Obama approval up to 47%, Republican approval drops to 24%

Perhaps I do not take lessons from low information, single track mind posters.[/

One could not tell from many of your posts.

Really? Even though your only news choice is FOX....:lol:

No, Derp. I don't watch fox news. I only happened to be watching NBC when i saw their "best poll ever" that completely neglected to show any, or perhaps even attmept to find any, democrat related information.

Just the "republicans adn "Obama".

Best poll ever.

No, Derp. I don't watch fox news. I only happened to be watching NBC when i saw their "best poll ever" that completely neglected to show any, or perhaps even attmept to find any, democrat related information.

Just the "republicans adn "Obama".

Best poll ever.


Democrats are polling around 43%, according to Gallup, while Republicans are polling at 28%. This bodes very badly for the GOP going up against the Democrats in the mid terms.

Feel better now?
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And everyone knows that statistics are just made up numbers to make Republicans look bad

In fact, everyone loves Republicans and appreciate what they have done to this country

Never said that, nor am I playing any kind of victim card...I am not a liberal...:doubt:

Regardless of which poll you look at, Republicans are taking a beating. That does not constitute a statistical anomaly

Republicans are being held accountable for their actions

Hope it is worth it because you are not repealing Obamacare

Firstly, the government controlled media was carrying water for Obama and the Senate .

One has to be retarded to the max to conclude that adding two billion to the National Debt is a good thing for the nation, even though is a good thing for the democrats.

isn't the Wall Street Journal part of the Liberal Socialist media?


Yep. Liberal FASCIST media

Wall Street Can't Influence Tea Party to End Shutdown,


Never said that, nor am I playing any kind of victim card...I am not a liberal...:doubt:

Regardless of which poll you look at, Republicans are taking a beating. That does not constitute a statistical anomaly

Republicans are being held accountable for their actions

Hope it is worth it because you are not repealing Obamacare

Firstly, the government controlled media was carrying water for Obama and the Senate .

One has to be retarded to the max to conclude that adding two billion to the National Debt is a good thing for the nation, even though is a good thing for the democrats.


The media reports what occurs........if it reflects poorly on Republucans, it is not the fault of the media

Are you aware of the difference between a billion and a trillion?
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IF only Republicans would start their own polling organizations. Give it some sexy name, like Foxy Polling.
Or Heritage Foundation Polling. Maybe Koch's Polling. How about Rush's Folly Polling? Roves Sure Fire Polling?

SURELY TO GOODNESS..... There has to be someones polling numbers that a Rethug or Teabagger will accept. Which one is it?

It's not the polls, it's the lack of understanding given to the poor downtrodden teabaggers. They didn't mean to get 70% of the population hating them. It just worked out that way in the polls. It is NOT THEIR FAULT ABOUT ANYTHING. Just ask them.
isn't the Wall Street Journal part of the Liberal Socialist media?


Regardless of which poll you look at, Republicans are taking a beating. That does not constitute a statistical anomaly

Republicans are being held accountable for their actions

Hope it is worth it because you are not repealing Obamacare

Firstly, the government controlled media was carrying water for Obama and the Senate .

One has to be retarded to the max to conclude that adding two billion to the National Debt is a good thing for the nation, even though is a good thing for the democrats.


The media reports what occurs........if it reflects poorly on Republucans, it is not the fault of the media

Are you aware of the difference between a billion and a trillion?

IF only Republicans would start their own polling organizations. Give it some sexy name, like Foxy Polling.
Or Heritage Foundation Polling. Maybe Koch's Polling. How about Rush's Folly Polling? Roves Sure Fire Polling?

SURELY TO GOODNESS..... There has to be someones polling numbers that a Rethug or Teabagger will accept. Which one is it?

It's not the polls, it's the lack of understanding given to the poor downtrodden teabaggers. They didn't mean to get 70% of the population hating them. It just worked out that way in the polls. It is NOT THEIR FAULT ABOUT ANYTHING. Just ask them.

NBC/WSJ poll: Shutdown debate damages GOP - First Read

Yea, taking your country hostage is working out great for Republicans

Why don't you just call it the RW/Rdean/TM moonbat poll for accuracy?..........:eusa_whistle:

Americans Increasingly Sure Republicans Wrong On Shutdown

HuffPost's Ariel Edwards-Levy reports:

Nearly three-quarters of Americans disapprove of Republicans' handling of the budget crisis, according to an ABC/Washington Post poll released Monday.

Disapproval of the GOP, which has risen steadily since just before the government shutdown began, is now at 74 percent, up 11 points from late September.

A majority of Americans are also discontented with Democrats' role in the budget negotiations. But disapproval ratings for Democrats in Congress and for President Barack Obama, both of which started at a lower level than disapproval of Republicans in Congress, have remained largely unchanged in the past two weeks. :lol:

U.S. Government Shutdown Continues (LATEST UPDATES)
Regardless of which poll you look at, Republicans are taking a beating. That does not constitute a statistical anomaly

Republicans are being held accountable for their actions

Hope it is worth it because you are not repealing Obamacare

Firstly, the government controlled media was carrying water for Obama and the Senate .

One has to be retarded to the max to conclude that adding two billion to the National Debt is a good thing for the nation, even though is a good thing for the democrats.


The media reports what occurs........if it reflects poorly on Republucans, it is not the fault of the media


The Obama administration is using sky-is-falling rhetoric and much of that was trumpeted by the government controlled media

Typical Headlines:

"Kids With Cancer Blocked From Clinical Trials,” “Food Safety Inspections Suspended,” “Search for Missing Woman Put on Hold,” “NASA Grounded” and “National Parks Closed.”

NBC/WSJ poll: Shutdown debate damages GOP - First Read

Yea, taking your country hostage is working out great for Republicans

They keep hoping those polls will turn around for them. It isn't going to happen, their problems are compounding now. We want government back up and a long term solution to the budget.

Republicans need to get moving..
Well, McCain has said that he guesses that the Republicans can get lower in the polls. You know, down to blood relatives and paid staffers supporting them.

Check out the video at around 4:20

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Gallup has Obama at his peak disapproval rating of 53%

Gallup Daily: Obama Job Approval

Even the coolaid drinkers seem to be rejecting the messiah;

The 13-percentage-point decline in Democrats' approval rating for the president since last December exceeds the nine-point drop, from 53% to 44%, among all U.S. adults over the same time.
If the Republican poll numbers do not go up what other steps can the Republican party take? They have tried blaming the Democrats for every thing they do, and even for the loss of the Titanic but nothing seems to work. They could shut down America even more, tight as a drum, but that doesn't seem to work as expected. The House Republicans could go home and refuse to do anything, even pay our bill until the people come to their senses, but what else?
How worried should America be?
If the Republican poll numbers do not go up what other steps can the Republican party take? They have tried blaming the Democrats for every thing they do, and even for the loss of the Titanic but nothing seems to work.

Almost half of the population has no skin in the game - they don't care about high taxes, promoting business, or creating jobs, nor do they care that the money for their free stuff is being borrowed from their children and from the Chinese. They just want the free stuff that comes their way at someone else's expense. In the end, that 47% leaves very little margin for error for any Republican, and does not bode well for the future.

Rabbi Steven Pruzansky
All RW is doing is proving that the Obama's Minions in the MSM have brainwashed a bunch of people into thinking it's the GOP's fault that Obama refuses to negotiate.

If the Republican poll numbers do not go up what other steps can the Republican party take? They have tried blaming the Democrats for every thing they do, and even for the loss of the Titanic but nothing seems to work.

Almost half of the population has no skin in the game - they don't care about high taxes, promoting business, or creating jobs, nor do they care that the money for their free stuff is being borrowed from their children and from the Chinese. They just want the free stuff that comes their way at someone else's expense. In the end, that 47% leaves very little margin for error for any Republican, and does not bode well for the future.

Rabbi Steven Pruzansky

The Big Letters cannot distract from your small mind dude...:cuckoo:
If the Republican poll numbers do not go up what other steps can the Republican party take? They have tried blaming the Democrats for every thing they do, and even for the loss of the Titanic but nothing seems to work. They could shut down America even more, tight as a drum, but that doesn't seem to work as expected. The House Republicans could go home and refuse to do anything, even pay our bill until the people come to their senses, but what else?
How worried should America be?

Dems are not completely immune to falling approval:

, nearly half of Americans (49%) view the Democratic Party unfavorably. Roughly one in four Americans see both parties unfavorably.

While Repubs remain more unfavorable, with ore than six in 10 Americans (62%) now view the GOP unfavorably, a record high, the longer the impass continues, the potential for harm is actually greater for the Dems.

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