Obama asserts executive priviledge over fast and furious documents

While I dont at all dispute the White House has the right to claim executive privilege when appropriate. I am not at all convinced that he can do it in this case. Especially if there is a criminal investigation along with this.

Of course, I am not on top of all the information involved or all the case law/precedent in the matter.
yoiur guy started the program and HOLDER ended it.

funny that one huh?

Again.. as shown to you in another thread.. that is DEBUNKED... this is indeed all Obamalama's program....

If Bush started this? Then release the documents...easy? Right?

Bingo! We all know that if those documents incriminated the Bush administration they would have released them from the beginning.

Anyone that tried to deflect attention from the criminal activities of Fast and Furious by bringing up Wide Receiver shows that they don't know what the hell they are talking about.

This is a cover up and to say otherwise is an admission of ignorance.
You rw's are so damn funny.

Educate yourself. If you do, you will find that Bush did this 6 or 8 times.

In point of fact, it really means very little.

Except if its President Obama doing it. LOL

What makes this truly stunning is that the Rs have finally found an issue they won't filibuster or obstruct. But, its important that we not expect them to finally work FOR the good of the US ... you know, issues like JOBS will still be fought against.
Hey moron. Bush used it correctly because the subpena was aimed at White House documents and advisers.

Educate yourself you dumb fuck. Holder servers at that advice and consent of the Congress..

By invoking executive privileged, Obama has as much as admitted he or someone in the White House has had direct dealings with this program.

Yup. One has to wonder if his EP will hold up??

Hope Romneys watching. LOL
You rw's are so damn funny.

Educate yourself. If you do, you will find that Bush did this 6 or 8 times.

In point of fact, it really means very little.

Except if its President Obama doing it. LOL

What makes this truly stunning is that the Rs have finally found an issue they won't filibuster or obstruct. But, its important that we not expect them to finally work FOR the good of the US ... you know, issues like JOBS will still be fought against.
Hey moron. Bush used it correctly because the subpena was aimed at White House documents and advisers.

Educate yourself you dumb fuck. Holder servers at that advice and consent of the Congress..

By invoking executive privileged, Obama has as much as admitted he or someone in the White House has had direct dealings with this program.

Yup. One has to wonder if his EP will hold up??

Hope Romneys watching. LOL

I'm sure he is...and his staff.

you people are going to be soooooo disapointed with this whole mess.

i will be enjoying your trip into reality
Again.. as shown to you in another thread.. that is DEBUNKED... this is indeed all Obamalama's program....

If Bush started this? Then release the documents...easy? Right?

Bingo! We all know that if those documents incriminated the Bush administration they would have released them from the beginning.

Anyone that tried to deflect attention from the criminal activities of Fast and Furious by bringing up Wide Receiver shows that they don't know what the hell they are talking about.

This is a cover up and to say otherwise is an admission of ignorance.

The fact that he invoked EP is very telling.

You don't use that unless you've got something worth hiding.

Lets see if his executive priviledge holds up.

It didn't for Nixon and I don't think it will here either. They are after DOJ documents. Not WH documents. Unless of course the WH is involved in some way.

Should be an interesting few days to come.
yoiur guy started the program and HOLDER ended it.

funny that one huh?

Again.. as shown to you in another thread.. that is DEBUNKED... this is indeed all Obamalama's program....

If Bush started this? Then release the documents...easy? Right?

To be fair, there would be precedent for him to invoke it even with the Bush administrations actions. President Bush invoked Executive priviliege in Regard to actions taken by Attorney General Reno who served during the Clinton administration.

The real question is, if the documentation shows that Bush is to blame, why would Obama invoke the executive privilege to protect the prior administration? Especially when he is campaigning on blaming Bush for all his problems. If it was the Bush administration responsible, Obama wouldnt have any problem producing the documents because they would help his reelection narrative.

So no, he is protecting himself here.
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You live in a world of HATE for your fellow Amecians and lap up lies to stay there.

the bubble has burst and your team is sooooooo fucked now.

Your so oblivious you dont even know it yet

Let's take the easy way out and vote his sorry ass outta office. that way we'll get rid of Holder too..
This right here is why your party is dying

Definitely time for this Obamabot to reboot. How many times have we heard them declare the Republican Party 'Dead & Buried?' This Obamabot has crashed, but it hasn't realized it yet.

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