Obama and Biden very anti Gun owner, and Gun Rights .

States that restrict guns like Mass. have fewer gun deaths than states that don't like Nevada. I don't make things up, like you do.


Can you provide proof that Mass. would be more dangerous without the restrictions.......and can you tell me exactly how many casino's , whorehouses and other criminally magnetic sites reside in Mass.????

Apples to oranges dude.
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States that restrict guns like Mass. have fewer gun deaths than states that don't like Nevada. I don't make things up, like you do.


Can you provide proof that Mass. would be more dangerous without the restrictions.......and can you tell me exactly how many casino's , whorehouses and other criminally magnetic sites reside in Mass.????

Apples to oranges dude.

What up Ozzy? This is a non issue. In over 200 years of the US, no one has effectively taken away anyone's guns. Not democrats, not Borat, not Rosie O'Donnell and her girlfriend! As long as the Supreme Court still exists, you all have nothing to worry about! Except Dick Cheney with a shotgun and a beer! So all of this fearmongering is foolish. The whole thing is the NRA will probably show up after this tragedy also. My beef is, you can still exercise your rights, by keeping them locked up and unloaded. Especially away from small children.:eusa_whistle:
Here is an interesting footnoted stat sheet on handgun violence...


I like how your information cleverly leaves out whether the bad naughty guns were legally owned and registered.....and used by "said" legal owners.

100% of all people who eat carrots wil DIIIIIIIEEEEEEE!!!!!!......eventually.

This was a legal ownership, and no charges have been filed on the owner. Hope that helps!:eusa_whistle:
My beef is, you can still exercise your rights, by keeping them locked up and unloaded. Especially away from small children.:eusa_whistle:

I have two small ones.......and a locked up gun is not a effective self-defense tool. This same mentality is going to be "shot" down in SF by the NRA......a law that mandates that firearms be locked up in a persons own home. As a parent......shouldn't I have the "right" to determine what is safe or unsafe in my own home??? Should I have a "law mandated" lock box for my kitchen cutlery lest I forget to monitor the children and they run about the house un-abated with meat cleavers????

Responsible gun ownership is the key here......I have one gun....unlocked...very loaded....and under my uber-watchfull eye.....all other guns are locked up.....due to my lack of omni-presense.

I dont need a "nanny" government telling me how to conduct my life.....especially when it comes to self-protection.
but the reality is the government isn't looking to remove all guns, just the most dangerous ones posing the greatest threat, especially to law enforcement.

The same guns that would help to protect one from their own government???

"The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it." -Thomas Jefferson

The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.-Thomas Jefferson

"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms..disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed one." - Thomas Jefferson quoting Cesare Beccaria, Criminologist in 1764. That was 230 years ago. -Thomas Jefferson
Friday, April 17, 1998
U.S. Leads Richest Nations In Gun Deaths


ATLANTA -- The United States has by far the highest rate of gun deaths -- murders, suicides and accidents -- among the world's 36 richest nations, a government study found.
The U.S. rate for gun deaths in 1994 was 14.24 per 100,000 people. Japan had the lowest rate, at .05 per 100,000.
The study, done by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is the first comprehensive international look at gun-related deaths. It was published Thursday in the International Journal of Epidemiology.
The CDC would not speculate why the death rates varied, but other researchers said easy access to guns and society's acceptance of violence are part of the problem in the United States.
``If you have a country saturated with guns -- available to people when they are intoxicated, angry or depressed -- it's not unusual guns will be used more often,'' said Rebecca Peters, a Johns Hopkins University fellow specializing in gun violence. ``This has to be treated as a public health emergency.''
The National Rifle Association called the study shoddy because it failed to examine all causes of violent deaths.
``What this shows is the CDC is after guns. They aren't concerned with violence. It's pretending that no homicide exists unless it's related to guns,'' said Paul Blackman, a research coordinator for the NRA in Fairfax, Va.
The 36 countries chosen were listed as the richest in the World Bank's 1994 World Development Report, with the highest GNP per capita income.
The study used 1994 statistics supplied by the 36 countries. Of the 88,649 gun deaths reported by all the countries, the United States accounted for 45 percent, said Etienne Krug, a CDC researcher and co-author of the article.
Japan, where very few people own guns, averages 124 gun-related attacks a year, and less than 1 percent end in death. Police often raid the homes of those suspected of having weapons.
The study found that gun-related deaths were five to six times higher in the Americas than in Europe or Australia and New Zealand and 95 times higher than in Asia.
Here are gun-related deaths per 100,000 people in the world's 36 richest countries in 1994: United States 14.24; Brazil 12.95; Mexico 12.69; Estonia 12.26; Argentina 8.93; Northern Ireland 6.63; Finland 6.46; Switzerland 5.31; France 5.15; Canada 4.31; Norway 3.82; Austria 3.70; Portugal 3.20; Israel 2.91; Belgium 2.90; Australia 2.65; Slovenia 2.60; Italy 2.44; New Zealand 2.38; Denmark 2.09; Sweden 1.92; Kuwait 1.84; Greece 1.29; Germany 1.24; Hungary 1.11; Republic of Ireland 0.97; Spain 0.78; Netherlands 0.70; Scotland 0.54; England and Wales 0.41; Taiwan 0.37; Singapore 0.21; Mauritius 0.19; Hong Kong 0.14; South Korea 0.12; Japan 0.05.

Pretty sure they're stabbin the hell outta each other in Japan.

Hows Australia now that they have tightened their gun laws??? I'll let you tell me what I already know.
i agree that the problem is with people, not the gun itself. but you saying that a gun is no different than a car or a hammer is plain wrong, because the sole use for a gun is to inflict damage. whether you intend to do so is irrelevant. picture this: someone owns a breadmaker. they dont intend to use it to make bread. you can make bread without it. that doesnt change the fact that it's purpose is to make bread.

heres a question i have. you are so adament about keeping guns, why isnt there a push for other weapons? rpg's, land mines, tanks. do citizens have a right to that equipment as well? (i am all for upholding the constitution, im just curious as to response)

If someone gets into your house and means you or your family harm.....feel free to use a bread maker to inflict damage.......I'll use my gun.
If you own a gun you or a member of your family is 3-5 times more likely to die of a gun death. Guns are a threat to the people that own them and their families.

Accidental death must be your referance.....I assume. I guarantee if kept properly.....there is a 1000000000% improbability of AD by gun. However......if unarmed........the whole 3-5 times thing may apply.:eusa_whistle:
I wouldn't my home and belongings are that unimportant. My wife/partner would find our way out if possible. The rest is meaningless.
There are a number of causes for which I would die, but the is no cause for which I would kill. M.k. Gandhi.
I hear Barack Obama and Joe Biden are very anti Gun rights.

This combination in the White house will be bad news for Gun and Rifle owners.Their Sen voting records indicate that they voted for many Gun control laws.

"Concern Troll" - definition (Urban dictionary): A person who posts on a blog thread, in the guise of "concern," to disrupt dialogue or undermine morale by pointing out that posters and/or the site may be getting themselves in trouble, usually with an authority or power. They point out problems that don't really exist. The intent is to derail, stifle, control, the dialogue. It is viewed as insincere and condescending.

For example, in 2006 Tad Furtado, a top staffer for then-Congressman Charlie Bass (R-NH), was caught posing as a "concerned" supporter of Bass's opponent, Democrat Paul Hodes, on several liberal New Hampshire blogs, using the pseudonyms "IndieNH" or "IndyNH." "IndyNH" expressed concern that Democrats might just be wasting their time or money on Hodes, because Bass was unbeatable.[
Hi there,
while you may consider the usual armament of the USA to be unique among developed countries, its not. Switzerland has about as many assault rifles per person as the US does, however the crime rate is very low. (Suicide rate is quite high though). What is the case for Switzerland is, while Assault rifles are actually issued(side effect of conscription) to the population, possesion of easily hideable handguns is strongly monitored/prohibited.
Apart from Amokrunners, a Criminal will usually not use an assault rifle to commit crimes, as they are big, unwieldy and very difficult to hide.
Last but not least, they tend to be fairly expensive.

So, allow assault rifles, ban pistols.
This should satisfy your second amendment and may reduce homicide rates by quite a bit.



P.S. What about Bullet control? If each Bullet would cost 5000 bucks, couldnt that really reduce homicide? What about a huge tax on bullets which is used to found social services for crime victims?

Murderer:"I would kill you, but I did not get a credit for the Bullets!"

P.P.S. I personally do not believe that a "all guns banned" approach would work in the US as way to many guns are in circulation. However, if Germany would have had a lax gun control I would likely be dead.

Nice steal from Chris Rock by the way.....how original. As soon as you can give me some statistics of how many legal CCW holders are out commiting crime....I call BS on your statement.

And why would I want an unwieldy weapon for self-defense?????
I wouldn't my home and belongings are that unimportant. My wife/partner would find our way out if possible. The rest is meaningless.
There are a number of causes for which I would die, but the is no cause for which I would kill. M.k. Gandhi.

My wife and I and children would try to find a way out too.....after that....how is death meaningless???? How is mine and my families life being lost meaningless???

If life is meaningless in your opinion......then I understand your empty words.

However.....I believe in LIFE...liberty...and the pursuit of happiness.....and I will protect it at all costs.
I wouldn't my home and belongings are that unimportant. My wife/partner would find our way out if possible. The rest is meaningless.
There are a number of causes for which I would die, but the is no cause for which I would kill. M.k. Gandhi.

You and Kirt kinda remind me of that dumbass that let himself get mauled by those Grizzly's.

Its kill or be killed when dealing with a killer......end of story.....if you choose to be a Martyr....so be it.....one less weak link. Just dont vote away everyone elses God given "right" to self-preservation.
Kirk's our resident douchebag.

Ask the dumb motherfucker why I'm safer the second I leave the shithole MA and enter New Hampshire.

Why are you safer in Japan than the United States, motherfucker?
You and Kirt kinda remind me of that dumbass that let himself get mauled by those Grizzly's.

Its kill or be killed when dealing with a killer......end of story.....if you choose to be a Martyr....so be it.....one less weak link. Just dont vote away everyone elses God given "right" to self-preservation.

Guns are more of a threat to their owners and their families than they are to criminals, so owning a gun is a greater threat to your "self preservation" than criminals are.

Tougher sentencing laws will deter crime. There are no theives in Saudi Arabia.
Guns are more of a threat to their owners and their families than they are to criminals, so owning a gun is a greater threat to your "self preservation" than criminals are.

Tougher sentencing laws will deter crime. There are no theives in Saudi Arabia.

So what concern is it of yours if I accidently shoot myself??? What makes your statistics apply to me??

As far as you Saudi comment.....I have to agree....but until then....I'm keepin my guns.

Lets get basic.....

Do you always where a seatbelt.....if so....why???

Do you wear condoms????

Do you wear a life jacket in a boat????

Do you take anti-biotics when you get ill?????

Do you have prescription drugs in your home??? If so......are they all locked up????

Do you own knives?????

Where is the nearest police officer??? Can you see one from your front door???How far away are they????

Does Dianne Fienstien have a concealed carry permit...yet abhores gun ownership?????

Is that elitism???

Have you ever gambled???? Whether cards.....slots...scratchers...etc.????

Are you better than me?????

Are you really trying to protect me????

If you had a gun......would you shoot yourself or let it sit about the house unattended for thieves and children to do with it as they please??????
So what concern is it of yours if I accidently shoot myself??? What makes your statistics apply to me??

As far as you Saudi comment.....I have to agree....but until then....I'm keepin my guns.

Lets get basic.....

Do you always where a seatbelt.....if so....why???

Do you wear condoms????

Do you wear a life jacket in a boat????

Do you take anti-biotics when you get ill?????

Do you have prescription drugs in your home??? If so......are they all locked up????

Do you own knives?????

Where is the nearest police officer??? Can you see one from your front door???How far away are they????

Does Dianne Fienstien have a concealed carry permit...yet abhores gun ownership?????

Is that elitism???

Have you ever gambled???? Whether cards.....slots...scratchers...etc.????

Are you better than me?????

Are you really trying to protect me????

If you had a gun......would you shoot yourself or let it sit about the house unattended for thieves and children to do with it as they please??????

The gun statistics apply to every gun owner. People get drunk, people get angry, people get depressed, and there is a gun in the house. What happens? Somebody gets killed, and there is regret all around. It happens over and over and over again in America. One million gun deaths since 1960.

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