Obama asserts executive priviledge over fast and furious documents

I dont remember ONE of you being mad at Bush about the numberous times he used it

Again, you imbecile: it's not the number of times it gets invoked.

The issue is whether or not it is used properly.

You remain an ignorant dishonest hack.
executive privilege - wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

george w. Bush administration

the george w. Bush administration invoked executive privilege on numerous occasions.

President george w. Bush first asserted executive privilege to deny disclosure of sought details regarding former attorney general janet reno,[2] the scandal involving federal bureau of investigation (fbi) misuse of organized-crime informants james j. Bulger and stephen flemmi in boston, and justice department deliberations about president bill clinton's fundraising tactics, in december 2001.[8] bush also invoked executive privilege "in substance" in refusing to disclose the details of vice president dick cheney's meetings with energy executives, which was not appealed by the gao.

"once executive privilege is asserted, coequal branches of the government are set on a collision course. The judiciary is forced into the difficult task of balancing the need for information in a judicial proceeding and the executive’s article ii prerogatives. This inquiry places courts in the awkward position of evaluating the executive’s claims of confidentiality and autonomy, and pushes to the fore difficult questions of separation of powers and checks and balances. These 'occasion for constitutional confrontation between the two branches' are likely to be avoided whenever possible. United states v. Nixon, supra, at 692."[9]

then, on june 28, 2007, bush invoked executive privilege in response to congressional subpoenas requesting documents from former presidential counsel harriet miers and former political director sara taylor,[10] citing that:

edited read entire article using the link

count the times
First off, Eric Holder should have been charged for Perjury. He clearly lied to Congress. They gave him a break and didn't charge him though. But now, it's time for action. He should be either removed,resign, or arrested. Personally, i think he should be charged in Brian Terry's murder. But that won't likely happen. His time is up though. And shame on Obama for this awful cover-up. Also, shame on the corrupt Liberal MSM for helping him with the cover-up.
It looks like no matter how hard TM tries, she isn't getting her deflection to have any traction in this thread.
That is why Obama said that you idiot

Executive Privelege is evoked only in direct communication with the President...

0bama has now admitted to knowing something he said he only found out about when the news broke on F&F...

You now admit you support liars and killers of Americans...

Fuck you...
Invoking executive privilege is an admission by the president that whatever is being requested is from the executive office.

Meaning obama knew all about Fast and Furious and all the murders. Which makes holder a liar.

It goes much further than Bush's claim of executive privilege over what was essentially a paperwork matter. obama knew and approved F&F AFTER he knew that the guns he provided were killing people by the hundreds and killed Brian Terry. Had F&F not been exposed and stopped, many more BP agents as well as mexicans would be killed with yet MORE American guns. Guns provided not by criminals but by the US government itself. Which may be the same thing.

The purpose of F&F had nothing to do with border security but was supposed to be used to disarm Americans completely.
6 times all to protect the likes of Cheney not telling us WHO helped him shape energy policy and to protect Myers and Rove.
Whoever is advising Barry has just opened one big assed can of worms.

I'll be interested to see how the LSM covers this.

He's either protecting Holder or himself and Holder.

Nixon tried it and it didn't work. Lets see how this little drama unfolds.

Kudo's to Issa for pursuing this the way he has.
The claim of Executive Privilege may apply to the entire Executive Branch.

It may not be entirely authoritative (or accurate) but a good starting point is found (believe it or not) at Wiki:

Executive privilege - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

executive privilege
The principle that members of the executive branch of government cannot legally be forced to disclose their confidential communications when such disclosure would adversely affect the operations or procedures of the executive branch.
-- executive privilege - definition of executive privilege by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

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