Obama asserts executive priviledge over fast and furious documents

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpwYh9TD6Nc]FLASHBACK 2007: Obama Attacked Trying "To Hide Behind Executive Privilege" - YouTube[/ame]
After investigation it was determined that there was no leak at all in the Plame matter. More, Plame at that time wasn't even entitled to confidentiality.

This is somewhat different. After all, hundreds of people died over obama's plan to disarm Americans. Is obama courting the latino vote? Like these hundreds of people who were murdered by obama's actions didn't have any friends or relatives or even anyone that cared that obama killed them?

obama counters by demanding a list of GOP donors.

holder should immediately be charged with perjury. Right now.

How many time you going to float that lie?

The Bush White House leaked the identity of CIA operative Valerie Plame after her husband, Joe Wilson, published a damaging 2003 New York Times op-ed questioning what President Bush had said about Saddam Hussein's supposed quest for weapons of mass destruction.

An investigation, conducted by Fitzgerald, found that along with Armitage two high-level administration officials had leaked the information: Karl Rove and I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, chief of staff for Vice President Dick Cheney. Libby subsequently was convicted and sentenced to prison for crimes related to the leak and subsequent cover-up. Bush later commuted Libby's sentence so he never spent any time in prison.

The investigation clearly showed that Plame was a covert operative whose cover was blown by senior Bush administration officials and the leak compromised national security.

According to Fitzgerald, after Wilson criticized President Bush's assertions about Iraq and weapons of mass destruction, the White House engaged in a "concerted action" to "discredit, punish, or seek revenge against" Wilson. Libby leaked Plame's identity to a reporter as did Rove.

Fitzgerald also determined that Plame's status as a CIA official was classified. Furthermore, news reports have indicated that the CIA believed the damage caused by the leak "was serious enough to warrant an investigation" and that the subsequent disclosure of Plame's CIA front company likely put other agents' work at risk. And Fitzgerald stated that Plame's identity had been protected by the CIA "not just for the officer, but for the nation's security."
If Brian Terry were killed under Bush's watch, he'd be a household name and school children would be sending his family their condolences
Can any Obamabot talk about this actual issue?

Bush isn't the issue here, Bush had zero impact on Obama doing this. Might as well talk about Mike Tyson or Weird Al.

Previous actions in regards to executive privilege of former presidents are relevent.

Obama Fluffers bringing Val "Richard Armitage Outed Me" Plame


Yea, they're desperate...........Bush did if first, therefore it's OK. Supporting a proven liar and murderer is quite unnerving. Yea, I'll be really surprised when Obama and Holder actually serve time for their crimes. So Truthmattersnot might be on to something. :badgrin:
Hey, we might be able to kill two birds with one stone if we can pull Obama's birth certificate out of the same vault that the F/F documents are locked in. The "most transparent administration in history"? You gotta laugh.

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