Obama and Reid ALREADY Negotiated!!!

So the OVERWHELMING argument on these boards from right wingers is that Reid and Obama aren't willing to negotiate, this argument is inherently false right from the beginning because they have ALREADY negotiated the CR bill!! And here's the best part....the GOP already won on that budget deal!!

A 986 billion dollar CR bill (70 billion less then the democrats wanted) was already agreed between Reid and Boehner months ago. Boehner said "yes we can do that, and we won't bring ACA up"

986 Billion CR is Sequestration level discretionary spending, it's absolutely a conservative CR from any viewpoint possible.

Seeing that the GOP has already had terms given to them via the budget, they are now just trying to freely pocket that gain and pretend like nothing happened. Boehner got pressured relentlessly by tea bagger idiots to tie the CONSERVATIVE CR to ACA via defund/delay terms on the ACA.

This. Is. Ridiculous. The GOP sets the spending levels...they take. They up what they want to take with taking away from ACA....then they decide that they want to "Take less" and say they are negotiating WHEN THEY THEMSELVES HAVE NOT PUT ANYTHING AT ALL ON THE TABLE WHEN THE DEMOCRATS HAVE 2 OUT OF THE 3 BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENT!!

They take with Spending levels (conservative CR)

They now want to take ACA

Take and Take...what have they "GIVEN"????????????????

The Sequester was what happened the last time Obama capitulated.

The Republicans were like "Yeah, buddy..we'll negotiate, NO ONE WANTS THE SEQUESTER!"

This was essentially the same exact thing. They put a gun to the head of government.

Then? :eusa_shifty: They pulled the trigger and knee capped it.

The sequester was Obama's idea from the get go. He loves to punish the public and blame it on the GOP, or Bush, or the Tea Party, or the weather, or the foreign markets, or the Arab Spring, or just anything he can conjure up as an excuse for his ineptness and complete failure as our President.
The sequester was Obama's idea from the get go. He loves to punish the public and blame it on the GOP, or Bush, or the Tea Party, or the weather, or the foreign markets, or the Arab Spring, or just anything he can conjure up as an excuse for his ineptness and complete failure as our President.

The Republicans fought tooth and nail for spending cuts...the deal was that taxes would be raised on the very wealthy in exchange for sequester cuts. If Obama was in favor of Sequester cuts that makes Republicans really STUPID because it means they gave him Tax raises on wealthy people for nothing.
The negotiations you are reffering to happened 2 years ago when your dear leader came up with the sequester and the republicans accepted it. So you expect them to sit in the corner and accept that as an end point, really?

The tax raises on incomes above $250,000 was the democrats part of it...the sequester cuts are the Republican part of it (they were even publicly announcing these terms)

Sequester level spending is "absolutely" a conservative agenda...there are democrats saying they want to reform the Sequester because it does too much to cut spending.

And we say it do enough and your dear leader wants more revenue and more spending. The people gave Washington a divided government, it's up to all to work with that. I still haven't seen one of you lefties that can explain why your dear leader refuses to give individuals the same exemption he gave companies. That could end this thing.

One good way to give the tea party terrorists what they want is to stop spending on the army, marines and air force.

A strict reading of the constitution shows the only part of the military that's spending is mandated on..is the navy.

So if you own a gun? As per the 2nd Amendment and the Powers of Congress, you are in the militia and available to fight America's wars.

Pretty simple. And saves billions a year.
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The sequester was Obama's idea from the get go. He loves to punish the public and blame it on the GOP, or Bush, or the Tea Party, or the weather, or the foreign markets, or the Arab Spring, or just anything he can conjure up as an excuse for his ineptness and complete failure as our President.

The Republicans fought tooth and nail for spending cuts...the deal was that taxes would be raised on the very wealthy in exchange for sequester cuts. If Obama was in favor of Sequester cuts that makes Republicans really STUPID because it means they gave him Tax raises on wealthy people for nothing.

That was basically another ridiculous deal.

Obama should have let the Tax cuts sunset as they were supposed too and then made a deal.
The Republicans and their willing accomplices in the rightwing media are very good at framing debates with false premises.

In this case they are hammering the Democrats for not negotiating; their false premise is that these are negotiable items in the first place.

The non-negotiable items that the Republicans put on the table are

1. the running of the government

2. the paying of our debts

Yes...apparently according to rightwing logic the GOP doesn't have to give a crap about funding the government or paying our debts...that's for the democrats to worry about....

How many appropriation bills has Harry Reid and the Dem controlled Senate passed?

Answer: ZERO
The sequester was Obama's idea from the get go. He loves to punish the public and blame it on the GOP, or Bush, or the Tea Party, or the weather, or the foreign markets, or the Arab Spring, or just anything he can conjure up as an excuse for his ineptness and complete failure as our President.

The Republicans fought tooth and nail for spending cuts...the deal was that taxes would be raised on the very wealthy in exchange for sequester cuts. If Obama was in favor of Sequester cuts that makes Republicans really STUPID because it means they gave him Tax raises on wealthy people for nothing.

Obama has raised taxes on EVERYBODY!
The tax raises on incomes above $250,000 was the democrats part of it...the sequester cuts are the Republican part of it (they were even publicly announcing these terms)

Sequester level spending is "absolutely" a conservative agenda...there are democrats saying they want to reform the Sequester because it does too much to cut spending.

And we say it do enough and your dear leader wants more revenue and more spending. The people gave Washington a divided government, it's up to all to work with that. I still haven't seen one of you lefties that can explain why your dear leader refuses to give individuals the same exemption he gave companies. That could end this thing.

The employer mandate had technical issues that stopped implementation. The individual mandate doesn't.

The fact is the current CR bill is conservative favored...the GOP has their piece of pie, now they ask for more with delaying ACA, that's just crazy.

If the individual mandate doesn't have technical issues then why are so many people hitting brick walls on the web sites. They had 3 years to get this right and the incompetence of your dear leaders administration continues to shine.
What exactly did they negotiate??

Oh wait. I forgot. They negotiated that they weren't going to negotiate with the R's. Never mind.
The Republicans and their willing accomplices in the rightwing media are very good at framing debates with false premises.

In this case they are hammering the Democrats for not negotiating; their false premise is that these are negotiable items in the first place.

The non-negotiable items that the Republicans put on the table are

1. the running of the government

2. the paying of our debts

Yes...apparently according to rightwing logic the GOP doesn't have to give a crap about funding the government or paying our debts...that's for the democrats to worry about....

How many appropriation bills has Harry Reid and the Dem controlled Senate passed?

Answer: ZERO

An appropriation bill can't be recognized without 60 votes or the house passing an identical bill. House GOP would pass bills the democrats object to and then the GOP Senate would filibuster any bill the Democrats would try to pass.
And we say it do enough and your dear leader wants more revenue and more spending. The people gave Washington a divided government, it's up to all to work with that. I still haven't seen one of you lefties that can explain why your dear leader refuses to give individuals the same exemption he gave companies. That could end this thing.

The employer mandate had technical issues that stopped implementation. The individual mandate doesn't.

The fact is the current CR bill is conservative favored...the GOP has their piece of pie, now they ask for more with delaying ACA, that's just crazy.

If the individual mandate doesn't have technical issues then why are so many people hitting brick walls on the web sites. They had 3 years to get this right and the incompetence of your dear leaders administration continues to shine.

Website =/= Individual mandate
What exactly did they negotiate??

Oh wait. I forgot. They negotiated that they weren't going to negotiate with the R's. Never mind.

They negotiated the CR bill, they accepted the GOP's terms (their original terms anyway, before Boehner did a 180)
Ugh. Yeah they did negotiate. The words were, and I quote: "I will not negotiate" end quote. Obama is sweating bullets now. Methinks he will be the one to cave.
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Yes...apparently according to rightwing logic the GOP doesn't have to give a crap about funding the government or paying our debts...that's for the democrats to worry about....

How many appropriation bills has Harry Reid and the Dem controlled Senate passed?

Answer: ZERO

An appropriation bill can't be recognized without 60 votes or the house passing an identical bill. House GOP would pass bills the democrats object to and then the GOP Senate would filibuster any bill the Democrats would try to pass.

Sorry, pal! The Senate is controlled by Democrats with Harry Reid at the helm. He is sitting on well over 200 bills sent over by the House. He let's them die in committee. Harry Reid is a farce!
Ugh. Yeah they did negotiate. The words were, and I quote: "I will not negotiate" end quote. Obama is sweating bullets now. Methinks he will be the one to cave.

What reason does Obama possibly have to cave? He doesn't even need to worry about reelection at this point.
What exactly did they negotiate??

Oh wait. I forgot. They negotiated that they weren't going to negotiate with the R's. Never mind.

They negotiated the CR bill, they accepted the GOP's terms (their original terms anyway, before Boehner did a 180)

And you have a link proving this?

Proving this? It's common knowledge, Boehner said he'd accept the conservative leaning CR bill and he wouldn't bring up ACA.

What he ended up doing was sticking with the conservative CR and tying it to the ACA. A 986 billion CR bill is not "giving" anything.
The sequester was Obama's idea from the get go. He loves to punish the public and blame it on the GOP, or Bush, or the Tea Party, or the weather, or the foreign markets, or the Arab Spring, or just anything he can conjure up as an excuse for his ineptness and complete failure as our President.

The Republicans fought tooth and nail for spending cuts...the deal was that taxes would be raised on the very wealthy in exchange for sequester cuts. If Obama was in favor of Sequester cuts that makes Republicans really STUPID because it means they gave him Tax raises on wealthy people for nothing.

Obama has raised taxes on EVERYBODY!

Only on moochers such as yourself who refuse to show responsibility and purchase health insurance.
Ugh. Yeah they did negotiate. The words were, and I quote: "I will not negotiate" end quote. Obama is sweating bullets now. Methinks he will be the one to cave.

Tell us who you thought would win the last presidential election...and the one before that. I'm sure you have an excellent track record of predictions.
And don't let the GOP fool you. The don't want to negotiate. They want to make demands without offering anything in return.

Sounds familiar. The Democrats did it during the Fiscal Cliff talks. They wanted increased taxes with no spending cuts.
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Ugh. Yeah they did negotiate. The words were, and I quote: "I will not negotiate" end quote. Obama is sweating bullets now. Methinks he will be the one to cave.

What reason does Obama possibly have to cave? He doesn't even need to worry about reelection at this point.

He is more concerned with his legacy than anything, when he sees his polls continue to fall I think his attitude will change. He already has first downgrade on his resume, he doesn't want first to default, and in 40 years when maobama is in his twilight, no one will remember the name of the congresscritters, it will all be on him and he knows it.

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