Obama and Biden very anti Gun owner, and Gun Rights .

The gun statistics apply to every gun owner. People get drunk, people get angry, people get depressed, and there is a gun in the house. What happens? Somebody gets killed, and there is regret all around. It happens over and over and over again in America. One million gun deaths since 1960.

People get drunk and drive....stab....bludgeon....strangle...etc.

People get depressed and take pills.....slice wrists....jump off bridges....walk into traffic....step in front of trains.

People get angry and kill.......people can kill.....thats why I own guns.

You sir are being the judge and jury......you are convicting me and every legal...."right"full gunowner of un-commited crimes and atrocitys.

Since you didnt answer any of my questions from before.....I will "CONVICT" you.

You will get AIDS , syphillis , etc due to having sex......

You will drown in a boating accident......

You will die in a car crash whether you are seat-belted or not.....

You will get sad.....and you will kill yourself by taking pills or slicing your wrists in your kitchen............

You will do all these things which have certain risk.....and the worst will happen. Its bound to happen. Its been happening for a long time....and its never going to stop.

These horrible things are never going to cease....so long as people have the "Right" to do anything with any risk....they will fail and die......we need to take that away to protect them.

There are sheep.....and there are the shepards. Some need help from others......some do not.

I hope......for your sake.....if the situation came that you and your family were in mortal danger......that a "Shepard" were near by.

Why are you so afraid????............Hoplophobia
In 2006, there were 13,470 fatalities in crashes involving an alcohol-impaired driver (BAC of .08 or higher) – 32 percent of total traffic fatalities for the year.

Which one do we ban.......???? Alcohol??? Or cars??? That is 646,560 deaths in 48 years.......and thats only the .08 and higher batch. Get where I'm going with this???? That doesnt include the driving to fast cuzz they're young batch....the elderly batch....the stoned batch....the asleep batch....the angry batch....the depressed batch.

With these numbers.....you would have to pick one to ban based on the numbers. Which one will you pick???? If you dont pick one....you are a hypocrite......based on the stats of course.
Oh yeah; the criminals have nice easy to carry and swing- -around and use pistols and Joe citizen has to fumble around defending himself with a heavier gun, of much more length........Yeah, that makes sense. Criminals get pistols, we have 30" long guns......?

Everyone knows an assault rifle is real easy to manuever in the middle of the night in the dark........in one's house/abode.

Are you arguing that, in a "someone sneeks into your house situation", youd rather have a pistol than an assault rifle?
People get drunk and drive....stab....bludgeon....strangle...etc.

People get depressed and take pills.....slice wrists....jump off bridges....walk into traffic....step in front of trains.

People get angry and kill.......people can kill.....thats why I own guns.

You sir are being the judge and jury......you are convicting me and every legal...."right"full gunowner of un-commited crimes and atrocitys.

Since you didnt answer any of my questions from before.....I will "CONVICT" you.

You will get AIDS , syphillis , etc due to having sex......

You will drown in a boating accident......

You will die in a car crash whether you are seat-belted or not.....

You will get sad.....and you will kill yourself by taking pills or slicing your wrists in your kitchen............

You will do all these things which have certain risk.....and the worst will happen. Its bound to happen. Its been happening for a long time....and its never going to stop.

These horrible things are never going to cease....so long as people have the "Right" to do anything with any risk....they will fail and die......we need to take that away to protect them.

There are sheep.....and there are the shepards. Some need help from others......some do not.

I hope......for your sake.....if the situation came that you and your family were in mortal danger......that a "Shepard" were near by.

Why are you so afraid????............Hoplophobia

As a rule of thumb, you can do much more about beeing Stabbed, Strangled or drowned than about beeing shot.
I did fight off a knife attack aimed at my life (close enough though, lost half of my blood), if the attacker would have had a gun I would have been dead.
This was not in my house or near it, so even with lax gun laws, I was unlikely to wear a gun in this situation.
Are you arguing that, in a "someone sneeks into your house situation", youd rather have a pistol than an assault rifle?

i will take one or the other....but my point..your churchill quote has driven me to the point of doing this:

"Americans can always be counted on to do the right thing...after they have exhausted all other possibilities." -
-- Winston Churchill

Please correct your misquote....
The gun statistics apply to every gun owner. People get drunk, people get angry, people get depressed, and there is a gun in the house. What happens? Somebody gets killed, and there is regret all around. It happens over and over and over again in America. One million gun deaths since 1960.

I assume that is the article you pulled this little tidbit out of?

Guns and Violence: A Summary of the Field

In 1985, about 31,600 persons were killed with guns, and perhaps another 130,000 people suffered nonfatal gunshot wounds. The majority of the deaths, 55%, were suicides, rather than criminal homicides. Only 37% were homicides, 5% were fatal gun accidents, and 1.5% each were due to legal intervention (police officers killing suspects in the line of duty) and to death where it was undetermined whether injury was intentionally or accidentally inflicted. Among all deaths due to "external cause," i.e. accident, suicide or homicide, guns were involved in 22% of them, handguns in about 13% of them. The majority of all gun deaths involve handguns, mainly because 79% of the gun homicide deaths involved handguns. Guns were involved in 1.5% of all deaths, from all causes, in 1985. They were involved in 59% of suicides, 60% of homicides, and 1.8% of accidental deaths in 1985.

There were also over 650,000 violent crimes involving guns in some way in 1985, over 540,000 of them (82%) involving handguns. Guns were involved in about 12% of all violent crime, and handguns in about 10%. The majority of the gun crimes were assaults, mostly threats without any injury or any element of theft or rape.

Probably fewer than 2% of handguns and well under 1% of all guns will ever be involved in a violent crime. Thus, the problem of criminal gun violence is concentrated within a very small subset of gun owners, indicating that gun control aimed at the general population faces a serious needle-in-the-haystack problem
We will not solve the problem of violence by outlawing guns.

We might mitigate the violence by gun if we did that, though.

I say we outlaw hand guns and allow people to keep their long arms.

It won't elimiate all problems, but it sure as hell will make it harder for criminals to walk among us armed.
You and Kirt kinda remind me of that dumbass that let himself get mauled by those Grizzly's.

Its kill or be killed when dealing with a killer......end of story.....if you choose to be a Martyr....so be it.....one less weak link. Just dont vote away everyone elses God given "right" to self-preservation.

You have it all wrong ... the police will protect you.:rolleyes:

You got that "weak" exactly right. I don't NEED anyone to protect me, and I damned sure ain't waiting around for them to investigate my murder when they show up hours after the fact.

People that believe they will be protected from a violent crime by the police are pretty damned dumb in that regard, IMO.
Why are you safer in Japan than the United States, motherfucker?

Because Japanese society is different than American society. The island is pretty-much small, isolated and self-contained -- meaning there's nowhere to run to. And, criminals there just cut your throat from ear to ear, so you aren't safer. Just less likely to get shot.

And comparing the US to Japan is just intellectually dishonest. Period. Two completely different cultures. Our society is derived directly from the use of firearms by private citizens. Had King Edward outlawed firearms in the colonies and enforced it, we would not have had the means to revolt.

Yet you would do that very thing to us.:eusa_eh:
If someone gets into your house and means you or your family harm.....feel free to use a bread maker to inflict damage.......I'll use my gun.

wow, way to completely twist what i said.

and did you miss the part where i said i support the 2nd amendment?
Kirk's our resident douchebag.

Ask the dumb motherfucker why I'm safer the second I leave the shithole MA and enter New Hampshire.

ive lived in both states. so please tell me how you feel much safer in NH than in MA (driving excluded)
You have it all wrong ... the police will protect you.:rolleyes:

You got that "weak" exactly right. I don't NEED anyone to protect me, and I damned sure ain't waiting around for them to investigate my murder when they show up hours after the fact.

People that believe they will be protected from a violent crime by the police are pretty damned dumb in that regard, IMO.

but then theyll go all CSI on your death :cool:
What about when a Rapist,homo,child molester,murderer psychopath,criminally insane, invades your home with a Gun to attacks you, your wife and your child.And you as the man
of the house is unarmed without a Gun, because of your insane illogical Gun control logic, is killed and victimized by this crazed Armed person.How will you feel about Gun control after being victimized by a armed criminal?.

:lol: first of all, I AM a woman......so....yeah there's that....no "man of the house" bullshit to toss around here

Second of all, statistically speaking the chances of some rapist, child molester, murder, et al breaking into my are pretty slim. Crimes against strangers such as rape and murder aren't as common as the nightly news would have the public believe.

I did notice you included "homos" into the raping and murdering psychopath group though, that was cute :cuckoo:

As for how I would protect myself or my family well I don't live in daily fear of being attacked by some armed criminal. It's not that I don't think it could happen, it's that I take precautions to prevent it in the first place. Locks on my doors and windows, security lights around my home, a BIG Dog, paying attention to my surroundings, not coasting through life on auto-pilot like so many people do, etc.

I would fight for my life if I needed to but I wouldn't feel any safer knowing I had a gun in the house so why add the risk to myself and my family?
:lol: first of all, I AM a woman......so....yeah there's that....no "man of the house" bullshit to toss around here

Second of all, statistically speaking the chances of some rapist, child molester, murder, et al breaking into my are pretty slim. Crimes against strangers such as rape and murder aren't as common as the nightly news would have the public believe.

I did notice you included "homos" into the raping and murdering psychopath group though, that was cute :cuckoo:

As for how I would protect myself or my family well I don't live in daily fear of being attacked by some armed criminal. It's not that I don't think it could happen, it's that I take precautions to prevent it in the first place. Locks on my doors and windows, security lights around my home, a BIG Dog, paying attention to my surroundings, not coasting through life on auto-pilot like so
many people do, etc.

I would fight for my life if I needed to but I wouldn't feel any safer knowing I had a gun in the house so why add the risk to myself and my family?

as one of them stats....you keep talking about...go back and read my story....had he made it into the house...the only thing between him and my son was me....and i was armed. if you want to take your chances so be it, but dont force your fear of guns on me. I am well trained as are the other family members. When we had a young child in the house we used trigger locks. my right to self protection trumps your right to tell me what i can and cant have inside my house, car or purse.

stats show that states with concealed carry have lower crime rates, I wonder why?
i will take one or the other....but my point..your churchill quote has driven me to the point of doing this:

"Americans can always be counted on to do the right thing...after they have exhausted all other possibilities." -
-- Winston Churchill

Please correct your misquote....

I have seen it in the form posted by me more often than in the other one. If you can digg up the original content I would gladly change mine.
I could propably add some quotes about other Empires too though.

Cheers, Mightypeon
as one of them stats....you keep talking about...go back and read my story....had he made it into the house...the only thing between him and my son was me....and i was armed. if you want to take your chances so be it, but dont force your fear of guns on me. I am well trained as are the other family members. When we had a young child in the house we used trigger locks. my right to self protection trumps your right to tell me what i can and cant have inside my house, car or purse.

stats show that states with concealed carry have lower crime rates, I wonder why?

see that is part of the problem with wingnuts...they see what they want to see... I never said you didn't have the RIGHT to own a gun, I said I believe in GUN CONTROL! waiting periods, locks on guns in homes with children, background checks for gun owners, certifications and training for gun owners, a ban on assualt weapons, etc.

IF you want to own a gun, and yes, it's your right to do so, then do it in a way that is responsible and not like you think your Wyatt Erp.
What we have here, are people like Kirk, and Ms. Silence who would rather leave themselves unarmed to be victimized by criminals. Because, they feel that owning a gun,
would leave them in more danger,than being attacked by a armed criminal with a Gun.
What kind of insane backward logic do we have with these two?!.
What we have here, are people like Kirk, and Ms. Silence who would rather leave themselves unarmed to be victimized by criminals. Because, they feel that owning a gun,
would leave them in more danger,than being attacked by a armed criminal with a Gun.
What kind of insane backward logic do we have with these two?!.

:badgrin: is that what I said? really? so I should buy a gun because YOU think I should feel safer owning one and because I know I wouldn't I'm illogical?

I've been the victim of a crime, it was committed against me by a member of my own family thank you. If I had a gun I guess I could've shot him.

The sad fact is, IF you are going to be the victim of a crime you are much more likely to know the person committing the crime against you, would you be able to shoot someone you knew?

I want to be clear...I am NOT against guns. I understand why people own them, why people have the right to own them, I'm just for precautions to make sure that the wrong people don't own them, such as people with mental instability issues and history of violence.
wow, way to completely twist what i said.

and did you miss the part where i said i support the 2nd amendment?

Maybe the response is because you're waffle-ing on private citizen gun rights, even though you say your pro
2nd Amendment?

Please straighten me out or correct me if I'm misunderstanding your position. :)
Maybe the response is because you're waffle-ing on private citizen gun rights, even though you say your pro
2nd Amendment?

Please straighten me out or correct me if I'm misunderstanding your position. :)

how have i waffled? i said that a gun shouldnt be considered just another object like a bat. is that saying people cant own guns?

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