Obama asserts executive priviledge over fast and furious documents

I'm not familiar with the details. What did Obama do?

Flooded the Mexican drug cartels with America guns so that they could point to the guns being used in crimes as a reason to pass strict gun legislation. But in the process, they got an America border guard killed.

Should he be impeached?

Flooded? That is a lie. In fact the whole post is a lie.
Executive Privilege Based on Separation of Powers
Historically, presidents have exercised executive privilege in two types of cases: those that involve national security and those that involve executive branch communications.

Most conversations between presidents and their top aides and advisers are transcribed or electronically recorded. Presidents have contended that executive privilege secrecy should be extended to the records of some of those conversations. The presidents argue that in order for their advisers to be open and candid in giving advice, and to present all possible ideas, they must feel safe that the discussions will remain confidential. This application of executive privilege, while rare, is always controversial and often challenged.

In claiming executive privilege, Obama is admitting that he knew about F&F, even there is record of this statement...
Comments on: President Obama on Fast and Furious: "I certainly was not" aware of gunwalking - CBS News
BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: There have been problems, you know. I heard on the news about this story that -- Fast and Furious, where allegedly guns were being run into Mexico, and ATF knew about it, but didn't apprehend those who had sent it.

Eric Holder has -- the attorney general has been very clear that he knew nothing about this. We had assigned an I.G., inspector general, to investigate it. (END VIDEO CLIP)

KING: It begs the question, how did the president know about this in March, and how did the president know the attorney general knew nothing about this in march, when the attorney general says in May he just learned about it a couple weeks ago?

Was just watching FOX.

There big question is why is executive priviledge being invoked??

Good fucking question folks.
Remember when someone in the Bush admin told the world abotu one of our spies?

Because her husband told the world they lied about yellowcake.

It is a known fact that got her contacts killed
This made me furious when I got it on my iphone . I was at the dr office and my blood pressure was up.. Fast and Furious is GOING to the top I feel..

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