Obama asserts executive priviledge over fast and furious documents

WASHINGTON — President Bush invoked executive privilege to keep Congress from seeing the FBI report of an interview with Vice President Dick Cheney and other records related to the administration's leak of CIA operative Valerie Plame's identity in 2003.

The president's decision drew a sharp protest Wednesday from Rep. Henry Waxman, chairman of House Oversight Committee, which had subpoenaed Attorney General Michael Mukasey to turn over the documents.

"This unfounded assertion of executive privilege does not protect a principle; it protects a person," the California Democrat said. "If the vice president did nothing wrong, what is there to hide?"

Plame, a CIA analyst, got outed by someone we already know did the outing: Armitage.

The Congressional "investigation" was bullshit and the claim of Executive Privilege WAS with regard to actual ADMINISTRATION business.

Fast and Furious was a DoJ "program" which -- according to Holder's prior sworn testimony -- he did not discuss with the President.

The Congressional Investigation into the DoJ program is very much a Congressional matter and their subpoena should have been honored a LONG time before AG holder begged The ONE to falsely claim "executive Privilege" to CONCEAL the evidence.

So much for TdM's patently false analogy.
Fast & Furious is much worse than Watergate. Many innocents were slaughtered, including American Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. Obviously, Obama & Holder are hiding something. This is very sad and tragic. Brian Terry and his family deserve justice.
Are we all supposed to forget that the end result of the Valerie Plame investigation was that there was no leak and she wasn't entitled to be a covert agent?

This is waayyy different.

Holder can be immediately charged with perjury. I don't know if he will be, but it would be appropriate.
A special prosecutor must be appointed:

White House Rebuffs Calls for a Special Prosecutor - NYTimes.com

June 13, 2012, 7:39 am14 Comments
White House Rebuffs Calls for a Special Prosecutor

In 2007, as Democrats on Capitol Hill gleefully conducted one investigation after another into George W. Bush’s administration, Rahm Emanuel, then a Democratic congressman, quipped: “This is just the beginning.”

But the tables have turned, and Republicans in Congress are now happily calling for far-ranging investigations into national security leaks they say came from President Obama’s White House.

On Tuesday, Republican lawmakers assailed Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. for failing to appoint a special counsel to investigate the leaks. They said Mr. Holder’s decision to appoint two Justice Department lawyers to oversee the case was far from sufficient.

“You’re missing the fact that this is a very big deal,” an angry Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina told Mr. Holder. “And you’re handling it in a way that creates suspicions where they should not be.”...

WASHINGTON — President Bush invoked executive privilege to keep Congress from seeing the FBI report of an interview with Vice President Dick Cheney and other records related to the administration's leak of CIA operative Valerie Plame's identity in 2003.

The president's decision drew a sharp protest Wednesday from Rep. Henry Waxman, chairman of House Oversight Committee, which had subpoenaed Attorney General Michael Mukasey to turn over the documents.

"This unfounded assertion of executive privilege does not protect a principle; it protects a person," the California Democrat said. "If the vice president did nothing wrong, what is there to hide?"

Plame, a CIA analyst, got outed by someone we already know did the outing: Armitage.

The Congressional "investigation" was bullshit and the claim of Executive Privilege WAS with regard to actual ADMINISTRATION business.

Fast and Furious was a DoJ "program" which -- according to Holder's prior sworn testimony -- he did not discuss with the President.

The Congressional Investigation into the DoJ program is very much a Congressional matter and their subpoena should have been honored a LONG time before AG holder begged The ONE to falsely claim "executive Privilege" to CONCEAL the evidence.

So much for TdM's patently false analogy.

Entirely true but TM can't comprehend this.
but but but but

Why aren't the rest of your friends here defending this patriotic act?

fuck you

this isnt about me is it.

this is about the fact that you peopel are partisan pieces of shit who will flip flop on a dime to protect your wealthy masters

You just finished demonstrating your own partisan hack flip-flopping to the nth degree, you scuz bag.

TdM, you are overtly hostile to truth, honesty, integrity, morals and principles.
Truthmattersnot is a totally partisan idiot..............stupid as they come.

Her side lied and now they've been caught!! No one can defend the most transparent administration, evah!! hahahahahahaha
those papers are not his they belong to the tax payer. Our money paid the salaries, boiught the paper and paid for the printer. He doesn't get it. He has never read the constitution is my bet. If you don't want somepone to see it don't write it down. You may get away with misspeaking but you can't miswrite.
Are we all supposed to forget that the end result of the Valerie Plame investigation was that there was no leak and she wasn't entitled to be a covert agent?

This is waayyy different.

Holder can be immediately charged with perjury. I don't know if he will be, but it would be appropriate.

FLASHBACK 2007: Obama Attacked Trying "To Hide Behind Executive Privilege"

Executive privilege - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

George W. Bush administration

The George W. Bush administration invoked executive privilege on numerous occasions.

President George W. Bush first asserted executive privilege to deny disclosure of sought details regarding former Attorney General Janet Reno,[2] the scandal involving Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) misuse of organized-crime informants James J. Bulger and Stephen Flemmi in Boston, and Justice Department deliberations about President Bill Clinton's fundraising tactics, in December 2001.[8] Bush also invoked executive privilege "in substance" in refusing to disclose the details of Vice President Dick Cheney's meetings with energy executives, which was not appealed by the GAO.

"Once executive privilege is asserted, coequal branches of the Government are set on a collision course. The Judiciary is forced into the difficult task of balancing the need for information in a judicial proceeding and the Executive’s Article II prerogatives. This inquiry places courts in the awkward position of evaluating the Executive’s claims of confidentiality and autonomy, and pushes to the fore difficult questions of separation of powers and checks and balances. These 'occasion for constitutional confrontation between the two branches' are likely to be avoided whenever possible. United States v. Nixon, supra, at 692."[9]

Then, on June 28, 2007, Bush invoked executive privilege in response to congressional subpoenas requesting documents from former presidential counsel Harriet Miers and former political director Sara Taylor,[10] citing that:

Edited read entire article using the link

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