Obama asserts executive priviledge over fast and furious documents

Very few Americans who do not watch Fox even know what Fast and Furious is

I'm curious, does that show that the rest of the media has been negligent?

Are you admitting that the media is biased in their reporting, choosing to ignore an investigation into how and why the ATF provided thousands of assault weapons to drug cartels?

Do you believe all of this is meaningless?
enjoy getting what you desserve in this one guys.

I will enjoy watching realize what you have done to your own party
Very few Americans who do not watch Fox even know what Fast and Furious is

I don't know that this is true. I certainly HOPE you are wrong.

But you say it like it's a good thing (if it's even true).

It isn't a good thing if it is true.

:lol: Pay no mind to ole RW, he's in full Obamabot-Defense Mode. He's just hoping this mess goes away immediately. He'll do or say anything to save his Dear Leader. He's very predictable.
dear idiots.

it was a partisan hack job and now the American people will know about your partisan hack job.
If this whole scenario started with Bush as so many on the left are claiming? WHY won't they release the documents to prove thier case?
But it would be the first time for you.


Do you have evidence to support your allegation? Post an example which I may defend or explain (for sometimes I do react with emotion) but never in my recollection on such matters as the instant one.

Have I committed your entire posting history (or the portion to which I have been exposed) to memory?


But have you ever been partisan and discussed a matter like this without awaiting "all the facts?"


Then post it, I'll offer my Mea Culpa if what you write is true. If not, well we all will know what that means.
yoiur guy started the program and HOLDER ended it.

funny that one huh?

hahahahaha this is so wrong you lying partisan hack. Wide Receiver ended before Obama was even elected, in 2007. Where he heck do you get your lying info???
Exactly nature girl it was stopped and reopened under Holder. Bush administration wanted to find cartel this administration did this to get news reports of cartel gun violence. And then say see we need gun control. If these Marxists had any proof wide receiver wasn't ended the lame stream media tards would have those documents :lol:
This issue is NOT what you peopel want it to be.

Its going to taint your party with a huge shit stain of partisanship.

enjoy your new stain

You are a sick, demented, ignorant, piece of human excrement.

These are the people the ATF provided assault weapons to:

More Gruesome Beheadings (Mexico, May 14, 2012)

Machete Murder (Mexico, May 30, 2012)

What the hell is wrong with you? You are such an ass that you can't admit that Fast and Furious was a stunning display of incompetence at best and accessory to murder at worst.

Some rw's have said here that this is unconstitutional.


EXACTLY how is this unconstitutional?

And,if its unconstitutional, how come so many other presidents did it? How many of them were found guilty of being unconstitutional.

Thanks ever so much for being experts on the Constitution and being so willing to share your expertise with the rest of us.



obama's own words
"That's not part of his power, but this is part of the whole theory of George Bush that he can make laws as he goes along. I disagree with that. I taught the Constitution for 10 years. I believe in the Constitution and I will obey the Constitution of the United States. We're not going to use signing statements as a way of doing an end-run around Congress," then-Senator Obama said as a presidential candidate in 2008.

It's frightening that Obama taught anything much less Constitutional law.

Judicial review? Wuzzdat?

obama never taught Constitutional Law. As an adjunct professor his lecture series was Con Law as it applied to Civil Rights. Not to the Con Law generally.

Which is why obama's Con Law professor, Lawrence Tribe, called obama an embarassement.

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