Obama and Biden very anti Gun owner, and Gun Rights .

Nevada leads the nation in gun deaths and gun ownership....

Nevada leads in gun deaths, ownership With more guns sold and registered per capita than anywhere in the U.S., Nevada is a gun state - always has been.It also is the gun-death state. Accordi | NevadaAppeal.com

With more guns sold and registered per capita than anywhere in the U.S., Nevada is a gun state - always has been.

It also is the gun-death state. According to the Center for Disease Control, since 2000, Nevada has led the nation with an average of 26 gun-related deaths per 100,000 people.

War-torn Iraq averaged 32 gun deaths per 100,000 people last year, according to the same study.

At least once a year, an accidental gun death here makes national headlines.

Lives cut short

Northern Nevada's latest gun tragedy came Oct. 28.

Charles Coogan Kelly, 21, of Truckee, Derek Jensen, 23, of Reno, and Nathan Viljoen, 23, of Fallon, were all fatally shot after an argument erupted at the party in a quiet, neighborhood in southwest Reno.

Two 19-year-old Reno men, Samisone Taukitoku and Saili Manu, were arrested the next day on suspicion of robbery, assault with a deadly weapon and brandishing a firearm. Their bail was set at $500,000 each.

During his arraignment, Taukitoku was charged on three counts of murder with the use of a firearm, assault with a deadly weapon and coercion. He is being held without bail. Saili Manu also was arraigned on charges of coercion and assault with a deadly weapon.

Manu remained in custody in lieu of $500,000 cash bail. Taukitoku is accused of using a .380 semi-automatic pistol to shoot world-class snowboarder Kelly, University of Nevada, Reno student Jensen, and former UNR student Viljoen.

Police said Taukitoku, Manu and two teen relatives crashed a party at a Heatheridge Lane home rented by UNR students.

Robert Bell, Manu's attorney, said the pair went to the party to have fun, but when they arrived at the party, fights had broken out.

"Then, shots rang out, and three boys were dead," Bell said. "He's in shock, that's the best way to put it. The public needs to see where the real fault lies. He was not charged with murder."

Three dead from a Halloween party is just the latest case of guns cutting young lives short here.

On June 15, 2006, Zack Warren, 18, was accidentally shot and killed by friend Donald Davis at a house on River Road.
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That's funny.

All of the states given D's and F's by the Brady Campaign are far safer than the states that receive A's and B's.

Korky owned again!

Lies, more lies...

I think you should move to Nevada. You have the best chance of dying a gun death there.
They bought their guns in Virginia.

How many gun deaths are there in Japan each year?

you are so fixed on other countries, why don't you just leave the u.s.a.? you seem so unhappy here.

regarding guns, make guns illegal, people are still going to get them, they will just all be underground instead of just a small amount. i know plenty of people who own guns(legally), and they have no problems. i wish you luck stealing any gun from me. i have a a 700lbs gun safe with a combination lock. not everyone that owns a gun leaves it on their coffee table cocked and loaded(safety off) for the 6 year old neighbor kid to play with.
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Lies, more lies...

I think you should move to Nevada. You have the best chance of dying a gun death there.

I'm sure you'd love that :badgrin:

I'd be sure to come back from the dead and expose your deceitful posts.
you are so fixed on other countries, why don't you just leave the u.s.a.? you seem so unhappy here.

regarding guns, make guns illegal, people are still going to get them, they will just all be underground instead of just a small amount. i know plenty of people who own guns(legally), and they have no problems. i wish you luck stealing any gun from me. i have a a 700lbs gun safe with a combination lock. not everyone that owns a gun leaves it on their coffee table cocked and loaded(safety off) for the 6 year old neighbor kid to play with.

Most of the other Western democracies do healthcare and gun control better than we do. It's just a fact.

We're Number One in gun deaths, however!
Most of the other Western democracies do healthcare and gun control better than we do. It's just a fact.

We're Number One in gun deaths, however!

you maybe right on gun control, either way i don't care, i handle my guns safely and they will never affect any other american.

healthcare, you are very confused. you should look up some negatives of universal healthcare. like why canadians come to the states for mri's, cat scans, major surgerys because they have to wait for months to receive those treatments and many other special procedures. why do canadians come to the states to have their babys? could it quite possibly be our healthcare quality is far above theirs and you don't have to wait in line for months?

Don?t destroy American health system for Canadians | The News is NowPublic.com
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The desperation of the right wing is so damned obvious.

"I hear Barack Obama and Joe Biden are very anti Gun rights."

My God, how pathetic is that?
I'm confused ... I thought wedge issues were meant to split people who otherwise would have the same goal ... upon further reflection I get what you are saying ... that people don't realize they have the same goals is the wedge ... an interesting point.

Ok ... I wasn't directly addressing you when I made my first remark ... but I did broad brush ... in the future I will refrain from discussing the bible with you or directly painting you as a bible thumper.

thank you.

since you are agaisnt guns...you ever stabbed someone to death with a spoon? its hard work.
The desperation of the right wing is so damned obvious.

"I hear Barack Obama and Joe Biden are very anti Gun rights."

My God, how pathetic is that?

Watch both conventions and you will see pathetic at its finest.
Watch both conventions and you will see pathetic at its finest.

Possibly, but hardly more pathetic than the flailing of the right wingers on this board who presume that we are dumb enough not to see through their transparent complaints about Obama.

At the top levels of the Republican party, I see some truly brilliant minds -- minds capable of manipulating the people, minds capable of planning long range schemes which serve their (clandestine) purposes beautifully.

But down here in the trenches where we average Americans debate the issues?

The Republican loyals seem dumber than posts.
you maybe right on gun control, either way i don't care, i handle my guns safely and they will never affect any other american.

healthcare, you are very confused. you should look up some negatives of universal healthcare. like why canadians come to the states for mri's, cat scans, major surgerys because they have to wait for months to receive those treatments and many other special procedures. why do canadians come to the states to have their babys? could it quite possibly be our healthcare quality is far above theirs and you don't have to wait in line for months?

Don?t destroy American health system for Canadians | The News is NowPublic.com

When Canadians were asked in a poll to name the greatest Canadian in history, they chose the man who developed their healthcare system. Every system has is a compromise of sorts, but most of the criticism of the single payer system is bogus. You still get to choose your doctor, and your doctor is still in business for himself, but the government acts as the insurance company. As a result the government can negotiate from strength with the drug companies to lower prices. There is less litigation because if mistakes are made they don't cost as much to fix, and there are inherent savings from lower administrative costs. Click the link below to read a very good overview of the Canadian system.

Mythbusting Canadian Health Care -- Part I | OurFuture.org
I'm not saying a gun is no different than those things, I am simply saying that a gun is a tool in much the same way. How a tool is used and by whom determines what that tool does.

the only problem with this is that all a gun does is shoot. it wont kill anyone if it isnt shot, just like a bat wont hit a ball if it isnt swung, but the only use for a gun is to inflict damage. there isnt a question of how it is used, as it has only the one use. it isnt like it is being used in a way it wasnt intended, like a bat or a rope or a candlestick. it is being used in the way it was designed to be used.

Those are weapons I have no desire to see in the hands of private citizens. Same goes for fully automatic weapons, at least in my book. I can see an argument for collectors, maybe. No one needs an AK-47 to hunt dear and I see no reason to mine my lawn.

and here we agree (shake hands). i support the right to own guns, mainly because it is the second amendment. but for the purpose of protection you dont need an assault rifle. a shotgun will scare people from your home just fine.
All I know is that Barack Obama and Joe Biden Senate records indicate an anti Gun
bias.Joe Biden signed authored legislation that put 200,000 more cops on our streets.!
We don't need more Cops, America needs Jobs.
All I know is that Barack Obama and Joe Biden Senate records indicate an anti Gun
bias.Joe Biden signed authored legislation that put 200,000 more cops on our streets.!
We don't need more Cops, America needs Jobs.

America DOES need jobs... how'd your guys do with that one for the last 7 1/2 years?

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