Obama asserts executive priviledge over fast and furious documents

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpwYh9TD6Nc]FLASHBACK 2007: Obama Attacked Trying "To Hide Behind Executive Privilege" - YouTube[/ame]

dear hypocrit what case was he talking about?

First, I have no idea what a "hypocrit" is...

Second, it doesn't fucking matter you lying, hate filled, sack of festering puss. He's talking about hiding behind "executive privilege" and Bush hiding behind it, the case doesn't matter.
How can they realses docs that are illegal for them to produce?

How can he claim privilege on communications he says never happened?

That is pretty much what washington did in the VERY FIRST one

executive privilege legal definition of executive privilege. executive privilege synonyms by the Free Online Law Dictionary.
The issue first arose in 1792, when a congressional committee requested information from Washington regarding a disastrous expedition of General Arthur St. Clair against American Indian tribes along the Ohio River, which resulted in the loss of an entire division of the U.S. Army. Washington, concerned about how to respond to this request and about the legal precedent his actions would set, called a cabinet meeting. Although no official record was kept of the proceedings, Thomas Jefferson described the deliberations in his diary. The participants, Jefferson wrote, concluded that Congress had the right to request information from the president and that the president "ought to communicate such papers as the public good would permit & ought to refuse those the disclosure of which would injure the public." In the case at hand, they agreed that "there was not a paper which might not be properly produced," so Washington provided all the documents that Congress had requested.

dumb ass.
Once again:

The claim of Executive Privilege is not necessarily a bogus thing.

The question is, WHEN it gets invoked, is it proper in the particular instance, or is it just a dishonest way to conceal evidence?
I'll wait for the rest of the story before passing judgment - that is what rational people do.

But it would be the first time for you.


Do you have evidence to support your allegation? Post an example which I may defend or explain (for sometimes I do react with emotion) but never in my recollection on such matters as the instant one.
After investigation it was determined that there was no leak at all in the Plame matter. More, Plame at that time wasn't even entitled to confidentiality.

This is somewhat different. After all, hundreds of people died over obama's plan to disarm Americans. Is obama courting the latino vote? Like these hundreds of people who were murdered by obama's actions didn't have any friends or relatives or even anyone that cared that obama killed them?

obama counters by demanding a list of GOP donors.

holder should immediately be charged with perjury. Right now.
when the whole country understand that Issa was asking for docs that are illegal to realse you are fucked
Can any Obamabot talk about this actual issue?

Bush isn't the issue here, Bush had zero impact on Obama doing this. Might as well talk about Mike Tyson or Weird Al.

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