Obama asserts executive priviledge over fast and furious documents

Fast and Furious? Where have I heard that name before? I seem to remember a Bush Operation started in 2006 named Fast and Furious. Coincidence?

You would be wrong. No operation by that name existed under the Bush administration.

There was an operation called "Wide Receiver" which started in early 2006 and was shut down in late 2007.

"Fast and Furious" was started in 2009.

By the Obama administration.

History of ATF gunwalking scandal

According to twenty-year ATF veteran Jay Wachtel, letting guns "walk" was done in the past in a controlled manner that involved surveillance and eventual seizure of the weapons.[1] According to ATF field agents involved in Operation Fast and Furious, under Project Gunrunner "ATF agents were trained to interdict guns and prevent criminals from obtaining them" and not to allow guns to walk and then disappear.[11]

What's wrong with these fucking right wingers. This has been common knowledge for years. A new Attorney General doesn't show up in office with an operation of this scale in place on DAY ONE. Fucking stupid people. An operation like this was in place for YEARS.

It's like the right wing has just gone completely fucking stupid. Seriously. Don't they think anymore. They just let others do their thinking?


Holder said as much.

WTF is wrong with you deany?

Ed Schultz said F & F was inherited from the Bush admin today...so of course, the left hasnt fact checked Eddie yet to see he was dead wrong.

Ed Who?
Fast and Furious? Where have I heard that name before? I seem to remember a Bush Operation started in 2006 named Fast and Furious. Coincidence?

Already debunked that claim in several threads... repeating it more does not make it truth...

You idiot knobgobbler

History of ATF gunwalking scandal

According to twenty-year ATF veteran Jay Wachtel, letting guns "walk" was done in the past in a controlled manner that involved surveillance and eventual seizure of the weapons.[1] According to ATF field agents involved in Operation Fast and Furious, under Project Gunrunner "ATF agents were trained to interdict guns and prevent criminals from obtaining them" and not to allow guns to walk and then disappear.[11]

What's wrong with these fucking right wingers. This has been common knowledge for years. A new Attorney General doesn't show up in office with an operation of this scale in place on DAY ONE. Fucking stupid people. An operation like this was in place for YEARS.

It's like the right wing has just gone completely fucking stupid. Seriously. Don't they think anymore. They just let others do their thinking?

The first known ATF "gunwalking" operation to Mexican drug cartels, named Operation Wide Receiver, began in early 2006 and ran into late 2007.

On October 26, 2009, a teleconference was held at the Department of Justice in Washington, D.C. to discuss U.S. strategy for combating Mexican drug cartels. Participating in the meeting were Deputy Attorney General David W. Ogden, Assistant Attorney General Lanny A. Breuer, ATF Director Kenneth E. Melson, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Administrator Michele Leonhart, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation Robert Mueller and the top federal prosecutors in the Southwestern border states. They decided on a strategy to identify and eliminate entire arms trafficking networks rather than low-level buyers. Those at the meeting did not suggest using the "gunwalking" tactic, but ATF supervisors would soon use it in an attempt to achieve the desired goals. The effort, beginning in November, would come to be called Operation Fast and Furious for the successful film franchise, because some of the suspects under investigation operated out of an auto repair store and street raced.

Do you ever read your own links?
I won't rape your infant child.
Except this one time.
I've kept my promise.
Whatever happened to Obama's promise to be the most transparent govt ever?

This is the first time he's exerted executive priviledge. By way of comparison, Bush jr used it six times and Clinton used it 14 times.

Therefore, Obama has kept the promise.

next issue

I'm not going to do drugs

I've only done it once

So I've kept my promise


I promise that I won't rape your infant child.

Except this one time.

I've kept my promise.

From your own link, deanie weenie

ATF gunwalking scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The first known ATF "gunwalking" operation to Mexican drug cartels, named Operation Wide Receiver, began in early 2006 and ran into late 2007.
Licensed dealer Mike Detty informed the ATF of a suspicious gun purchase that took place in February 2006 in Tucson, Arizona. In March he was hired as a confidential informant working with the ATF's Tucson office, part of their Phoenix, Arizona field division.[23] With the use of surveillance equipment, ATF agents monitored additional sales by Detty to straw purchasers. With assurance from ATF "that Mexican officials would be conducting surveillance or interdictions when guns got to the other side of the border",[24] Detty would sell a total of about 450 guns during the operation.[22] These included AR-15s, semi-automatic AK-pattern rifles, and Colt .38s. The vast majority of the guns were eventually lost as they moved into Mexico.[7][23][25]

At the time, under the Bush administration Department of Justice (DOJ), no arrests or indictments were made. After President Barack Obama took office in 2009, the DOJ reviewed Wide Receiver in September 2009[26] and found that guns had been allowed into the hands of suspected gun traffickers. Indictments began in 2010, over three years after Wide Receiver concluded. As of October 4, 2011, nine people had been charged with making false statements in acquisition of firearms and illicit transfer, shipment or delivery of firearms.[18] As of November, charges against one defendant had been dropped; five of them had pled guilty, and one had been sentenced to one year and one day in prison. Two of them remained fugitives.[23]

Another, smaller probe occurred in 2007 under the same ATF Phoenix field division. It began when the ATF identified Mexican suspects who bought weapons from a Phoenix gun shop over a span of several months. The probe ultimately involved over 200 guns, a dozen of which were lost in Mexico. On September 27, 2007, ATF agents saw the original suspects buying weapons at the same store and followed them toward the Mexican border. The ATF informed the Mexican government when the suspects successfully crossed the border, but Mexican law enforcement were unable to track them.[4][10]

Less than two weeks later, on October 6, William Newell, then ATF's special agent in charge of the Phoenix field division, shut down the operation at the behest of William Hoover, ATF's assistant director for the office of field operations.[27] No charges were filed. Newell, who was special agent in charge from June 2006 to May 2011, would later play a major role in Operation Fast and Furious.[4][24]

Go fuck yourself, troll
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Pay no attention to the most corrupt AG in history behind the curtain....

uh huh.....A shift in policy really isnt being corrupt.
We'll be sure to let the families know.

Its only a shift in policy.

Awe where you crying when we shifted policies in Iraq numerous times? Where you whining when our policy was to be a police force in Iraq and our troops where sitting ducks for snipers?

No, no you where not.
So the Bush administration DIDN'T undertake a gun walking operation then?

They did, but it was shut down in 2007.

"Fast and Furious" was not inherited from the Bush administration it was started by the Obama administration.
uh huh.....A shift in policy really isnt being corrupt.
We'll be sure to let the families know.

Its only a shift in policy.

Awe where you crying when we shifted policies in Iraq numerous times? Where you whining when our policy was to be a police force in Iraq and our troops where sitting ducks for snipers?

No, no you where not.

I have remorse every time one of my military brothers and sisters goes down in combat... unlike the likes of you, who would rather use their passing as a political ploy

Wow. So now you're comparing Obama to a child rapist. And you say the Left is disgusting and hate filled?

LOL... It's beyond me how stupid people can be. How is comparing a quote to another quote in any way comparing the person who said it to the quote? Try to think a little bit.......
So the Bush administration DIDN'T undertake a gun walking operation then?

It ended in 2007... This is ALL ON OBAMALAMA..you don't get to blame Bush on this one, newbie troll

Oh, because the way everyone was whining and kvetching about "Fast and Furious," i was thinking that maybe Bush hadn't done the same exact thing except he was lucky enough to not have it fuck up on HIS watch. It seems like the only difference is that an American border patrolmen got killed by one of the guns. I mean, unless you guys are also saying there's no way any of the guns that the Bush team let walk were used in crimes later, but there's no way to know that. So yeah, obviously Bush didn't have the same exact kind of operation go down under his watch, because you know, then you'd all be a bunch of partisan hypocrites for castigating the Obama administration for doing the exact same thing the Bush Administration did.

And you guys would never do that right?
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So pretty much the entire Rightwing of America does a 180 degree flip on executive privilege, just because of who's the President?

Did Kreskin predict this???
So the Bush administration DIDN'T undertake a gun walking operation then?

They did, but it was shut down in 2007.

"Fast and Furious" was not inherited from the Bush administration it was started by the Obama administration.

Whether F & F is a continuation of 'walking" is arguable. Whether executive privilege extends beyond the President is not, because IT does not. Bad move by Obama, presidential fiat compounds the legislative stupidity.
I won't rape your infant child.
Except this one time.
I've kept my promise.
This is the first time he's exerted executive priviledge. By way of comparison, Bush jr used it six times and Clinton used it 14 times.

Therefore, Obama has kept the promise.

next issue

I'm not going to do drugs

I've only done it once

So I've kept my promise


I promise that I won't rape your infant child.

Except this one time.

I've kept my promise.


You're right. This is in no way equating what Obama did to child rape.

Except that it is, of course.
So the Bush administration DIDN'T undertake a gun walking operation then?

It ended in 2007... This is ALL ON OBAMALAMA..you don't get to blame Bush on this one, newbie troll

Oh, because the way everyone was whining and kvetching about "Fast and Furious," i was thinking that maybe Bush hadn't done the same exact thing except he was lucky enough to not have it fuck up on HIS watch. It seems like the only difference is that an American border patrolmen got killed by one of the guns. I mean, unless you guys are also saying there's no way any of the guns that the Bush team let walk were used in crimes later. Because you know, then you'd all be a bunch of partisan hypocrites for castigating the Obama administration for doing the exact same thing the Bush Administration did.

And you guys would never do that right?

Did I say I supported Bush's and not Obamalama's??

Nope.. sorry newbie troll...

Again... this is ALL on Obamalama and his administration
So pretty much the entire Rightwing of America does a 180 degree flip on executive privilege, just because of who's the President?

Did Kreskin predict this???

what makes you think that? And what president said he would be the most transparent ever? And give us examples of using executive privilege where it was used to cover a botched investigation of murders.. Thank you.

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