Obama asserts executive priviledge over fast and furious documents

hey guys,

please eat well and get some good sleep in the next few weeks as this unfolds.

I know its going to break your hearts when you realise for real what your party has done here.

remember there will be other elections and its not the end of the world.

please dont do anything you would regret later.

Us decent Amercians still love you and want you to survive this mess you made.

there will be other days.

But right now it is a learning curve for you.

please stay well and please learn
If the liberal media wasn't in his back pocket, Barry Hussein would be laughed out of Washington. In the good old days when Cronkite was king and the only information available to the public was liberal it would be easy to ignore Fast/Furious. The Washington Post brought down the Nixon administration with unrelenting pressure about a 3rd rate burglary and we have hundreds of innocent Mexicans and a US Border Agent murdered with guns that Obama's A.G. authorized to be shipped to Mexico and Woodward and Bernstein are still retired.
hey guys,

please eat well and get some good sleep in the next few weeks as this unfolds.

I know its going to break your hearts when you realise for real what your party has done here.

remember there will be other elections and its not the end of the world.

please dont do anything you would regret later.

Us decent Amercians still love you and want you to survive this mess you made.

there will be other days.

But right now it is a learning curve for you.

please stay well and please learn

Dont do it.

we will miss you.

You are loved.

Remember its a premenant solution to a temporry problem.

You will be better in a few weeks.

hang in there
If the liberal media wasn't in his back pocket, Barry Hussein would be laughed out of Washington. In the good old days when Cronkite was king and the only information available to the public was liberal it would be easy to ignore Fast/Furious. The Washington Post brought down the Nixon administration with unrelenting pressure about a 3rd rate burglary and we have hundreds of innocent Mexicans and a US Border Agent murdered with guns that Obama's A.G. authorized to be shipped to Mexico and Woodward and Bernstein are still retired.

The Liberal Press has never been honest. Most Americans now understand that. Fast & Furious is far worse than Watergate. Many innocents have been needlessly slaughtered, including American Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. Justice will prevail though. I truly believe that.
If the liberal media wasn't in his back pocket, Barry Hussein would be laughed out of Washington. In the good old days when Cronkite was king and the only information available to the public was liberal it would be easy to ignore Fast/Furious. The Washington Post brought down the Nixon administration with unrelenting pressure about a 3rd rate burglary and we have hundreds of innocent Mexicans and a US Border Agent murdered with guns that Obama's A.G. authorized to be shipped to Mexico and Woodward and Bernstein are still retired.

The Liberal Press has never been honest. Most Americans now understand that. Fast & Furious is far worse than Watergate. Many innocents have been needlessly slaughtered, including American Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. Justice will prevail though. I truly believe that.

Press has very little credabiliy left.
yoiur guy started the program and HOLDER ended it.

funny that one huh?

Yes... Bush did have a program LIKE this one. But they found out right from the beginning that it wasn't going to work and they shut it down.

Your boy decided to start it back up again...so it is NOT the same as Bush. Bush knew people could end up getting killed, Obama didn't care.

I think you are REALLY scared, aren't you~
You know you're wrong and you're just not going to admit it....you'll make excuses for even a murderer.

Man i wish i could neg rep you again!
you people are going to be sooooo sad at the outcome of this bullshit partisan attack
And btw, FUCK BUSH TOO! His actions do not excuse and justify Obama & Holder's crimes. They should be held accountable. Period, end of story.
Dont do it.

we will miss you.

You are loved.

Remember its a premenant solution to a temporry problem.

You will be better in a few weeks.

hang in there

You have yet to make a relevant or somewhat intelligent retort to any of this.

Continue to live in denial, the fact is people have died someone will be held responsible and Holder is covering up incriminating details.

The fact that you can excuse the criminal activities of the Fast and Furious and that you do not want justice for those murdered by these assault weapons shows a lack morality that border lines on psychopathic, but in your case stupidity that is damn close to legally retarded--certainly your constant misspelling of simplistic words shows you have the reading level of a six year old.
hey guys,

please eat well and get some good sleep in the next few weeks as this unfolds.

I know its going to break your hearts when you realise for real what your party has done here.

remember there will be other elections and its not the end of the world.

please dont do anything you would regret later.

Us decent Amercians still love you and want you to survive this mess you made.

there will be other days.

But right now it is a learning curve for you.

please stay well and please learn
Interesting in how this thread all of a sudden becomes the "your party is dying thread" when in fact it's about invoking executive privilege to cover up incompetence, malfeasance, and possibly perjury by the Attorney General and executive office. But then again, what would one expect from this group, just SOP.
The media and the Obama regime are operating in unison not just in message but in strategies as well.

Obama has decided that instead of changing the law he will simply ignore the law.

The media has decided that instead of objectively reporting on this issue, they will simply ignore it.

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