Obama asserts executive priviledge over fast and furious documents

What did Obama know about F&F?

When did he know it?

Why is he acting like Nixon?

Rs and rw's were just fine with this in 2006.

Oh wait, that was when Bush was president so that doesn't count.

This is the lame excuse Obama apologists are now parroting.

There is one crucial difference between the two operations. Mexican government and law enforcement agencies were briefed and worked in conjunction with the ATF. No guns were simply allowed to walk as they were in Fast and Furious.

I guess those Mexican government officials who expressed outrage and disbelief at the details at Fast and Furious were feigning their outrage to help the Republicans.

Quite simply this is utterly disgusting, and people like yourself that believe that the deaths of hundreds of Mexicans and Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry is inconsequential and that no one should be held responsible simply shows the depths that the left is willing to sink.

There is blood, people were killed, this isn't a political witch hunt.
You on the right are going to really regret this witch hunt in the end

wear your new shit stain proudly it matches your others well
Very few Americans who do not watch Fox even know what Fast and Furious is
You guys are really going to regret this one.

It will fuck you good

Why is this so difficult to comprehend?

The ATF provided thousands of assault weapons to drug cartels that were used to slaughter civilians in Mexico and along the border. Not one person has been held accountable.

For eight years you bought every single conspiracy theory about Bush, from Nazi connections to bogus AWOL stories, and now you believe this is meaningless.

Blood Truthmatters, BLOOD, people died.

What the hell is wrong with you?
This issue is NOT what you peopel want it to be.

Its going to taint your party with a huge shit stain of partisanship.

enjoy your new stain
'Hope & Change?' How ya like me now?? My God, how could so many be duped? Everyone should check out 'The Obama Deception' film. Even if you don't believe everything in the film, you will still likely end up believing much of it. It's all a scam people. It really is.

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