Obama asserts executive priviledge over fast and furious documents

After investigation it was determined that there was no leak at all in the Plame matter. More, Plame at that time wasn't even entitled to confidentiality.

This is somewhat different. After all, hundreds of people died over obama's plan to disarm Americans. Is obama courting the latino vote? Like these hundreds of people who were murdered by obama's actions didn't have any friends or relatives or even anyone that cared that obama killed them?

obama counters by demanding a list of GOP donors.

holder should immediately be charged with perjury. Right now.


How can the president exert executive privilege over documents he’s supposedly never seen?
allegedly, he can't. The head of the DOJ serves as the advice and CONSENT of the Congress. In order to provoke executive priveldge, the President or one of his advisers had to have seen documents or has been involved in discussions on this.

Obama should have (his past performance suggests he would have) threw Holder under the bus. So, once again, I have to wonder what Holder has on Obama.
Anyone listen to what "Senator Obama" said about executive privlege in 2007 about the Karl Rove firing of US attornies ? What a hyprocrite !! He is now in the middle of one giant scandle type cover-up
I'll wait for the rest of the story before passing judgment - that is what rational people do.

But it would be the first time for you.


Do you have evidence to support your allegation? Post an example which I may defend or explain (for sometimes I do react with emotion) but never in my recollection on such matters as the instant one.

Have I committed your entire posting history (or the portion to which I have been exposed) to memory?



But have you ever been partisan and discussed a matter like this without awaiting "all the facts?"

Anyone listen to what "Senator Obama" said about executive privlege in 2007 about the Karl Rove firing of US attornies ? What a hyprocrite !! He is now in the middle of one giant scandle type cover-up

Yes it's in my signature but I think it was 2008
You rw's are so damn funny.

Educate yourself. If you do, you will find that Bush did this 6 or 8 times.

In point of fact, it really means very little.

Except if its President Obama doing it. LOL

What makes this truly stunning is that the Rs have finally found an issue they won't filibuster or obstruct. But, its important that we not expect them to finally work FOR the good of the US ... you know, issues like JOBS will still be fought against.

What's adorable about you Obamabots is you mock Bushbots for doing exactly the same thing you're doing right now, but you doing it is a-ok.

Hyperpartisanship always defeats integrity and common sense.
Some rw's have said here that this is unconstitutional.


EXACTLY how is this unconstitutional?

And,if its unconstitutional, how come so many other presidents did it? How many of them were found guilty of being unconstitutional.

Thanks ever so much for being experts on the Constitution and being so willing to share your expertise with the rest of us.

Dear idiot,

it would have been illegal for Holder to give the docs Issa was demanding.

you dont care about that huh?

WHICH documents do YOU claim it would have been "illegal" for the AG to turn over under subpoena to Congress?

Why would it have been illegal?

I know you will refuse to answer, since you are an evasive dishonest twat. But I like exposing your lack of integrity.
Some rw's have said here that this is unconstitutional.


EXACTLY how is this unconstitutional?

And,if its unconstitutional, how come so many other presidents did it? How many of them were found guilty of being unconstitutional.

Thanks ever so much for being experts on the Constitution and being so willing to share your expertise with the rest of us.



obama's own words
"That's not part of his power, but this is part of the whole theory of George Bush that he can make laws as he goes along. I disagree with that. I taught the Constitution for 10 years. I believe in the Constitution and I will obey the Constitution of the United States. We're not going to use signing statements as a way of doing an end-run around Congress," then-Senator Obama said as a presidential candidate in 2008.
You rw's are so damn funny.

Educate yourself. If you do, you will find that Bush did this 6 or 8 times.

In point of fact, it really means very little.

Except if its President Obama doing it. LOL

What makes this truly stunning is that the Rs have finally found an issue they won't filibuster or obstruct. But, its important that we not expect them to finally work FOR the good of the US ... you know, issues like JOBS will still be fought against.
Hey moron. Bush used it correctly because the subpena was aimed at White House documents and advisers.

Educate yourself you dumb fuck. Holder servers at that advice and consent of the Congress..

By invoking executive privileged, Obama has as much as admitted he or someone in the White House has had direct dealings with this program.


Another political calculation here, no doubt. He's betting the general public won't pay attention.


He's not a very good gambler then. More people are paying attention to politics now than they have in the last 80 years.
when the whole country understand that Issa was asking for docs that are illegal to realse you are fucked

Issa is a crook. Many R's in congress are crooked/corrupt (proven) so I don't think they'll mind breaking even more laws if it means they can but the president.

What's gonna really piss them off is when they find out the American people are a lot more concerned that they refuse to work FOR US jobs.

Issa already got 148THOUSAND documents and more than ONE MILLION emails.

This is just a witch hunt, a chance for issa to be the hero of the pubs. No bigger than it was every time bush did it, Cllinton did it and other presidents did it.

A tempest in a teapot.
Some rw's have said here that this is unconstitutional.


EXACTLY how is this unconstitutional?

And,if its unconstitutional, how come so many other presidents did it? How many of them were found guilty of being unconstitutional.

Thanks ever so much for being experts on the Constitution and being so willing to share your expertise with the rest of us.



obama's own words
"That's not part of his power, but this is part of the whole theory of George Bush that he can make laws as he goes along. I disagree with that. I taught the Constitution for 10 years. I believe in the Constitution and I will obey the Constitution of the United States. We're not going to use signing statements as a way of doing an end-run around Congress," then-Senator Obama said as a presidential candidate in 2008.

It's frightening that Obama taught anything much less Constitutional law.

Judicial review? Wuzzdat?

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