Obama asserts executive priviledge over fast and furious documents

Bush leaked the CIA docs for poltical purposes you guys say?

huh not what you siad then

WASHINGTON — President Bush invoked executive privilege to keep Congress from seeing the FBI report of an interview with Vice President Dick Cheney and other records related to the administration's leak of CIA operative Valerie Plame's identity in 2003.

The president's decision drew a sharp protest Wednesday from Rep. Henry Waxman, chairman of House Oversight Committee, which had subpoenaed Attorney General Michael Mukasey to turn over the documents.

"This unfounded assertion of executive privilege does not protect a principle; it protects a person," the California Democrat said. "If the vice president did nothing wrong, what is there to hide?"
Under your idiot burden of proof you have just said Bush and Cheney are traitors to this country.
Executive privilege is a concoction to protect secrecy for the sake of secret government, while transparency is the rule of enlightened democracies to insure political accountability and to deter folly or wrongdoing.
Valerie Plame was outed so Bush and Cheney could distroy the evidence against them that proved they lied us into war.

that is what you idiots have just declaired
I guess that means he did the leak under you idiots burden oif proof

Your a flamming idiot.

Your boys Holder and Barry are the ones under the gun. Not Bush.

Just because you say Bush did it doesn't make it all right for Barry to do it.

When Bush did it you were up in arms. Barry is doing it but thats okay with you.

Your one partisan hypocritical hack. Everyone here should have you on ignore.

WASHINGTON — President Bush invoked executive privilege to keep Congress from seeing the FBI report of an interview with Vice President Dick Cheney and other records related to the administration's leak of CIA operative Valerie Plame's identity in 2003.

The president's decision drew a sharp protest Wednesday from Rep. Henry Waxman, chairman of House Oversight Committee, which had subpoenaed Attorney General Michael Mukasey to turn over the documents.

"This unfounded assertion of executive privilege does not protect a principle; it protects a person," the California Democrat said. "If the vice president did nothing wrong, what is there to hide?"

Face your partisan ship you dupes
Bush leaked the CIA docs for poltical purposes you guys say?

huh not what you siad then

Dear partisan idiot,

It matters not what Bush, Clinton, Nixon, Reagan, Kennedy, Johnson did or didn't do. This is Obama's and Holder's, he just admitted Holder lied and he lied.

Stoopid Chicago Punk is finally going down............and I think it's more than past time.

so hahahahahahahaha your side lied, over and over and over.

Nothing anyone did before has anything to do with this, Obama owns this and he just screwed up royally.

Teeee Heeeeee

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