Obama approval up to 47%, Republican approval drops to 24%

There is an associated press poll that has obama at 19% approval among independents. You know, the ones who swing every election.

At this point I think it's safe to say that all the bozos in DC deserve the low poll numbers they're seeing.
There is an associated press poll that has obama at 19% approval among independents. You know, the ones who swing every election.

At this point I think it's safe to say that all the bozos in DC deserve the low poll numbers they're seeing.

I think your right that no one comes out of this well. these are depressing times for american politics and i think your people must be ready to give up on voting in election judging as they seem to get nothing done.
Well, if you look into elections, you'll find most people do not vote at all. In a local election here, it was shown that only 25% of eligible voters turned out to vote. Yet a turd was still chosen.

The same thing holds true in the presidential election. Twice as many eligible voters didn't vote at all than voted for Obama.
There is an associated press poll that has obama at 19% approval among independents. You know, the ones who swing every election.

At this point I think it's safe to say that all the bozos in DC deserve the low poll numbers they're seeing.

I think your right that no one comes out of this well. these are depressing times for american politics and i think your people must be ready to give up on voting in election judging as they seem to get nothing done.

I wish Americans would band together and kick all of them out over the next 2 elections. Just start over with a clean slate of congressmen & women. Send a message that we are the employers and not the puppets.
Control of the Senate is gone and the House may be going in 2014....all while the Baggers obstruct.
There is an associated press poll that has obama at 19% approval among independents. You know, the ones who swing every election.

At this point I think it's safe to say that all the bozos in DC deserve the low poll numbers they're seeing.

I think your right that no one comes out of this well. these are depressing times for american politics and i think your people must be ready to give up on voting in election judging as they seem to get nothing done.

I wish Americans would band together and kick all of them out over the next 2 elections. Just start over with a clean slate of congressmen & women. Send a message that we are the employers and not the puppets.

You make a good point but truth is your be voting in people who make loads of promises and then will just becomes obsssed with power and staying in their seat. whether your a conservative or a liberal or neither this system of congress is broke where nothing get done and tv is more intrested in showing arguments between the two sides

In the end divided congress gets little done. too much hatred and politics
there is an associated press poll that has obama at 19% approval among independents. You know, the ones who swing every election.

At this point i think it's safe to say that all the bozos in dc deserve the low poll numbers they're seeing.

oh no!!! No third term for obama!
Control of the Senate is gone and the House may be going in 2014....all while the Baggers obstruct.

Is this one of those times when LOLberals quietly believe that by repeating something often enough and over a long enough period it will come true?
Control of the Senate is gone and the House may be going in 2014....all while the Baggers obstruct.

Is this one of those times when LOLberals quietly believe that by repeating something often enough and over a long enough period it will come true?

Of course. Remember when the governor of Wisconsin was recalled? The left here gloated about it for months prior to the vote.
NBC/WSJ poll: Shutdown debate damages GOP - First Read

Yea, taking your country hostage is working out great for Republicans

Isn't 47% the number of Americans who are addicted to welfarism and who won't change their minds no matter what?


Same percent that voted for Romney

And that't relevant because ?

If I recall correctly the ONLY difference between Romney and Obama was that one of them was white.

How badly has this gone for the gop? Before the shutdown, I saw a poll showing over 60% wanted further spending cuts (possibly because Obama cried wolf over the sequester, but nothing much changed, besides not spending the money).

And now the dems want to undue sequester.
How badly has this gone for the gop? Before the shutdown, I saw a poll showing over 60% wanted further spending cuts (possibly because Obama cried wolf over the sequester, but nothing much changed, besides not spending the money).

And now the dems want to undue sequester.

I believe the CORRECT question is:

How badly has this gone for the NATION?

Control of the Senate is gone and the House may be going in 2014....all while the Baggers obstruct.

Is this one of those times when LOLberals quietly believe that by repeating something often enough and over a long enough period it will come true?

I get it. Like:

Romney will win by a landslide.

Obama was not born in the United States.

Obama is a Muslim, and we do not like the Christian church that he attends.

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