. No matter how bad Obama is, he presents a MUCH better image than Bush ever did.

And then to show you that, yes, it is actually just Republicans who don't listen to Obama and hate him.


But it also shows just how polarized the US is. People will support the guy in charge of their team no matter what.

Big business love this, it allows the to be ignored, it allows them to do what they like.

And you're playing your part by simply hating any Democratic president and loving any Republican president.
Good lord.. There is still some left in the US that actually give a shit what Obama thinks or says. Simply amazing he has any support left for anything.




About the same as Bush, isn't it?


Internationally, look at the difference. No matter how bad Obama is, he presents a MUCH better image than Bush ever did.

And then to show you that, yes, it is actually just Republicans who don't listen to Obama and hate him.


But it also shows just how polarized the US is. People will support the guy in charge of their team no matter what.

Big business love this, it allows the to be ignored, it allows them to do what they like.

And you're playing your part by simply hating any Democratic president and loving any Republican president.

That would be all and fine.... IF....IF.... I were a republican

Obama: America's 'Deeply Rooted' Racism Will Take Time To Tackle

Even more, now that our first black President made it worse.

You're exactly right! Obama is a more racist than any other President in recent times. He's a race-baiter and a divider. America's first black President has become America's worst President.

Or maybe having a president who is actually willing to deal with the issues isn't something you like, so you accuse him of being what he's fighting against and hey, you think you've done your job.
Good lord.. There is still some left in the US that actually give a shit what Obama thinks or says. Simply amazing he has any support left for anything.




About the same as Bush, isn't it?


Internationally, look at the difference. No matter how bad Obama is, he presents a MUCH better image than Bush ever did.

And then to show you that, yes, it is actually just Republicans who don't listen to Obama and hate him.


But it also shows just how polarized the US is. People will support the guy in charge of their team no matter what.

Big business love this, it allows the to be ignored, it allows them to do what they like.

And you're playing your part by simply hating any Democratic president and loving any Republican president.

That would be all and fine.... IF....IF.... I were a republican


What difference does it make if you're a Republican or not? You've managed to ignore the whole post and trying to deflect by saying you're not a Republican.

The WHILE POINT is that Obama isn't hated by everyone, he's supported by Democrats, he's supported internationally far more than Bush ever was.

That's THE POINT that you either missed or deliberately tried to pass off. Would you care to comment on the point now? Or just another waste of time deflection?
Obama: America's 'Deeply Rooted' Racism Will Take Time To Tackle

Even more, now that our first black President made it worse.

You're exactly right! Obama is a more racist than any other President in recent times. He's a race-baiter and a divider. America's first black President has become America's worst President.

Or maybe having a president who is actually willing to deal with the issues isn't something you like, so you accuse him of being what he's fighting against and hey, you think you've done your job.

Dealing with what exactly?

Good lord.. There is still some left in the US that actually give a shit what Obama thinks or says. Simply amazing he has any support left for anything.




About the same as Bush, isn't it?


Internationally, look at the difference. No matter how bad Obama is, he presents a MUCH better image than Bush ever did.

And then to show you that, yes, it is actually just Republicans who don't listen to Obama and hate him.


But it also shows just how polarized the US is. People will support the guy in charge of their team no matter what.

Big business love this, it allows the to be ignored, it allows them to do what they like.

And you're playing your part by simply hating any Democratic president and loving any Republican president.

That would be all and fine.... IF....IF.... I were a republican


What difference does it make if you're a Republican or not? You've managed to ignore the whole post and trying to deflect by saying you're not a Republican.

The WHILE POINT is that Obama isn't hated by everyone, he's supported by Democrats, he's supported internationally far more than Bush ever was.

That's THE POINT that you either missed or deliberately tried to pass off. Would you care to comment on the point now? Or just another waste of time deflection?

I see no value in commenting re: Bush. Bush is OBE, and OBAMA is still upright and consuming O2 as POTUS and he is a wrecking ball on the American way. That's why Obama has killed the Democratic party and will force them back to the right

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama is prescribing time and vigilance to tackle problems as entrenched in American society as racism and bias.

He also is urging patience, saying progress usually comes in small steps.

In an interview with BET, the president described his conversation with a group of young civil rights activists, including a leader of protests in Ferguson, Missouri, he hosted last week in the Oval Office.

Obama said he told them that "this is something that is deeply rooted in our society, it's deeply rooted in our history."

America has made gains, and that "gives us hope" of making more progress, he said.

"We can't equate what is happening now to what was happening 50 years ago," Obama said, "and if you talk to your parents, grandparents, uncles, they'll tell you that things are better, not good in some places, but better."

Obama said he is advising young people to be persistent because "typically progress is in steps, it's in increments.

More: Obama: 'America's 'Deeply Rooted' Racism Will Take Time To Tackle

President Obama is correct - but none of us will ever live long enough to see it end. I can't even imagine how it can or will end. Will it ever end before humans become extinct?
ROFL biggest racist POS in this country... lecturing us on racism.

Yep, only a fucking idiot would claim that Obama hasn't made things WORSE.

Pitiful to, that could have been his legacy to finally END the racism.

I mean seriously. how much good could he have done if ONE time he would have stood up in the White House and said " Look , in THIS instance, the black man was wrong to claim racism?"

And NO ONE is truly stupid enough to believe that in 6 years Obama simply hasn't seen an instance of black man claiming racism where none existed.
Democrats benefit from racism. Why would they want to end a good thing?

If that's true the GOP should be working hard to end racism. I wonder why they aren't?

They are you just don't know who is the true party that is perpetuating racism. Racism doesn't end because someone gets a handout. It ends when people are measured by the content of their character. THAT is what Republicans do, that is NOT a Democrat thing. Mention welfare reform and what does the Democrat scream? Racism? Why? Most on welfare are white. They do it because they think so very little of blacks. They do it because the democrats use people for their political fodder. Blacks are nothing but political tools to Democrats it is demostrated every single day. Obama? He is as much black as I am. Hardly anything in his life is that of the black experience. But the democrats can use him, they can say, see we are not racists we have a black friend.

No my friend, it is one thing to expect people to live their lives AS THEY WISH treating people fairly it is quite another to do as the democrats and treat people as their their subjects.
Obama: America's 'Deeply Rooted' Racism Will Take Time To Tackle

Even more, now that our first black President made it worse.

You're exactly right! Obama is a more racist than any other President in recent times. He's a race-baiter and a divider. America's first black President has become America's worst President.

Or maybe having a president who is actually willing to deal with the issues isn't something you like, so you accuse him of being what he's fighting against and hey, you think you've done your job.

Dealing with what exactly?


Dealing with the issues that have arisen over integration of minorities into US society.

Looking at things like education, opportunities and so on.

It's not enough to just have "positive discrimination", integration doesn't necessarily happen just because of that.

Poverty in the US is very cyclical, it's very difficult to get out of it once in it, more so than other countries, and this makes it harder for racial integration.
This is funny but true. I got stopped for a BS reason just the other day and had to fight real hard not to scream at the idiot cop.


This is a critical topic for this country, and it appears to be getting worse.

If one end of the spectrum would take a true, sincere, positive leadership role, I'll bet we could really improve things.

Instead, the Democrats are committed to making things worse with their "you're a racist!" rantings and general dishonesty, and the Republicans seem somehow completely and utterly oblivious to the entire topic. And both parties are clearly putting politics above the subject.

I'm going to keep hoping that, at some point, a real leader will emerge from the upcoming car wreck.

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama is prescribing time and vigilance to tackle problems as entrenched in American society as racism and bias.

He also is urging patience, saying progress usually comes in small steps.

In an interview with BET, the president described his conversation with a group of young civil rights activists, including a leader of protests in Ferguson, Missouri, he hosted last week in the Oval Office.

Obama said he told them that "this is something that is deeply rooted in our society, it's deeply rooted in our history."

America has made gains, and that "gives us hope" of making more progress, he said.

"We can't equate what is happening now to what was happening 50 years ago," Obama said, "and if you talk to your parents, grandparents, uncles, they'll tell you that things are better, not good in some places, but better."

Obama said he is advising young people to be persistent because "typically progress is in steps, it's in increments.

More: Obama: 'America's 'Deeply Rooted' Racism Will Take Time To Tackle

President Obama is correct - but none of us will ever live long enough to see it end. I can't even imagine how it can or will end. Will it ever end before humans become extinct?
ROFL biggest racist POS in this country... lecturing us on racism.

Yep, only a fucking idiot would claim that Obama hasn't made things WORSE.

Pitiful to, that could have been his legacy to finally END the racism.

I mean seriously. how much good could he have done if ONE time he would have stood up in the White House and said " Look , in THIS instance, the black man was wrong to claim racism?"

And NO ONE is truly stupid enough to believe that in 6 years Obama simply hasn't seen an instance of black man claiming racism where none existed.
Democrats benefit from racism. Why would they want to end a good thing?

If that's true the GOP should be working hard to end racism. I wonder why they aren't?
The democrats need to reign in their KKK thugs.
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama is prescribing time and vigilance to tackle problems as entrenched in American society as racism and bias.

He also is urging patience, saying progress usually comes in small steps.

In an interview with BET, the president described his conversation with a group of young civil rights activists, including a leader of protests in Ferguson, Missouri, he hosted last week in the Oval Office.

Obama said he told them that "this is something that is deeply rooted in our society, it's deeply rooted in our history."

America has made gains, and that "gives us hope" of making more progress, he said.

"We can't equate what is happening now to what was happening 50 years ago," Obama said, "and if you talk to your parents, grandparents, uncles, they'll tell you that things are better, not good in some places, but better."

Obama said he is advising young people to be persistent because "typically progress is in steps, it's in increments.

More: Obama: 'America's 'Deeply Rooted' Racism Will Take Time To Tackle

President Obama is correct - but none of us will ever live long enough to see it end. I can't even imagine how it can or will end. Will it ever end before humans become extinct?
ROFL biggest racist POS in this country... lecturing us on racism.

Yep, only a fucking idiot would claim that Obama hasn't made things WORSE.

Pitiful to, that could have been his legacy to finally END the racism.

I mean seriously. how much good could he have done if ONE time he would have stood up in the White House and said " Look , in THIS instance, the black man was wrong to claim racism?"

And NO ONE is truly stupid enough to believe that in 6 years Obama simply hasn't seen an instance of black man claiming racism where none existed.
Democrats benefit from racism. Why would they want to end a good thing?

If that's true the GOP should be working hard to end racism. I wonder why they aren't?

we already have in our party. You guys just need to catch up.

there is a reason we look are the merits and character of people and not their skin color
now to be fair Obama might have been talking about how blacks and minorities are racist to whites.....
I see no value in commenting re: Bush. Bush is OBE, and OBAMA is still upright and consuming O2 as POTUS and he is a wrecking ball on the American way. That's why Obama has killed the Democratic party and will force them back to the right


So you don't want to compare Obama with Bush. If I were trying to "win" an argument that was clearly false, I too would probably want to ignore a lot of data that is used to show that, in fact, you are wrong.

I showed you the difference between Bush and Obama internationally to show perspective of how people do actually listen to what Obama says.

I also showed the difference in support for presidents from those who identify themselves as being republican or democrat and it clearly shows major polarization issues.

I also showed Obama's ratings in comparison with Bush to show that there isn't much difference. How many right wingers said at this point in Bush's reign that nobody listened to him?

The reality is LESS people listen to Bush than Obama at the same point.

So, I've shown that actually people do listen to Obama, more than Bush.
Can anyone name a single thing Obama has done to try to end racism? Seriously just one would be fine.

because it looks like he stirs up racial hatred every chance he gets.
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama is prescribing time and vigilance to tackle problems as entrenched in American society as racism and bias.

He also is urging patience, saying progress usually comes in small steps.

In an interview with BET, the president described his conversation with a group of young civil rights activists, including a leader of protests in Ferguson, Missouri, he hosted last week in the Oval Office.

Obama said he told them that "this is something that is deeply rooted in our society, it's deeply rooted in our history."

America has made gains, and that "gives us hope" of making more progress, he said.

"We can't equate what is happening now to what was happening 50 years ago," Obama said, "and if you talk to your parents, grandparents, uncles, they'll tell you that things are better, not good in some places, but better."

Obama said he is advising young people to be persistent because "typically progress is in steps, it's in increments.

More: Obama: 'America's 'Deeply Rooted' Racism Will Take Time To Tackle

President Obama is correct - but none of us will ever live long enough to see it end. I can't even imagine how it can or will end. Will it ever end before humans become extinct?
ROFL biggest racist POS in this country... lecturing us on racism.

Yep, only a fucking idiot would claim that Obama hasn't made things WORSE.

Pitiful to, that could have been his legacy to finally END the racism.

I mean seriously. how much good could he have done if ONE time he would have stood up in the White House and said " Look , in THIS instance, the black man was wrong to claim racism?"

And NO ONE is truly stupid enough to believe that in 6 years Obama simply hasn't seen an instance of black man claiming racism where none existed.
Democrats benefit from racism. Why would they want to end a good thing?

If that's true the GOP should be working hard to end racism. I wonder why they aren't?

They are you just don't know who is the true party that is perpetuating racism. Racism doesn't end because someone gets a handout. It ends when people are measured by the content of their character. THAT is what Republicans do, that is NOT a Democrat thing. Mention welfare reform and what does the Democrat scream? Racism? Why? Most on welfare are white. They do it because they think so very little of blacks. They do it because the democrats use people for their political fodder. Blacks are nothing but political tools to Democrats it is demostrated every single day. Obama? He is as much black as I am. Hardly anything in his life is that of the black experience. But the democrats can use him, they can say, see we are not racists we have a black friend.

No my friend, it is one thing to expect people to live their lives AS THEY WISH treating people fairly it is quite another to do as the democrats and treat people as their their subjects.

I disagree. A lot of times Republicans put in place policies that keep the status quo firmly entrenched. For black people, especially in the south where segregation existed, this means black people are starting life firmly on the back foot.

You want it about their character. Well it is generally known that when people are treated as dirt their whole life, their character has a much great chance of being angry at those who keep them in their place.

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