Obama Apologizes Again For Islam

Jake, when did Obama formally leave the religion he was raised under?
He was formally raised a Christian, unlike you.
No, he attended a Madrassa and was listed as Muslim. Both his daddies were Muslim. If his dads are Muslim, he is automatically Muslim. When did he leave the faith? If you don't know, just admit it.
Nope, his daddies' registrations mean nothing to Christians or Americans in the slightest. He was raised Christian, was baptized Christian, confessed Jesus as his Savior, and was married Christian.

You pretend Christians simply fail at this.
No, BHO does not apologize for Islam.
Were you listening to the same speech I was cause he sure as hell did.
No, Obama did not apologize for Islam.
OK Jakey make an appointment with an Otolaryngologist because the only thing anyone else heard him say wasIt was terrible and done by someone who "twisted" Islam.
You can't show us where he apologized for Islam. Fact.

I trust you will accept ABC news as a reliable source?
Obama Calls Attack on Nice 'Appalling'

Of course he did. It's as predictable as the sun rising every morning. Every time there's a terrorist attack by a Muslim the Democratic Messiah feel a need to impart his specific brand of BS on the masses in the form of an apology speech. Here we see Obama reminding the American people not to be divided by religion. Who's religion is dividing us? Judaism? nope. Christianity? Nope. Buddhism? nope,Hindi? Nope, Islam? Ding ding ding! Cracks me up. he says it's exactly what the terrorists want. What kind of terrorists? KKK? Nope. Black Panther Party? Nope.Irish Republican Party? Nope. Islamic State in Iraq and Syria/Levant AKA ISIS/ISIL? Ding ding ding!
“We cannot let ourselves be divided by religion because that’s exactly what the terrorists want.”

Now that we've established who was responsible for the attack ask yourself why certain people of Islamic persuasion would be getting attacked for Obama to make this comment.

The president also took on those who have suggested targeting Muslims specifically in the United States, calling “the very suggestion … repugnant and an affront to all we stand to as Americans.”

Obama warns us not to pick on or become "nativist's" against immigrants. What immigrants? The Japanese? Nope the only attack we have from them is Pokemon. The German's? Nope the only problem we have with them is heartburn from grilling brats. Well gee Jakey who could it possible be? Muslim's? Ding ding ding.

Noting that “it’s been a difficult several weeks here in the United States,” the president warned against nativist impulses that he said run across all the countries represented at the diplomatic reception.

“Those who would suggest that someone is less than them because of their tribe or their ethnicity or their color, those impulses exist in all our countries and those impulses when we do not speak out against them … they can take over they can be unleashed,” he said.

Oh look Obama mentions radical Islam...Oh wait nope he still can't bring himself to say the words leaving you to wonder if you just tuned into the speech who is he talking about as terrorists?

“We are going to destroy this vile terrorist organization,”

Watch the speech. At minute 5:43 Obama he says we will try to fight "hateful Ideologies that twist and distort Islam." The whole speech is a man saying I'm sorry I know you are pissed off but try to remember it's ISIL not Islam. You have two seconds that concentrates on the poor American family from Texas who lost a father and son and the rest is apologist crap on behalf of Islam.

Video: Obama Delivers Remarks on Terror Attack in Nice, France
Typhoid Barry and his Obamabot, Islam-fellatrix supporters have SOOOOO much innocent blood on their hands, the fact that these arrogant Islam-apologist traitors are still capable of looking at themselves in the mirror prove how morally bankrupt and reprehensible these liberals pigs are. If any liberal infected-pus reading this post STILL supports that Islam bloodbath of human rights atrocities, I sincerely wish you develop cancer in EVERY organ of your bodies. Liberal support of the Pisslam ultimate, child-fucking hate-ideology makes me rank them even lower than the shit voiding from the asshole of a Jerry Springer guest on my scale of miserable, shit-eating vermin.
You, Marianne and willmunny and other far right wing nuts and religious haters, will not be permitted to place your nonsense on the Board unchallenged.

Obama did not apologize for Islam.
No, BHO does not apologize for Islam.
Were you listening to the same speech I was cause he sure as hell did.
No, Obama did not apologize for Islam.
OK Jakey make an appointment with an Otolaryngologist because the only thing anyone else heard him say wasIt was terrible and done by someone who "twisted" Islam.
You can't show us where he apologized for Islam. Fact.

I trust you will accept ABC news as a reliable source?
Obama Calls Attack on Nice 'Appalling'

Of course he did. It's as predictable as the sun rising every morning. Every time there's a terrorist attack by a Muslim the Democratic Messiah feel a need to impart his specific brand of BS on the masses in the form of an apology speech. Here we see Obama reminding the American people not to be divided by religion. Who's religion is dividing us? Judaism? nope. Christianity? Nope. Buddhism? nope,Hindi? Nope, Islam? Ding ding ding! Cracks me up. he says it's exactly what the terrorists want. What kind of terrorists? KKK? Nope. Black Panther Party? Nope.Irish Republican Party? Nope. Islamic State in Iraq and Syria/Levant AKA ISIS/ISIL? Ding ding ding!
“We cannot let ourselves be divided by religion because that’s exactly what the terrorists want.”

Now that we've established who was responsible for the attack ask yourself why certain people of Islamic persuasion would be getting attacked for Obama to make this comment.

The president also took on those who have suggested targeting Muslims specifically in the United States, calling “the very suggestion … repugnant and an affront to all we stand to as Americans.”

Obama warns us not to pick on or become "nativist's" against immigrants. What immigrants? The Japanese? Nope the only attack we have from them is Pokemon. The German's? Nope the only problem we have with them is heartburn from grilling brats. Well gee Jakey who could it possible be? Muslim's? Ding ding ding.

Noting that “it’s been a difficult several weeks here in the United States,” the president warned against nativist impulses that he said run across all the countries represented at the diplomatic reception.

“Those who would suggest that someone is less than them because of their tribe or their ethnicity or their color, those impulses exist in all our countries and those impulses when we do not speak out against them … they can take over they can be unleashed,” he said.

Oh look Obama mentions radical Islam...Oh wait nope he still can't bring himself to say the words leaving you to wonder if you just tuned into the speech who is he talking about as terrorists?

“We are going to destroy this vile terrorist organization,”

Watch the speech. At minute 5:43 Obama he says we will try to fight "hateful Ideologies that twist and distort Islam." The whole speech is a man saying I'm sorry I know you are pissed off but try to remember it's ISIL not Islam. You have two seconds that concentrates on the poor American family from Texas who lost a father and son and the rest is apologist crap on behalf of Islam.

Video: Obama Delivers Remarks on Terror Attack in Nice, France

He said he's going to work to deter attacks. How? By bringing thousands more unvetted muslims from the middle east to this country. This obama's hard core muslim.
You, Marianne and willmunny and other far right wing nuts and religious haters, will not be permitted to place your nonsense on the Board unchallenged.

Obama did not apologize for Islam.

Yep, haters. Haters who hate to see this country taken over by third world scum.
No, BHO does not apologize for Islam.
Were you listening to the same speech I was cause he sure as hell did.
No, Obama did not apologize for Islam.
OK Jakey make an appointment with an Otolaryngologist because the only thing anyone else heard him say wasIt was terrible and done by someone who "twisted" Islam.
You can't show us where he apologized for Islam. Fact.

I trust you will accept ABC news as a reliable source?
Obama Calls Attack on Nice 'Appalling'

Of course he did. It's as predictable as the sun rising every morning. Every time there's a terrorist attack by a Muslim the Democratic Messiah feel a need to impart his specific brand of BS on the masses in the form of an apology speech. Here we see Obama reminding the American people not to be divided by religion. Who's religion is dividing us? Judaism? nope. Christianity? Nope. Buddhism? nope,Hindi? Nope, Islam? Ding ding ding! Cracks me up. he says it's exactly what the terrorists want. What kind of terrorists? KKK? Nope. Black Panther Party? Nope.Irish Republican Party? Nope. Islamic State in Iraq and Syria/Levant AKA ISIS/ISIL? Ding ding ding!
“We cannot let ourselves be divided by religion because that’s exactly what the terrorists want.”

Now that we've established who was responsible for the attack ask yourself why certain people of Islamic persuasion would be getting attacked for Obama to make this comment.

The president also took on those who have suggested targeting Muslims specifically in the United States, calling “the very suggestion … repugnant and an affront to all we stand to as Americans.”

Obama warns us not to pick on or become "nativist's" against immigrants. What immigrants? The Japanese? Nope the only attack we have from them is Pokemon. The German's? Nope the only problem we have with them is heartburn from grilling brats. Well gee Jakey who could it possible be? Muslim's? Ding ding ding.

Noting that “it’s been a difficult several weeks here in the United States,” the president warned against nativist impulses that he said run across all the countries represented at the diplomatic reception.

“Those who would suggest that someone is less than them because of their tribe or their ethnicity or their color, those impulses exist in all our countries and those impulses when we do not speak out against them … they can take over they can be unleashed,” he said.

Oh look Obama mentions radical Islam...Oh wait nope he still can't bring himself to say the words leaving you to wonder if you just tuned into the speech who is he talking about as terrorists?

“We are going to destroy this vile terrorist organization,”

Watch the speech. At minute 5:43 Obama he says we will try to fight "hateful Ideologies that twist and distort Islam." The whole speech is a man saying I'm sorry I know you are pissed off but try to remember it's ISIL not Islam. You have two seconds that concentrates on the poor American family from Texas who lost a father and son and the rest is apologist crap on behalf of Islam.

Video: Obama Delivers Remarks on Terror Attack in Nice, France

So ------- where's the "apology for Islam"?
No, BHO does not apologize for Islam.
Were you listening to the same speech I was cause he sure as hell did.
No, Obama did not apologize for Islam.
OK Jakey make an appointment with an Otolaryngologist because the only thing anyone else heard him say wasIt was terrible and done by someone who "twisted" Islam.
You can't show us where he apologized for Islam. Fact.

I trust you will accept ABC news as a reliable source?
Obama Calls Attack on Nice 'Appalling'

Of course he did. It's as predictable as the sun rising every morning. Every time there's a terrorist attack by a Muslim the Democratic Messiah feel a need to impart his specific brand of BS on the masses in the form of an apology speech. Here we see Obama reminding the American people not to be divided by religion. Who's religion is dividing us? Judaism? nope. Christianity? Nope. Buddhism? nope,Hindi? Nope, Islam? Ding ding ding! Cracks me up. he says it's exactly what the terrorists want. What kind of terrorists? KKK? Nope. Black Panther Party? Nope.Irish Republican Party? Nope. Islamic State in Iraq and Syria/Levant AKA ISIS/ISIL? Ding ding ding!
“We cannot let ourselves be divided by religion because that’s exactly what the terrorists want.”

Now that we've established who was responsible for the attack ask yourself why certain people of Islamic persuasion would be getting attacked for Obama to make this comment.

The president also took on those who have suggested targeting Muslims specifically in the United States, calling “the very suggestion … repugnant and an affront to all we stand to as Americans.”

Obama warns us not to pick on or become "nativist's" against immigrants. What immigrants? The Japanese? Nope the only attack we have from them is Pokemon. The German's? Nope the only problem we have with them is heartburn from grilling brats. Well gee Jakey who could it possible be? Muslim's? Ding ding ding.

Noting that “it’s been a difficult several weeks here in the United States,” the president warned against nativist impulses that he said run across all the countries represented at the diplomatic reception.

“Those who would suggest that someone is less than them because of their tribe or their ethnicity or their color, those impulses exist in all our countries and those impulses when we do not speak out against them … they can take over they can be unleashed,” he said.

Oh look Obama mentions radical Islam...Oh wait nope he still can't bring himself to say the words leaving you to wonder if you just tuned into the speech who is he talking about as terrorists?

“We are going to destroy this vile terrorist organization,”

Watch the speech. At minute 5:43 Obama he says we will try to fight "hateful Ideologies that twist and distort Islam." The whole speech is a man saying I'm sorry I know you are pissed off but try to remember it's ISIL not Islam. You have two seconds that concentrates on the poor American family from Texas who lost a father and son and the rest is apologist crap on behalf of Islam.

Video: Obama Delivers Remarks on Terror Attack in Nice, France
Those are not apologies. These are common sense statements. You are trying to twist and distort the message of Islam.
Were you listening to the same speech I was cause he sure as hell did.
No, Obama did not apologize for Islam.
OK Jakey make an appointment with an Otolaryngologist because the only thing anyone else heard him say wasIt was terrible and done by someone who "twisted" Islam.
You can't show us where he apologized for Islam. Fact.

I trust you will accept ABC news as a reliable source?
Obama Calls Attack on Nice 'Appalling'

Of course he did. It's as predictable as the sun rising every morning. Every time there's a terrorist attack by a Muslim the Democratic Messiah feel a need to impart his specific brand of BS on the masses in the form of an apology speech. Here we see Obama reminding the American people not to be divided by religion. Who's religion is dividing us? Judaism? nope. Christianity? Nope. Buddhism? nope,Hindi? Nope, Islam? Ding ding ding! Cracks me up. he says it's exactly what the terrorists want. What kind of terrorists? KKK? Nope. Black Panther Party? Nope.Irish Republican Party? Nope. Islamic State in Iraq and Syria/Levant AKA ISIS/ISIL? Ding ding ding!
“We cannot let ourselves be divided by religion because that’s exactly what the terrorists want.”

Now that we've established who was responsible for the attack ask yourself why certain people of Islamic persuasion would be getting attacked for Obama to make this comment.

The president also took on those who have suggested targeting Muslims specifically in the United States, calling “the very suggestion … repugnant and an affront to all we stand to as Americans.”

Obama warns us not to pick on or become "nativist's" against immigrants. What immigrants? The Japanese? Nope the only attack we have from them is Pokemon. The German's? Nope the only problem we have with them is heartburn from grilling brats. Well gee Jakey who could it possible be? Muslim's? Ding ding ding.

Noting that “it’s been a difficult several weeks here in the United States,” the president warned against nativist impulses that he said run across all the countries represented at the diplomatic reception.

“Those who would suggest that someone is less than them because of their tribe or their ethnicity or their color, those impulses exist in all our countries and those impulses when we do not speak out against them … they can take over they can be unleashed,” he said.

Oh look Obama mentions radical Islam...Oh wait nope he still can't bring himself to say the words leaving you to wonder if you just tuned into the speech who is he talking about as terrorists?

“We are going to destroy this vile terrorist organization,”

Watch the speech. At minute 5:43 Obama he says we will try to fight "hateful Ideologies that twist and distort Islam." The whole speech is a man saying I'm sorry I know you are pissed off but try to remember it's ISIL not Islam. You have two seconds that concentrates on the poor American family from Texas who lost a father and son and the rest is apologist crap on behalf of Islam.

Video: Obama Delivers Remarks on Terror Attack in Nice, France

So ------- where's the "apology for Islam"?
There is none.
Jake, when did Obama formally leave the religion he was raised under?
He was formally raised a Christian, unlike you.
No, he attended a Madrassa and was listed as Muslim. Both his daddies were Muslim. If his dads are Muslim, he is automatically Muslim. When did he leave the faith? If you don't know, just admit it.
Nope, his daddies' registrations mean nothing to Christians or Americans in the slightest. He was raised Christian, was baptized Christian, confessed Jesus as his Savior, and was married Christian.

You pretend Christians simply fail at this.
Obama was born to an atheist father,Sex kitten mother,lived with a muslim step father in a largely muslim country and to this day defends Muslims while doing nothing for Christians who are being persecuted and you still think he's Christian? Wow you really took a big gulp of that Koolaid didn't you.
No, Obama did not apologize for Islam.
OK Jakey make an appointment with an Otolaryngologist because the only thing anyone else heard him say wasIt was terrible and done by someone who "twisted" Islam.
You can't show us where he apologized for Islam. Fact.

I trust you will accept ABC news as a reliable source?
Obama Calls Attack on Nice 'Appalling'

Of course he did. It's as predictable as the sun rising every morning. Every time there's a terrorist attack by a Muslim the Democratic Messiah feel a need to impart his specific brand of BS on the masses in the form of an apology speech. Here we see Obama reminding the American people not to be divided by religion. Who's religion is dividing us? Judaism? nope. Christianity? Nope. Buddhism? nope,Hindi? Nope, Islam? Ding ding ding! Cracks me up. he says it's exactly what the terrorists want. What kind of terrorists? KKK? Nope. Black Panther Party? Nope.Irish Republican Party? Nope. Islamic State in Iraq and Syria/Levant AKA ISIS/ISIL? Ding ding ding!
“We cannot let ourselves be divided by religion because that’s exactly what the terrorists want.”

Now that we've established who was responsible for the attack ask yourself why certain people of Islamic persuasion would be getting attacked for Obama to make this comment.

The president also took on those who have suggested targeting Muslims specifically in the United States, calling “the very suggestion … repugnant and an affront to all we stand to as Americans.”

Obama warns us not to pick on or become "nativist's" against immigrants. What immigrants? The Japanese? Nope the only attack we have from them is Pokemon. The German's? Nope the only problem we have with them is heartburn from grilling brats. Well gee Jakey who could it possible be? Muslim's? Ding ding ding.

Noting that “it’s been a difficult several weeks here in the United States,” the president warned against nativist impulses that he said run across all the countries represented at the diplomatic reception.

“Those who would suggest that someone is less than them because of their tribe or their ethnicity or their color, those impulses exist in all our countries and those impulses when we do not speak out against them … they can take over they can be unleashed,” he said.

Oh look Obama mentions radical Islam...Oh wait nope he still can't bring himself to say the words leaving you to wonder if you just tuned into the speech who is he talking about as terrorists?

“We are going to destroy this vile terrorist organization,”

Watch the speech. At minute 5:43 Obama he says we will try to fight "hateful Ideologies that twist and distort Islam." The whole speech is a man saying I'm sorry I know you are pissed off but try to remember it's ISIL not Islam. You have two seconds that concentrates on the poor American family from Texas who lost a father and son and the rest is apologist crap on behalf of Islam.

Video: Obama Delivers Remarks on Terror Attack in Nice, France

So ------- where's the "apology for Islam"?
There is none.
OK I'll give you an inch. I stand corrected it's not an apology,he's begging. Obama is begging the French and American people "I'm sorry(apology) Islam did this again please don't kill or persecute them". He spent two seconds giving condolences to France another two giving condolences to the Texas family who lost a father and son and the rest of the speech is him begging us not to persecute and kill Muslim's because this dastardly deed was done by people who once again for the 1000th time distorted and twisted Islam.

Now an intelligent person would say if this is a distortion of Islam why aren't there Muslim's all over the world protesting en masse? Why aren't these villains being turned in by their own people? Why aren't Imam's preaching against this from the top of the minaret's? If they aren't, and they are not, then what does that mean. Hmmmm it's kinda funny Jakey isn't it now. And If Obama is defending them what's that make him? Think hard and try not to kill your last brain cell in the process.
Jake, when did Obama formally leave the religion he was raised under?
He was formally raised a Christian, unlike you.
No, he attended a Madrassa and was listed as Muslim. Both his daddies were Muslim. If his dads are Muslim, he is automatically Muslim. When did he leave the faith? If you don't know, just admit it.
Nope, his daddies' registrations mean nothing to Christians or Americans in the slightest. He was raised Christian, was baptized Christian, confessed Jesus as his Savior, and was married Christian.

You pretend Christians simply fail at this.
Obama was born to an atheist father,Sex kitten mother,lived with a muslim step father in a largely muslim country and to this day defends Muslims while doing nothing for Christians who are being persecuted and you still think he's Christian? Wow you really took a big gulp of that Koolaid didn't you.
You lie. You hate Muslims, Islam, Obama, and anybody who stands in your conspiracy hate lane.
Jake, when did Obama formally leave the religion he was raised under?
He was formally raised a Christian, unlike you.
No, he attended a Madrassa and was listed as Muslim. Both his daddies were Muslim. If his dads are Muslim, he is automatically Muslim. When did he leave the faith? If you don't know, just admit it.
Nope, his daddies' registrations mean nothing to Christians or Americans in the slightest. He was raised Christian, was baptized Christian, confessed Jesus as his Savior, and was married Christian.

You pretend Christians simply fail at this.
Obama was born to an atheist father,Sex kitten mother,lived with a muslim step father in a largely muslim country and to this day defends Muslims while doing nothing for Christians who are being persecuted and you still think he's Christian? Wow you really took a big gulp of that Koolaid didn't you.
You lie. You hate Muslims, Islam, Obama, and anybody who stands in your conspiracy hate lane.
:talktothehand:I don't hate muslims I hate Islam, I'll have you know there's a difference! :eusa_naughty:
He was formally raised a Christian, unlike you.
No, he attended a Madrassa and was listed as Muslim. Both his daddies were Muslim. If his dads are Muslim, he is automatically Muslim. When did he leave the faith? If you don't know, just admit it.
Nope, his daddies' registrations mean nothing to Christians or Americans in the slightest. He was raised Christian, was baptized Christian, confessed Jesus as his Savior, and was married Christian.

You pretend Christians simply fail at this.
Obama was born to an atheist father,Sex kitten mother,lived with a muslim step father in a largely muslim country and to this day defends Muslims while doing nothing for Christians who are being persecuted and you still think he's Christian? Wow you really took a big gulp of that Koolaid didn't you.
You lie. You hate Muslims, Islam, Obama, and anybody who stands in your conspiracy hate lane.
:talktothehand:I don't hate muslims I hate Islam, I'll have you know there's a difference! :eusa_naughty:
:itsok: Are you a cracka Christian?
No, he attended a Madrassa and was listed as Muslim. Both his daddies were Muslim. If his dads are Muslim, he is automatically Muslim. When did he leave the faith? If you don't know, just admit it.
Nope, his daddies' registrations mean nothing to Christians or Americans in the slightest. He was raised Christian, was baptized Christian, confessed Jesus as his Savior, and was married Christian.

You pretend Christians simply fail at this.
Obama was born to an atheist father,Sex kitten mother,lived with a muslim step father in a largely muslim country and to this day defends Muslims while doing nothing for Christians who are being persecuted and you still think he's Christian? Wow you really took a big gulp of that Koolaid didn't you.
You lie. You hate Muslims, Islam, Obama, and anybody who stands in your conspiracy hate lane.
:talktothehand:I don't hate muslims I hate Islam, I'll have you know there's a difference! :eusa_naughty:
:itsok: Are you a cracka Christian?
You a Sturmabteilung?
:itsok: Are you a cracka Christian?
You a Sturmabteilung?
I am a Christian and apparently you are not.
I notice certain people repeatedly asking the same question, and rightfully so, yet refuse to answer questions posed to them with anything but personal attacks and insults. Interesting...

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