Obama Announces Huge Tax Increases Are Only Solution

We're finally learning what we should have figured out long ago. The base of the Republican party is not made up of social conservatives;

it's made up of wealth. The GOP works for the wealthy.

The social conservatives are just allowed to pretend they're the base, the heart and soul of the GOP,

so they'll play along.
Bullshit! I pay enough freaking taxes. The government is so f'd up nobody is ever going to fix it. I already am doing more with less. The government and the people with hand outs to the government should do the SAME! It is disgusting.

I'm going to go out on a limb and guess you don't earn over $250,000 a year, so I'd calm down if I were you.

But feel free to tell me why the middle class should continue to fund the Bush tax cuts.

The Middle Class are primary beneficiaries of the Bush Tax Cuts.

Look at what Obama said. He's getting rid of mortgage interest deductions on a home.

Who will be the most effected by this?

He's getting rid of charitable deductions.

Who will be the most effected by this?

Answer: The Middle Class

Already they admit it will be $200k for single filing separately. Pretty soon you'll discover that you fall in the category that gets the shaft. I already do. Heritage says that the tax increases Obama has proposed will only raise $1.8 trillion more over 10 years. This will barely pay for next year's deficit, so pretty soon he'll be proposing lowering the increase to another level, perhaps $100k or lower.

Just wait for inflation.

When the AMT was put in place, it applied to 155 high income households - now it affects millions of middle class people. Why? Because it was never properly indexed to inflation.

So now we have two income families at the $250K level being defined as Rich. After a decade of high inflation, that will be a solidly middle middle class income level.
Bullshit! I pay enough freaking taxes. The government is so f'd up nobody is ever going to fix it. I already am doing more with less. The government and the people with hand outs to the government should do the SAME! It is disgusting.

I'm going to go out on a limb and guess you don't earn over $250,000 a year, so I'd calm down if I were you.

But feel free to tell me why the middle class should continue to fund the Bush tax cuts.

The Middle Class are primary beneficiaries of the Bush Tax Cuts.

Look at what Obama said. He's getting rid of mortgage interest deductions on a home.

Who will be the most effected by this?

He's getting rid of charitable deductions.

Who will be the most effected by this?

Answer: The Middle Class

Already they admit it will be $200k for single filing separately. Pretty soon you'll discover that you fall in the category that gets the shaft. I already do. Heritage says that the tax increases Obama has proposed will only raise $1.8 trillion more over 10 years. This will barely pay for next year's deficit, so pretty soon he'll be proposing lowering the increase to another level, perhaps $100k or lower.

The Heritage Foundation is even admitting the tax increases WILL raise revenues.

lol, that's heresy on the Right, isn't it?
Deductions only help if you can itemize, most people can not. Walmart and mega stores like Home Depot and others took away the small jobs, those are not comming back unless you retool America for manufactoring, those jobs that paid good wages were replaced with low paying service sector jobs. Nafta and global wealth redistribution killed America. Tax increase are a must. Unless the rich want to build hospitals and schools and museums like they use to. Fix the tax code so America wins in the global market , not get our asses handed to us.
I'm going to go out on a limb and guess you don't earn over $250,000 a year, so I'd calm down if I were you.

But feel free to tell me why the middle class should continue to fund the Bush tax cuts.

The Middle Class are primary beneficiaries of the Bush Tax Cuts.

Look at what Obama said. He's getting rid of mortgage interest deductions on a home.

Who will be the most effected by this?

He's getting rid of charitable deductions.

Who will be the most effected by this?

Answer: The Middle Class

Already they admit it will be $200k for single filing separately. Pretty soon you'll discover that you fall in the category that gets the shaft. I already do. Heritage says that the tax increases Obama has proposed will only raise $1.8 trillion more over 10 years. This will barely pay for next year's deficit, so pretty soon he'll be proposing lowering the increase to another level, perhaps $100k or lower.

Just wait for inflation.

When the AMT was put in place, it applied to 155 high income households - now it affects millions of middle class people. Why? Because it was never properly indexed to inflation.

So now we have two income families at the $250K level being defined as Rich. After a decade of high inflation, that will be a solidly middle middle class income level.

Three percent of American families earn over $250,000 per year, and you want to claim that income level as being middle class? So everyone under $250,000 is poor? I really love how we must all sacrifice, except for those who make the most money. God forbid, those with the most money should have to sacrifice too.

And I'll tell you what, spending cuts of $3 for every $1 of tax increases ought to make conservatives jump up and down for joy. Current tax revenues as a percentage of GDP are currently 25% below what they were under Clinton. And all I hear is everyone complaining about how they pay too much in taxes already. Give it a rest already.
I'm going to go out on a limb and guess you don't earn over $250,000 a year, so I'd calm down if I were you.

But feel free to tell me why the middle class should continue to fund the Bush tax cuts.

The Middle Class are primary beneficiaries of the Bush Tax Cuts.

Look at what Obama said. He's getting rid of mortgage interest deductions on a home.

Who will be the most effected by this?

He's getting rid of charitable deductions.

Who will be the most effected by this?

Answer: The Middle Class

Already they admit it will be $200k for single filing separately. Pretty soon you'll discover that you fall in the category that gets the shaft. I already do. Heritage says that the tax increases Obama has proposed will only raise $1.8 trillion more over 10 years. This will barely pay for next year's deficit, so pretty soon he'll be proposing lowering the increase to another level, perhaps $100k or lower.

The Heritage Foundation is even admitting the tax increases WILL raise revenues.

lol, that's heresy on the Right, isn't it?

Most of the truly wealthy have already admitted that taxes will need to be raised. The tax cuts went too far. The issue is to use tax increases in combination with real cuts in spending, and not to just continue increasing spending. At the same time, we know Medicare is going to have to change, no matter what Obama wants. With the aging population and continually rising healthcare costs, it is growing out of control. Raising the age at which Medicare benefits can be received is the only way to curb and control costs while leaving the program intact.

If Republicans really want to get something done, they better get off of this idea that there will be no tax increases, because only using cuts to balance the budtget will end up causing even bigger problems in the long run.
The Middle Class are primary beneficiaries of the Bush Tax Cuts.

Look at what Obama said. He's getting rid of mortgage interest deductions on a home.

Who will be the most effected by this?

He's getting rid of charitable deductions.

Who will be the most effected by this?

Answer: The Middle Class

Already they admit it will be $200k for single filing separately. Pretty soon you'll discover that you fall in the category that gets the shaft. I already do. Heritage says that the tax increases Obama has proposed will only raise $1.8 trillion more over 10 years. This will barely pay for next year's deficit, so pretty soon he'll be proposing lowering the increase to another level, perhaps $100k or lower.

Just wait for inflation.

When the AMT was put in place, it applied to 155 high income households - now it affects millions of middle class people. Why? Because it was never properly indexed to inflation.

So now we have two income families at the $250K level being defined as Rich. After a decade of high inflation, that will be a solidly middle middle class income level.

Three percent of American families earn over $250,000 per year, and you want to claim that income level as being middle class? So everyone under $250,000 is poor? I really love how we must all sacrifice, except for those who make the most money. God forbid, those with the most money should have to sacrifice too.

And I'll tell you what, spending cuts of $3 for every $1 of tax increases ought to make conservatives jump up and down for joy. Current tax revenues as a percentage of GDP are currently 25% below what they were under Clinton. And all I hear is everyone complaining about how they pay too much in taxes already. Give it a rest already.

You give it a rest... the economy is in the shitter... why would tax revenues be anything but low?

Good grief. Next thing I know you'll be yammering about Clinton's mythical surplus.
Bullshit! I pay enough freaking taxes. The government is so f'd up nobody is ever going to fix it. I already am doing more with less. The government and the people with hand outs to the government should do the SAME! It is disgusting.

Malibu...sit down when I tell you this:

In Obamacare alone, we will be taxed $500 billion more over the next ten years. That would be $1700 for every man, woman and child on the country....so if you have a family of four, the stats are $680 per year in Obamacare taxes alone...

Did I do the math right?

Rename the boat "The IRS."

OMG! I just used the calculator...and this is too good. The actual figure is ...do you read the bible?
Here's a hint: the mark of the beast!

Must be a coincidence....

I see. $500 billion for health care for our citizens is so much more evil than $3 trillion for a war in Iraq based on lies.

Both are evil. Both are based on lies. Another evil "seizing private property" by calling it taxes.:cuckoo:
Once again Obama has shown his plan all along. Raise taxes.

He wants to remove home interest payments as a deduction.

Trust me, this will include everyone, not just those who make over $200k.

Also, he says he wants to remove charitable contributions as well.

Folks, this isn't all he plans to do. He's just telling us the part he thinks we want to hear.

I guess you can drop all the rhetoric over how he's cut taxes now. It was all smoke and mirrors anyway.

The reason you and those like you cannot be taken seriously is you say stupid shit that isn't even close to being true. Massive tax increases? What I heard were tax increases of $1 for every $3 in spending cuts. That is not massive tax increases. You also failed to discuss the spending cuts. This is why I can't take most of what is said here seriously. It's just all political hackery from both sides most of the time.
Once again Obama has shown his plan all along. Raise taxes.

He wants to remove home interest payments as a deduction.

Trust me, this will include everyone, not just those who make over $200k.

Also, he says he wants to remove charitable contributions as well.

Folks, this isn't all he plans to do. He's just telling us the part he thinks we want to hear.

I guess you can drop all the rhetoric over how he's cut taxes now. It was all smoke and mirrors anyway.

The reason you and those like you cannot be taken seriously is you say stupid shit that isn't even close to being true. Massive tax increases? What I heard were tax increases of $1 for every $3 in spending cuts. That is not massive tax increases. You also failed to discuss the spending cuts. This is why I can't take most of what is said here seriously. It's just all political hackery from both sides most of the time.

If I were you, I'd leave and I'd never come back.
Liberal Tactics 101. Come into office, massively increase spending then claim you have to raise taxes to tackle this debt problem you were "left with"

Basically what he is saying is this. We are spending 1.6 Trillion more than we take in. thanks in part to my increasing the Budget over 20% each year. So Instead of getting this spending under control, I am going to raise 1 Trillion a year in new taxes so we can keep spending this much every single year. YAY!

OMG I can not believe these people.

The US government should not need to spend 3.7 Trillion dollars a year. This is crazy. Why do they need to spend nearly 12,000 dollars for each man woman and child in this country every year. This is limited Government? This is sure insanity.
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Obama has been looking for a reason to increase taxes. everything about this man is an agenda.
Yes, he is trying to get his leftist base back, mudwhistle. He also wants a nanny state which is big government. He knows none of this is going to fly.. It's all for RE-election.
I'm all for dropping the mortgage deduction, and charitable deductions as well. But lower the over-all tax rate after that.

Holy shit batman - I agree with Rabbi:eusa_whistle:

I'm not. Both those things encourage people to engage in positive spending.

I could think of a million activities that the government might consider "positive", but that doesn't mean they should be artificially discounted.

And the mortgage interest deduction is one of the most regressive tax rules in existence.
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So wait?

President Oprah wants billionaires to pay for his illegal Libyan war for oil, stolen stimulus which was given to Democrat interests instead of creating American Jobs and a unsubstainable Unconstitutional healthcare takeover?

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