Obama asserts executive priviledge over fast and furious documents


this one is going to HURT your party.

you just wait and see.

Teeeee Heeeee, it's not looking good for your side. He'll do everything he can to flip flop this but hey, just go read the comments about this over at MSNBC's web site. Folks ain't too happy about this most transparent administration, ever!!
After investigation it was determined that there was no leak at all in the Plame matter. More, Plame at that time wasn't even entitled to confidentiality.

This is somewhat different. After all, hundreds of people died over obama's plan to disarm Americans. Is obama courting the latino vote? Like these hundreds of people who were murdered by obama's actions didn't have any friends or relatives or even anyone that cared that obama killed them?

obama counters by demanding a list of GOP donors.

holder should immediately be charged with perjury. Right now.

Someone is going to notice that the same administration covering up its involvement in the deaths of hundreds of innocent individuals in what is basically criminal enterprise, is the SAME administration maintaining a kill list of those that they personally don't like, including Americans.
How so??

Seems to me that if Holder and Barry are on the up and up then there is no need for executive priviledge.

WHen one invokes EP seems like there is something to hide. Looks like Barry and company are feeding the fire for just that premise.

Should be interesting to see how this plays out.
Dear idiot,

it would have been illegal for Holder to give the docs Issa was demanding.

you dont care about that huh?
Dear idiot,

it would have been illegal for Holder to give the docs Issa was demanding.

you dont care about that huh?

No it's not............those documents belong to the people. They had no problem sharing classified documents with the NY Times but they are hell bent on keeping them from the American Citizens.

Your side is in deep dooodoooo.
Its anohter shit stain on the republican party
Not true. You’d think that Obama would throw Holder under the bus, unless, that is, Obama was involved personally, in which case, he’s pulling a covering his own butt activity in doing this.
Darrell Issa, a Republican congressman who has headed efforts to investigate the Obama administration, has accused Holder of covering up information about Fast & Furious and has threatened to slap a contempt of Congress ruling against the AG because the Justice Department hasn't released documents about the operation that were congressionally subpoenaed.

Issa, however, hasn't always favored the release of documents. In 2007, when Gonzales was under scrutiny over the firing of U.S. attorneys, Issa told a local news outlet that the administration shouldn't have released documents related to the case. Issa argued that the attorneys were "at will" employees whose firing didn't need explaining to the public.

Asked to explain the discrepancy, Issa's press secretary, Becca Watkins, said that the Bush administration used executive privilege in Gonzales's case, while Obama hasn't done so. She didn't respond to further requests for an explanation.

let us not forget

Against Attorney General Eric Holder, GOP Is Fast and Furious - Yahoo! News
After investigation it was determined that there was no leak at all in the Plame matter. More, Plame at that time wasn't even entitled to confidentiality.

This is somewhat different. After all, hundreds of people died over obama's plan to disarm Americans. Is obama courting the latino vote? Like these hundreds of people who were murdered by obama's actions didn't have any friends or relatives or even anyone that cared that obama killed them?

obama counters by demanding a list of GOP donors.

holder should immediately be charged with perjury. Right now.


How can the president exert executive privilege over documents he’s supposedly never seen?
You rw's are so damn funny.

Educate yourself. If you do, you will find that Bush did this 6 or 8 times.

In point of fact, it really means very little.

Except if its President Obama doing it. LOL

What makes this truly stunning is that the Rs have finally found an issue they won't filibuster or obstruct. But, its important that we not expect them to finally work FOR the good of the US ... you know, issues like JOBS will still be fought against.

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