Obama and McCain Debate: Round 2

According to NBC News, John McCain's campaign has complained that this debate was not truly a townhall debate.
McCain referring to Obama as "that one" is classy? :eusa_eh:
You sir, are an idiot :cuckoo:

Of course he did, as the older, more experienced candidate, he established seniority. Same as Reagan over Mondale. That's how things are. Now, if McCain had called him "boy" then you would have a case. Since this isn't the case, your comment is nothing more than a partisan crack at a man that you already had a predetermined opinion of. That makes you an asshole.
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More from CNN's instapoll:

Who expressed his views more clearly in the debate?

Obama 60
McCain 30

Who spent more time attacking his opponent?

Obama 17
McCain 63

Who seemed to be the stronger leader?

Obama 54
McCain 43

Who was most likeable?

Obama 65
McCain 28
Seriously, how many questions did the audience get to ask vs. how many the moderator asked?

Let them do another town hall. This time in Ohio.

To be honest, I wouldn't mind a audience townhall but you have to be careful with that.

Otherwise you might get questions for Obama like in the sham ABC debate when he debated Hillary.
kane3o1= asshole

McCain has class. It takes class to do what he has done his entire life.

In 2000 I would've agreed with you. The McCain of today is not the same man who ran against Bush in 2000. I don't know, maybe something in him broke when his own party turned so viciously against him. he seems to have lost his integrity and honor in the waning days of this election and it's truly a sad sight to behold.
Not even the McCain followers can deny that John McCain was on the offensive more instead of answering the questions really.

I heard at least third times about Obama and earmarks while he ignores the hypocrisy that the people he supports has.
Of course he did, as the older, more experienced candidate, he established seniority. Same as Reagan over Mondale. That's how things are. Now, if McCain had called him "boy" then you would have a case. Since this isn't the case, your comment is nothing more than a partisan crack at a man that you already had a predetermined opinion of. That makes you an asshole.

Cry Moar.
I think your just bitter that Obama will be your next president :tongue::clap2:

Obama= classy
McCain= classless
CrimsonWhite= McCain's intern :eusa_whistle:
In 2000 I would've agreed with you. The McCain of today is not the same man who ran against Bush in 2000. I don't know, maybe something in him broke when his own party turned so viciously against him. he seems to have lost his integrity and honor in the waning days of this election and it's truly a sad sight to behold.

John McCain from 2000 to today reminds me of Star Wars.

He use to believe in justice, good, and defending what is right. But then the power of the dark side eventually was too much of a temptation. And in exchange for getting the Republican Nomination, he had to sell his soul basically.

Question of the Day
Who won the second presidential debate in Nashville?

John McCain 39%

Barack Obama 61%

Total Voters:8208
Who would make a better first lady?
Cindy McCain 14% 1050
Michelle Obama 86% 6591
Total Votes: 7641

:clap2::clap2::clap2: :woohoo:
Thats funny because they wont bring it up on air, they have the text vote at the bottom of the screen and its heavy towards Mccain.
what is the percentages on the fox news polls? I refuse to watch that channel.

I blocked that pornography. I only watch now when the daily show makes fun of those two douches. one, the blonde guy, is actually named douche, or close to it. But the questions he proposes are insane. Like when he kept saying madrasa. I wouldn't even know that word if it weren't for him. I should watch them in the morning tomorr, NO! I refuse!

omg, I just saw the scariest thing. Obama won every cnn poll, but then the lady asked 25 ppl who would they vote for and 14 said mccain, 11 obama. wtf!

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