Obama arms the egyptian terrorists with f-16's and tanks!

Your Wikipedia is crap, lots of that isn't true, they do support Hamas because the world doesn't like it when a world superpower is disproportionality bombing a defenseless population and all the people could is resist in any form possible. Poor butthurt Israeli, we don't give a shit what you think about that.

The source isn't Wikipedia, but a lot of research overtime.

Seeing you are a lying Islamist nothing you say will be ever close to the truth.

That's no research fooled one, you stated nothing about the Muslim Brotherhood, just the typical Israeli propaganda to fool Americans, Americans aren't stupid, there is something called verifying your sources, and many reports aren't near the truth at all against the Muslim Brotherhood, but poor butthurt, they got F16's and even without them, they can build their military and the Camp David accords will be at stake.

It's hopeless trying to convince an Islamist fanatic like you, what the true facts are, which can't even be disputed!

You have been brain washed by Islamist propaganda which wants to take over the whole world!

Facts about the Muslim Brotherhood were given ... are you blind or just trolling?
The source isn't Wikipedia, but a lot of research overtime.

Seeing you are a lying Islamist nothing you say will be ever close to the truth.

That's no research fooled one, you stated nothing about the Muslim Brotherhood, just the typical Israeli propaganda to fool Americans, Americans aren't stupid, there is something called verifying your sources, and many reports aren't near the truth at all against the Muslim Brotherhood, but poor butthurt, they got F16's and even without them, they can build their military and the Camp David accords will be at stake.

It's hopeless trying to convince an Islamist fanatic like you, what the true facts are, which can't even be disputed!

You have been brain washed by Islamist propaganda which wants to take over the whole world!

Facts about the Muslim Brotherhood were given ... are you blind or just trolling?

I don't get why you expect everyone to roll along your Jew agenda, Israel won't be a bully in the Middle East anymore, and poor butthurt, it's about time the people got to choose a government rather than be governed by a careless government that's embed with corruption. Good for Egypt that they finally got a better government rather than a puppet regime.
That's no research fooled one, you stated nothing about the Muslim Brotherhood, just the typical Israeli propaganda to fool Americans, Americans aren't stupid, there is something called verifying your sources, and many reports aren't near the truth at all against the Muslim Brotherhood, but poor butthurt, they got F16's and even without them, they can build their military and the Camp David accords will be at stake.

It's hopeless trying to convince an Islamist fanatic like you, what the true facts are, which can't even be disputed!

You have been brain washed by Islamist propaganda which wants to take over the whole world!

Facts about the Muslim Brotherhood were given ... are you blind or just trolling?

I don't get why you expect everyone to roll along your Jew agenda, Israel won't be a bully in the Middle East anymore, and poor butthurt, it's about time the people got to choose a government rather than be governed by a careless government that's embed with corruption. Good for Egypt that they finally got a better government rather than a puppet regime.

Fuck off ..... go join your terrorist Al Qaida brothers.

what a moron!
Copy and paste is suddenly an exceptional post these days....congrats Doctor Connery....:clap2:

I answered your question satisfactorily. Rebut or shut up.

Didn't ask you an question pipsqueak....:D...moron....:lol:

Of course not you posted it on an open forum and I am happy to have cleared up your confusion regarding the issue...;)

Incidentally, that information was provided during a hearing to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
It's hopeless trying to convince an Islamist fanatic like you, what the true facts are, which can't even be disputed!

You have been brain washed by Islamist propaganda which wants to take over the whole world!

Facts about the Muslim Brotherhood were given ... are you blind or just trolling?

I don't get why you expect everyone to roll along your Jew agenda, Israel won't be a bully in the Middle East anymore, and poor butthurt, it's about time the people got to choose a government rather than be governed by a careless government that's embed with corruption. Good for Egypt that they finally got a better government rather than a puppet regime.

Fuck off ..... go join your terrorist Al Qaida brothers.

what a moron!

Don't troll on a politics thread, haven't been following the new rule?........:cool:
I don't get why you expect everyone to roll along your Jew agenda, Israel won't be a bully in the Middle East anymore, and poor butthurt, it's about time the people got to choose a government rather than be governed by a careless government that's embed with corruption. Good for Egypt that they finally got a better government rather than a puppet regime.

Fuck off ..... go join your terrorist Al Qaida brothers.

what a moron!

Don't troll on a politics thread, haven't been following the new rule?........:cool:

you are the only one trolling here! Get lost!
Before the 60's no one thought America would ever have a Catholic president.............Kennedy

Before Obama, most people thought it would be decades before America had a black president.

So yes, the U.S. will someday have a muslim president............ :cool:

Actually, people knew damn well that a black president was a possibility since the 80's. And America has a muslim president now. And I could give a fuck about these firsts. I vote for a guy to do the job fucking right, period.
Isn't it funny how liberals are after law abiding American citizens guns, yet when they decide to hand foreigners tanks and fighter planes... No problem at all.

I personally do not think we should be giving any other country weapons.

Another point are we giving or selling these weapons to them?
If selling, it is a corporatist move.

Really numbskull... Defense Contractors have the authority to sell weapons to whomever they choose without the Government's approval... Try again, because you are so mistaken.
State Department refuses to delay F-16 Delivery to Egypt | Washington Free Beacon

Obama is giving the egyptian muslim terrorists sixteen f-16's and 200 abram tanks. I'd call this a betrayal but we all know whose side he's on at this point. As a sidebar, it's funny how he didn't have to address agreements like these, which were already in place, during the debates.

Yep. Obama the man who wants to give untrustworthy, Al Qeada Affiliated groups in Egypt f-16's, but thinks you and me should not be able to own an AR15.

You can not make this shit up.

What do you expect from a two-faced moron like Obama.
I wonder if any of the money we made on the sale will go towards our debt?????

U.S gets it wrong on Egypt again - CNN.com
The government's investigation of the wildly popular "Egyptian Jon Stewart" Bassem Youssef -- charged with insulting Morsy and undermining his command -- and the forced "retirement" of respected journalist Hani Shukrallah, editor of state-owned Al-Ahram's English-language website, are just two very public examples of the vice tightening on freedom of expression.

In fact, the Arab Network for Human Rights says about 24 lawsuits for insulting Morsy have been filed against journalists and activists since his election in June.

The regime is trying to put the revolution genie back in the bottle. But it is clamping down on a population that has discovered its voice. In opposition to this repression, Egyptians at all levels are increasingly engaged in politics.

A Cairo cab driver -- ever the measure of popular sentiment -- recently debated the failings of the Constitution with a passenger. After reaching the destination, the driver leapt out, grabbed a dogeared copy of the Constitution he kept in the front seat, and pointed to a passage to prove his point to his passenger.
Last year on Sept. 11, the 11th anniversary of America's darkest day, an Egyptian mob consisting of both Salafists (ultra-extremist Islamists) & 'soccer' fans alike scaled the walls of the US embassy in Cairo & tore down our flag replacing it with the black flag of the Islamist that reads,"There is no God but Allah and Mohammad is his messenger."

Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi -- who became a Muslim Brotherhood member while studying in the U.S. in the late '70s (yes, the MB were active in America as early as then) -- turned a blind eye to the antiAmerican thugs.

Obama, who was in pre-election mode at the time, said in an interview shortly thereafter that Egypt was neither ally . . . nor enemy. (It must be remembered that Obama conferred legitimacy on the MB when he invited them to his June 2009 speech at Cairo University eventhough at the time the MB were banned but tolerated by then-Egyptian President Mubarak.)

This deal, that will send sophisticated Jets & tank to Egypt and that was made before the MB came to power, will engender trouble in the future with both of our most important allies in the region -- Saudi Arabia and Israel.

In November 2002, the Saudi Minister of the Interior, Prince Nayef ben Abdelaziz made the following statement about the Muslim Brotherhood: "The Muslim Brotherhood is to blame for our current predicament, they have ruined the Arab World ... they are the root cause of our problems in the Arab World and perhaps in the Islamic World as well."

Due to recent revelations, we now know of Morsi's antiSemitism and of the MB's long-standing support of Hamas, an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood dedicated to the destruction not just of the state of Israel but to the annihilation of world Jewry.

Bad deal.

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