Obama Apologizes Again, This Time To Communists


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Castro absolves Obama of fault for U.S.' 'imperialist aggression'
Published April 11, 2015
  • raul%20castro%20summit%20panama.jpg

    Cuban President Raul Castro adjusts his glasses during his meeting with US President Barack Obama at the Summit of the Americas in Panama City, Panama, Saturday, April 11, 2015. The leaders of the United States and Cuba held their first formal meeting in more than half a century on Saturday, clearing the way for a normalization of relations that had seemed unthinkable to both Cubans and Americans for generations. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

Obama, once again...apologized to a dictator, this time the Castros, for America not fullfilling it's own ideals.....forget the fact that Cuba is no angel either.

PANAMA CITY – Cuban President Raul Castro recounted the history of U.S. "imperialist aggression" in Latin America in an address here Saturday at the 7th Summit of the Americas, although he absolved U.S. head of state Barack Obama of responsibility for those past actions.

Castro, whose country was invited to the gathering for the first time this year, received an ovation when he began his speech by saying the "time had come for him to speak here" on Communist-ruled Cuba's behalf.

He referred to the United States' "wars, conquests and interventions" in the region, saying through an interpreter that the country has been a "hegemonic force that plundered territories throughout the Americas."

Castro, in a meandering, nearly hour-long speech to the Summit of the Americas, ran through an exhaustive history of perceived Cuban grievances against the U.S. dating back more than a century — a vivid display of how raw passions remain over American attempts to undermine Cuba’s government.

Then, in an abrupt about face, he apologized for letting his emotions get the best of him. He said many U.S. presidents were at fault for that troubled history — but that Obama isn’t one of them.

“I have told President Obama that I get very emotional talking about the revolution,” Castro said through a translator, noting that Obama wasn’t even born when the U.S. began sanctioning the island nation. “I apologize to him because President Obama had no responsibility for this.”

In a remarkable vote of confidence from a Cuban leader, Castro added: “In my opinion, President Obama is an honest man.” Cuba s Castro I Apologize to President Obama TheBlaze.com
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Did you learn this kind of twist and distortion from Fox or all on your own?

Your thread title:

Obama Apologizes Again, This Time To Communists

The article title:
Castro absolves Obama of fault for U.S.' 'imperialist aggression'
"“He referred to the United States' "wars, conquests and interventions" in the region, saying through an interpreter that the country has been a "hegemonic force that plundered territories throughout the Americas."

I have told President Obama that I get very emotional talking about the revolution,” Castro said through a translator, noting that Obama wasn’t even born when the U.S. began sanctioning the island nation. “I apologize to him because President Obama had no responsibility for this.”
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Maybe Raoul knows a thing or two that escapes the uneducated O/P:

Banana Wars is the term used by some historians [1] to refer to the occupations, police actions, and interventions involving the United States in Central America and the Caribbean between the Spanish–American War (1898) and the inception of the Good Neighbor Policy (1934).[2] These military interventions were most often carried out by the United States Marine Corps. The Marines were involved so often that they developed a manual, The Strategy and Tactics of Small Wars, in 1921. On occasion, the Navy provided gunfire support and Army troops were also used.

With the Treaty of Paris, Spain ceded control of Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines to the United States. Thereafter, the United States conducted military interventions in Panama, Honduras, Nicaragua, Mexico, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic. The series of conflicts only ended with the withdrawal of troops from Haiti in 1934 under President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Why should we do anything for Cuba?

You fools that voted for Obama should be sent to Prison to clean the bathrooms or something.

It was a real stupid move

Did you learn this kind of twist and distortion from Fox or all on your own?

Your thread title:

Obama Apologizes Again, This Time To Communists

The article title:
Castro absolves Obama of fault for U.S.' 'imperialist aggression'
"“He referred to the United States' "wars, conquests and interventions" in the region, saying through an interpreter that the country has been a "hegemonic force that plundered territories throughout the Americas."

I have told President Obama that I get very emotional talking about the revolution,” Castro said through a translator, noting that Obama wasn’t even born when the U.S. began sanctioning the island nation. “I apologize to him because President Obama had no responsibility for this.”
Thread fail on a massive, merciless and humiliating scale.
Thread fail on a massive, merciless and humiliating scale.
Are you gonna keep crying about the title, numbnuts?
Obamas one and only job on foreign policy was to bring us down and humiliate us to the world

oh and to assist the radical Muslims/terrorist/communist to get the upper hand over us.

He should have been tried for treason or impeached a long time ago. but instead we will END UP paying dearly for him. just like Clinton, 9 months after he left office we had 9/11.

there isn't anything we the people can do, because you should have been CALLING for his impeachment or removal from office a long time ago...so now all we can do is get ourselves PREPARED
Lol... Like Putin is going to let Castro do anything that is considered pro Western.

America sits stunned as Obama continues his reign as Supreme Leader undermining America at every juncture. He should be tried for treason at the earliest opportunity

. Obama rules instead of lead from The Imperial White House.

I am no fan of Obama but I personally applaud his moves to normalize relations with Cuba.

America's animosity towards Cuba is just a left over relic of the Cold War and needs to be thrown into the trash bin of history. ...... :cool:
Obamas one and only job on foreign policy was to bring us down and humiliate us to the world

oh and to assist the radical Muslims/terrorist/communist to get the upper hand over us.

He should have been tried for treason or impeached a long time ago. but instead we will END UP paying dearly for him. just like Clinton, 9 months after he left office we had 9/11.

there isn't anything we the people can do, because you should have been CALLING for his impeachment or removal from office a long time ago...so now all we can do is get ourselves PREPARED
And once again, the nitwit trailer park twat is heard from. You wear your stupidity proudly Staph.
Why should we do anything for Cuba? You fools that voted for Obama should be sent to Prison to clean the bathrooms or something. It was a real stupid move
Why stupid? We actually fought a war against Vietnam, yet have normal relations. All reasons for our stance against Cuba ended in 1991.
Did you learn this kind of twist and distortion from Fox or all on your own?

Your thread title:

Obama Apologizes Again, This Time To Communists

The article title:
Castro absolves Obama of fault for U.S.' 'imperialist aggression'
"“He referred to the United States' "wars, conquests and interventions" in the region, saying through an interpreter that the country has been a "hegemonic force that plundered territories throughout the Americas."

I have told President Obama that I get very emotional talking about the revolution,” Castro said through a translator, noting that Obama wasn’t even born when the U.S. began sanctioning the island nation. “I apologize to him because President Obama had no responsibility for this.”
Thread fail on a massive, merciless and humiliating scale.
Thread fail on a massive, merciless and humiliating scale.
Are you gonna keep crying about the title, numbnuts?

Your thread title is an outright lie.

Have the integrity, honesty, BALLS to just admit you lied.

Oh wait ... its mudwhistle

If he couldn't lie, he would have nothing to say.

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