Obama and McCain Debate: Round 2

MSNBC - "10:43" McCain and his wife left.

Obama stayed for least twenty minutes after the debate.

What was John McCain's excuse? On his way back to Washington for another bill?

I don't know why so many of y'all think this debate was so horrible, or boring.

Debates are pretty much never entertaining. They never get into the nuts and bolts of policy wonkery. They're job interviews.

I thought the questions were substantive and important. The economy, national security, and the worst financial meltdown since the great depression. Those are weighty issues.

I don't know if y'all remember, but those 2000 debates, and even to some extent the 2004 debates had a lot of shit questions about bibles, guns, and gays.

Which seem absolutely trivial now, in retrospect.
MSNBC - "10:43" McCain and his wife left.

Obama stayed for least twenty minutes after the debate.

What was John McCain's excuse? On his way back to Washington for another bill?


Maybe he didn't need an excuse, but it could be that walking to the bathroom is painful for him. You know, cause the gooks(word used with heavy sarcasmand a word perfectly acceptable to use about enemy combatants that made a living beating the shit out of American GI's) beat the shit out of him for like 5 years or something.
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I blocked that pornography. I only watch now when the daily show makes fun of those two douches. one, the blonde guy, is actually named douche, or close to it. But the questions he proposes are insane. Like when he kept saying madrasa. I wouldn't even know that word if it weren't for him. I should watch them in the morning tomorr, NO! I refuse!

omg, I just saw the scariest thing. Obama won every cnn poll, but then the lady asked 25 ppl who would they vote for and 14 said mccain, 11 obama. wtf!

I saw the same thing but only 4 of the 25 people said they made up their mind, I think they want to vote Mccain but are running out of excuses for him.
Cry Moar.
I think your just bitter that Obama will be your next president :tongue::clap2:

Obama= classy
McCain= classless
CrimsonWhite= McCain's intern :eusa_whistle:

When you have been around here longer than a week, you can comment on where i stand and whom I support. Until then, you just look like a dumbass.
Maybe he didn't need an excuse, but it could be that walking to the bathroom is painful for him. You cause the gooks beat the shit out of him for like 5 years or something.

Stop using his time as a POW for a excuse of his not giving a damn about people.

Walking to the bathroom doesn't mean anything if he doesn't even come back to the room. He LEFT the building.

(Unless your sarcastic in that post, then I dunno what to tell you.)
When you have been around here longer than a week, you can comment on where i stand and whom I support. Until then, you just look like a dumbass.

You supported the current 8 years of George Bush's policies but it's now time for a change :badgrin:

Maybe he didn't need an excuse, but it could be that walking to the bathroom is painful for him. You cause the gooks beat the shit out of him for like 5 years or something.

so he had to go take a piss Crimson? and did you use the term gook to be funny?
Well McCain has made some pretty offensive irish jokes in the past.

Did they torture him in a cell for five years too in Ireland?

Uh, he is of Irish heritage. This would be like me telling honky jokes. Geez people get a grip.

At what point in time did we stop respecting war heros. Or more importantly anyone who has served something greater than self. We are really gonna make jokes about this man shitting himself and bitch that he can't stand up as long as Obama? Give me a fucking break.
Uh, he is of Irish heritage. This would be like me telling honky jokes. Geez people get a grip.

At what point in time did we stop respecting war heros. Or more importantly anyone who has served something greater than self. We are really gonna make jokes about this man shitting himself and bitch that he can't stand up as long as Obama? Give me a fucking break.

Alright, how about the jokes about female? Or that rape joke he did in the past?

He's not of the female gender.

Do I respect John McCain for his service in the war? Of course

Will I mock the man for his policies, actions, and every stupid comment? Yes

I'm not giving him a free pass because he was a war hero.

Hell any republicans bitching and moaning now about John McCain and his war record being attacked in 08, I have this question for you?

Where the fuck were you in 04 when it was happening to Kerry?
Wow, you neg repped me, sorry I disappointed you. I respect he fought for the country, I dont respect him as a man, does that work for you.

I get a little touchy about Vietnam Vets. My Dad's stories of being spit on resonate every time someone insults this man. I don't agree wth all of his politics and after the debate tonight, I probably won't vote for him, but I'll be damned if I'll ever insult him, or stop getting pissed when someone else does as well.
yeah I saw you used it as a McCainism :lol:

Well hells bells, he called Obama "that one."

I was waiting for McCain to pull one of these:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lv_ac-op8IA]YouTube - Michael Richards' Racist Rant[/ame]

(N word thrown around in this video, so sorry if anyone is offended then I wouldn't look at it).

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