Obama Approval "Only" 52% This Morning

SEC Votes for Final Rules Defining How Banks Can Be Securities Brokers
Eight Years After Passage of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, Key Provisions Will Now Be Implemented
Washington, D.C., Sept. 19, 2007 - Ending eight years of stalled negotiations and impasse, the Commission today voted to adopt, jointly with the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Board), new rules that will finally implement the bank broker provisions of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999. The Board will consider these final rules at its Sept. 24, 2007 meeting. The Commission and the Board consulted with and sought the concurrence of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and Office of Thrift Supervision.
Now explain to me WHY the Bush admin didnt want the banks ( they had no brokers before the bill do to Glass steagal) to have ANY rules on who could be a broker?
The Bush SEC did this on purpose spo they cou;ld have the parts of GLBact that the banks LIKED and could keep the regulations the Banks hated from taking place.

They made sure the banks go what they wanted by keeping a law of this country from going into FORCE.

Now explain how that is not the case?
LMFAO....approve of what????????

Probably that he doesn't openly express contempt for the American people?

I mean I realize that basket is set pretty low for this POTUS, but it's the GOP's obvious contempt for the American that's made it so easy for so many of those who feel hated by the GOP, (let's just call those people the 47%, shall we?) to cling to the delusion that Obama is their hero.

Sport I know this sucks for you to read but:

the American people didn't so much vote for FOR OBAMA, as they voted AGAINST what Mitt and his minions actually stand for.

I agree with the fact that people voted AGAINST Romney and not for Obama.

But I disagree with your line "what they stand for"...

You see, I am one that does not go for the spin. I do not see the democrats as a party that wants to "enslave" its voter base with entitlements. I see them as a party that truly feels that government needs to prop the people up so they wont tailspin into poverty.

However, I am also one that KNOWS the GOP does not "hate women", does not "hate old people" does not "hate the poor"...

Sadly, the battle of the "spin of intentions" (as I like to call it) was won by the democrats. They did not hold back. They spun the intentions of the GOP to the point where the majority of the people believed it.

I mean...really? Is Obama so naive that he truly thinks that the GOP wants to reform entitlements becuase they hate poor people? Really?

No...they did not win becuase of what Romney and his minions stand for. They won becuase of how the democratic machine made the people bel;ieve what they wanted them to believe about what the GOP stands for.

I have to guess you would agree.

Or are you one of those that truly believe the GOP wants to help only the 1% at the exopense of the 99%?

The majority of Americans believed the Republicans were looking out for the interests of the wealthy at the expense of the middle class

The Republicans did little to dissuade that opinion

They still haven't
That's all that matters to progressives, health of the country be damned, just make sure those who support obummer are happy.

you dont get to say we are evil just becuase you like stupid ideas that cant work
When you promise free shit to around 51% of the people at the expense of the other 49%, a 52% approval rating on a small sample poll is not surprising... Especially when you have about 10% of the DEM populace that are wingnut morons, as evidenced by TDM, the OP, Mr Shaman, and other posters on here
The dems helped bush to "save capitolism"
Ever hear of Fannie Mae or Dodd Frank Act? Mccain and Bush tried to tell them Fannie Mae would crash the economy. The Dodd Act was insisted by dems to avoid the real problem
obama himself is even on the record personally helping sue one lender (Citibank) into lowering its lending standards to include people from extremely poor and unstable areas, which even one of the left's favorite blatantly partisan "fact-checkers" Snopes admits (while pretending to set the record straight).

Lill link New study confirms economy was destroyed by Democrat policies - National Conservative | Examiner.com
When you promise free shit to around 51% of the people at the expense of the other 49%, a 52% approval rating on a small sample poll is not surprising... Especially when you have about 10% of the DEM populace that are wingnut morons, as evidenced by TDM, the OP, Mr Shaman, and other posters on here

Americans don't want free shit

They want a job that they can support their family on. They want to be able to retire someday. They want to be taken care of if they become seriously ill. They want their kids to grow up, get an education and get a good job

They don't think the Republicans care about them
Probably that he doesn't openly express contempt for the American people?

I mean I realize that basket is set pretty low for this POTUS, but it's the GOP's obvious contempt for the American that's made it so easy for so many of those who feel hated by the GOP, (let's just call those people the 47%, shall we?) to cling to the delusion that Obama is their hero.

Sport I know this sucks for you to read but:

the American people didn't so much vote for FOR OBAMA, as they voted AGAINST what Mitt and his minions actually stand for.

I agree with the fact that people voted AGAINST Romney and not for Obama.

But I disagree with your line "what they stand for"...

You see, I am one that does not go for the spin. I do not see the democrats as a party that wants to "enslave" its voter base with entitlements. I see them as a party that truly feels that government needs to prop the people up so they wont tailspin into poverty.

However, I am also one that KNOWS the GOP does not "hate women", does not "hate old people" does not "hate the poor"...

Sadly, the battle of the "spin of intentions" (as I like to call it) was won by the democrats. They did not hold back. They spun the intentions of the GOP to the point where the majority of the people believed it.

I mean...really? Is Obama so naive that he truly thinks that the GOP wants to reform entitlements becuase they hate poor people? Really?

No...they did not win becuase of what Romney and his minions stand for. They won becuase of how the democratic machine made the people bel;ieve what they wanted them to believe about what the GOP stands for.

I have to guess you would agree.

Or are you one of those that truly believe the GOP wants to help only the 1% at the exopense of the 99%?

The majority of Americans believed the Republicans were looking out for the interests of the wealthy at the expense of the middle class

The Republicans did little to dissuade that opinion

They still haven't

Not true.

The GOP made it quite clear what their intentions were.

Unfortunately, the democrats dared the GOP to say "they are liars" during a presidential campaign...and they refused to play that kind of game.

The GOP blew it. They should have called them on their lies.

Curious....do you really think Romney had women in "binders" and not their resumes?

I ask becuase apparently Joe Biden believed he had the actual women in the binders....or so he claimed when he made a comment about it.

Do you truly believe that Ryans plan to reform medicaid was designed topush granny off a cliff?

Do you truly believe the GOP have waged a war on women?

I ask, becuaser apparently the democratic leaders, such as Pelosi and Reid seem to believe that......for if they dont beliueve it, then they outright lied to the AMerican people......

So which is it?

Are democratic leaders liars or frightfully naive?

Curious...wouldnt it have been a better idea to debate the solutions by discussing the true INTENT of both sides ideas as opposed to discussing the spin?
And TM I think you answered your own question.
My point was it was BOTH
Look at my post and quit trolling my page
I agree with the fact that people voted AGAINST Romney and not for Obama.

But I disagree with your line "what they stand for"...

You see, I am one that does not go for the spin. I do not see the democrats as a party that wants to "enslave" its voter base with entitlements. I see them as a party that truly feels that government needs to prop the people up so they wont tailspin into poverty.

However, I am also one that KNOWS the GOP does not "hate women", does not "hate old people" does not "hate the poor"...

Sadly, the battle of the "spin of intentions" (as I like to call it) was won by the democrats. They did not hold back. They spun the intentions of the GOP to the point where the majority of the people believed it.

I mean...really? Is Obama so naive that he truly thinks that the GOP wants to reform entitlements becuase they hate poor people? Really?

No...they did not win becuase of what Romney and his minions stand for. They won becuase of how the democratic machine made the people bel;ieve what they wanted them to believe about what the GOP stands for.

I have to guess you would agree.

Or are you one of those that truly believe the GOP wants to help only the 1% at the exopense of the 99%?

The majority of Americans believed the Republicans were looking out for the interests of the wealthy at the expense of the middle class

The Republicans did little to dissuade that opinion

They still haven't

Not true.

The GOP made it quite clear what their intentions were.

Unfortunately, the democrats dared the GOP to say "they are liars" during a presidential campaign...and they refused to play that kind of game.

The GOP blew it. They should have called them on their lies.

Curious....do you really think Romney had women in "binders" and not their resumes?

I ask becuase apparently Joe Biden believed he had the actual women in the binders....or so he claimed when he made a comment about it.

Do you truly believe that Ryans plan to reform medicaid was designed topush granny off a cliff?

Do you truly believe the GOP have waged a war on women?

I ask, becuaser apparently the democratic leaders, such as Pelosi and Reid seem to believe that......for if they dont beliueve it, then they outright lied to the AMerican people......

So which is it?

Are democratic leaders liars or frightfully naive?

Curious...wouldnt it have been a better idea to debate the solutions by discussing the true INTENT of both sides ideas as opposed to discussing the spin?

Bottom line

The Republicans did not convince Americans that they are not primarily interested in helping the rich. They were sold as the Rich White Mans Party and they did little to change that opinion

Since the election they have done even less
Nothing says 'charm' like Republicans forcing 48 million people onto food stamps by destroying their jobs, and refusing a minimum wage increase for those they missed.
The majority of Americans believed the Republicans were looking out for the interests of the wealthy at the expense of the middle class

The Republicans did little to dissuade that opinion

They still haven't

Not true.

The GOP made it quite clear what their intentions were.

Unfortunately, the democrats dared the GOP to say "they are liars" during a presidential campaign...and they refused to play that kind of game.

The GOP blew it. They should have called them on their lies.

Curious....do you really think Romney had women in "binders" and not their resumes?

I ask becuase apparently Joe Biden believed he had the actual women in the binders....or so he claimed when he made a comment about it.

Do you truly believe that Ryans plan to reform medicaid was designed topush granny off a cliff?

Do you truly believe the GOP have waged a war on women?

I ask, becuaser apparently the democratic leaders, such as Pelosi and Reid seem to believe that......for if they dont beliueve it, then they outright lied to the AMerican people......

So which is it?

Are democratic leaders liars or frightfully naive?

Curious...wouldnt it have been a better idea to debate the solutions by discussing the true INTENT of both sides ideas as opposed to discussing the spin?

Bottom line

The Republicans did not convince Americans that they are not primarily interested in helping the rich. They were sold as the Rich White Mans Party and they did little to change that opinion

Since the election they have done even less

There is a little truth to that.. BUT
they tried. The left couldnt keep their spin out of it. They already had the People anyways because the dems want to baby the whole goddamn country. Have been for years. Liberalism is pussifying the country. "Oh they gone tak my welfur.. oh hall naw!" I would imagine even the republican teets voted dem. And there is a lot of them
When you promise free shit to around 51% of the people at the expense of the other 49%, a 52% approval rating on a small sample poll is not surprising... Especially when you have about 10% of the DEM populace that are wingnut morons, as evidenced by TDM, the OP, Mr Shaman, and other posters on here

Americans don't want free shit

They want a job that they can support their family on. They want to be able to retire someday. They want to be taken care of if they become seriously ill. They want their kids to grow up, get an education and get a good job

They don't think the Republicans care about them

Really?? Then why the opposition to ridding the government of entitlement programs? Why the support to make others pay for services thru taxation while others pay no federal income tax??

Sounds like the want of free shit to me
Not true.

The GOP made it quite clear what their intentions were.

Unfortunately, the democrats dared the GOP to say "they are liars" during a presidential campaign...and they refused to play that kind of game.

The GOP blew it. They should have called them on their lies.

Curious....do you really think Romney had women in "binders" and not their resumes?

I ask becuase apparently Joe Biden believed he had the actual women in the binders....or so he claimed when he made a comment about it.

Do you truly believe that Ryans plan to reform medicaid was designed topush granny off a cliff?

Do you truly believe the GOP have waged a war on women?

I ask, becuaser apparently the democratic leaders, such as Pelosi and Reid seem to believe that......for if they dont beliueve it, then they outright lied to the AMerican people......

So which is it?

Are democratic leaders liars or frightfully naive?

Curious...wouldnt it have been a better idea to debate the solutions by discussing the true INTENT of both sides ideas as opposed to discussing the spin?

Bottom line

The Republicans did not convince Americans that they are not primarily interested in helping the rich. They were sold as the Rich White Mans Party and they did little to change that opinion

Since the election they have done even less

There is a little truth to that.. BUT
they tried. The left couldnt keep their spin out of it. They already had the People anyways because the dems want to baby the whole goddamn country. Have been for years. Liberalism is pussifying the country. "Oh they gone tak my welfur.. oh hall naw!" I would imagine even the republican teets voted dem. And there is a lot of them

The GOP is a rich white mans party

Convince America otherwise or continue to lose

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