Obama: America's 'Deeply Rooted' Racism Will Take Time To Tackle

Is capitalism the source of racism? Many scholars say it is.

Scholars will tell you that in order to push their legislation, it is dependent on the stupidity of the American voter....yet that is your argument against capitalism because scholars said so? How do you feel about the American voter?
Would America trust a capitalist entrepreneur (small business owner that build that) or a scholar, who, by his own words, depends on the stupidity of the American voter??
It's the punchline of a very bad joke. The republican party is the party of old whites. But Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton are the youthful standard bearers of the young democrats.
It's the punchline of a very bad joke. The republican party is the party of old whites. But Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton are the youthful standard bearers of the young democrats.
They certainly beat the pants off your old cross-burners.
Obama: America's 'Deeply Rooted' Racism Will Take Time To Tackle

Even more, now that our first black President made it worse.

In the conservatives version of history I've personally heard spoken of many times, the slaves didn't really have it as bad as some say. No, they were given a place to live and a livelihood. They seem to interpret that movie, Song of the South, as if it was meant as a biographical depiction of how happy slaves really were.

No doubt, in this depiction of history, people who were trying to set the slaves free were rabble rousers who fostered race hatred by trying to disrupt an equitable system that provide the po' Black folk with a job and a home.

Do conservatives really think most people that that kind of tripe seriously? It only serves to make conservatives look like the racists other people say they are.
What the hell are you yammering about?
Genius, nobody cares about that shit.

Perhaps. Perhaps not. All I know is that at one time I didn't have a problem voting for a Republican candidate if and when I thought he was the better person for the job. At this point, I would NEVER vote for a Republican as long as lying conservatives have a lock on the party apparatus because my experience has shown me two things that are undeniably true in my experience.

Point one, I've already made. They're shameless and unapologetic liars who absolutely cannot be trusted.

Point two is that they're incompetent due either to their ideological fervor which prevents them from pursuing pragmatic solutions which may fall outside of their ideological orthodoxy, OR they intentionally run the gov't into the ground so they can later stand back and say that gov't is not the solution. Either way, a lot of people, whether liberal, moderate, or conservative, get shafted by such blatant incompetence.

Right now, conservatives have the House and the Senate. Put another conservative in the WH and watch them do the same thing to the economy that Bush did. Watch them turn every gov't agency into organizations that worked like FEMA after Hurricane Katrina when it couldn't get Federal Gov't emergency help to the middle of the country for four full days after the hurricane. Watch them turn the SEC into the lapdog for Wall Street crooks. Watch them as they turn the EPA into a toothless agency that can't even prevent pollution from poisoning our lakes and rivers. Watch them turn the FDA into an organization that turns a blind eye to food inspections. Then someone will propose market-based solutions which is just another way of saying trust without verifying a damn thing. And they'll all get off Scot-free because the fix will be in from the start.
Lie? About what?
How about some examples. Then lets see if you can differentiate between a politician and a statesman.
Calling liars of people you don't like is a sign of weakness.
Did what to the economy? Save for the period after 9/11 the 2000's showed record economic growth and prosperity.
And but for the insistence of the democrats, the federal government would never have involved itself in the real estate marketplace.
They set the rules. They set the parameters for borrowing. They demanded the banks make loans to unqualified individuals. They made the rules by which mortgages could be packaged together and sold as investments. They created credit default swaps.
The EPA....That department has been cut loose to wreak havoc on the nation for purely political purposes.
Before Obama, the EPA as with ALL other federal departments were under Congressional scrutiny. Congress controlled the EPA by controlling their funding and controlled the department by proper Congressional action.
Obama, hell bent on cramming his green energy scheme down the throats of the people, decided on his own, through political fiat that the EPA was to be under HIS control.
Obama put HIS people in charge and gave them unprecedented powers with virtually no accountability to anyone. In fact the entire EPA is now a member of the President's cabinet.
We cannot have that.
And after Obama accepts his first engagement at what is more than likely going to be a long series of lucrative and inflammatory speeches, the EPA firast will find new name plates on the desks and back in it's cage of Congressional oversight.
Any questions? NO? Good.
Let us move on.
Some of you ignorant hardcore racists need a good bath. Here's the soap...

Obama: America's 'Deeply Rooted' Racism Will Take Time To Tackle

Even more, now that our first black President made it worse.

In the conservatives version of history I've personally heard spoken of many times, the slaves didn't really have it as bad as some say. No, they were given a place to live and a livelihood. They seem to interpret that movie, Song of the South, as if it was meant as a biographical depiction of how happy slaves really were.

No doubt, in this depiction of history, people who were trying to set the slaves free were rabble rousers who fostered race hatred by trying to disrupt an equitable system that provide the po' Black folk with a job and a home.

Do conservatives really think most people that that kind of tripe seriously? It only serves to make conservatives look like the racists other people say they are.

In the conservatives version of history....

Meanwhile, in the 21st Century, black idiots riot, and burn down businesses in their own community, because lies about their current "martyr" didn't result in the indictment of a cop.

You make it sound like conservatives are always the victims of lies and never the perpetrators of them. I know that to be the antithesis of reality after twenty years of listening to nonstop RW propaganda which has had about as much in common with the truth as the porn industry has in common with the celibate lifestyle. Put more plainly, my experience over that period is that conservatives unapologetically lie about everything under the sun all the time, and they do it with a straight face in order to further their agenda. They're not even embarrassed by it. I take no pleasure in it at all since I consider it wholly disheartening. With that said, if given a choice on who to believe in almost any dispute involving conservatives, I'm probably more likely to take the word of a devil-worshipping convicted criminal than I would be to take the word of someone who's an avowed conservative and who wears his belief in Jesus and his conservative Christianity as a badge of honor.

You make it sound like blacks and liberals are always the victims of lies and never the perpetrators of them.
I'm well acquainted with the lying nature of human beings having experienced it from many quarters over the years. Therefore, I don't wear rose-colored glasses seemingly like conservatives who seem to be of the opinion that their representatives are fundamentally more truthful than the opposition. In fact, I would strenuously argue the opposite.

With that said, I'm not so naive as to believe that all Democrats (I'm not a Democrat, by the way) are truthful anymore than I would ever argue that all Republicans are liars. It's just that I've learned from experience like the dog who gets sprayed by the skunk or stuck in the nose by the porcupine. That dog has learned his lesson, and I can assure everyone here that he won't be sniffing around any more skunks or porcupines in the mistaken belief that the first time was an aberration that can't or probably won't be repeated. As a consequence, I don't trust conservatives to be honest, truthful, or competent when it comes to governance.
Well, jeez, your life is a metaphor.
It's ridiculous. The word has lost all meaning.
Sure thing. It used to mean people making judgments based on race, and now it means people making judgments based on race. I can see why you're confused.
No it means "we have nothing else on which to base our platform."
We have tons little man. You are listening to propaganda.
You have bupkis...
Says the 2014 midterms.....
The bulk of racism in this country is directed at whites.

The poor downtrodden White man...

Not so much Mustang, it's the RACE HUSTLERS that make MILLIONS off the backs of aggravating racial disharmony!

I don't see where that's fundamentally different from people who claim to be Christians (like televangelists and erstwhile pastors with highly questionable ministries) who exploit believers or, even more specifically, conservatives writers, and talk radio hosts, and GOP candidates who exploit conservative angst at every twist of the road in order to enrich themselves and/or attain power of one kind or another.

"DEFLECT!! Never answer! Quick, change the subject!"
Obama: America's 'Deeply Rooted' Racism Will Take Time To Tackle

Even more, now that our first black President made it worse.

You're exactly right! Obama is a more racist than any other President in recent times. He's a race-baiter and a divider. America's first black President has become America's worst President.
It's the punchline of a very bad joke. The republican party is the party of old whites. But Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton are the youthful standard bearers of the young democrats.
They certainly beat the pants off your old cross-burners.
Cross burners? Wow. Just wow.
Sorry little buddy, they vote GOP and your party is self-identified as 87% whitey. That's racism, in action.
The genre of Obama race speeches has always been bounded by the job he was hired to do. Specifically, Barack Obama is the president of the United States of America. More specifically, Barack Obama is the president of a congenitally racist country, erected upon the plunder of life, liberty, labor, and land. This plunder has not been exclusive to black people. But black people, the community to which both Michael Brown and Barack Obama belong, have the distinct fortune of having survived in significant numbers. For a creedal country like America, this poses a problem—in nearly every major American city one can find a population of people whose very existence, whose very history, whose very traditions, are an assault upon this country's nationalist instincts. Black people are the chastener of their own country. Their experience says to America, "You wear the mask."

Much More: Barack Obama, Ferguson, and the Evidence of Things Unsaid - The Atlantic

It's sadly pathetic to watch racists try to blame blacks and Democrats for the racial divide.

What's sad is that you always have to post a quote from someone else then add your little "me to" one liner.

Are you capable of independent thought Lakhota?

I'm on an ignore binge today and you are right on the cusp.

Is there any reason to believe that you will in the future add ANYTHING worthy of discussion to threads? Regurgitating the thoughts of others with snide one line remarks doesn't count.

Please, little peckerwood dude - put me on your IGNORE!!!!! I beg you!!!!!

you know that it is white conservatives who donate more to charity than any other demographic, right? You know it was Rush and white conservatives who gave hundreds of thousands to the BLACK LADY whose business was burned down by LIBERAL BLACK THUGS, right?

Some people babble endlessly about the "racism", and some people treat race like it actually doesn't matter.

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